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1、名词部分练习1. They got much _ from those new books. A. ideas B. photos C. news D. stories2. I have two _ and three bottles of _ here. A. orange, orange B. oranges, oranges C. oranges, orange D. orange, oranges3. Every evening M r. King takes a _ to his home . A. 25 minutes walk B. 25 minutes walk C. 25 m

2、inute walk D. 25 minutes walk4. An old _ wants to see you. A. people B. person C. the people D. the person5. Help yourself to _. A. chickens and apples B. chickens and apple C. chicken and apple D. chicken and apples6. Oh, dear. I forgot the two _. A. rooms number B. rooms number C. room numbers D.

3、rooms numbers 7. She has been in Tianjin for ten years. Tianjin has become her second _. A. family B. house C. home D. room8. _ mothers couldnt go to the meeting, because they have gone to Shanghai . A. Mary and Peters B. Mary and Peter C. Marys and Peter D. Marys and Peters9. Li Lei has been to _ m

4、any times this month. A. her uncle B. her uncles C. her uncles D. aunts 10. A classmate of _ was here ten minutes ago. A. you B. your C. your sister D. your sisters11. A group of _ are talking with two _. A. Frenchmen, Germans B. Germans ,Frenchmans C. Frenchmans , Germen D. Germen , Frenchmen 12.Th

5、e team _ having a meeting . A. is B. are C. am D. be13. “Would you like _?” “_, please.” A. drink, Three coffees B. a cup of drink, Coffees C. a drink, A coffee D. a drink, Three cups of coffees14. The Great Wall was made not only by _, but also the flesh and blood of _ men. A.earth and stone, milli

6、ons of B. earths and stones, millions C. the earth and stone, million of D. the earths and stones, millions15 Last night, there was a food accident. The _ were ill, but no _ were lost. A. child, lives B. children, life C. children, lives D. child, life16. -This is a photo of _ when they were young.

7、-OK, how happy they both looked! A. my father and mother B. my mother and father's C. my mother's and father's D.my father's and my mother17. The new student is in _ , Grade Two. A. Class Third B. Third Class C. Class Three D. Three class18. Today is September 10th. It's _ Day. L

8、et's go and buy some flowers for our teachers. A. Teachers B. Teachers' C. the Teachers' D. Teacher's19. The market isn't far from here. It's only _ bicycle ride. A.half an hours' B. half an hour's C. half an hour D. an hour and a half20. - What would you like to drin

9、k, girls? - _, please. A.Two cup of coffee B. Two cups of coffe C. Two cups of coffee D. Two cups of coffees21. Some _ are flying kites near the river. A. child B. boy C. boys D. childs22. After the exam, we'll have_ holiday. A. two weeks B. two-weeks C. two weeks' D. two week's23.- How

10、many workers are there in your factory? - There are two _. A. hundreds B. hundred C. hundred of D. hundreds of24. -What do you think of the _ the Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven? - It sounds really wonderful. A. subject B. music C. book D. animal25. There is not enough _ in the corner for the fridge.

11、A. place B. room C. field D. ground26. _ comes from sheep and some people like eating it A. Wool B. Pork C. Mutton D. Milk27. If you don't take more _, you'll get fat. A. medicine B. lessons C. photos D. exercise28. My school is about twenty _ walk from here. A. minute B. minutes' C. min

12、utes's D. minutes29. Mum, I have _ to tell you! A. a good news B. some good news C. some good newes D. much good news30. Which is the _ to the post office? A. street B. way C. road D. address31. I stayed at _ last Sunday. A. my uncles B. my uncles' C. my uncle's D. my uncle's family3

13、2. Maths _ not easy to learn. A. are B. is C. am D. were初中英语数词练习(      ) 1. A _ boy can sing the English song very well.  A. ten-year-old    B. ten years old    C. ten-year-old     D. fifth years old (   &

14、#160;  ) 2. Do you think there is any room for us _ ?  A. two     B. the two     C. second     D. the second(      ) 3. How many students are there in your class?_.  A. Twenty nine   &#

15、160; B. Thirty and two     C. Forty-five     D. fifties(       ) 4. Which number is wrong? _.  A. Ninety     B. Ninteen      C. Ninth      D. Nineteenth(&#

16、160;     ) 5. The old professor still works hard though he is _.  A. in his sixty    B. in his sixties     C. in sixties     D. in the sixty(      ) 6. Which is the car that he drives? It's _

17、.A. fifty two B. the fifty-two cars C. the car fifty fourD. the fifty-fourth car(   ) 7. Which of the following is wrong? _.  A. He is a fifteen-year-old boy.        B. He is at the age of 15.  C. He is a boy of 15.   &#

18、160;            D. He is fifteen year old.(   ) 8. Our school is not very big. There are only _ students.A. nine hundreds of   B. nine hundred  C. nine hundreds  D. nine hundred of(    ) 9.

19、_, Coca-Cola began to enter China's market.  A. In 1970's    B. In 1970s     C. In the 1970s'     D. In the 1970s(    ) 10. There was no bus in that small town. We had a _.  A. ten miles walk   

20、;B. ten-mile walk   C. ten mile's walk  D. tenth mile walk(    ) 11. Three hundred thousand one hundred and seventy means _.  A. 3,170     B. 3,117      C. 300,170       D. 30,170(&

21、#160;   ) 12. On May _, _ people traveled round the country.A. the first, millions    B. the first, millions of    C. first, the millionth    D. first, millions(    ) 13. It's 7:17 is read _.A. seven and seventeen B. seve

22、n seven C. seven one seven D. seven seventeen(    ) 16. Four _ two is two.A. plus      B. minus    C. times     D. divided by(    ) 17. Three _ five is eight.  A. plus   

23、  B. minus      C. times      D. divided by(    ) 18. Three _ seven is twenty-one.  A. plus     B. minus      C. times      D. divided by(   

24、; ) 19. Forty-two _ seven is six.  A. plus     B. minus      C. times      D. divided by(     ) 20. There are _ days in a year.  A. three hundred sixty and five      

25、0;    B. three hundred and sixty-five  C. three hundreds and sixty-five          D. three hundred sixty-five冠词练习1Does Jim have _ ruler? Yes,he has _     Aan;some   Ba;one   Ca;   Dany;o

26、ne 2There is _  old bike _ old bike is Mr Zhao's   Aan ;The   Bthe;An  Ca;The   Dthe;The 3 _ apple a day keeps the doctors aw ay   AThe    BA    CAn    DTwo 4How many books do you have?    I

27、have _  bookThat's _  English book   Aa;an  Ba;one Cone;an   Done;one 5At that time Tom was _ one-year-old baby   Aa      Ban      Cthe      D 6 _tiger is _ChinaAThe;a BA;the C

28、.he;from DThe;the 7We can't see _  sun at _  night   Athe;the  Bthe;   Ca;      D; 8 _useful book it is! AWhat an    BHow a     CWhat a    DWhat 9One afternoon he found _0handbagThere wa

29、s _“s”on the corner of _  handbag   Aa;an;the     Ba;a;the    Can;an;an   Dthe;a;a 10_ old lady with white hair spoke _ English well at _ meeting   AAn;an;a   BThe;an  CThe;a   DThe;the 11 _ Grea

30、t Wall is _  longest wall in the world   AA;a    BThe;the    CA;the    DThe;a 12 _ new bridge has been built over _ Huangpu River   AThe;a  BA;       CA;the    DAn;the 13 _ woman o

31、ver there is _  popular teacher in our school   AA;an   BThe;a      CThe;the  DA;the 14He used to be _  teacher but later he turned _ writer   Aa;a    Ba;the      C;a     Da; 15The

32、y made him _  king Aa      Bthe      Can     D 16His father is _  English teacherHe works in our school   Aa      Ban       Cthe    D 17Is he _&#

33、160; American boy ? Aan     Ba        Cone    D 18Does Tom often play _  football after _  school?   A;  B;the   Cthe;   Da; 19They passed our school _  day before yesterday   Aan&

34、#160;     Bone       Ca       Dthe 20Australia is _English-speaking country Aa    Ban     Cthe   D 21She has _  orange skirt _ skirt is nice   Aa;The  Ban;The   Can;A   Dthe;The 22This is _  appleIt's _  big apple   Aan;a


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