1、信息发布论文:三农服务管理系统之信息发布子系统的设计与实现【中文摘要】近年来,国家对三农逐年投入的增加和加快农村信 息化建设,促进农村现代化进程。建设三农信息系统为更好整合我省 现有面对农业、农村和农民的各类信息服务网络,更好地为广大农民提供全面准确的信息服务。系统将充分依托省公众信息服务平台,统 一信息发布,实现各厅局信息发布制度化、规范化,更好地为广大农民 及时提供全面、准确的生产、生活信息服务。本文研究如何设计和实 现信息发布子系统,为各厅局信息发布提供一个统一的发布平台。根 据需求本系统主要实现的是福建省三农服务管理系统信息发布子系 统。采用 B/S 架构,MVC软件体系结构设计模式O
2、racle 作为后台数据 库开发设计。总体的系统框架采用的是当今主流的三层体系结构,分为表现层、业务逻辑层和数据访问层,降低了层与层之间的耦合性,增强了系统的灵活性,减少了系统的开发和维护成本。MVC 设计模式 用以实现系统的业务流程Struts 用来实现表现层,Weblogic Server 用来进行软件的部署及提供连接池方式访问后台数据库。本文对信息发布子系统进行了充分的需求分析和业务功能设计,并使用 JBuilder 平台进行系统的开发。信息发布子系统实现对信息文档从创建到发布 的全过程管理。根据需求分析本系统主要提供三大功能模块:发布流 程模板模块、发布流程模块、发布流程节点模块。其中
3、发布流程模板 模块是信息发布的基础和前提,主要负责发布流程节点的设置。发布流程模块实现从发布流程模板创建流程以及设置发布流程各节点用户。发布流程节点模块主要实现发布流程各节点的操作。本文对以上三个模块进行了详细的设计和实现。【英文摘要】In recent years,our country has in creased its capitalspending year after year on three agriculture and atte nded to speed uprural In formatio nizatio n and accelerate the process of
4、 rural Moder ni zation in Chi na.The con structi on of three agriculturalinformationsystemaims to integrate then etwork in formatio n service of agriculture, rural areas and farmers,alsocomprehe nsive in formati on services will be provided to farmers.Thesystem relies on the Fujia n Pro vince Gover
5、nment Affair In formatio n network,provide an uni fied platform for every departme nt to systematizeand sta ndardize informationdistribution. It also provide the dailyproductionand life information service for the farmers.This paper studies desig n andimpleme ntati on of in formati on distributi on
6、subsystem of threeagricultural in formatio n system.Accordi ng to the requirements of thesystem is a major achievement of the information distributionsubsystem.This system uses B/S designpatter n,MVC software architecture.Oracle is used to man age data.Themain framework of the system is an up-to-dat
7、e 3-layersstructurein cludi ng bus in ess logic layer (BLL), user layer (UL) and dataaccess layer (DAL).The advantage of this structure is to reduce thecoupling among layers, enhance the flexibility and reduce the cost ofsystem development and maintenance. MVC desig n patter n is used toachieve the
8、bus in ess process of the system,a nd the Struts used toachieve the performa nee tier.Additi on ally it also expla ins how to deploysoftware and access back-e nd database by conn ecti on Pool in weblogicServer .In this thesis,the in formatio n distributi on subsystem is fullyoperational requirement
9、analysis and functions designed,and uses theJBuilder platform for the development of the system. The subsystem mainly achieves man ageme nt process from creat ing a docume nt to Publishing.lt provides the main features of the three modules:Publishi ng ProcessTemplateMan ageme nt Module,Publish ing P
10、rocess Man ageme nt Module andProcess Nodes Man ageme nt Module.Publishi ng Process Template Manageme nt Module is the foun dati on and prerequisite of the subsystemt isresponsible for The initialSettings of processno des.Publishi ng Process Man ageme nt Module uses template for creation publishi ng process and sets users for each process no de.ProcessNod
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