



1、1 7B Unit 1 复习要点 生词和词组 1. Dream 名词 形容词 dream 梦想 , 梦想中的。 2. Palace 名词 宫殿 the Summer Palace 颐和园 3. Favourite 形容词 最喜爱的 my favourite place 我最喜爱的地方 4. Big 大的 better 比较大的 biggest 最大的 5. Capital 名词 首都 the capital of China is Beijing 中国的首都是北京 6. 梦想的家 Dream home 7. 世界各地的家 homes around the World 8. 不同国家的家 hom

2、es in different countries 9. 爬梯子进入房子 climb the ladder to get into my house 10和我的家人住在一起 live with my family look out of the beach and the sea love to sit on the floor in a wooden house in the hill the second child of my family very beautiful and quiet here a lot 通常放在动词后表示程度 of 17做饭 make dinner 煮饭 coo

3、k meals 18在六月五日 on the fifth of June 19在客厅看电视 watch TV in the sitting room 20住在莫斯科市中心 in the center of Moscow 21在繁华的街道上 on a busy street 22对学生和友好 be friendly to students 23种花最好的地方 the best place to grow flowers 24.和 TOM 共用一个卧室 share a bedroom with TOM 25法国的首都 the capital of France 26. 在学校隔壁 next to

4、school 27. 想住在一个宫殿里 would like to live in a palace 28. 和朋友聊天 chat with friends 29. 听音乐 listen to music 30. 忙于做某事 be busy doing sth = be busy with sth 31. 在河的上方 over a river 32. 全世界 around the world = all over the World 33. 来自英国 come from Britain = be from Britain 34. 在 TOM 和我之间 between TOM and me 35

5、. 坐在 TOM 前面 sit in front of TOM 区分 in the front of 36. 学校的对面 opposite the school 37在餐馆旁边 next to restaurant =beside restaurant 38迫不及待的想见你 can 11看外面的沙滩和海 12喜爱坐在地板上 13在一个山上的木屋里 14我家的第二个孩子 15这里非常的美丽和安静 16多雨 rain a lot a lot of 加名词表示许多 =lots 2 t wait to see you 39南京不同于北京 Nanjing is different from Beijin

6、g 反意词组 the same as 名词 difference 40捎个口信 take a message 41请稍等 just a minute =hold on ,please 42拨错号码 wrong number 43你是谁? Who s calling ,please? 44. TOM 在吗? May I speak to TOM? 我是 TOM This is TOM speaking. 45我从我家打的电话 I m calling from my home 46. 写下一个单词 write down a word 47. 在山顶 on the top of the hill 4

7、8. 在底层 on the ground floor 在二楼 on the first floor 49. 对着迷 be crazy about 50. 至少 25 个房间 at least 25 rooms 51. 没有别的房间 no other rooms = not any rooms 52. 同时 at the same time 53. 什么类型的家 what kind of home 54. 50 米长 50 metres long 55. 长途飞行后 after the long plane trip (journey) 56. 上百个学生 hundreds of student

8、s 57. 超过 20 个教室 more than 20 classrooms 反意词组 less than 58. 两件家具 two pieces of furniture 59. 犯错误 make a mistake 60. 轮流做某事 take turns to do sth 61. 寄信给 TOM send a letter to TOM = send TOM a letter 62. 借给某人某物 lend sth to sb = lend sb sth 63. 跟某人借某物 borrow sth from sb 64. 帮助某人做某事 help sb do sth =help sb

9、 with sth 65. 想要做某事 would like to do sth = want to do sth 66. 到达北京 arrive in Beijing = get to Beijing = reach Beijing 67. 给某人回电话 call sb back 68. 叫某人做某事 ask sb to do sth 69. 让某人做某事 let sb do sth 70. 必须做某事 must do sth = have to do sth must+do 71. 能做某事 can do sth =be able to do sth can+do may+do 72. 和

10、 TOM 去购物 go shopping with TOM go + doing3 73. 准备做某事 be going to do sth =will do sth will+do 74. 应该做某事 should do sth should+do 75. 计划做某事 plan to do sth 76. 外国的学生 foreign students 77. 看录像 watch the video 78. 这条领带的颜色 the colour of the tie 79. 洗澡 have a bath have a shower 80. 超过 20 个房间 more than 20 room

11、s 81. 一间有 12 个淋浴的房间 a room with twelve showers ; 82. 洗淋浴或盆浴 have/ take a shower or a bath 83. 同时 at the same time 句型 二、重点句子 1. Would you like to live in a palace, Eddie? 2. What s your favourite? 3. The capital of Japan is Tokyo. 4. I climb a ladder to get into my house. 5. My family and I often sit

12、 in the kitchen while my mother makes dinner. 6. I live with my family in a flat on a busy street. 7. A garden is the best place to grow flowers. 8. Stephen is lying on his bunk bed. 9. Sandy sits between Kitty and me. 10. The window is opposite the door. 11. I can t wait to see you. 12. I think you

13、 ll be tired after a long plane trip. 13. Where else are we going? 14. I ll take you to the Space Museumand we ll visit the Palace 15. That sounds great. 听起来很棒。 16. Amy get eighty-points . She came fifth. 17. It s really different from the flats in Beijing. 18. I ll ask him to call you back. 19. Wha

14、t kind of home do you live in? 20. Wilson lives two floors above Wendy. 三、语法 1. 介词的用法 区别 in front of , in the front of above/ on / over “on”在的上面),一般与物体有接触面.“over” ;under” “above 和 触Museumon Saturday. below 与参照物无接 “ above在;的上4 面.“under (在的垂直下方)的反义词为 “over”在某物的垂直上方) 只表示笼统地说在上方或高于什么,其反义词是 “below”. 如: T

15、here is a bridge over the river and two cars on it “after 和 “before 一般是指时间的先后;“behind 和“infront of 一般指位置的前后 at ”在),一般指在某地点或某个场合,如,机关,车站,码头等;in 一般用于比较大的地方. between指在(两者)之间,常与 and 连用“among则用于更多的人或物之间. 2. 基数词、序数词的用法 (特别注意基数词、序数词的读法和写法) 6,425,200= six million, four hundred and twenty-five thousand, two

16、hundred first, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth, twenty-first 表示数目和顺序的词叫做数词。 数词又分基数词和序数词, 基数词表示数量,序数词表示顺 序。 (1) 基数词的构成和用法 2199 的两位数,十位与个位之间用连字符“” 101999 的三位数,百位数和后面的数之间用连词 and,百、千等数词一律用单数形式。 1000 以上的数,从后面向前数,每三位中间点“,”,第一个“,”前为 thousand ,第 二个“,”前为 million ,第三个“,”前为 billion 疑难点:

17、 hundred ,thousand 和 million 在合成数词中一般用单数形式,但是用来表示不定 数目时,用作复数形式。例: There are two thousa nd stude nts in our school. Thousa nds of people are swim mingin the river (2) 序数词的构成与用法 一般来说,是由相应的基数词加词尾 th构成。例:four T fourth six 宀 sixth 下面这些基数词在变为序数词时,有特殊的变化。 one T first two T second thre e t third five t fifth eight t eighth nine t ninth twelve t t


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