1、 Dipl.-Psych. Sarah HatfieldProduction Metrology & QualityFraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPTSteinbachstrae 17, D-52074 Aachen,Tel.: +49 (0241 8904-257Fax: +49 (0241 8904-6257Email: sarah.hatfieldipt.fraunhofer.deURL: http:/www.ipt.fraunhofer.de 1 Case Study RhiemServices GmbHIn this
2、exercise the company RhiemServices will be introduced and a case study outof the company will be discussed.2 Foundation of RhiemServices GmbHThe RhiemServices GmbH is a pretty young company, but currently passes through astrong period of expansions.The companys origin lies in the printing industry.3
3、 OEM: original equipmentmanufacturer4 Fulfillment is a term out of the US-American area and includes all processes that runbefore and after the manufacturing of the main product.The low partition of manufacturing within these processes allowsto call fulfillment aservice.5 Todays product and service
4、offer-Todays services are divided into different groups according their scale and different customers.-Services for C-customers are closely linked with material products and can still benamed products.-Services for B-customers already integrate preliminary and follow-up processes ofproduction proces
5、ses.E.g. activities like warehousing and procurement are part of aprocess to centralizemarketing material.-Services for A-customers include the entire service range and are called “Fulfillment”.A characteristic of the service range of RhiemServices GmbH is the core element ofprinting products.6 Task
6、 of the exercise is the preparation of an offer for a fulfillment-service. Main partwill be the modeling of the service processes and their quality assurance.A detailed description of the starting situation will be given in the exercise.This exercise discusses a similar customer like Panasonic alrea
7、dy is for RhiemServices.All important processes that follow up the production in Asia and prepare the productfor mass distribution of completely packaged products are being handled by RHIEM.78 Service BlueprintingDetailed information about the method-The modeling of service processes is mostly done
8、with service blueprints.-The service blueprint represents the service process and structures all its partial activities independentlyfrom the providing business unit in different labels. These labels can be distinguished by their distance tothe customer.Structure and labels of a service-blueprint:-C
9、ustomer-activities lie above the line of interaction“ and include all activities, that are done by thecustomer.-Onstage-activities are located between the line of interaction“ and the line of visibility“ and include alldirect customer induced and activities, that are perceived by the customer.-Backs
10、tage-activities lie between the line of visibility“ and the line of internal interaction“ and include alldirect customer-related activities. These activities have to be fulfilled by thecustomer interfaces humanbeing or machine and they can not be perceived by the customer.-Support-activities lie bet
11、ween the line of internal interaction“ and the line of order penetration“ andinclude all activities where customer information is transferred to customer related activities by internalunits (e.g. office duty services.-Preparation-activities lie between the line of order penetration“ and the line of
12、implementation“ and The method Service Blueprinting can be used for modeling serviceprocesses and asa Consumer Research Tool, for Planning and Structuring and as anAnalysis Tool,too.9 The creation of a Blueprint is done in four steps with a interdisciplinary workshop asmain part.10 Creation of a Ser
13、vice blueprint for the Fulfillment processThe entire fulfillment-process combines several value added processes.11 The whole process is divided into ordering, fulfillment itself and billing.12 Main processManufacturing“ (Exercise13 14 15 16 17 18 ServQual -Detailed information about the method-The s
14、ubjective and customer-orientated assessment procedure SERVQUAL isbased on the GAP-modeland evaluates the GAPs1 to 5.-The assessment procedure SERVQUAL has been developed at the MarketingScience Institute (MSI inCambridge (MA USA in 1980s.19 The service quality is assessed in five dimensions.20 A qu
15、estionnaire includes these five dimensions in 22 questions and can used foracquiring their characteristics.21 The characteristic of the quality dimensions is analyzed by a double scale with theiractual situation and their target situation.The difference between both situations presents the service q
16、uality.22 Executing a ServQual-survey-Rhiem Services has assessed their service quality, an extract these findings isshown above.-A slightly modified ServQual-questionnaire was used fprthis survey.23 The survey resp. the assessment yield different results:-The majority of the quality dimensions cont
17、ribute to the customers satisfaction.-But some results reveal deficits regarding service quality.24Conclusions of the ServQual Questionnaire Serious quality problems at subjects 5 and 10 5. When Rhiem Services promises to do something by a certain time, it delivers on time. 10. Rhiem Services keeps customers informed about when services will be performed. The customer regards the delivery of the service on time as very important and wants to have an overview about the order status. Rhiem Services ha
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