



1、精品文档标准听力(六)Part IIIListening Comprehension(35minutes)Section A11. A It is definitely worthwhile.B It may not be so good now.C It is even more interesting now.D It is even more useful to students.12. A The man should wait a minute.B It s too late for the man to register.C The man should have done thi

2、ngs earlier.D There might still be a chance even if it is the last minute.13. A She lost Sallys new address.B Sally had to move unexpectedly.C She s no longer in contact with Sally.D She ll be glad to take the mail to Sallys house.14. A Save time by using a dictionary.B Take the dictionary out of th

3、e library.C Borrow her English teacher s dictionary.D Buy her own German-English dictionary.15. A The woman didnt make sure what kind of movie to see.B The woman must have seen a horror movie last week.C The movie left the woman a lasting impression.D The woman went to the movie with the man.16. A S

4、he can use his car.B She can borrow someoneelse scar.C She must get her car fixed.D She can t borrow his car.17. A She is confused by the mans question.B She doesn t have time to repeat the explanation now.C She doesn t mind repeating her words.D The man shouldn t apologize to her.18. A He had to ca

5、ncel his interview.B He s disappointed with his interview.C He shouldn t have applied for the job.D He doesn t want to discuss the interview now.Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19. A Her parents love her very much.B Her parents never force her to do anything she

6、doesnt wantto do.C She is allowed to have whatever career.D She has too much freedom.20. A She didnt need her parents money any more.B She began to get on well with her parents.C She always stayed with her parents.D She rented a government house and lived alone.21. A The two speakers are from differ

7、ent countries.B The man gets along very well with his parents.C British parents never interfere with their children.D The man doesn t like his parents at all.22. A They allowed him to come to England immediately.B They thought he should go abroad as a child.C They were reluctant until their son pers

8、uaded them.D They tried to control his English study.Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.23. A To see different places of the world for relaxation.B To work for his thesis about network management.C To look for some specific investment opportunities.D To see the effe

9、cts of the technology in North America on other parts of the world.24. A It is a very nice place partly because of many successful people.B There are lots of business opportunities in Silicon Valley.C Silicon Valley is the worlds best place for studying.D There are numerous schools in Silicon Valley

10、.25. A It makes their life easier.B It brings more opportunities to them.C It brings them more advanced technology.D It brings them more competition and challenges.Section BPassage OneQuestions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.26. A To cool down.B To protect the boy.C To frighte

11、n it away.D To get ready to fight.27. A They are afraid of noises.B They hesitate before they hit.C They are bigger than we think.D They like to attack running people.28. A By keeping shouting and hitting.B By making a wall with his arms.C By throwing himself on the cougar.D By swinging his fists at

12、 the cougars eyes.29. A Jeb held Tom across his body.B Jeb asked Tom to get the knife.C Tom struggled free of his father.D The cougar jumped from the rock.Passage TwoQuestions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.30. A To see her mothers quilts.B To help prepare for a show.C To disc

13、uss her grandmothers life.D To get together for the family dinner.31. A The quilt looked very strange.B Her grandmother liked the quilt.C The quilt was the best she had seen.D Her mother had made some changes.32. A A quilt show.B The mother s home.C The grandmother s quilt.D A Monday family dinner.5

14、 欢迎下载。Passage ThreeQuestions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.33. A She has been Queen for many years.B She has a less upper-class accent now.C Her speeches are familiar to many people.D Her speeches have been recorded for 50 years.B Citee.D Lorst.34. A Dutay.C Hame.35. A The ch

15、anges in a persons accent.B The Queen s Christmas speeches on TV.C The recent development of the English language.D The relationship between accents and social classes.Section CThe idea behind the “rule of law ” is that impartial laws, not human beings with their (36) and arbitrary tastes and judgme

16、nts,should govern the formal aspects of social (37) .“We live under a rule of law, not of men, ” American teachers tell their students. The students accept the idea. They believe that“noman is above the law, ” that laws apply (38) to all people,(39) of their wealth, personal connections, or stations

17、 inlife. Their faith in the rule of law explains the (40) manyAmericans held, and many foreignerscould not understand:thePresident Richard Nixon should be (41) from office as aresult of his behavior in connectionwith what was calledthe“Watergate Scandal ”. Nixon had broken the law and therefore shou

18、ldbe punished, Americans believed, even if he was the president.The belief in the rule of law goes beyond the (42) ofpolitics to the other areas of life that are governed by formal rulesand(43).(44). Personal connections are not supposed to matter under the rule of law.(45). They may. What is said a

19、bove describes the ideal to whichAmericans subscribe. In reality, connections can sometimes help a person geta government job.(46). But in general the rule of law prevails, and Americans are proud that it does.标准听力(七)Part IIIListening Comprehension(35minutes)Section A11. A It was rather dull.B It wa

20、s not well-organized.C It was better planned in advance.精品文档D It made the speakers really being tired.12. A Women have got as much freedom as they could want.B Women are struggling for their rights all the time.C She understands what this Womens Lib business is all about.D She doesn t think that Bri

21、tish women have got as much freedom as wanted.13. A She couldnt talk to the consultant before two.B She would talk to the consultant during lunch.C She couldnt contact the consultants secretary.D She talked with the consultant about the new program until two.14. A He ll probably quit school to play

22、tennis.B He s teaching a tennis class now.C He s trying to relax this semester.D He s busy with sports and study.15. A To visit more places in the city.B To snap as many pictures as possible.C To leave some film for his friends.D To spare some time to meet his friends.16. A The woman often misunders

23、tood the man.B The man is a poorer driver than the woman.C The man had to fix the car again for the woman.D The man does not seem to have a good sense of time.。17. A She is worried about the errors made.B She is still searching for directions.C She needs someone to lend her a hand.D She has been doi

24、ng things in a correct way.18. A The two speakers are classmates.B The woman is majoring in psychology.C The man is majoring in childrens literature.D The woman is majoring in elementary education.Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19. A Two police officers.B Friend

25、s.C A police officer and an investigator.D A police officer and a program hostess.20. A He is a good supervisor.B He is an experienced police officer.C He doesn t like his present job.D He enjoys doing the patrol work.21. A Detective work.B Undercover work.C Patrol work.D Supervising investigations.

26、22. A A police officer is always not very alarm at the beginning.B It is necessary for a police officer to be familiar with his surroundings.C The stress is too large for a policeman at the beginning.D More policemen have injured during a routine stop.Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation

27、 you have just heard.23. A In his own apartment.B In his wifes parents.C In his grandparents.D In student housing.24. A He works at the university housing office.B He has more than one child.C His wife is a graduate student.D He is a full-time student.25. A She isnt as busy in the afternoon.B She is

28、nt there in the morning.C Her assistant isnt there in the morning.D She won t have the forms he needs until the afternoon.Section BPassage OneQuestions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.26. A The exercise of rights is a luxury.B The practice of choice is difficult.C Choice and ri

29、ght exist at the same time.D The right of choice is given but at a price.27. A Professionals find it hard to decide on a suitable product.B Shoppers mayfind themselves lost in the broad range of items.C People are likely to find themselves overcome by business persuasion.D Companiesand advertisers a

30、re often misleading about the range of choice.9 欢迎下载。精品文档28. A Everyday goods need to be replaced often.B Advanced products meet the needs of people.C Products of the latest design fold the market.D Competitions are fierce in high-tech industry.29. A The helplessness in purchasing decisions.B The va

31、riety of choices in modern society.C The opinions on peoples right in different countries.D The problems about the availability of everyday goods.Passage TwoQuestions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.30. A Ms. Mellors English-teaching instruction.B Praises to Ms. Mellor from oth

32、er teachers.C Teacher of the Year 2004 in the United States.D Ms. Mellors teaching skills of learning English.31. A English special learners.B English study learners.C English speaking and listening.D English as a second language.32. A Ms. Mellor s students have no problems in learning English.B The

33、 American government pays much attention to education.C Middle school teachers in the USAhave to get master s degrees.D Middle school teachers from each state are honored Teachersof the Year.Passage ThreeQuestions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.33. A That their daughter isnt a

34、s lovely as before.B That they cant read their daughters mind exactly.C That they dont know what to say to their daughter.D That their daughter talks with them only when she needs help.34. A Teenagers talk a lot with their friends.B Teenagers talk little about their own lives.C Teenagers do not talk

35、 much with their parents.D Teenagers do not want to understand their parents.35. A Parents have suitable ways to talk with their teenagers.B Parents should be patient with their silent teenagers.C Parents are unhappy with their growing children.D Parents should try to understand their teenagers.Sect

36、ion CIronically, in the United States, a country of immigrants, prejudice and discrimination continue to be serious problems. There was often tension between each established group of immigrants and each (36) group. As each group became more (37) successful, and more powerful, they excluded newcomer

37、s from full participation in the society. Prejudice and discrimination are part of American history; however, this prejudicial treatment of different groups is nowhere more (38) than with black Americans.Blacks had (39) disadvantages. For the most part, theycame to the land of opportunity as slaves

38、and they were not free to keep their heritage and cultural (40) . Unlike most European immigrants, blacks did not have the protection of a support group.They could not mix easily with the (41) society eitherbecause of their skin color. It was difficult for them to adapt to the American culture. Even

39、 after they became free people, they still (42) discrimination in employment, housing and education.Until the twentieth century, the (43) of the blackpopulation lived in the southern part of the United States. Thenere was a population shift to the large cities in the North. Prejudice against blacks

40、is often associated with the South.(44). Because their neighborhoods are segregated, many blacks feel that educational opportunities are not adequate for their children.(45). Naturally, all parents want the best possible education for their children.(46). Time will be the real solution to the proble

41、m of race.标准听力(八)Part IIIListening Comprehension(35minutes)Section A11. A The woman is an unusual student.B The man is a rigid person.C The woman s request will be granted.D No make-up exam will be given.12. A He does want the woman to pay.B He doesnt understand the woman.C He is wondering what the

42、woman is thinking.D He is surprised that the woman would think that.13. A He probably has a poor memory.B He is very forgiving and tolerant.C He is well liked by his customers.D He has been introduced to the staff.14. A The man doesn t want to see Mr. Williams.B Mr. Jones is in an inferior position.

43、C Mr. Jones used to be in charge.D Mr. Williams doesnt want to do it tomorrow.15. A It will probably be cold.B It will be mild asusual.C It will probably rarely be cold.D It will be warm andcomfortable.16. A Ask someone to help the woman.B Give the woman the notes for her reference.C Lend the woman

44、his pencil and paper.D Feel sorry that he cant help the woman.17. A The dirty street.B The noisy place.C The low voice of the man. D The crowded park.18. A The woman should join the chess club.B The woman needs a lot of time to play chess.C He himself is not a very good chess player, either.D He s w

45、illing to teach the woman how to play chess.Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19. A More work as a teaching assistant.B A higher salary.C A longer vacation period.D A research assignment.20. A He ll start next week.B He wouldn t enjoy it.C He would like time to dec

46、ide.D He wants his adviser sopinion.21. A Finish his degree in the fall.B Let someone else read his evaluation.C Consider taking fewer courses.D Get more teaching experience.22. A Franks talent for teaching.B Franks interesting approach to research.C A present Frank will receive for graduation.D A c

47、ongratulatory letter from the department.heard.Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just23. A He is sad to have lost his job.B He totally supports the womans choice.C He insists that the woman major in business.D He doesnt believe in his wife.24. A He is out of employment.B He l

48、ets the woman down.C He has to delay the womans study.D The woman chooses the wrong major.25. A In their home.B In the school.C At a grocery.D On the telephone.Section BPassage OneQuestions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.26. A More than 12%.B Almost 50%.C Nearly 60%.D About 70

49、%.27. A They are self-evident.B They are yet to be proved.C They are to be further studied.D They are supported by scientific evidence.28. A Different Forms of ExerciseB Exercise The Road to HealthC Running A Popular Form of SportD Scientific Evidence of Health BenefitsPassage TwoQuestions 29 to 32

50、are based on the passage you have just heard.29. A To improve her computer program.B To find out their attitudes towards food.C To find out details she can make use of.D To predict what food they ll like in the future.30. A People believe what the computer tells them.B People can be led to believe i

51、n something false.C People tend to forget their childhood experiences.D People are not always aware of their personalities.31. A If they learn it is harmful for health.B If they lie to themselves that they dont want it.C If they are willing to let doctors control their minds.D If they think they onc

52、e had a bad experience of eating it.32. A Whether it is moral.B Who it is best for.C When it is effective.D How it should be used.Passage ThreeQuestions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.33. A Helicopters have only been worked on by man since 1940.B Chinese children were the firs

53、t to achieve flight in helicopters.C Helicopters were considered more dangerous than the early airplanes.D Some people thought they would become widely used by averageindividuals.34. A They are used for rescue work.B They are taking the place of high-flying jets.C They have been widely used for vari

54、ous purposes.D They are now used exclusively for commercial projects.35. A For high-speed transportation.B For extremely high altitude flights.C For overseas passenger transportation.D For urgent mission to places inaccessible to other kinds of craft.Section CProspective students should bear in mind that housing will be an expensive item in their budget, (36) in magnitude the costof tuition and food. In (37) , the amount that a student spendsfor housing should be held to (38) one-fifth or one-fourthof the total (39) for living expenses (as opposed toedu


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