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1、内装订线学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_外装订线绝密·启用前外研版(三起)英语六年级下册Module 4 Unit 1 练习卷题号一二三四总分得分注意事项:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上评卷人得分一、选择题1.找出下列单词中不同类的单词。(1)AcarrotBonionCgoat(2)AcheapBexpensiveChen(3)AbigBpigCduck2.He is _ a letter. ( )AwriteBwritingCwriteing3.Can he help? ( ) Yes, he _.AdoBisCcan4.Is it war

2、m today? ( )_.ANo, she isnt.BYes, it is.CYes, she is.5.Can you help me? ( ) , I can't.AThanksBYesCSorry6.Look! Lucy is _ a new bike today. ( ) AjumpingBrunningCridingDtalking7.The little girl can't_ the door. ( )AopenBopensCopened8.Whats the weather like today? ( )_.AMy name is Tom.BIts rain

3、y here.CIts red.9.Lets get _ the bus. ( )AonBinCup10.Lin Tao is _ an ice cream. ( )AbuyBbuysCbuying11.Who can help _? ( )AheBsheCher12.They _ jumping. ( )AareBisCam13.This _my bedroom. ( )AareBisCam评卷人得分二、排序题14.句子排序。_He is making a birthday card._He's in his room._When is Jack's birthday?_Wh

4、ere's Jim?_Who is he making it for?_What is he doing?_Tomorrow._He is making it for his friend,Jack.评卷人得分三、补全对话Daming: 15.Simon: She's at the supermarket. She's buying things for your birthday party.Daming: Oh! Am I going to have an American birthday this year?Simon: Yes. And I'm mak

5、ing you a birthday card.Mum: 16. I can't carry them all!Simon: Sorry, I can't. I'm making Daming's birthday card.Daming: 17.Mum: Hold on to the balloons, please.Daming: Oh no! 18. I can't hold the oranges and the balloons!Mum: Come on, Simon. We need your help! 19.Daming: Simon!

6、Get the balloons. 20.Mum: Too late! But look at the sky!Simon: Wow! The sky says, “Happy birthday, Daming!”AYou can finish the card later.BThe oranges are falling.CAll the balloons are flying away.DI will help you!EWho can come out to help me?FWhere's your mum?评卷人得分四、阅读理解阅读理解 Hello, I'm Amy.

7、 Welcome to our school. This is the teacher's office. That is my classroom. There are forty-six students in our class. The canteen is on the first floor. The library is on the second floor. We have a new music room. We play on the playground. I like our school.21.There are forty-five students in

8、 our class. _22.The canteen is on the second floor. _23.The library is on the first floor. _24.Amy likes her school. _25.They play on the playground. _参考答案1.(1)C(2)C(3)A【解析】(1)A.胡萝卜;B.洋葱;C.山羊。其中AB是蔬菜,C是动物。故选C。(2)A.便宜的;B.昂贵的;C.母鸡。其中AB是形容词,C是名词。故选C。(3)A.大的;B.猪;C.鸭子。其中BC是名词,A是形容词。故选A。2.B【解析】句意:他正在写一封信。

9、be动词后接动词的ing形式,write需要去e加ing,故选B。3.C【解析】句意:他能帮忙吗?是的,他可以。Can问can答,故选C。4.B【解析】句意:今天天气暖和吗?是的,暖和。问句主语是it,答语主语也得用it,故选B。5.C【解析】can是情态动词,can开头的一般疑问句,肯定回答:Yes,主语+can。否定回答:No,主语+can't. Thanks谢谢,时感谢用语。sorry,抱歉。句意:你可以帮我吗?故选C。6.C【解析】7.A【解析】略8.B【解析】句意:今天天气怎么样?这里下雨了。根据问句可知答语回答天气情况,排除AC。故选B。9.A【解析】句意:我们上公交车吧。

10、get on上(车),get in到达,get up起床,get on符合句意,故选A。10.C【解析】句意:刘涛正在买一个冰激凌。该句时态为现在进行时,现在进行时由“be+v-ing”构成。be应为助动词,随主语变化而改变,该句主语Lin Tao是第三人称单数,动词应该用is buying,故选C。11.C【解析】句意为:谁能帮助她。此处应该用人称代词的宾格,选项he(他),she(她)都是主格,选项her(她)是she的宾格形式,故选C。12.A【解析】句意:他们正在跳跃。该句是现在进行时态,be doing结构,主语they是复数,故系动词用are,故选A。13.B【解析】略14.

11、60;    4     2     7     1     5     3     8     6【解析】(1)句意:他正在做生日卡片。(2)句意:他在他的房间。(3)句意:杰克的生日是什么时候?(4)句意:吉姆在哪儿?(5)句意:他在为谁制作?(6)句意:他在干什么?(7)句意:明天。

12、(8)句意:他在为他的朋友杰克制作。组成的顺序是:(4)句意:吉姆在哪儿?(2)句意:他在他的房间。(6)句意:他在干什么?(1)句意:他正在做生日卡片。(5)句意:他在为谁制作?(6)句意:他在为他的朋友杰克制作。(3)句意:杰克的生日是什么时候?(7)句意:明天。故答案分别为42715386。15.F16.E17.D18.B19.A20.C【解析】(1)下句句意是她在超市。故问句是where引导的特殊疑问句,选项F.Where's your mum?符合题意。故选F。(2)下句句意是我不能搬动它们。故前句是谁能出来帮我呢?选项EWho can come out to help me

13、?符合题意,故选E。(3)下句句意是是请抓住气球吧。前句应该是有人主动出来帮忙。选项D.I will help you!符合题意,故选D。(4)奥不!我不能抓住橙子和气球。所以空这个地方是橙子正在掉落,故两者抓不过来。选项B.The oranges are falling.符合题意,故选B。(5)句意:快点,西蒙。我们需要你的帮助!根据前文可知西蒙正在做卡片,所以让他停下来。选项A.You can finish the card later.符合题意,故选A。(6)句意:西蒙!抓住气球。原因是气球正在飞远了。选项C.All the balloons are flying away.符合题意,故选C。21.F22.F23.F24.T25.T【解析】(1)句意:我们班有45名学生。根据短文句子 There are forty-six students in our class.(我们班有46名学生。)可知是46名。题目叙述错误。故答案为错误。(2)句意:餐厅在2楼。根据短文句子 The canteen is on the first floor. (餐厅在一楼。)可知在一楼。题目叙述错误。故答案为错误。(3)句意:图书馆在一楼。根据短文句子


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