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1、英语专四对话与短文应试策略对话:对话命题主要题型:1. 场景题型:此题型涉及到地点、人物、时间等基本题型。1) 考查地点题型: 形式有两种,猜测地点和判断地点,常见提问方式有Where does this conversation probably take place?Where did it happen?Where is ?What kind of the store is she visiting?2) 考查时间题型:形式有两种,一是从多个时间中选一个时间;二是通过运算求得时间。常见提问方式有When does this conversation take place?When doe

2、s the man want to leave?How long did it take the man to write his paper?When did the football match start?3) 考查人物关系题型:常见提问方式有What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?2. 事实题型:主要考查具体环境的某些特定事实和行为。常见的提问方式有What does the man mean by ?What does the man say about-?What will the man probabl

3、y do?在专四的对话听力考试题型中,常见的题型包括考查行为、考查行为特征和考查事物特征等主要形式。1) 考查行为 ( 例如: 2007 真题 Conversation 1)Man: I think I will drop in the day after tomorrow to check out.3. What will Mark Adams do the day after tomorrow?A. To come to the office again.B. To wait for the phone call.C. To call the office.D. To write to t

4、he office.2) 考查行为特征(例如:2007 真题 Conversation 2)M: Right, this is the tennis club reception area. As a member, you don t have to register when you arrive, but you must remember to register your guests. And you must be able to produce your membership card if a club official asks to see it.4. Members of

5、 the club are required toA. register when they arrive.B. bring up to three guests.C. register their guests.D. show membership cards on arrival.3) 考查事物特征(例如:2007 真题 Conversation 3)M: I went to Manchester University and got an engineering degree with management as my specialization.8. At the universit

6、y Mr. Robinson specialized inA. math.B. physics. C. water management D. geography.3. 推导题型: 在专四的对话听力考试题型中, 常考查的推导题型包括: 考查对话意图、 考查评价、考查原因等题型。1)考查对话意图题型:这类题型是考查对话的目的而非内容大意。二者区别在于考对 话大意的题要抓关键词或者重复出现的词,而对话意图题则要深刻思考话题本身, 话题背后的意图是什么,比如说是为了寻求帮助还是发邀请。例如:(2005真题)W: I work for an advertising agency. And I am d

7、oing some research. It's for a new magazine forPeople like you.4. What is the main purpose of the research?A. To make preparations for a new publication.B. To learn how couples spend their weekends.C .To know how housework is shared.D .To investigate what people do at the weekend.2)考查评价题型:主要是询问对

8、某事、某人或某项计划的意见和看法。除此之外,涉及到肯定和否定的一类问题也表明了说话者的态度或倾向。此类题型常见提问方式有What does the woman think of ?How about ?例如:(专四大纲样题)John: Hello, Mark. Have you ever played cricket?Mark: No, never. Have you, John?John: No, but I once watched a game at the Cricket Club.Mark: Did you enjoy it?John: No, not much. I thought

9、 everybody else seemed to. I found it very slow.Q: What does John think of cricket?A. It is exciting.B. There is a lot of fun.C. It is a hard game.D. It is a slow game.3)考查原因题型:此类题答案往往隐含在对话当中,有典型的逻辑依赖性。听的过程 中要注重“因”与“果”的内在联系。此类题型常见提问方式有Why ?What's the reason。卜?-because例如:(2009真题)W: Hi, Mark. How

10、are you?M: Actually, I'm really fed up, Linda. It's Jean.W: Jean? Who is Jean?M: Oh, nobody really. Just a most stunningly attractive girl in my year school.1. Mark is unhappy because ofA. his Chemistry homework.B. a girl in his class.C. Linda's words.D. Friday night's party.短文:短文题材主

11、要分两大类1.社会生活:1)描述日常使用的生活用品2)各种文娱形式介绍3)日常生活中经常谈论的话题4)生活中的真实场景2. 故事知识: 1)历史、故事、人物介绍, 2) 百科知识(包括科普类) 3 )风土人情短文命题主要题型:1. 场景事实题型: 此类题型针对短文的事实细节加以提问。 场景事实题通常以 wh-question 的方式提问。主要针对时间、地点、位置、事件、方式、目的、数据等。例如: ( 2010 真题 )15. Which of the following activities would Australian fathers traditionally participate

12、in?A. Feeding and playing with children.B. Feeding and bathing children.C. Taking children to the park and to school.D. Taking children to watch sports events.19.Which of the following details about Family Health International is INCORRECT?A. It is a nonprofit organization.B. It provides public heal

13、th services.C. It carries out research on public health.D. It has worked in five countries till now.2. 理论推断题型:此类题型针对的不是文中的细节信息,而是要求在听懂事实的基础上进行分析、 比较、 归纳等才能得出结论, 判断哪一些最合适, 可分为语义理解、 推理排除、主题总结等类型。1) 语义理解:此类题型需要对短文中听懂的某一信息细节理解后,查看在选项中哪个意思最符合。例如: ( 2009 真题 )19. According to the passage, unusual names com

14、e fromA. popular culture.B. parents' invention.C. sports.D. all of the above.又如( 2010 真题 )16. According to the study, the "new man" likes toA. spend more time at work.B. spend more time with children.C. spend time drinking after work.D. spend time on his computer.2) 推理排除:此类题型要求考生从四项选项中

15、选出一个正确的或不正确的。问题形式可能是Which of the following statements about is CORRECT/INCORRECT?例如: ( 2010 真题 )13. International students can receive all the following types of financial assistance EXCEPTA. federal loans.B. private loans.C. scholarships.D. monthly payment plans.3) 主题总结:主题总结题要求听完整个短文之后归纳出主题大意。问题形式可

16、能是What is the main idea/topic of this passage?What can we learn from the passage?例如: ( 2007 真题 )13. What is the main idea of the talk?A. How to have the bike stamped.B. How to protect your bike.C. How to buy good locks.D. How to report your lost bike to the police.应试对策:对策之一:抓紧时间阅读选择项即充分利用时间,在听音之前先把本

17、题的选择项快速浏览一遍。这样做至少有以下两方面的好处:第一,可以根据选项内容预测谈话或短文内容,以便对将要听到的材料从心理上有所准备。第二,可以扫除生僻单词、易混淆词对应试者听力上造成的障碍。既然事先 阅读选择项如此重要,那么该如何 阅读选择项呢?由于可用来 阅读选择项的时间非 常短,因此,对选择项必须采取快速 阅读的方法,一定要避免逐词 阅读,否则就不可能在听 音前看完选择项。由于选择项的长短、繁简不一,那么具体处理方法也应略有不同。当选择项都比较短时,可采用扫视的方法。例如:A. Running.B. Cycling. C. FishingD. Hunting.又如:A. A double

18、 room.B. A single room.C. A room on the top floor. D. A room on the second floor.这组选择项虽然稍长一些,但仅仅扫视一下也足以了解它们涉及的内容是“什么样的房间当选择项较长时,应考虑分两步来处理。第一步从整体看,以发现某些共同成分;第二步采取竖读方法,着重看区别。选择项(尤其是较长的选择项)各项之间常常有相同的内容。有的四项之间都有;有的每两项之间有;也有其中三项相同,一项与之不同的(这一项内容往往是干扰信息)。所以应先整体扫视选择项,迅速发现其共同之处,然后将视线移至各项不同 之处进行竖读(即由上向下看,而不是像

19、一般阅读那样由左向右看)。例如:A. The workers had finished loading the trunk.B. The workers had just started loading the truck.C. The workers had gone home.D. The workers had had a fight with the driver.先从整体上看这组选择项,可以发现:每一项的前半部分相同,都是The workers had,再将视线移至后半部分竖读,重点看区别,即:A. .finished loading the truck.B. .just start

20、ed loading the truck.C. .gone home.D. .had a fight with the driver再看下面这组选择项:A. Her son must leave for school at 7:30.B. Her son must go to work at 7:30C. Her husband must have breakfast at 7:30.D. Her hasband must get to office at 7:30.从整体上看,各项的最后一部分相同(at 7: 30),并且A、B两项前半部分相同,都是Her son; C D两项前半部分相同,

21、都是 Her husband。然后将视线移至中部竖读,重点看区别:阂.瑁Kson)leave for school:敢.:戏.;;M. go to work .r.海:;门.(husband)have breakfast ;颇. 渊:;W . . g get to office坝.劫;用这样的方法看选择项,开始可能会感到不习惯而影响阅读速度,但经过一段时间的练习后,定会有所收益。掌握这种技巧后,不仅能加快阅读速度,使考生能在较短的时间内看完较长的选择项,而且能使考生对选择项中的共同部分与不同部分印象更深刻,这对确定听音重点十分重要。因此,在平时应注意训练,以提高这种技巧,使之成为习惯。需要说明

22、的是,上面所举的例子旨在介绍一种技巧,虽然具有一定的代表性, 但却不能适用于所有情况。由于选择项自身的结构和每组选择项的组合形式千变万化,因此若遇到与上述例子大相径庭的情况时, 则应另当别论。 但有一点,都必须以快速法来处理,这一原则不能放弃。快速阅读选择项1A. The workers had finished loading the trunk.B. The workers had just started loading the truck.C. The workers had gone home.D. The workers had had a fight with the drive

23、r.E. finished loading the trunk.F. .just started loading the truck.G. gone home.H. had a fight with the driver.2A. Her son must leave for school at 7:30.B. Her son must go to work at 7:30C. Her husband must have breakfast at 7:30.D. Her hasband must get to office at 7:30.E. Her son must leave for sc

24、hool at 7:30.F. Her son must go to work at 7:30G. Her husband must have breakfast at 7:30.H. Her hasband must get to office at 7:30.3A. Running. B. Cycling. C. Fishing. D. Hunting.4B. In the Common Room.D. In Room 501.A. In the third room on the right.C. In a room at the other end.5A. A double room.

25、B. A single room.C. A room on the top floor.D. A room on the second floor.对策之二: 充分利用日常知识在做 阅读 理解题时都知道要充分利用日常生活知识 (use your general knowledge) 。因为 英语 作为一种载体,它所反映的信息、知识一般都是日常生活中通过汉语早已熟知了的东西。 所以可以把汉语中能掌握的相关知识作为理解英语 短文的背景知识,从而降低理解难度。这种方法在大家做 阅读 理解时都会用到, 但在 听力 理解中, 许多人就忘了,只知道一味地傻听。孰不知“锣鼓听声,听话听音”。高水平的听者,一

26、听对方开口, 便大致可以猜到对方下面要讲什么; 或者一听对方的语气, 便知道其真实含义是什么。因此,考生在 听力 测试中,一定要善于利用自己的日常生活知识,把听与理解结合起来。在Section A和Section B部分的试题中,根据所看到的选项和所听到的关键词,就应该推断出所讲的是哪方面的内容。如:【例 1】You'll have to leave now; visiting hours are over.探视时间结束了,你该走了。关键词: visiting hours 探视时间涉及话题:医护方面对话人身份:医生,护士,患者或患者家属、 朋友发生地点: 医院可能涉及的 词汇 : nu

27、rse, ward, patient, symptom, treatment【例2】You will have to stand in line to make a deposit.存款要排队。关键词: deposit 存款涉及话题:银行业务对话人身份:银行职员与顾客发生地点:银行可能涉及的 词汇 : account, interest rate, balance, teller, cash, credit等等。【例3】You should use a good hairspray after you've had a wash and set.头发洗好做好之后,要用一种好的发胶。关键

28、词: hairspray ( 发胶 ) , wash, set 涉及话题:美发对话人身份:美发师与顾客发生地点:发廊,美容院可能涉及的 词汇 : dryer ( 吹风机,烘干器 ) , bleaching, nails, polish【例4】I need two cocktails for the table by the pool.我要两杯开胃酒,请放在靠游泳池的那张桌上。关键词: cocktails; 涉及话题:餐饮对话人身份:服务员与顾客可能涉及的 词汇 : waiter, beverages, snack, order, menu 等等。【例5】Here is the ticket f

29、or you, sir. You are speeding.这是罚单,先生,您超速了。关键词: ticket, speeding; 涉及话题:车辆违规对话人身份:警察与司机可能涉及的 词汇 :fine, speed limit, parking-lot, traffic, suspend license等等。对策之三: 充分运用推断和猜测能力在 听力 测试中, 不必因听到生词就紧张。 连续听到几个生词后,更要保持冷静、镇定,否则会影响整体的理解,而抓不住全文的中心思想。相信自己有能力借助于逻辑、 常识、 语法 结构、 语境和对主题的背景知识的了解来猜测没有听懂或漏掉单词的意思,通过推理,从听到

30、的内容中得出正确答案。对策之四: 根据语气,推断别人的真实含义是什么。如:Practice【例1】Q: What does the woman mean?A. Night driving can be dangerous.B. You should not have driven during the night.C. Why don't you drive all night?D. Did you really drive all night?2】Q: What does the man say about the ice cream?A. That ice cream wasn&#

31、39;t fresh, was it?B. That ice cream was very refreshing, wasn't it?C. There wasn't any ice cream in the refrigerator.D. Fresh ice cream wasn't available.3】Q: What does the woman mean?A. Am I tired?B. I tried very much.C. I'm totally exhausted.D. Have I been hired?【例 4 】Q: What does

32、the woman mean?A. She wants someone to talk to.B. She doesn't want to be disturbed either.C. She doesn't mind talking to John.D. She really wants John to talk to5】Q: What do we learn from the woman's response?A. She agrees with the man.B. She thinks Alan does not get good records.C. She

33、doesn'tknow if Alan has any good records.D. She doesn't know what the man means.【例 1】M I started driving at 8 : 00 p.m. yesterday and arrived here at 5 : 30 this morning.;W: You drove all night?Q: What does the woman mean?A. Night driving can be dangerous.B. You should not have driven during

34、 the night.C. Why don't you drive all night?D. Did you really drive all night?女士的话用的是陈述句式, 但句末用的却是升调, 表明她对男士开了一夜的车表示怀疑, 不太相信。因此答案为D。【例 2】M: Wasn't that ice cream refreshing!W: You can say that again.Q: What does the man say about the ice cream?A. That ice cream wasn't fresh, was it?B. Th

35、at ice cream was very refreshing, wasn't it?C. There wasn't any ice cream in the refrigerator.D. Fresh ice cream wasn't available.男士的话用的是否定形式的感叹句,句末用降调,表示了肯定的语气。因此答案应为B。另外,这四个选项中,对原文中的 refreshing 进行了干扰,设计了 fresh, refrigerator 等 干扰词,要特别小心。 【例 3】M: You did all the housework in an hour by y

36、ourself? Are you tired?W: Am I tired?Q: What does the woman mean?A. Am I tired?B. I tried very much.C. I'm totally exhausted.D. Have I been hired?女士的话用了疑问句式,句末用了降调,实际是反问,其含意是:“我累坏了,还用问吗?”故答案为Q B和D中的tried 和 hired 都是原文中 tired 的干扰词。【例 4】M: You go ahead and sit next to John. I don't want him tal

37、king to methroughout thewhole play.W: And I do?Q: What does the woman mean?A. She wants someone to talk to.B. She doesn't want to be disturbed either.C. She doesn't mind talking to John.D. She really wants John to talk to.对话中女士虽用了陈述句式,但末尾用升调,实际是表示反问的语气,即表示不满: “难道我愿意让他和我说话吗?”故答案为B。【例 5】M: Ala

38、n certainly got some good popular song records.W: Didn't he?Q: What do we learn from the woman's response?A. She agrees with the man.B. She thinks Alan does not get good records.C. She doesn'tknow if Alan has any good records.D. She doesn't know what the man means.女士用了疑问否定的形式, 句末用降调, 表示她对此事有同感, 赞同男士的看法。 故答案A。对策之五 : 边听边记做 听力 测试题目时,考生应养成边听边记


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