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1、9 A Unit2 Colours TaskDesign: By Lu XiaoliWeve learnt about the relationship between colours and moods in this unit. Can you tell me what the different colours represent and how they influence us?bluecalm and sadnesswhitecalm and peacewarm coloursorangejoy and warmthyellowwisdom and successenergetic

2、 coloursgreenenergy and naturestrong coloursredpower and strengthblackpower and trust black blue green orange red white yellow power and trustcalm and sadnessenergy and naturejoy and warmthpower and strengthcalm and peacewisdom and successTask 1: What does represent?Words reviewtrustcalmwarmthn. 信任信

3、任n. 平静,镇静平静,镇静n. 温暖,暖和;温暖,暖和;热情热情Look at the picture and answer the questions.1.How many people are there in the picture?2. Where is the woman?One.Near a river. 3. What is the woman wearing?4. Does she look happy?5. Do you like what she is wearing?A red dress and white shoes.Yes.1. Whats the colour

4、of the womans ?2. What does represent?3. Why does she wear ? handbagTask 2: Discuss in pairs. Red and white are a good match.The powerful red balances the calm white.Task 1: Help Millie complete part of her report using the table on Page 32.Colors and what they represent Millie The woman in this pic

5、ture is wearing a _ dress and a pair of _ shoes. She is carrying a white handbag too. This is interesting because red and white are very different colors.Red represents _ and _. Maybe she feels weak, and that is why she is wearing redshe just wants to make herself look more powerful.White represents

6、 _ and _. She may hope that the colour white could help her calm down.I think the woman must feel a little bit stressed, and she hopes these colours will change that. Red and white are a good match, as the powerful _ balances the calm _.redwhitepowerstrengthcalmpeaceredwhite1. Red and white are a go

7、od match, as. 红与白搭配相宜,因为红与白搭配相宜,因为 1) 句中的句中的match用作名词用作名词,意思是意思是“搭配搭配”;match也可以用作动词,也可以用作动词, 意思是意思是“与与相配,相一致相配,相一致”。 e.g. Your red tie matches your white shirt well. 你的红领带和白衬衫很配你的红领带和白衬衫很配。2) 用用and连接的两个单词或短语做主语连接的两个单词或短语做主语时,谓语动词用复数。但是如果用时,谓语动词用复数。但是如果用and连接主语表示一个概念,谓语动连接主语表示一个概念,谓语动词用单数词用单数。 e.g. B

8、read and butter is my favourite breakfast. 黄油面包是我最喜欢的早餐。黄油面包是我最喜欢的早餐。2. that is why she is wearing red 那就是为什么她穿的是红色的那就是为什么她穿的是红色的 why she is wearing red 是表语从句。是表语从句。表语从句(表语从句(Predicative Clause)就是)就是用一个句子作为表语。说明主语是什用一个句子作为表语。说明主语是什么或者怎么样,由名词、形容词或相么或者怎么样,由名词、形容词或相当于名词或形容词的词或短语充当,当于名词或形容词的词或短语充当,和连系动词

9、一起构成谓语。和连系动词一起构成谓语。e.g. The question is when he can arrive at the hotel. 问题是,他什么时候可以到达酒店。问题是,他什么时候可以到达酒店。3. I think the woman must feel a little bit stressed. 我认为这个女人一定感觉有点紧张。我认为这个女人一定感觉有点紧张。 a little bit意为意为“一点点一点点” e.g. This is a little bit too difficult for me. 这对我来说有点难。这对我来说有点难。Exercise1. Red re

10、presents power and strength. This is _ she is wearing red. A. because B. why C. that2. Black represents power and protection. Oh, I see. It can make him _ powerful. A. fell B. to feel C. feelBC3. Look, he is wearing white today. What do you think of him? Maybe he is feeling _stressed. A. a bit littl

11、e B. a little bit C. a bit of B3 parts Main body Conclusion Task 2: Analyze the structure of the article.Para 1:Paras 2&3:Para 4: Introduction (What he/she is wearing)(What each colour represents, moods & reasons)(Your opinion)Task 3: Make some notes about the two advertisements.Colour of T-

12、shirt/ skirt/ hat/ shoes: _Represents:_Moods:_green/ yellow/ white/ blue energy and nature/ wisdom and success/ calm and peace/ calm and sadness relaxed, peaceful, bright, cheerfulReasons: _Is it a good fruit juice advertisement? _Why or why not? _ Because of the sunshine and the scene, it looks lik

13、e the girl is on holiday.Yes. Sunshine and beaches make you thirsty. The juice looks refreshing(提神的;使清爽的)(提神的;使清爽的).Colour of T-shirt/ trousers/ glasses/ shoes: _Represents:_Moods:_orange/ blue/ black/ white joy and warmth/ calm and sadness/ power and trust/ calm and peaceanxious(焦虑的)焦虑的), powerfulR

14、easons: _Is it a good mobile phone advertisement? _Why or why not? _ The man looks very busy and he is running. He might be doing something important.No. Strong and powerful colours make people feel anxiousThe woman beside the sea is wearing The color represents can give her energy. can make her fee

15、l I (dont) think it is a good , because The man is wearingThe color represents can make him feel I (dont) think it is a good , because Task 4: Say something about them.The man (woman) is wearing Green/Red represents Maybe he/she feels I think IntroductionMain bodyConclusionTask 5: Choose one ad and

16、write a report.Share your report with your group members and improve your report if necessary.Sample writing (I) The girl in the advertisement is wearing a green T-shirt and a yellow skirt. Green represents energy and nature. Maybe she feels tired and thinks green can make her feel more energetic. Y

17、ellow represents warmth and can also remind people of a warm sunny day. Maybe she likes yellow because it is the colour of the sun. The girl is also wearing a hat with an orange flower on it. Orange brings people joy and warmth. The girls blue shoes show that she is relaxed. I think this girl is che

18、erful and friendly. She prefers warm, energetic and calm colours to strong colours. I like this advertisement because it makes me feel warm and reminds me of the summer holidays.Sample writing (II) The man in the advertisement is wearing an orange T-shirt and blue trousers. This interesting because these two colours have different meanings. Orange represents joy and can cheer you up if you are sad. Blue represents sadness and calm. I think he is very happy, but he also looks very busy a


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