人教PEP版英语六年级上册Unit 1 How can I get there 单元测试卷(含听力音频) (1)_第1页
人教PEP版英语六年级上册Unit 1 How can I get there 单元测试卷(含听力音频) (1)_第2页
人教PEP版英语六年级上册Unit 1 How can I get there 单元测试卷(含听力音频) (1)_第3页
人教PEP版英语六年级上册Unit 1 How can I get there 单元测试卷(含听力音频) (1)_第4页
人教PEP版英语六年级上册Unit 1 How can I get there 单元测试卷(含听力音频) (1)_第5页
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1、内装订线学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_外装订线绝密·启用前人教PEP版英语六年级上册Unit 1 How can I get there 单元测试卷(含听力音频)题号一二三四五六七总分得分注意事项:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上评卷人得分一、听力题1.听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。_1. A. bookstore B. museum shop C. hospital _2. A. hospital B. cinema C. library_3. A. left B. right C. straight_4. A. near B. behi

2、nd C. beside_5. A. far B. follow C. street2.听录音,给下列图片排序。_ _ _ _ _3.听录音,选择对应的答语。_1. A. Yes, it is. B. It's next to the park._2. A. It's near the library. B. Yes, there is._3. A. Sure. B. Thank you._4. A. It's near the hospital. B. The museum is far._5. A. We are in front of the cinema. B.

3、 Go straight and turn left at the bookstore.4.听录音,补全短文。My new watch has _. So I can find the way. It's twelve o'clock. We are hungry. We want to have lunch. My friend Lily likes _. She knows that there is an Italian restaurant on the Fifth Street. GPS tells us it's near the _. We follow

4、GPS. We go straight first. Then we turn _. We are in front of the hospital again. Finally, we get to the restaurant. It's so 5_. We are so hungry!评卷人得分二、填空题5._ _ at the hospital. 6.The bookstore is near the _ _. 7.The hotel is _ _ the clothes shop. 8.The _ _ is on the left. 9._ _ for five minute

5、s. You can see the zoo. 10.Christmas Day is coming. I want to buy some _ (postcard).11.They are _ (look) at some robots in the museum.12.Robin's new GPS _ (work)!13.Wu Yifan and Mike want _ (see) a film in the cinema.14.Oliver is new in Beijing. He doesn't know the way to the Palace Museum.

6、Can you help _ (he)?评卷人得分三、选择题15.Sam is in front of Peter. Peter is _ Sam.AbesideBbetweenCbehind16.What _interesting film! ( )AaBanC/17.He can _ the boys find the restaurant. ( )AhelpsBhelpingChelp18.I want to see a film. I can go to the _. ()AhospitalBlibraryCcinema19.The park is _ Dongfang Street.

7、 ()AofBtoCon评卷人得分四、补全对话Sarah: Robin, 20.Robin: They are in the post office.Sarah: What are they doing there?Robin: Thanksgiving Day is coming. 21.Sarah: 22.Robin: Yes, there are.Sarah: 23.Robin: No, he isn't. He's in the bookstore. He wants to buy some books.Sarah: Where is the bookstore?Rob

8、in: 24.Sarah: Thanks.AIt's next to the post office.Bwhere are my parents?CIs Sam there?DAre there many postcards there?EThey are buying some postcards.评卷人得分五、阅读理解25.The school is between the library and the hotel. _26.The library is in front of the restaurant. _27.The bookstore is next to the pa

9、rk. _28.Go straight and turn right at the cinema. And then go straight. You can see a post office. _29.If you want to go to the bookstore,you can go straight and turn left at the library. _评卷人得分六、任务型阅读30.读下面对话,画出路线图Mike: Excuse me, how can we get to the library?Sales: Clerk: Are you going on foot?Mi

10、ke: Yes.Sales: Turn right at the bookstore. Thats 1st Street. Go straight to the traffic lights. Don not turn. Walk straight again. Turn right at the park. Thats 5th Street.Chen: OK. Then what?Sales Clerk: Walk straight for 10 minutes. The library is on the left. You can see it.Chen: Thank you very

11、much.Sales Clerk: You are welcome.Our town is not big. My school is in the centre of the town. On the left side of my school there is a science museum. The bookstore is on the right side of my school. There is a post office opposite(在对面) the bookstore. The cinema is next to the post office. There is

12、 a shopping mall on the left side of the cinema. I often go shopping with my parents at the weekend. Welcome to our town.31.阅读短文,在地图上标出相应的地名。(填序号)A. science museum B. shopping mallC. bookstore D. cinema32.John is new here. Help him find the way. (请你帮John找路。)John: Excuse me, where is the train statio

13、n?You: _ _ and _ _ at the bookstore. Then _ _ and you can see the _ _ _ your _. John: Thank you.评卷人得分七、书面表达33.周日Jim和Tom想去科学博物馆,请你根据提示写出他们行走的路线。要求:语句通顺,不少于5句话。提示词:go straight;turn left; turn rightJim and Tom want to go to the science museum on Sunday. _参考答案1.     B  

14、0;  A     A     A     C【解析】1.Hey, Robin. Where is the museum shop?2. It's next to the hospital.3. Turn left at the crossing.4. It's near the park.5. Now we are on Dongfang Street.2.     1   &#

15、160; 3     2     5     4【解析】1.The post office is behind the hospital.2. If you want to see a film, you can go to the cinema.3. Please turn right at the crossing.4. Go straight and you can see the museum.5. I want to buy some books in the bo

16、okstore.3.     A     B     A     A     B【解析】1.Is the hospital far from here?2. Is there a library in your school?3. Can you help me?4. Where is the cinema?5. How can I get to the museum?4.  

17、   GPS     pizza     hospital     right     far【解析】My new watch has GPS. So I can find the way. It's twelve o'clock. We are hungry. We want to have lunch. My friend Lily likes pizza. She knows that ther

18、e is an Italian restaurant on the Fifth Street. GPS tells us it's near the hospital. We follow GPS. We go straight first. Then we turn right. We are in front of the hospital again. Finally, we get to the restaurant. It's so far. We are so hungry!5.     Turn  

19、60;  left【解析】句意:在医院_。图片上的标志是左转,要用动词短语turn left,故答案为Turn left。6.     post     office【解析】句意:书店在_附近。根据所给的图片,可知考查短语post office邮局,名词词组,故答案为post;office。7.     next     to【解析】句意:旅馆紧挨着服装店。此题考查固定短语next to紧挨着,故答案为next to。8.&#

20、160;    science     museum【解析】句意:_在左边,根据图片可知科学博物馆在左边,意为science museum,故答案为science; museum.9.     Go     straight【解析】句意:_五分钟。你可以看到动物园。根据所给的图片,可知考查短语go straight直走,动词短语,由句意,可知句子为祈使句,谓语动词为动词原形,故答案为Go;straight。10.postcards【解析】句意:圣

21、诞节要到了。我想去买一些明信片。some一些,后面跟可数名词复数,postcard的复数是postcards,故答案为postcards。11.looking【解析】句意:他们正在博物馆里看一些机器人。根据句意,可知句子为现在进行时,be doing结构,look的现在分词为looking,故答案为looking。12.works【解析】句意:Robin的新GPS工作着。这里是一般现在时的陈述句,构成为主语+动词+其他,这里主语是GPS,是单数,故动词work要加s,故答案为works。13.to see【解析】句意:吴一凡和迈克想要在电影院看电影。want to do sth想要做某事,wa

22、nt to see a film想要看电影,故答案为to see。14.him【解析】句意:奥利弗刚来北京。他不知道去故宫博物院的路。你能帮助他吗?根据句意,可知动词help后面接人称代词宾格,he的宾格为him,故答案为him。15.C【解析】句意:萨姆在彼得的前面。彼得在萨姆的_。根据in front of在前面,可知该空用behind在后面符合,故选C。16.B【解析】句意:多么有趣的电影啊!该句是感叹句,其构成为:What + (a/an) + 形容词 + 可数名词单数 + 其它! interesting元音音素开头,故需加冠词an,故选B。17.C【解析】句意:他能帮助男孩们 找到饭

23、店。情态动词+动词原形,A.动词三单,B.动词ing,C.动词原形,故选C。18.C【解析】句意:我想去看电影。我可以去_。A选项是医院,B选项是图书馆,C选项是电影院,根据句意,故选C。19.C【解析】句意:这个公园在Dongfang 街上。在上面on,A表示所属,B表示向,故选C。20.B21.E22.D23.C24.A【解析】(1)根据答句They are in the post office.他们在邮局里。可判断问题提问在哪里,B选项是我的父母在哪里?符合语境,故选B。(2)根据问句What are they doing there?他们在那里正在干什么?可知答句应回答正在做的事情,E

24、选项是他们正在买一些明信片。符合语境,故选E。(3)根据答句Yes, there are.可判断问句为there be句型的一般疑问句,D选项是那里有很多明信片吗?符合语境,故选D。(4)根据答句No, he isn't.可判断问句是由系动词Is引导的一般疑问句,C选项是Sam在那里吗?符合语境,故选C。(5)根据问句Where is the bookstore?书店在哪里?可知答句回答地点。A选项是它在邮局隔壁。符合语境,故选A。25.T26.F27.F28.T29.F【解析】(1)句意:学校在图书馆和旅馆之间。根据所给图示,可知学校在图书馆和旅馆之间。故答案为T。(2)句意:图书馆

25、在餐厅的前面。根据所给图示,可知图书馆离餐厅很远。故答案为F。(3)句意:书店在公园旁边。根据所给图示,可知书店在公园的右前方。故答案为F。(4)句意:直走,然后在电影院右转。然后直走。你可以看到一个邮局。根据所给图示,可知直走,然后在电影院右转。然后直走。你可以看到一个邮局。故答案为T。(5)句意:如果你想去书店,你可以直走,然后在图书馆左转。根据所给图示,可知如果你想去书店,你可以直走,然后在图书馆右转。故答案为F。30.【解析】由句子Turn right at the bookstore. Thats 1st Street.可知首先在第一街的书店右转。由句子Go straight to

26、the traffic lights. Don not turn. Walk straight again. 可知然后在红绿灯一直走。由句子Turn right at the park. Thats 5th Street.可知在公园右转,到了第五街道。由句子Walk straight for 10 minutes. The library is on the left.可知最后一直走10分钟。图书馆在左边。答案如图所示。31.32.     Go     straight     turn     right     go     straight     train     station     on     left【解析】(1)根据文章On the left side of my school there is a science


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