1、 1 说明文写作写作 2 2 应用文应用文写作写作 3 3 图表图表写作写作 四级短文写作四级短文写作 说明文写作 段落写作一段落的组成一段落的组成 主题句(Topic sentence); 扩展句(Developing sentences); 结尾句(Ending sentence). 1. 1.主题句主题句 主题句明确地表示全段要展开的中心点,四级短文写作中最好是把主题句放在段首 。 E.g. Smoking is harmful to peoples health. Medical science has now proved that smoking can cause lung ca
2、ncer and other diseases. Your chances of having a heart attack also increase. Smoking is definitely a health hazard. 2.2. 扩展句扩展句 扩展句是用来说明,解释,引申,或论证主题句所表达的中心思想的句子。 E.g. Smoking is harmful to peoples health. Medical science has now proved that smoking can cause lung cancer and other diseases. Your cha
3、nces of having a heart attack also increase. Smoking is definitely a health hazard. 3.3.结尾句结尾句 结尾句是用一句话对段落的主题进行重述,评论,或总结,借以强化主题,加深读者的印象. E.g. Smoking is harmful to peoples health. Medical science has now proved that smoking can cause lung cancer and other diseases. Your chances of having a heart att
4、ack also increase. Smoking is definitely a health hazard. Sample English is favored on the following grounds. It is the official language of a number of countries. Of other countries, it is their second language. In still others, English is spoken as their major foreign language. Thats why English i
5、s so popular in our present world. 二二. . 段落的基本特征段落的基本特征要写好段落就要清楚段落应具有的基本特征: 统一性(unity), 连贯性(coherence), 简洁性(conciseness), 重点突出(emphasis), 用字遣句有变换(variety)1.段落的统一性一个段落只有一个主题。组成该段落的所有句子一个段落只有一个主题。组成该段落的所有句子都应为这个主题服务。任何与主题无关的内容,都应为这个主题服务。任何与主题无关的内容,任何不能支持段落主题的内容都必须舍弃。例如:任何不能支持段落主题的内容都必须舍弃。例如: Autumn is
6、 a good season for picnicAutumn is a good season for picnic. The weather . The weather is fine and it is not as hot as it is in the summer. is fine and it is not as hot as it is in the summer. People feel cool and comfortable. The scenery is People feel cool and comfortable. The scenery is very beau
7、tiful with all kinds of flowers here and very beautiful with all kinds of flowers here and there. And there are various kinds of fruits. there. And there are various kinds of fruits. The The peasants begin to gather in crops and fruits.peasants begin to gather in crops and fruits.修改后: Autumn is a go
8、od season for picnic. It is easy for people to choose a fine day for an outing because the weather is always nice, neither too hot nor too cold. The scenery is beautiful,too. The red leaves covering the mountains, the wild flowers booming in the fields and colorful fruits hanging on the trees are al
9、l pleasant to look at. 2.段落的连贯性 一个段落除了内容统一一个段落除了内容统一, , 意思完整之外意思完整之外, , 句句与句之间还必须按一个清晰与句之间还必须按一个清晰, , 合乎逻辑的顺合乎逻辑的顺序安排内容序安排内容, , 转折自然转折自然, ,结构紧凑结构紧凑. . 例一:(1)To develop tourism has advantages. Tourism helps develop a nations commerce and contribute to one nations economy. Tourism provides jobs for ma
10、ny people and helps us solve or ease the social problem of unemployment. Tourism helps increase understanding between peoples and helps people learn about different cultures of the world. 无连接词语,是一堆简单句的组合,读起来枯燥单调。 (2) To develop tourism has many advantages. In the first place, tourism helps develop a
11、 nations commerce and contribute to one nations economy. In the second place, tourism provides jobs for many people and helps us solve or ease the social problem of unemployment. Third, tourism helps increase understanding between peoples and helps people learn about different cultures of the world.
12、 上段虽然也是由简单的句子组成,但由于有效使用了连接词语,读者可以正确地了解到作者所陈述的many advantages的具体内容。作文常用句式和过渡连接词 A proverb says It is easy to see that As the proverb says Some people say that No one can deny that Many people believe that As we all know that It is quite clear that Various views exist as to, but扩展段的过渡性词语Clearly, Obvio
13、usly, Similarly,Moreover, Likewise, In addition to ,First, second, Third, Finally, For one thing, for another,On one hand, On the other hand,表递进关系的过渡性词表例证关系的过渡性词 for example, for instance, as an example, as an illustration, such as, a case in point is, to illustrate, say, namely, that is, like, take
14、 as an example, etc.让步过渡词 although, though, in spite of, even though, however, nevertheless, still after all, 因果关系过渡词 because, as, since, for, because of, due to, owing to, as a result of, result from, thus, so, hence, therefore, accordingly, consequently, for this reason, as a consequence, result i
15、n, contribute to 终结段的过渡词语 To sum up, To conclude, As a result, To be frank, I think For this (very) reason, With respect to From this point of view, All in all, In summary, In short, On the whole,3.段落中的变化 We have seen many great changes taking place in recent China. There have been great changes tak
16、ing place in recent China. China has witnessed many great changes in recent years.最近中国发生了很多巨大变化。最近中国发生了很多巨大变化。OnlineShopping 现在网上购物已成为一种时尚 网上购物有很多好处,但也有不少问题 我的建议SampleWriting:Example:14分OnlineShoppingShoppingontheinternetisbecomingafashioninmanycitiesduetotherapiddevelopmentoftheInternettechnology.I
26、eshoppingisbecameakindofshopsaswellchangeourlife. Somepeopleaboutitthinkverywell,theonlineshoppingmakeshopmore,donttakeverylongtimeontheway,andonlineshoppingalsobecameafesion.2分 Buttheotheroneconsidertheonlineshoppinghavesomequestions.Becauseofbuysomethingontheline.Wemustbeifitiswell.Andwecantsee,ju
27、stlookpicture.Sosomepeopledontonlineshoppingisverywell. Theimportanttheonlinewillhavemostshoppingways.Ofcausewellshouldmakeonlineshoppingandshoppingtogether.Makinguslifemoreandmorefaster,moreandmoresimlip. SoIconsidertheonlineshoppingmorethanshoppingbetter. 应用文写作 英文书信信头 (heading) 信头指的是发信人的地址以及发信日期.
28、一般写在信纸的右上角.先写发信的地址,地址的书写顺序是由小到大,依次为: 门牌号、 街名、 城市名、省或州名、邮政编码、国名 如在院系寄信的,地址顺序应为:班级、年级、系名、院名、学校名、城市名、省州名、邮政编码、国名 发信日期单独成行.日期要按英语习惯书写,常用写法有两种: 月、日、年, 如: June 3, 2002 或者日、月、年, 如: 3rd June, 2002 在年份之前有一个逗号. 2. 称呼 (Salutation) 称呼指对收信人的称呼.称呼语后常用逗号“,”第一类书信是写给个人. 1) 写信人认识收信人,但关系不是很亲密Dear Mr. (Miss, Dr, Prof等)
29、, 后接收信人姓氏, 如: Dear Mr. Smith, Dear Dr Tan, Dear Miss Chen, Dear President, 2) 写给朋友,两人关系较为亲密,可直呼其名,如:Dear Mary, Dear Jack, Dear Mom, 等 第二类书信是写给某个团体组织或机构的1)写信人不认识其负责人,称呼语可用Dear Sir,或者Dear Sir or Madam, 2)写信人认识其负责人可称Dear Mr. Black, Dear Professor Chen, 3. 正文 (Body) 正文是信的主体部分,正文每段第一行往右缩进 英语信件习惯上不用“你好”开头
30、,可以直接用一两句话讲明写信的目的所以正文常为三个部分:开头段,正文段和结尾段 4. 结束语 (Complimentary close) 结束语是正文下面的写信人对收信人的谦称一般从信纸中央稍右的地方写起,第一个字母要大写,后面要用逗号不同的通信关系要用不同的结束语 写给公司或相识的人 Yours (very) truly, Yours (very) faithfully, Yours (very) sincerely, Yours (very) cordially, 写给上司或长辈 Yours (very) respectfully, Yours (very) obediently, 写给亲
31、朋好友 Yours (ever), (With) love, Miss you, Always yours, Yours affectionately, (With) best wishes, Your sincere/good friend, . . 签名 (Signature) 署名发信人的签名写在结束语下面一行,信纸中央梢偏右的位置即便有了打印的姓名,也要加上亲笔签名,以示郑重签名时,一般写上全名 6. 信内地址 (Inside address) 信内地址指的是收信人的姓名职务单位及地址.多见于正式的商务信件,私人信件可以省略不写.第一行写收信人姓名,第二行写地址.18 Hanzheng
32、 StreetWuhan, Hubei 430020P.R.ChinaOct. 25, 1994Dear Mr. William Madison, -Yours sincerely, Patrick BakerMr. William MadisonGeneral ManagerRoss Engineering Associates1767 Palm StreetLong Beach, CA96104U.S.A.三种主要的应用文类型:三种主要的应用文类型: 1.投诉信投诉信 2. 2.申请信申请信 3. 3.咨询信咨询信IamasophomoremajoringinBiologyEngineer
35、toreducetheprice.Yoursrespectfully,LiMingDear Mr. President,Letter of complaint:Dear Mr. .,Letter of application:IamaseniorfromShaanXiNormalUniversity.IheXianEveningNewsonMay14,2013fora.InJulyIwillreceivemyBADegreein.Iwouldliketobeconsideredforthepost.IbelieveIcoulddosatisfa
37、rement,Iwouldbeavailableforaninterviewanytimeatyourconvenience.Yoursrespectfully,MaryDearMr.,Letter of Inquiry:IamChinesestudentwhowillgraduatefromcollegeinthecomingJulyandwishtostudyforM.Adegreeatyouruniversity.Iwouldbegratefulifyouprovidemetheinformationbelow.Firstly,whatqulificationsdoIneedtostud
38、yatyouruniversity?Secondly,howmucharethetuition?Thirdly,whatisthesituationasregardsaccomodations?.Ilookforwardtoyourreplyandtheopportunitytoattendyourprestigiousinstitution.Thanks!Yoursrespectfully,Mary 图表作文写作 常见的图表类型有: 1.table(表格) 2.curve graph(曲线) 3.Bar Graph(柱状) 4.Pie Graph(饼状) 图表作文图表作文1 1) )曲线曲线
39、(curve graph ),(curve graph ),它常用表示事物的它常用表示事物的变化趋势变化趋势: :2) 表格(table),它表示多种事物的变化及相互关系ChangeinPeoplesDietinChina3)柱状(Bar Graph)它用来比较两种事物的变化情况及相互关系4)饼状(Pie Graph)表示各事物在总体中所占的比例及相互关系 图表式作文内容一般涉及以下三个方面: 1.描述图表, 2.指明寓意,分析原因、 3.联系自己或实际、给出建议.FeaturesFeatureseg:ReadingPreferenceofStudentsinanAmericanUnivers
40、ityin2002 1) 根据上表,简要描述美国 某大学学生借阅图书的情况. 2)你对于这些学生阅读偏爱的评论. 3)联系自己的实际情况谈谈你对阅读的看法. Reading Preferences Reading Preferences (范文)(范文) From the table,we have witnessed that college students vary in reading preference in an American university. According to the table , the circulation of popular fictions ac
41、counts for 65.9% while the circulation of art / literature books is only 5.1%. As we see, college students seem more interested in popular ficton, while lack of passion for art or literature. Many reasons contribute to this phenomenon. To begin with, popular fictions usually possess more appealing plots than other types of books do, so many readers are attracted by popular fiction. Moreover, popular fictions are easier to be understood while science and art books demand certain knowledge in special fiel
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