1、八年级下册教案设计Unit 7 Food FestivalTopic 3 The food festival is now open!Section A. Material analysis本节课为该话题的第一节课,建议用 1 课时上完。主要活动为 Section A 的 1a 和 2a。本话题的主题是描述“国际美食节”。本课开门见山地描述了“国际美食节”召开的热闹场景,让学生接触如何致开幕词,接下来自然而然地过渡到人们在美食节上点菜就餐的场景,呈现了点菜进餐的功能用语。通过让学生参加一系列的学习活动,培养他们学习英语的愿望和兴趣,乐于参与各种英语实践活动,并能让学生在生活中接触英语时,乐于探
2、究其含义并尝试模仿。. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims :1. 了解如何致开幕词。2. 学习就餐用语。Skill aims :1. 能听懂有关开幕和就餐的对话,识别主题,并获取主要信息。2. 能在教师的指导下,参与角色扮演有关开幕和就餐的对话。3. 能读懂有关开幕和就餐的对话。4. 能写出简单的就餐的对话。Emotional aims :1. 有学习英语的愿望和兴趣,乐于参与各种英语实践活动。2. 在生活中接触英语时,乐于探究其含义并尝试模仿。3. 遇到问题时,能主动向老师或同学请教,取得帮助。. The key points and difficult pointsK
3、ey points1 .学习就餐用语。2 . 了解如何致开幕词。Difficult points根据所给信息写出就餐的对话。IV . Learning strategies在课内外学习活动中能够用英语与他人交流。V . Teaching aidsComputer multimedia projector;A menu;A bill;The pictures of beer, corn and saladVI . Teaching proceduresStepInteractionpatternStudent activityTeacher activity21. The whole1.Focu
4、stheir1. Greet students readyclass work.attentionfor2. Pair work.on the teacher.learning.2. Students talk about2. Teacher asks theeating habits instudents to talk about3. The wholedifferent countries ineatinghabitsinclass work.pairs, reviewing thedifferent countries inusages of objectpairs, using ob
5、ject4. The wholeclauses.clauses as much asclass work.possible:3. StudentsreadExample:5. The wholetheA: Do you know ifclass work.passage about howpeople in the northtocook theirof China like eatingfavorite food. Thenoodles?otherstudentsB: Yes, I think so ?listento themA:carefully and find3. Teacher a
6、sks theout anything wrong.students to report the4.Studentshomework. Let themunderstandread the passage aboutthe importance ofhow to cook theirreview.favorite food, using5. Students get someadverbs of sequence andIntroductioninformation of themanners:First (8 minutes )new lesson.Next Then Finally and
7、 finely,3carefully,lightly,slowly 1. The whole1. Students observe1. Teacher lets studentsclass work.thelook at the picture ofpicture of 1a, know1a. Introduce the sceneabout the scene andand teach the new2. The wholelearnthenewwords: we can see manyclass work.words.guests in the pictures.3. The whole
8、And there are manyclass work.delicious foods are2. Students listenfor sale. Can you4. Individualandremember what theywork.underline the newhold the food festival5. The wholewords.for? Let ' s listen toclass work.3. Students tell thethe recording and try6. Individualreason: They willremembering i
9、t.work.send all the money2. Teacher plays the7. The wholetoFreetherecording of 1a, letsclass work.Children for astudents listen andschool in Kenya.underline the new words.They are so kind-3. Teacher asks studentshearted.to4. Students listentell the reason ofand fillin theholdingthe foodblanks of 1b.
10、festival. Teach the new5. Students checkword kind- hearted.Presentattheir4. Teacher plays theionanswers.recording(10 minutes)6. Students read 1aagain and lets students4andlisten and fill in thefindouttheblanks of 1b.1. The whole1. Students read the1. Teacher plays theclass workspeeches after thereco
11、rding2. The wholerecordingsentence by sentence.class work.sentenceby2. Teacher plays the3. The wholesentence.recordingclass work.2. Students try towithout stopping.follow the speed,3. The teacher askspaying attention tostudents to find out the4. Pair work.the pronunciationdifficultpoints, andand int
12、onation.lets other students help5. The whole3. Students read 1athem explain them. Writeclass work.anddown the key points on6. The wholeunderline the keythe blackboard:class work.points.(1) for sale7. The whole(2) send- - to class work.(3) wish to do sth.4. Students read 1a inw ish to pairs and prepa
13、re to4. Teacher lets studentsact it out in pairs.read 1a in pairs. And letConsolidatithem try to act it out ason5. Students act out 1a.hostswiththeir(10The other studentspartners. Encourage themminutes)listento themto add more their owncarefully.words or expressions in6. Students evaluatethe opening
14、 speeches.the( Pay attention toacting.leaving enough time to57. Students read thethem)new5. Teacher lets two or1. The whole1. Students learn the1. Teacher shows a bill toclass work.newthe students to teachwords. Talk aboutthe new word bill . Then2. Individualthelet the students look rmati
15、on of thethe bill of 2a. Teachbill.corn and salad by3. The wholeshowing their pictures.class work.2. Students completeAsk them to talk about4. Individualthethe names of the oodswork.conversation basedand the prices of them.5. The wholeon the bill.2. Teacher lets studentsclass work.3. Students learn
16、theread6. The wholenew words with thethe conversation of 2a.class work.help of the teacher.Let them complete the7. Individual4. Students listen toconversation based onwork.thethe bill. Ask them to8. The wholepassage and check theunderlinethe newclass work.words they havewords.9. Pair work.filled in.
17、3. Teacher teaches new5. Students check thewords meniby showing aanswers and graspreal menu to students.theexpressionsTeach new words beer byteachershowing the pictures ofstressed.it to the students.6. Students listen to4. Teacher plays thetherecording of 2a, andconversationandlets students listen t
18、oPractice6read after it.the conversation and(107. Students read 2a bycheck the words they have1. The whole1. Students observe1. Teacher lets studentsclass work.theobserve the table of 32. Individualtable of 3 totowork.prepareprepareforthe3. Individualfor the listeninglisteningwork.practice.practice.
19、4. The whole2. Students listen to2. Teacher plays theclass work.therecording5.Groupconversation andfor students, and plete the table.them3. Students listen tolistentothe6. Pair work.theconversation7. The wholeconversation againand completetheclass work.andtable.8. The wholechecktheir3. T
20、eacher lets studentsclass work.answers.listen9. Individual4. Students checkto the conversationwork.theiragainanswers.and checktheir5. Students discussanswers.in4. Teacher lets twogroups and make astudentsconversation.write down the answers6. Students act outon the blackboard.their5. Teacher lets studentsconversations.discuss in groups and7. Students grasp themake
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