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1、Unit 12 Culture Shock课标导重点单词owe, apology, absorb, brief, expectation, exchange, wander, majority,reasonable, book, modest, indicate, curiously, manner, arrival, familiar,stare, whisper, conduct, injure, belong, attach, vast, contrary, forgive,contrast重点短语get used to, give sb. a gift, see sb. off, be

2、long to, be fondof重点句型1.1 wish2.I had a difficult time understanding3. It made me feel that4. He insisted on walking重点语法1.与不定式或动名词搭配的动词2.现在分词Adopt to a new environmentWhat do you think the best way to adopt a new environment that has adifferent culture for a foreigner? Well, I think its to develop s

3、ocialrelationships with members of the new culture, and inorder to have a better communication with them, itenoughjustsspenaokt their language fluent, butwe also have to know the personality of the country and the way that peopletalking. Today I want to share some of my culture shock experiences wit

4、hyou, and I hope those experiences can help you to have a little closer look ofthe personality of Americans and the way that people talking.The first thing I want to talk happened at the first day I attended to USCas its student, which just several weeks ago. A friend and I went to thecafeteria to h

5、ave lunch. There was a middle size? guy caught my attention.He carried a big backpack and wore a huge headphone. He was singing ashe stopped in the front of a food counter. It seemed that the music he waslistening reached the climax. He closed his eyes, turned to another side andopened his arms whil

6、e his sound became more and more loud until almostyelled! Everybody turned to look at him, and he seemed still enjoyed in thatsong. During a short quiet moment, a lady who sat in a wheelchair besidethe table I sat suddenly moved her body hardly and yelled: I like it! I like it!The guy who shared the

7、 same table with us looked at me said:“Oh man,it is amazing, isnt it?”I was still in shock and replied him a smileaftecouple seconds. This experience is unforgettable for me. Thats the first time that I feel the free andopen personality that people have in this culture so strongly.The second thing I

8、 want to talk is a conversation that I heard betweenone of my classmates who came from Brazil and an American in Germanclass. The Brazilian said something like he thinks Bush is not going to bethe next president. The American disagree with him. So Brazilian began tolist his reasons to persuade the A

9、merican. But the American just said: ok,everyone.Mirror for Man: Actions and Thoughts Follow CultureIn a world where everyone has experienced the same poignant lifeexperiences, such as birth, helplessness, illness, old age, and death, it isincredible to think of the number of ways that peoplescan go

10、 through these events in life. It is most common that their attitudesand responses are influenced by their environment and society. As ClydeKluckhohn had explained in Mirror for Man, the best explanation for anyhuman action is the concept of culture. One cannot clearly define this idea,but through t

11、he comparison of two different groups of people hopefully onecan better understand the meaning of culture. By comparing Vietnam andthe United States, two very contrasting nations, one can see the forcebehind the concept of culture in shaping peoples lives.In terms of education, the similarities betw

12、een the two countries arefew. Both aim at improving their peoples lives, and yet the method in whichthis is achieved differs greatly. Vietnam, a small country with a largepopulation, has to make do with the lack of technology. It stresses hardwork rather than the use of machines. Children are encour

13、aged to do mathmentally rather than depend on calculators. As a result, the Vietnamesepeople do not consider it a sacrifice that they should lead a hard life. Also,their education emphasizes morality rather than independent thinking.Therefore, most Vietnamese children would never think of leaving th

14、eirfamilies before marriage, unlike the Americans, who would leave for collegeright after high school or move out of their parents house to live with friends.The Americans would also prefer to make their lives as easy as possible,which means that rather than adding mentally, they would turn to an ad

15、dingmachine or a computer. Their two ways of thinking differ as a result ofdifferent education methods.One can also see how culture causes people to be different in theirdress styles. In Vietnam, it is acceptable to wear clothes similar to pyjamasout in the street. Yet in America, one cannot do this

16、. One has to dressproperly, which means that pyjamas is worn at night and to bed only.However, it is incomprehensible to the Vietnamese why the Americanshave to dress so well to go to sleep, why they have to wear nightgowns orpyjamas with fancy designs. They do not understand why it is important top

17、ut on a robe when one eats breakfast. Most of all, the Vietnamese peopleare shocked when they realize that some Americans go to the oppositeextreme and not wear anything at all. Such indiscreet action is nevertolerated in their culture. Even though their clothes are simple, theVietnamese people alwa

18、ys make sure that their bodies are covered. Thewomen would never be found wearing anything that would reveal theirbodies in an improper fashion. The way that the Vietnamese and Americanpeople dress is very much determined by their ways of thinking.A very important factor which is influenced by cultu

19、re is marriage. Inboth societies, this is the time when a man and a woman come together andbecome one. The process for the wedding, however, is different. TheVietnamese people place an emphasis on parents approval, and thereforethe parents play an important role in their childrens marriage. Sometime

20、sthey even act as the matchmakers. In the United States, however, thechildren are left to make their own decisions. They meet someone they like,fall in love, and get married. Sometimes they go through this processwithout consulting their parents. Very often, they would go to places likeReno to marry

21、 quickly and have no second thoughts about what theirparents might have to say. For some of them, it does not matter what othersthink as long as they are happy with their decisions. Again, the differencesare results of different ways of thinking.As can be seen, peoples actions and thoughts are influ

22、enced by theircultures. The differences between Vietnam and the United States in suchareas as education, dress styles, and marriage are results of the way theywere raised. Their different behaviors can be traced back as early as theirfirst education and then along the way as they are growing up. The

23、y are allborn being the same, but because they are taught different sets of rules,their attitudes and responses to things in life are different. A Vietnameseperson would not be so unless he behaves in certain ways. He can becomeasAmerican as an American by birth as long as he is educated like anAmer

24、ican.Warm up单词拼写1. Well have a _ (烤肉野餐) this Friday.2. He _(烤了) a chicken for dinner.3. Judging by her _(口音), she must be a Southerner.4. It is bad_ (礼貌) to interrupt.5. We had beef _(牛排) for dinner.答案:1. barbecue 2. roasted 3. accent 4. manners 5. steak知识探究重点词汇1. associate vt.联合,结交;加入;由.联想到.,把.联系起来

25、associate one thing with another把某一事与另一事联系起来We associate China with the Greet Wall.我们想起中国,就联想到长城。拓展:associate oneself with加入;参与;与.发生联系associate with和.来往,和.共事,同.联合; (在思想上)同.联系在一起 运用:选择填空A healthy life is frequently thought to be _ with the open countrysideand homegrown food.A. associated B. related C

26、. involved D. tied答案:A2. check vt.检查;核对Before being used, the machine must be checked.机器使用前要先检查。Did the engineer have the machine checked?工程师叫人检查机器了吗? 拓展:check n.检查;核对;支票;账单blank check空白支票 自由行动的权力draw a check开一张支票in check在控制中;被阻止; (象棋中)(敌方主帅)处于被将军地位keep a check on监视,检查;控制check at对.发火check in签到;报到;办理

27、住宿手续; 美归还所借书籍; 俚死check out付帐离开旅馆;检查,核对,合格,及格check with与.相符合;与.协商 运用:选择填空Have you got any postcard?Oh, I havent _ my mailbox yetA. examinedB. checked C. tasted D. reviewed答案:B知识巩固 翻译下列句子1.你全部行李都寄存了吗? 答案:Have you checked all your luggage?2.他给母亲开了一张支票。 答案:He wrote his mother a check.3.我要去图书馆还这些书。答案:Im

28、just going to check in these books at the library.4.他们在工作上与他有关系。答案:They are associated with him in business.5.我不赞成他的提议。答案:I dont associate myself with his proposal.Lesson 1 Visiting Britain预习与检测单词拼写1._ The heat is(吸收)by the water.2. We have great_(期望)of you3. The price seems _ (合理的).4. After lunch I

29、 _ (闲逛) alone about the town.5. Will you _ (交换)seats with me?答案:1. absorbed 2. expectations 3. reasonable 4. wandered 5. exchange知识探究 一重点单词1owe vt.1)欠(债等)+to/forI owe the landlord one hundred dollars./I owe one hundred dollars to thelandlord.我欠房东一百美元。2)(应)感激+toWe owe a great deal to our parents.我们深受

30、父母之恩。3)应该把.归功于+toWe owe to Newt on the prin ciple of gravitati on.我们全靠牛顿才知道引力的原理。拓展:owe vi.欠钱I still owe for my car.我还欠着买汽车的钱。owing to由于Owing to the rain the match was can celled.由于下雨,比赛取消了。because of ,due to , owing to , on account of禾口thanks to的用法比较这一组词都表示”由于”的意思,在使用时应该注意以下区别:1. because of意为”由于,因为

31、”,强调因果关系,在句中仅作状语,修饰句中的一部分, 与其他成分不用逗号隔开。如:We must not get discouraged because of such a minor setback.我们决不可因为这样一个小小的挫折而灰心丧气。2. owing to与because of一样,也强调因果关系,除作状语外,也可作表语。作状语时 修饰整个句子,可在句首或句末,用逗号隔开。如:They decided to cancel the flight,owing to the storm.由于这场暴风雨,他们决定取消这个航班。His death was owing to an accide

32、nt.他死于一场事故。3.due to引出造成后果的原因,在句中作表语、状语和定语。作表语和状语时与owing to同义,作状语时,一般不与其他成分隔开。如:This accident was due to(owing to)his careless driving.这次车祸是由于他开车疏忽大意造成的。He arrived late due to(owing to)the storm.由于暴风雨他来晚了。Mistakes due to careless ness may have serious con seque nces由于疏忽大意造成的错误可能带来严重的后果。4. on account

33、of与because of, owing to同义,但语气较为正式。可作状语、表语,不作 定语。如:He could not come on account of his illness.他因病不能前来。That was on account of lack of exercise.那是由于缺乏锻炼。5.thanks to表示”幸亏,多亏 哆用于表达正面意思,相当于感谢,在句中作状语和表语。 如:Thanks to your advice,much trouble was saved.多亏你的建议,减少了许多麻烦。 运用:翻译下列句子1)由于缺乏经验,我没有把工作做好。答案:Owing to

34、my lack of experie nee, I did nt do the work well.2)幸亏有汽车代步,我才得以及时赶回家。答案:Thanks to the car, I was able to get back home in time.3)他的病是由于工作过。答案:His illness was due to overwork.4)那是由于缺乏锻炼。答案:That was on account of lack of exercise2apology n.1)道歉;赔罪+to/forI owe you an apology for my rudeness last night

35、.昨天晚上我太粗暴,应该向你道歉。2)辩解,辩护Her open letter was really an apology for her way of life.她的公开信实际上是对她生活方式的辩护。拓展: apologize vi.1)道歉;认错,赔不是+to/forHe apologized to her for not going to her party.他因为没有出席她举行的宴会而向她表示歉意。2)辩解,辩护apology的常用短语有:an apology for sth.不像样的代替品in apology for为.辩护lame apology站不住脚的辩护;漏洞百出的借口off

36、eran apology to sb. for sth.为某事向某人道歉make an apology to sb. for sth.为某事向某人道歉offer ones apology to sb. for sth.为某事向某人道歉makeones apology to sb. for sth.为某事向某人道歉 运用:句型转换I made my apology to him for my being late. = Ifor my beinglate.答案:apologised to him3. absorb vt.吸收(液体,气体,光,声等) Cotton gloves absorb sw

37、eat.棉手套吸汗。拓展:absorb还有以下的意思:1)汲取,理解(知识等)So many good ideas! Its too much for me to absorb all at once.这么多好主意!太多了,很难一下完全吸收。使全神贯注;吸引(注意等)The old man was utterly absorbed in the book.老人全神贯注地读这本书。3)合并(公司等) ;吞并+into Small businesses are absorbed by big ones.小公司被大公司吞并了。4)承受;经受She wont be able to absorb ano

38、ther heavy blow.她无力承受再一次沉重的打击。be absorbed in doing sth.意思是专心于.运用:选择填空These two students_ in chatt ing in the classroom without no tici ng theirteacher coming in.A. absorbed B. were absorbed C. were absorbing D. had absorbed答案:B.4expectation n.1)期待;预期The dog wagged its tail in expectation of a bone.那

39、条狗摇着尾巴,巴望吃肉骨头。2)期望,预期的事物The reward fell short of our expectations.奖励不符我们的希望。3)前程a young artist with great expectations有远大前程的青艺术家out of expectation意料之外 拓展:expect vt.1) 预计.可能发生(或来到);预料;预期+that+tovHe expected to finish the work by March.他预期三月份完成这项工作。We expected that you would succeed.我们预计你会成功的。2) 期待;等待

40、;盼望Thats just what we expected.那正是我们所期望的。Ill expect you for supper at six oclock.我六点等你吃晚饭。3)认为理应得到;指望;要求+fromDont expect too much of him.别对他期望过高。I expect you to be punctual.我要求你准时。The professor expected respect from his students.教授认为生理应尊敬他。4)想;认为+that I expect you are right.我想你是对的。运用:改错He is a young

41、 man with great expectation.答案 vt.交换;调换;兑换+for/withId like to exchange some pounds for dollars.我想把一些英镑兑换成美金。Well have an opportunity to exchange views tomorrow.明天我们将有机会交换看法。拓展:exchange vi.交换;兑换;调换职务(或位置)exchange n.1)交换;交流;交易An exchange of opinions is helpful.相互交换意见是

42、有益的。2) (电话)交换机;交换台What is the rate of exchange between the pound and the mark?英镑与马克的兑换率是多少?交易所;市场 运用:选择填空Last week she exchanged her car _ a flat.A. on B. in C. for D. by答案:C二 重点短语1be/get used to习惯于She is used to hard work.她习惯于艰苦工作。拓展:be used to1)被用做.be used to do The quilt is used to keep warm.2)习惯

43、.be/get used to doingHe has got used to new enviroments.3)be used for +名词/动名词The quilt is used for keeping warm.4)used to do (did something very often in the past)过去常做.He used to go there. But now, he seldom go there.运用:用use, used to, be/get/become used to, be used as/for的适当形式填空。1. As you know, cott

44、on _ make quilts.2. He came from the north, so he _ such hot weather.3. Who knows the name of the tool that _ lifting cars?4. English _ a foreign language.5. The farmers in China _ live a poor life, but now most of them livea happy life.6. Please give me a knife _ .7. You will _ living in the countr

45、y.8. We _ go there every year when I was young.9. People _ coal to cook and heat.10. There _ be a free market in this village.答案:1. is used to 2. wasnt used to/didnt get/become used to 3. is used for used as 5. used to 6. to use 7. be/become/get used to 8. used to 9.use10.used to2. avoid doing

46、sth.避免做某事They all tried to avoid mentioning that mane.他们都尽量避免提到那个名字。I looked down to avoid meeting his eyes.我向下看以避免看到他的眼睛。拓展:习惯后接动名词作宾语的动词及短语动词主要有:admit承认/ advise建议/allow允许/ appreciate感激/ avoid避免/ consider考虑/ delay推迟/ deny否认/ discuss讨论/ dislike不喜欢/ enjoy喜爱/ escape逃脱/ excuse原谅/ fancy设想/ finish完成/ for

47、bid禁止/ forgive原谅/ imagine想像/ keep保持/ mention提及/ mind介意/ miss没赶上/ pardon原谅/ permit允许/practise练习/ prevent阻止/ prohibit禁止/ put off推迟/ report报告/ risk冒险/ stop停止/ suggest建议/ carry on继续/ canhtelp禁不住/ feel like想要/ give up放弃/ keep on继续/ put off推迟/ set about开始,着手/ objectto反对/ insist on坚持/ pay attention to注意/ s

48、tick to坚持/ get down to开始认真做/ look forwards to期盼/ be get used to习惯于/ lead to导致/ bedevoted to致力于,专用于,等。如:None of us enjoy getting up early.我们中间没人喜欢早起。He kept standing during the meeting.开会时他一直站着。He advised leaving early.他建议早点动身。I suggest going to Hawaii for our Christmas holiday.我建议去夏威夷过圣诞节。I hate him

49、我讨厌他,但又不得不见他。They are practising singing the new song.他们正在练习唱新歌。We decided to put off leaving.我们决定推迟动身。I dont feel like cook in g. Let我不想eat饭ut.我们出去吃吧。This dictionary is devoted to explaining word usage.这本词典是解释词的用法的。注意:有的动词(如advise, allow, forbid, permit等)后虽然不能直接跟不定式作宾语,但可接不 定式作宾语补足语;而有些动词(如consider

50、, understand,discuss等)虽不接不定式作宾语, 却可接 “疑问词 “+不定式 ”作宾语。如:He advised me to buy a computer.他建议我买台电脑。Have you considered how to get there?你是否考虑过如何到那儿去?运用:选择填空1Dont you remember _?(MET1981)Aseeing the man beforeBto see the man beforeCsaw the man beforeDto have been seeing the man before2Would you mind _ y

51、our radio a little,please?(MET1982)Aturn off _ Bturning offCto turn down Dturning down3People couldnt help _ the foolish emperor in theprocession(MET1983)Alaugh at Bto laugh atClaughing at Dlaughing on4Do you remember _ me at a party last year?(MET1984)AmeetBto meetCmeeting Dmet5Only one of these bo

52、oks is _(MET1986)Aworth to read Bworth being readCworth of reading Dworth reading答案:15 ADCCD三重点句型I think we should consider staying in the English countryside for a few nightsas I know you enjoy hiking.这是由as引导的原因状语从句。拓展:consider的用法:consider作“考虑”解,可接以下成分作宾语。1)接名词或代词I must consider it very carefully.我

53、应仔细考虑此事。2)接动名词Kates considering changing her job.凯特正考虑调换一下工作。3)接疑问词+不定式Has he considered where to go?他考虑好去哪儿了吗?4)接宾语从句Im considering how I should answer the letter.我正考虑如何回这封信。二. consider作“认为”解,后接从句或复合宾语。I consider / think that she has been badly treated.我认为她受到了虐待。We consider that you are not to blam

54、e. = We dont think that you are toblame.(注意think的宾语从句为否定句时,要否定前移)我们认为你不该受责备。Where do you consider/ think we should go?你认为我们该到哪里去?接复合宾语时,可用以下形式作宾语补足语:1) consider / think +宾语+(to be)+名词/形容词I consider/ think her (to be ) a selfish man.我认为她自私。2) consider/ think +it+名词/形容词+不定式/宾语从句He considers /thinks it

55、 necessary that we master English.他认为我们英语是有必要的。3) consider/ think of (也可用regard) +宾语+as+名词/形容词/分词We mustntconsider / think of/ regard him as a foolishman.我们决不可认为他是一个愚蠢的人。Only then can we consider / think of / regard ourselves as having done ourduty.只有到那时我们才认为我们已尽了责任。4) consider(不能用think) +宾语+to do H

56、e considers me to lack experience.他认为我缺乏经验。as的使用:as.as的用法as.as意为”和.一样”,表示同级的比较。使用时要注意第一个.as为副词,第二个as为连词。其基本结构为:as+ adj./ adv. +as。如:1) This book is as interesting as that one这本书和那本书一样有趣。2) Your pen writes as smoothly as mine.你的钢笔书写起来和我的一样流畅。注意:若有修饰成分,如twice, three times, half, a quarter等,则须置于第一个as之前

57、。如:Your bike is twice as expensive as mine.你的自行车比我的贵一倍。几个关于as.as的常见句型:1) possiblePlease answer my question as soon as possible.请尽快回答我的问题。2) usual/beforeShe looks as pretty as before.她看起来和以前一样漂亮。3) as long as. (引导条件状语从句)It took us as long as three years to carry out the plan.我们花了长达三的时间才完成

58、这项计划。4) as far asHe walked as far as the railway station yesterday evening.昨天傍晚,他一直散步到火车站。5) as well asShe cooks as well as her mother does.她烧菜烧得跟她母亲一样好。2. as用作连词引导时间状语从句as与when,while都是引导时间状语从句的从属连词,含义都是当.的时候。但它们有区别:用when时,从句的动作可以与主句的动作同时发生,也可以先于主句的动作发生;用while时,从句的动作为一过程,主句动作与从句动作同时进行或在从句动作过程中发生;用as

59、时,主句和从句的动作同时发生,具有延续的含义。例如:1) It was snowing when he arrived at the construction site.他到达工地时,天正在下雪。2) He was watching TV while his mother was cooking.他母亲做饭时他在看电视。3) You will grow wiser as you grow older.你会随着龄的增长而越来越聪明。3. as用作连词引导原因状语从句as,because,since都可以表示因果关系,连接原因状语从句,含义是因为,由于,但它们有区别:because表示的语气最强;

60、as一般放在句首,语气较弱,较口语化;si nee常常用在书面语中,表示多为对方已知的、或稍加分析便可得知的原因,有时可译作既然。例如:1) He will succeed because he is in earnest.他一定会成功,因为他很认真。2) Since you are so sure of it he”ll believe you.既然你对此如此有把握,他会相信你的。3) As rain has fallen, the air is cooler.因为下过雨,空气比较清爽。4. as作连词引导让步状语从句as与although (或though),however (或no ma


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