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1、内装订线学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_外装订线绝密启用前2020-2021学年外研版(三起)英语三年级上册期末专项训练:阅读理解题号一二三总分得分注意事项:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上评卷人得分一、阅读理解NameGirlBoyAge(年龄)John10Mary8Jack9Lucy71.John: Im _. ( )AsevenBtenCeight2.Mary: Im a _. ( )AgirlBboyCMs3.Jack: Im _. ( )AelevenBtwelveCnine4.Lucy: Im _. ( )AsevenBsixCthree 5.

2、Woofwoof is a red dog. _6.Tweettweet is a yellow cat. _7.Meowmeow is a black panda. _8.Tweettweet is a blue bird. _9.Meowmeow is black. _My name is Tom. Im a pupil. Im a boy. I am twelve. This is my room (房间). My desk is yellow and my chair is yellow too. This is my mother. She is a nurse. This is m

3、y father. He is a doctor. And this is my sister. Shes a pupil too. She is nine now.10.Tom is _. ( )A11B10C1211.Toms desk and chair are _. ( )AblueByellowCblack12.Toms father is a _. ( )AdoctorBteacherCpupil13.Toms mother is a _. ( )AdriverBnurseCfarmer14.Toms sister is _. ( )A8B9C10Ms Smart: Good af

4、ternoon!Lingling: Good afternoon!Ms Smart: Whats this?Lingling: Its a black desk.Ms Smart: Whats that?Lingling: Its a blue chair.Ms Smart: Where are they?Lingling: They are in the classroom.15.Good morning, Lingling! _16.This is a black desk. _17.That is a yellow chair. _18.The desk is in the classr

5、oom. _19.The chair is not in the classroom. _Sam: Hello, Danny. Whats this?Danny: Its my new bag. Mum (妈妈) bought it for (买给) me.Sam: How many pens are there (有) in the bag?Danny: Two.Sam: How many pencils?Danny: Five pencils.Sam: Five?Danny: Oh, no! Six!Sam: How many books?Danny: .nine, ten, eleven

6、!Sam: Danny, point to your new blue bag.20._ has (有) a new bag. ( )ASamBDannyCMum21.How many pens? ( )AOne.BTwo.CTen.22.How many pencils? ( )AFour.BFive.CSix.23.How many books? ( )ANine.BTen.CEleven.24.The bag is _. ( )AgreenBblueCblackI am Xiaoyong. I am nine. Today (今天) is my birthday. This is a t

7、oy dog (玩具狗) for me. I like (喜欢) it very much. I have (有) a big (大的) birthday cake. Sam, Daming, Tutu, Lingling and I are very happy on my birthday party.25.Today is _ birthday. ( )AXiaoyongsBherCSams26.Xiaoyong is _. ( )AsevenBeightCnine27.Xiaoyong likes the _. ( )AcapBtoy dogCtoy cat28.Xiaoyong ha

8、s a _. ( )Abig cakeBpenCpencil29._ people (人) come to Xiaoyongs birthday party. ( )AThreeBFourCFive30.They (他们) are very _. ( )AgoodBfineChappy评卷人得分二、任务型阅读31.Sam: Happy birthday, Jim! Heres your pen.Jim: Thank you!Tony: Happy birthday, Jim! Heres your cake.Jim: Thank you, Tony.Jane: Happy birthday,

9、Jim! Heres your ball.Jim: Thank you, Jane.Lucy: Happy birthday, Jim! Heres your book.Jim: Thank you!1. 2. 3. 4. a. b. c. d. 评卷人得分三、画图题32.读一读,画一画。This is a monster. It has (有) one head, three eyes, four ears, two noses and a big (大的) mouth. On its body (它的身体上), it has five arms and five hands, six le

10、gs and six feet (脚).参考答案1.B2.A3.C4.A【解析】本文介绍了四位小朋友的姓名、性别和年龄。(1)题干意为“约翰:我是_。”根据表格中的对应内容可知约翰是10岁。seven“7岁”,eight“8岁 ”。故选B。(2)题干意为“玛丽:我是一个_。”根据表格中的对应内容可知玛丽是女孩。boy“男孩”,Ms“女士”,指未婚女士。故选A。(3)题干意为“杰克:我是_。”根据表格中的对应内容可知杰克9岁。eleven“11岁”,twelve“12岁”。故选C。(4)题干意为“露西:我是_。”根据表格中的对应内容可知露西7岁。six“6岁”,three“3岁”。故选A。5.T

11、6.F7.F8.T9.T【解析】(1)句意:Woof-woof是一只红色的狗。根据My name is Woof-woof.Now Im a red dog.我的名字是woof -woof。现在我是一只红色的狗。可知句子与描述相符,故答案为T。(2)句意:Tweettweet 是一只黄色的猫。根据My name is Tweet-tweet.Now Im a blue bird.我叫Tweettweet。现在我是一只蓝色的鸟。可知句子与描述不符,故答案为F。(3)句意:Meow-meow是一只黑色的熊猫。根据My name is Meow-meow.Now Im a black cat.我的名

12、字叫Meow-meow。现在我是一只黑猫。可知句子与描述不符,故答案为F。(4)句意:Tweettweet 是一只蓝色的鸟。根据My name is Tweet-tweet.Now Im a blue bird.我叫Tweettweet。现在我是一只蓝色的鸟。可知句子与描述相符,故答案为T。(5)句意:Meow-meow是黑色的。根据根据My name is Meow-meow.Now Im a black cat.我的名字叫Meow-meow。现在我是一只黑猫。可知句子与描述相符,故答案为T。10.C11.B12.A13.B14.B【解析】(1)句意:汤姆_。根据My name is Tom

13、. Im a pupil. Im a boy. I am twelve. 我叫汤姆。我是一个学生。我是一个男孩。我十二岁了。故选C。(2)句意:汤姆的桌子和椅子是_。根据My desk is yellow and my chair is yellow too.我的桌子是黄色的,我的椅子也是黄色的。故选B。(3)句意:汤姆的父亲是一名_。根据This is my father. He is a doctor. 这是我的父亲。他是一名医生。故选A。(4)句意:汤姆的妈妈是一名_。根据This is my mother. She is a nurse. 这是我的妈妈。她是一个护士。故选B。(5)句意

14、:汤姆的妹妹_。根据And this is my sister. Shes a pupil too. She is nine now.这是我的妹妹。她也是一名学生。她现在九岁了。故选B。15.F16.T17.F18.T19.F【解析】(1)句意:早上好,玲玲!根据Good afternoon!下午好,可知句子与对话不符,故答案为F。(2)句意:这是张黑色的桌子。根据Its a black desk.它是张黑色的桌子,可知句子与对话相符,故答案为T。(3)句意:那是把黄色的椅子。根据Its a blue chair.它是把蓝色的椅子,可知句子与对话不符,故答案为F。(4)句意:桌子在教室里。根据

15、They are in the classroom.他们都在教室里,可知句子与对话相符,故答案为T。(5)句意:椅子不在教室里。根据They are in the classroom.他们都在教室里,可知句子与对话不符,故答案为F。20.B21.B22.C23.C24.B【解析】本文是一段萨姆与丹尼之间的对话,丹尼介绍了自己的书包里面都有哪些物品及对应的数量。(1)题干意为“_有一个新书包。”根据对话中“Danny: Its my new bag. Mum (妈妈) bought it for (买给) me.”可知是丹尼的妈妈给丹尼买的新书包。故选B。(2)题干意为“多少支钢笔?”根据对话中

16、“Sam: How many pens are there (有) in the bag? Danny: Two.”可知书包里有两支钢笔。故选B。(3)题干意为“多少支铅笔?”根据对话中“Sam: How many pencils? Danny: Five pencils. Sam: Five? Danny: Oh, no! Six!”可知书包里有六支铅笔。故选C。(4)题干意为“多少本书?”根据对话中“Sam: How many books? Danny: .nine, ten, eleven!”可知书包里有十一本书。故选C。(5)题干意为“书包是_。”根据对话中“Sam: Danny, p

17、oint to your new blue bag.”可知书包是蓝色的。故选B。25.A26.C27.B28.A29.B30.C【解析】短文大意:今天是小勇的生日,他收到了一个玩具狗,他非常喜欢,还有一个大的生日蛋糕,他的好朋友为他来庆祝生日,他非常开心。(1)句意:今天是_生日。根据短文I am Xiaoyong. I am nine. Today (今天) is my birthday.,可知今天是小勇的生日,A小勇的,B她的,C萨姆的,故选A。(2)句意:小勇_。根据短文 I am nine.可知小勇九岁了,A七,B八,C九,故选C。(3)句意:小勇喜欢_。根据短文This is a t

18、oy dog (玩具狗) for me. I like (喜欢) it very much.,可知小勇喜欢玩具狗,A帽子,B玩具狗,C玩具猫,故选B。(4)句意:小勇有_。根据短文I have (有) a big (大的) birthday cake. 可知小勇有一个大的生日蛋糕,A大蛋糕,B钢笔,C铅笔,故选A。(5)句意:_人来参加小勇的生日派对。根据短文Sam, Daming, Tutu, Lingling and I are very happy on my birthday party.可知有四个人来参加小勇的生日派对,A三,B四,C五,故选B。(6)句意:他们非常_。根据短文Tutu, Lingling and I are very happy on my birthday party.可知他们非常高兴,A好的,B好的, C高兴的,故选C。31.


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