1、HUA system office room HUA 16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688/* A simple game*/*CopyRight: Guan1in*/#include#include#include#include#include#include struct object-fix char name20;char id5;char desc500;char action30;char im5;struct object_move(char name20;char id5;char desc 500;int loc;int pwr;int strg;char
2、 im5;struct rover(char name20;char id5;char desc500;int pwr;int strg;int location2;char im5;struct map /* this is the map structure*/(char data20;char add_data20;int amount;int x; /* this were the successor keeps its x & y values*/int y;struct location *this structure is for the successor lister*/ f
3、loat height;char obj;;void stats_update(int selected, struct rover *p_rover)(switch (selected)case 1:if(p_rover-pwr pwr) -= 7;printf(You have destroyed the object!nn);break;case 2:if(p_rover-pwr strg 90)printf (/znnYou do not have enough storage space for this object! nn);else(p_rover-pwr) -= 3;(p_r
4、over-strg) += 10;printf (You have collected a sample of the object! nnz,);)break;case 3:p_rover-pwr -= 10; /*Distance around object- value gained from mapper module.1 square = T power*/printf(You have avoided the object!nn);break;case 4: p_rover-pwr -= 2;printf (You have driven through the obstacle!
5、 nnz/);break;case 5:if(p_rover-pwr = 100)printf CnnYou do not need to charge up!nn);else(p_rover-pwr = 100;printf (You have charged up your rover! nnzz);break;default:printf(nn*ERR0R*nlnvalid Selectionnn);break;printf (This object can be:nl. tAvoidedn2.tCollectednPlease choose actionvoid action (cha
6、r object, struct rover *p_rover)(int selection;switch(object)case 1:printf (/znYou have encountered: A Sandy Rocknn);printf (This object can be:nl. tDestroyedn2.tCollectednPlease chooseaction 1 or 2:t);scanf (飞d,ftselection);stats_update(selection, p_rover);break;case 2: printf (/znYou have encounte
7、red: A Solid RocknrT);1 or 2:t);scanf (飞d,ftselection);if (selection = 1)selection = 3;stats_update(selection, p_rover);break;case 3:printf (z/nYou have encountered: A MountainnrT);printf (This object can be:nl. tAvoidednPlease enter scanf (飞d,&selection);selection = 3;stats_update(selection, p_rove
8、r);break;case 4: printf (/znYou have encountered: DustnrT);printf (This object can be:nl. tDriven throughn2.tCollectednPlease chooseaction 1 or 2:t);scanf (飞d,ftselection);if (selection = 1)selection = 4;stats_update(selection, p_rover);break;case 5:printf (z/nYou have encountered: A Sheer Valleynn/
9、Z);printf (This object can be:nl. tAvoidednPlease enterscanf (飞d,&selection);selection = 3;stats_update(selection, p_rover);break;case 6: printf (/znYou have encountered: A Gentle Valleynn/Z);printf (This object can be:nl. tDriven throughn2. tAvoidednPlease chooseaction 1 or 2:t);scanf (飞d,ftselecti
10、on);if (selection = 1)selection = 4;if (selection = 2)selection = 3;stats_update(selection, p_rover);break;case 7:printfCnYou have encountered: A ,Martian Treenn);printf (This object can be:nl. tDestroyedn2. tCollectedn3. tAvoidednPlease choose action 1, 2 orscanf (飞d,&selection);stats_update(select
11、ion, p_rover);break;case 8:printf CnYou have encountered: Shallow Waternn,z);printf(This object can be:nl. tDriventhroughn2. tCollectedn3. tAvoidednPlease choose action 1, 2 or 3:t);scanf (飞d,&selection);if (selection = 1)selection = 4;stats_update(selection, p_rover);break;case 9:printf CnYou have
12、encountered: Deep Waternn);printf(This object can be:nl.tAvoidedn2.tCollectednPlease choose action 1 or 2:t);scanf (飞d,ftselection);if (selection = 1)selection = 3;stats_update(selection, p_rover);break;case 10: printf CnYou have encountered: An Aggressive Aliennn); printf (This object can be:nl. tD
13、estroyednPlease enter scanf(与d, ftselection);selection = 1;stats_update(selection, p_rover);break;case 11: printf (/znYou have encountered: A Non-Aggressive Aliennn); printf (This object can be:nl. tAvoidednPlease enter scanf (飞d,ftselection);selection = 3;stats_update(selection, p_rover);break;case
14、 12: printf CnYou have encountered: Another Rovernn);printf (This object can be:nl. tAvoidednPlease enterscanf (飞d,ftselection);selection = 3;stats_update(selection, p_rover);break;case 13: printf CnYou have encountered: A Power StationnrT);printf (You can:nl. tCharge upn2. tAvoidnPlease choose acti
15、on 1 or 2:t);scanf (飞d,ftselection);if (selection = 1) selection = 5;if (selection = 2) selection = 3;stats_update(selection, p_rover);break;default:printf(nn*ERROR*nn”); break;) void show_map(struct map *number, struct map *number_2, struct object_fix*rsny,struct object_fix *rsld, struct object_fix
16、 *mnt, struct object_fix *dst,struct object_fix *vshr, struct object_fix *vgnt, struct object_fix *mtre,struct object_fix *wshl, struct object_fix *wdp, struct object_move *aagr,struct object_move *anon, struct object_move *rvr, struct object_move *pstn, struct rover *p_rover) /*the show map functio
17、n calling number and number_2 from the map structure to see if moveable objects are needed*/(struct map f_map88; /*8 by 8 map*/int i, j, rx, ry, object; /*this is your x and y value in your map (f_map)*/ systemCcls/z) ; /冰 this is your x and y value in your map (f_map)*/srand(time(5JJLL) ; /*calling
18、 the time from include to gather random variables*/ for(i=0;i8;i+) /*for loop to copy all your fixed object lists into f_map so they can be displayed*/for(j=0;jamount0) /”this is looking at the add function to see weather ornot there are aliens in f_map*/ for(i=0;iamount;i+) /*allocating the number
19、of aliens in f_map*/ strcpy(f_maprand()%8rand()%8. data, anon-im); /*randomizing their position*/) if(number_2-amount0) /*repeat of above just for rovers instead*/for (i=0;i amount;i+) strcpy (f_map rand () %8 rand()%8. data, rvr-im);rx= p_rover-location0;ry= p_rover-locationl;strcpy(f_mapl0. data,
20、wdp-im);strcpy(f_map40. data, mnt-im);strcpy(f_map50. data, mnt-im);strcpy(f_map31. data, dst-im);strcpy(f_map41. data, dst-im);strcpy(f_map32. data, dst-im);strcpy(f_map42. data, dst-im);strcpy(f_map03. data, mnt-im);strcpy(f_mapl3. data, mnt-im);strcpy(f_map43. data,strcpy(f_map53. data,vgnt-im);s
21、trcpy(f_map34. data,vshr-im);strcpy(f_map44. data,strcpy(f_map54. data,vgnt-im);strcpy(f_map25. data,wshl-im);strcpy(f_map35. data,wshl-im);strcpy(f_map45. data,wshl-im);strcpy(f_mapl6. data,pstn-im);strcpy(f_map26. data,wdp-im);strcpy(f_map36. data,wdp-im);strcpy(f_map46. data,wshl-im);strcpy(f_map
22、76. data,strcpy(f_mapO7. data,strcpy(f_mapl7. data, wdp-im);strcpy(f_map27. data, wshl-im);wshl-im);strcpy(f_map37. data, strcpy(f_map67. data, strcpy(f_maprxry. data, p_rover-im);if (rx = 1 & ry = 0) (rx = 2 & ry = 6) (rx = 3 & ry = 6) I I (rx二二 1 & ry = 7)(object = 9;action (object, p_rover);)else
23、 if(rx = 4 & ry = 0) (rx = 5 & ry = 0) (rx = 0 & ry = 3)(rx = 1 & ry = 3) (rx = 7 & ry = 6) (rx = 0 & ry = 7) (rx=6 & ry = 7)(object = 3;action (object, p_rover);else if (rx =二 3 & ry= 1) (rx =二 4 & ry = 1) (rx =二 3 & ry= 2)(rx = 4 & ry = 2) (rx = 4 & ry = 3) (rx = 4 & ry = 4)(object = 4;action (obj
24、ect, p_rover);else if(rx = 3 & ry = 3) (rx = 3 & ry = 4)object = 5;action (object, p_rover);)else if(rx = 5 & ry = 3) (rx = 5 & ry = 4)(object = 6;action (object, p_rover);else if (rx = 2 & ry =5) (rx = 3 & ry= 5 ) (rx = 4 & ry= 5)(rx =二 4 & ry = 6)(rx=二 2 & ry =二 7) (rx=二 3 & ry 二二 7) object = 8;ac
25、tion (object, p_rover);else if (rx = 1 & ry = 6)object = 13;action (object, p_rover);)from start*/i=0; /*re-allocate i to 0 so map is printed for(i=0;i8;i+) /*8 by 8 map*/printf(z,+十n);for(j=0;jamount=t; /*saving the number in structure map-amount*/ printf Chow many rovers would you like scanf Cz%dz
26、/, &f) ; /*user input of amount of rovers*/ number_2-amount=f; /*saving the number in structure map-amount*/show_map(number,wdp, aagr, anon,number_2, rsny, rsld, mnt, dst, vshr, vgnt, mtre, wshl,rvr, pstn, p_rover); /*go to show map function with thenumber of aliensand number of rovers*/void success
27、or ()/*this functions askes the user for the location and thenwere they want to go from there, printing out that location*/ struct map location;int menu;int ncol, nrow; /*we can change the n value depends how large the map you need. */ncol=8;nrow=8;printf(This is the successor functionXn);printf(Ent
28、er the nx=ty=n);scanf Cz%d%d?7, &location. x, ftlocation. y) ; /*saving location in map location x and y*/printf (Enter operator choicen);printf(1二leftn);printf (,2=rightn,/);printf C3=upwardsn/Z);printf C4=downn/Z);printf (5=quitll);scanf (飞d,&menu);switch(menu) /*menu switch to show the position a
29、bove, underneith, and next to the rover*/(case 1:location. x=location. x-l;printf(The position is %d, %dn, location, x, location.y);break;9case 2:location.x=location. x+1;printf (The position is %d,%dn,location, x,location, y);break;case 3:location. y=location. y-1;printf(The position is %d, %dn, lo
30、cation, x, location.y);break;case 4:location. y=location. y+1;printf (The position is %d,%dn,location, x,location, y);break;case 5:printf C*back to program*n); /* Quits the program and prints out themessage 冰/break;default:printfC*Please enter an integer from 1-5*n); /* A default option if the user
31、enters an incorrect value */break;)printf (n);9 *void help (struct map number, struct map *number_2, struct object_fix *rsny, struct object-fix *rsld, struct object_fix *mnt, struct object_fix *dst, struct object_fix *vshr, struct object_fix *vgnt, struct object_fix *mtre, struct object-fix Wshl, st
32、ruct object_fix ):%dp, struct object_move *aagr,struct object_move *anon, struct object_move *rvr, struct object_move *pstn, struct rover *p_rover) /*help function*/(int i;char mov-obj;printf (/Z+This is the help function+n);printf C 1-successor n);printf C 2-add movable obj rT);printf C 3-remove mo
33、veabla obj nn);printf Ct* * *nz/);printf (z,t Index: nn);printf (z,t Sandy Rock: *n);printf Ct Solid Rock: on); printf (/zt Water :262262262262 n);printfCt Shallow water: 260260260260n); printf Ct Mountain:八 n);printf (t Dust: . . . n);printf(Xt* sher valley: VVVV *n);printf (z/t shallow valey: vvvv
34、n);printf (/t power station: 025n);printf (/zt alien: *_*rT);printf Ct other rovers : #n);printf Ct* * *nz/);scanf(%d,&i);switch(i) /*switch menu to go to the successor function, or the add/remove function*/(case 1:successor ();break;case 2: add_obj(number, number_2, rsny, rsld, mnt, dst, vshr,vgnt,
35、 mtre, wshl, wdp, aagr, anon, rvr, pstn, p_rover);break;case 3:add_obj(number, number_2, rsny, rsld, mnt, dst, vshr,vgnt, mtre, wshl, wdp, aagr, anon, rvr, pstn, p_rover);break;default:printf (choose a number from the listn);void direction(int input, struct map *number, struct map *number_2, struct
36、object_fix *rsny, struct object_fix *rsld, struct object_fix *mnt, struct object_fix *dst, struct object_fix *vshr, struct object_fix *vgnt, struct object_fix *mtre, struct object-fix Wshl, struct object_fix ):%dp, struct object_move *aagr,struct object_move *anon, struct object_move *rvr, struct ob
37、ject_move *pstn,struct rover *p_rover)(switch(input)(case 119:= up*/if(p_rover-location0 0)p_rover-locat ion0一;p_rover-pwr-;else p_rover-location0=7;break;case 115: /*s = down*/ if(p-rover-location0 location0+;p_rover-pwr-;else p_rover-location0=0;break;case 97: /*a = left*/ if(p_rover-locationl 0)
38、p_rover-location1一;p_rover-pwr-;else p_rover-locationl=7;break;case 100: /*d = right*/ if(p_rover-location1 location1+;p_rover-pwr-;else p_rover-locationL1J =0;break;default:operator! nn/z);input)printf (Invalid break;)int control(int(input = _getch() return input;9void main(void)int menu;int quit =
39、 0;int input = 0;struct object_fix rsny, rsld, mnt, dst, vshr, vgnt, mtre, wshl, wdp;struct object_move aagr, anon, rvr, pstn;struct rover p_rover;struct map number, number_2;number, amount = 0; /* setting the initial amount of aliens as 0*/number_2. amount = 0;strcpy(rsny. name, “Sandy Rock);strcpy
40、 (rsny. id, RSY);strcpy(rsny. desc, A rock made of softer material that can be destroyed or collected);strcpy (rsny. im, *);strcpy(rsld. name, “Solid Rock);strcpy (rsld. id, RSLD); strcpy(rsld. desc, A rock made of hard material that cannot be destroyed, but can be collected or avoided);strcpy (rsld
41、. im, 0);strcpy(mnt. name, “Mountain);strcpy(mnt. id, MNT);strcpy(mnt. desc, A large obstacle made of different materials that can only be avoided);strcpy(mnt. im, );strcpy(dst. name, “Dust);strcpy(dst. id,DST);strcpy(dst. desc, Small particles of sand, rock, etc. that may reduce visibility or slow
42、down the vehicle, can be driven through but has extra power consumption7);strcpy (dst. im, );strcpy(vshr. name, “Sheer Valley);strcpy (vshr. id, VSHR);strcpy(vshr. desc, A depression in the land with sheer sides, it cannot bedriven through and must be avoided);strcpy(vshr. im, VVVV);strcpy(vgnt. nam
43、e, Gentle Valley );strcpy(vgnt. id, VGT);strcpy(vgnt. desc, Z/A depression in the land with gentle sides, it can be driven through with extra power consumption or can be avoided);strcpy(vgnt. im, vvvv);strcpy (mtre. name, Martian Tree);strcpy (mtre. id, MTRE);strcpy(mtre. desc, A woody plant native
44、to Mars, it may have the same characteristics as an Earth tree);strcpy(mtre. im, 330);strcpy(wshl. name, Shallow Water);strcpy(wshl. id, WSHL);strcpy(wshl. desc, A shallow body of water that can be driven through, can be in the form of a small puddle or a large lake);strcpy(wshl. im, 260260260260);s
45、trcpy(wdp. name, Deeper Water);strcpy (wdp. id, WDP);strcpy(wdp. desc, A deeper body of water that cannot be driven through, commonly in the form of a large lake or river);strcpy(wdp. im, ”262262262262”);strcpy(aagr. name, Aggressive Alien);strcpy(aagr. id, AAGR);strcpy(aagr. desc, An alien creature
46、 that will move upon its own accord, may become aggressive on contact);strcpy(aagr. im, ;strcpy(anon, name, Xon-Aggressive Alien);strcpy (anon, id, AN0);strcpy(anon, desc,An alien creature that will move upon its own accord, will not become aggressive on contact);strcpy(anon, im, *_*); strcpy(rvr. n
47、ame, “Rover);strcpy(rvr. id, RVR); strcpy(rvr. desc, A Mars Rover vehicle to transport around the map, it can destroy, collect or avoid objects. It has a power and object storage);strcpy(rvr. im, #);strcpy(pstn, name, Power Station);strcpy(pstn, id, PST);strcpy(pstn, desc, A movable power station th
48、at will restore power to the MarsRovers/z);strcpy (pstn, im, 025);strcpy (p_rover. name, User Mars Rover);strcpy(prover. id, URVR);strcpy (p_rover. desc,,ZA Mars vehicle that is controlled by the user. Explores the map collecting, destroying and avoiding objects);strcpy (p_rover. im, O);p_rover. pwr = 100;p_rover. strg = 0;p_rover. location0 = 7;p_rover. location1 = 0;(、,、/ f、
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