


1、For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial useYWSTAR智能编程充电电源说明书Automotive Power Processor I nstruct ion ManualAPP-1800D使用说明简介随着汽车电子技术的发展, 越来越多的电子控制模块被安装在汽车上 使用。同时整车厂为了功能升级和零部件更换匹配的需要都允许对电子模 块进行软件在线编程升级, 但是软件编程升序需要整车有稳定且较高的电 压,有些软件编程升级过程还会持续很长的时间。这就需要一个稳定可靠的编程供电电源。我们基于“造中国最好的编程电源
2、”的理念,设计了这款编程电源。本产品适合12V汽车软件编程使用,通过模式切换也可以作为充电机给电 池充电或作为汽车维修调试时的供电设备。产品具有过压过流保护、掉电报警、断路报警、断路保护、极性反接 保护、高温报警等功能,显示屏有电流、电压、温度等工作状态信息和故 障信息的提示,可靠稳定方便易用。面板功能说明:1. 输出接口 2.通讯接口3.显示屏4. ALARM报警指示灯5. WORK工作指示灯6. C-ERR电池连接错误指示灯7. WARN警告指示灯8. MODE键,短按模式转换,长按切换菜单语言9. FORCE STAR!制启动键10.电源开关11.220V电源插座1技术参数:输出额定电流
3、:0-100A额定最大功率:1500W纹波与噪音:150mVp-p充电电池参数:DC12V铅酸7-350AH输入额定输入电压: AC220V ( ± 20%)频率范围:40-60HZ功率因子:0.95效率 :85%保护特性过载:额定输出功率的 100-110%过压:15.5V工作温度:-20 - +70 C安规:UL60950,TUV EN60950-1耐压:l/P-O/P:3KVAC l/P-FG:1.5KVAC绝缘阻抗:I/P-O/P, I/P-FG:100M Ohms、500VDC/25° /70%RH电池兼容:符合 EN55022, EN61000车辆编程前,关闭车
4、上用电设备,检查各设备电线是否连接可靠,在编 车辆不得无故操作电器相关部件,不得随意发动车辆,确保编程环境可靠操作说明:1.将220V输入电源线插入电源插座,开关上红色灯亮起表示220V输入正常2. 将红色电缆插入正极插座,黑色电缆插入负极插座,顺时针旋转使其锁住。3. 将正负极夹子分别连接蓄电池的正负极,此时显示屏启动。4. 显示屏提示打开电源开关。5. 开关打开后,设备自检。若自检正常,则发出警告,且不能启动。6. 自检结束,显示设备信息。27. 电源进入工作状态,按动模式键可选择需要的工作模式。长按模式键可实现中英文菜单转换。a)编程模式1:在车辆编程时,可选择该模式,保持稳定电压14.
5、5 V输出。b)编程模式2:在车辆编程时,可选择该模式,保持稳定电压14.8 V输出。c)标志充电模式:在对蓄电池常规充电时选择该模式,设备自 动调节充电电压和充电电流。充电完成后,设备发出提示。d)快速充电模式:在对蓄电池快速充电时选择该模式。设备自 动调节充电电压和充电电流。充电完成后,设备发出提示。8. 在电池电压过低无法正常启动时,可按强制启动键强制启动。 报警及故障排除:请开启右上角电源开关:当电源夹上蓄电池后,液晶屏就会亮起,如果出现本提示,请检查电源开关是否开启、开关上指ZK灯是否亮起,220V电源线是否插入、插座是否有电。过温保护,请检查负载,在整机断电一分钟后重启:当电源内部
6、温度超过额定最高温度后,电源自动关机保护,请检查负载是否正常,通风口是否被挡住等。过流保护,请检查负载,在整机断电一分钟后重启:当负载电流过大,超过额定最大电流时,电源自动开机保护,请检查负载或关闭车上大功率用电设备,整机断电后再重启。非法操作,关闭车上用电器,熄火发动机,整机断电一分钟后重启:当发生电源被用于启动车辆等非法操作情况时,电源自动关闭保护。注意本电源不能当发动机启动电源使用。电池电压过低,请先打开电源开关再按S键强制启动:当电源检测到蓄电池电压过低时,电源无法正常启动,如确定需 要强制启动,长按 FORCE STAFt并等待启动完成。充电结束:当电池充满时,充电机液晶屏提示电池充
7、满,在这种情况下30分3钟后,充电机转入浮充并将充电电压调整到13.8V,同时蜂鸣器每2分钟提示一次。检查连接:在标志充电和快速充电模式下,如果电源检测到和蓄电池的连接突然 开,电源就会发出报警。温度过高:当电源内部温度过高时,发出这个报警信号,请检查负载是否过大通风口是否被堵住。电压过高:当外接电池非12V铅酸电池时报警。检查电源输入:检查220V电源输入是否正常、开关是否打开、电源插头是否松动电源插座是否有点。风扇故障:散热风扇不能正常工作,需返厂维修。电池错误:在电源启动自检时,如果连接的电池非12V电池或电池已经断格顺坏,电源将发出电池错误提示。请检查电池。(参考强制启动键)请检查负载
8、:当电流过大时提示,如果提示持续较长时间,请检查电瓶是否正常、车上大功率用电器是否开启。预充电中禁止编程:在编程模式下,如果车辆因电池严重馈电或车上电器未关闭,电源自动调出电压,此时应等待预充电结束或者关闭电器后才能开始编程。特别提示:请遵守通用的安全用电规范。必须使用带接地线的供电插座。机内有高压,非专业人士请勿打开,以免电击! 本电源只适合12V铅酸电池使用!4InstructionsabstractWith the developme nt of vehicle electric tech niq ue, more and more electrical control model we
9、re used in automobile .In many case, the automobile factory have to update software on li ne and match ing replaceme nt parts in after market. A stable and reliable program ming power must used in this situati on.“ Build the best programming powerbas”d, on this idea we designed theproduct . It '
10、 s a programming power for 12V battery system. The power can also be used as a charger or power supply if you Change the work mode by press the MODE butt on on the pan el.With over-voltage over-curre nt protecti on, short circuit protecti on reversed polarity protecti on, high temperature alarm and
11、failure alarm. Status and other in formati on are displayed on the LCD, such as curre nt, voltage, temperature etc.|APP-1800D performs better than APP-1800C, with larger load capacity andmore stable.Front Pane:I. Output in terface2. Software in terface3. LCD4. ALARM: alarm In dicator 5. WORK: work I
12、n dicator6. C-ERR: Co nn ection error in dicator7. WARN: Warni ng in dicator8. MODE: mode butt onshort press switch work mode,long press switch Ianguage9. FORCE START: force start butt on 10. Main power switchII. 220V socketTechnical parametersOutputRated current: 0-100ARated power(max): 1500WRipple
13、 & n oise: 150mVp-pBattery parameters : DC12V Lead 7-350AHInputVoltage range : AC220V ( ± 20%)Frequency range : 40-60HZPower factor: 0.95Efficie ncy: >85%Overload : 100-110% of rated powerOvervoltage : >15.5VTemperature : -20 - +70CSafety sta ndards : UL60950,TUV EN60950-1Withstand vo
14、ltage : I/P-O/P: 3KVAC l/P-FG:1.5KVACIsolation resista nee : l/P-O/P , I/P-FG:100M Ohms、500VDC/25 ° /70%RH EMI : EN55022, EN61000Shutdown on the vehicle before programmingcheck connecti on Don ' t start the engine, don ' t operate the electric equipireerprogramming. Operating instructio
15、ns1. Plug the power cord into the 220V socket. The redin dicatoron the mai n switch will be turn on if 220V in putis normal 。2. Red clip connected to the battery positive, black battery clamp connect n egative. Clockwise to lock the quickconnector. And then the LCD will start.3. Turn on the main swi
16、tch, and wait self-test end. The power can' t start if self -test error.64. After starti ng, press the MODE button to select the appropriate worki ng mode. Press the MODE butt on for 3s to switch Ian guage betwee n En glish and Chin ese.Prog1 mode: output 14.5VProg2 mode: output 14.8VMaintain mo
17、de: output 13.8VAuto charge mode: appr.20AFast charge mode: appr.40A5. When the battery voltage istoo low, the power can' t startproperly. In this case, press the FORCE START button to start the power.Alarm and solutionPlease turn the main power switch on:Check the 220V power, check 220V socket,
18、 and check the main switch. The red in dicato r on the main switch will be tur n on if 220V in put is no rmal.Over temperature, check load, shutdown and restart 1min later:If the temperature is too high, the output has been shutdown. Check the air flue and the load.Over current, check load, shutdown
19、 and restart 1min later :The power output has been shut down, please check the battery, check the high power electric device, and restart the powerIllegal ope rati on, shut down electric equipme nt, stop engine, shutdow n and restart 1min later :Illegal operation, self protection. Check load.Attenti
20、on: The power can t be used as the starting power.Battery low, turn on the main power switch and press the S butt on to stall: When the battery voltage is too low, the powercan'tstart properly. In this case, press the FORCE START butt on to start the power.Charge end:In charge mode, if the batte
21、ry is full, the LCD will display end ” .7Check connection:In the charge mode, if the connection between power and battery is lost, the power will display the tips.Over temperature :If the temperature is too high, the tips will display on the LCD. Check the air flue and the load.Overvoltage:Please ch
22、eck the battery, 12V lead battery only!Check in put:Check the 220V power, check 220V socket, and checkthe main switch.The red in dicator on the main switch will be tur n on if 220V in put isno rmal.Fan error:Fan error, need maintain, and contact your local dealer.Battery error :Please check the batt
23、ery, 12V lead battery only!(When the voltage is too low, press the FORCE START button to start the power.)Check load:If the current is more than 80A, please check the battery and the High power electric device on the vehicle 。Pre-charging, forbid program :In programming mode, if the current is too l
24、arge, the power will step down the output voltage. In this case, programming is forbid.CAUTIONConnect battery to the power correctly, otherwise itwill not start!12V battery system only!Must use the original power cable !8产品保脩嗣1. 当本公司产品在使用中出现非人为故障或损坏,请联系当地经销商或 本公司保修。2. 产品保修三年,超过保修期的,维修时适当收取成本费。3. 在保修
25、期内,如出现以下情况本公司不予保修:a、自行拆开、检查、改装等。b、未按照使用说明书操作引发的故障。c、认为损坏、意外跌落摔坏、进水等情况。4. 因维修所产生的邮费交通费等,客户自理。Maintai ningGuide Manual:1. Products are warra ntedfor three full year(check ingand repairi ngservices) from the date of purchase whichproducts are not being damagedby any man-madefactors. please con tact the local dealer warra nty.2. If the followi ng situati ons occur, the producti on willnot bewarra nty:a. separate, maintain, or refit the productwithout authorizati on.b. Operati on not accord ing to the in struct ion manu al.c. dropped, watered3. In case the h
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