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1、牛津英语7A Unit 2)    一、用所给词的 适当形式完成句子!1. The Twins dont know how _  (play) football.2. They want _ (watch) TV.3. My friends are _ (real) great.4. He spends two hours _ (do) his homework every day.5. I often practise _ (play) volleyball.6. We should _ (finish) our

2、 homework.7. I can sing _  (good).8. Id like _ (see) a film.9. We are all looking forward to_  (meet) you.10.Mr. Wang _  (teach)  _  (she) English.11 like this book very much because it's very i        

3、;.12.There are many old things in these m        .13.There isn't e         food in the fridge.We must buy some more.14.T        comes after Wednesday.15.Sandy an

4、d Millie are b         members of the school football team.16.Amy often b         snakes from the tuck shop.17.I have many friends. They are r         

5、;great!18.Do you know the a          to those questions?19.I like some p         of the day and I dislike others.20.Don't put your h         

6、out of the window. It's dangerous.二、选用所给词(组)的适当形式填空,每个只能用一次。listen to, turn off, eat, spend, meal, watch, I, be called, too much,do after-school activities1.It's bad             too much TV or films.2.My cousin   

7、;          the radio after she gets up.3.There is a club near our school. It            the Young Club.4.Can you come and           

8、60;the weekend with us?5.How many           do Chinese people eat every day?6.There are            cars on the street, so I'm late.7.A cat       &

9、#160;   fish.8.When you leave, please don't forget            the lights.9.Simon usually            from 4:00 to 5:00 on Wednesday afternoon.10.It's time for

10、 Jim and            to play games.三、选择(   )1.Theres _ orange coat in the room, and _coat is Li Hongs.A. a, an          B. a, the        

11、;      C. an, the         D. the, the(   )2.He has _lights in the room.A. any           B. no          &#

12、160;      C. a             D. not some(   )3. Thank you for _our party.A. organizing    B. organized           C. o

13、rganizes       D. organize(   )4. Each girl _a dress like yours.A. have          B. has                 C. there

14、60;         D. own(   )5. Thats Jims bag .Give _,please.A. it him         B. it to him            C. them him    &#

15、160; D. him them(   )6. We usually have a good time _ lunchtime.A. for            B. in                  C. by   &#

16、160;        D. at(   )7. Are _of you from the same family, Jane and Ann?A. both         B. none                C. all

17、60;           D. no(   )8. Dont sit on the chair. There _ on it.A. is some water   B. are some water       C. is any water D. are any water(   )9Give me some oranges

18、, please._.A. Here you are  B. Thats all right       C. OK, give you   D. Its here(   )10. Its too late now. I think the shop is _.A. open         B. closed    

19、          C. opens           D. close(   )11. Do you have time _me?A. talking        B. to talk to       

20、     C. talk to       D. talk with(   )12. There are _ things to do in the garden.A. much        B. lots of             

21、  C. a lot         D. lot of(   )13. Do you_ football matches on TV?No, I dont. I_ films.A. watch ,see        B. look ,see       C. watch, look  

22、   D. see ,look(   )14.- We will have a school trip next week.  _.          A. Have a good time  B. We will   C. Im happy to hear it  D. Dont forget it(   )15.

23、After school ,Sandy _Simon and _ go home together.A. meets up; they  B. meets up with; they  C. meets up ; she  D .meets up with; she(   )16. Can you       English? Only a little. A. say    

24、    B. talk      C. speak       D.  tell(   )17. Look at the books. _ are new. My aunt gave_ to me as a present.A. They, them   B. They, their   C. Their, them&

25、#160;  D. Their, they(   )18. .I like seeing all _ students in the Assembly Hall.A. the other    B. the others     C. other        D. another (   )19. What time is it now

26、?       _.A. Its about 6   B. About at 6   C. In about 6     D. About 6(   )20May I _ the door? Its too _ today.OK.A. open, cold  B. close, hot    C. to close,

27、cold  D. close, cold四、句型转换1. She does after-school activities.(改为一般疑问句)_2. I spend half an hour reading English every day(同义句)_3. Jane goes to her dancing lessons every Tuesday.(对划线部分提问)_4. He goes to school by bike every day.  (对划线部分提问)_5. She isnt good at En

28、glish. (同义句)_6. What do you think of your new school? (同义句)_7. We go home twice a week. (对划线部分提问)_8. I like the coat because it is beautiful. (对划线部分提问)_9. He is in the Swimming Club. (同义句)_10. They are both students. (同义句)_五、改错1.My  mother  wakes up me  at six

29、  every day .2.We  shouldnt  watch  too many  TV.3.There  are  lots of  peoples  in  the room.    4.She  doesnt  her  homework  every day.5.

30、She  gets  some  informations  about  Beijing Zoo.6. .We all went to the Great Wall except he.            7. Do you clever at maths?         

31、;                   8.Miss Liu spends much money buy new clothes.       9.Look, the shop is close now.           &#

32、160;            10.My parents and I both live in the same house.11.Don't take it here next time.                       &#

33、160;            12.Can you tell me any information about Beijing?                   13.We all went to the Great Wall except he.  &

34、#160;                      14.Are you and your sister like school?                    

35、0;        15.Do you clever at maths?                                     &#

36、160;    16.He do some washing every day.                                    17.Here are my friends.

37、We are from the USA.                        18.Miss Liu spends much money buy new clothes.              &

38、#160;       19.Look, the shop is close now.                                     

39、20.My parents and I both live in the same house六、翻译下列句子,每空一词。1.我妈妈每天忙家务。My mother is                     housework      every day .2.除了周末外我们每天上课。 We have lesson

40、s  every day                    .3.吃早饭的时间到了。      It's time                &

41、#160;   .4. 牛奶对他们的健康有益 Milk                             their health5. 我听不清你说的话,你能再说一遍吗? I cant    &

42、#160;     you,          ,can you _ it _?6.请问,我可以向你借些钱吗?对不起,我没有。 Excuse me, may I              money_ you?  Sorry, you    

43、;   . I don't have         7我们.正盼望着去北京旅游  Were_ _ _ _ a trip to Beijing.8.我妹妹每天晚上总是花一个小时听音乐。 My sister_  _one hour _ _ music every evening.9.他不知道该如何放松娱乐。 He doesnt know _ _ have fun.七、完形填空。Amy is one o

44、f my best   1  . She   2   very well. She is a good swimmer. When summer   3  , she often goes swimming in the river. She   4   likes drawing and   5  . She often go

45、es to the park   6   and   7   pictures there.She doesn't like playing computer games.She says she is busy and there are always   8   things to do every day. She studies hard and does everything  

46、 9  . She a good   10  .(    )1.A.friend          B.friends         C.brother         D.brothers(

47、60;   )2.A.swims           B.swimming        C.swim            D.swimmer(    )3.A.is    &#

48、160;         B.goes            C.comes           D.here(    )4.A.too        

49、0;    B.both            C.all             D.also(    )5.A.walking         B.walks 

50、60;         C.walk            D.to walk(    )6.A.to her home     B.near his home   C.from her home   D.near her home(

51、60;   )7.A.draws           B.draw            C.drawing         D.to draw(    )8.A.much   &

52、#160;        B.a lot of        C.lot of          D.a lots of(    )9.A.care of         B.careful 

53、0;       C.carefully       D.care(    )10.A.student        B.worker          C.sister      

54、;    D.brother八、阅读理解(A)Here are two pictures. A man and a boy are in one picture . Who are they?Let me tell you .The man is Mr White , and the boy is Daniel .Hes the mans son. Now they are in the boys bedroom. We can see some Chinese books in the desk. And on the bed is a shirt.

55、Its Daniels .His trousers are on the bed, under his shirt, too.Now lets look at the other picture .You can see a woman and a girl in it. The woman is Daniels mother and the girl is her daughter, Ann . In Anns room ,you can see a photo of the Whites on the white wall .Between the windows is a desk. A

56、 clock is on the desk .It is eleven .Whats that on the floor? Oh, its Anns hat. It is fun to look at these pictures.(   ) 1.In the two pictures we can see_.A. two people         B. three people  C. four people   

57、60; D. five people(   ) 2. Mr White is _.A. Anns brother      B. Anns father  C. Daniels friend  D. Daniels teacher(   ) 3.Daniels trousers are _.A. on the bed         B.

58、 in the desk   C. on the floor     D. under the desk(   ) 4.What colour is the hat?A. White             B. Red         C. Black &#

59、160;      D . Sorry, I dont know.(   ) 5.In Anns bedroom we can see a_.A. cat               B .ball          C .shirt  &

60、#160;        D. clock(B)Mr Green is a teacher of English. He is not a young man ,but he is not old . He knows three or four languages, and he reads and speaks and writes them well. He reads many books and writes some.Its about 11 oclock, but he works late, som

61、etimes till(直到) one oclock in the evening .His big desk is in the middle of the room . On the floor near there are some books.His students come to his study for their lessons. They come every day except Saturday and Sunday. Those days are holidays.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F):(   ) 1.Mr Green is

62、 an English teacher.(   ) 2.He can speak seven languages(   ) 3.He likes reading and writing books.(   ) 4.He has some books on the floor near the desk.(   ) 5.His students come to his study on Saturday and Sunday.九、书面表达。根据所提示的词组,写一篇短文,至少6句

63、。1.we, have a class trip, next Sunday     2.would like, go to Beijing zoo3.the price for each student, five yuan 4.the zoo, be open, 7:30a.m. 5:00p.m.    5.look forward to a great day out         








71、;         牛津英语7A第二单元测试卷.根据首字母及句意完成句子。(5分)1.       After school, the teachers often gives us some h_ to do.2.       In summer, many s_ swim in that lake.3.       We c

72、an get books from the school l_.4.       Sandy doesnt go to school today b_ she is ill.5.       My mother always s_ two hours watching.根据英语解释,写出下列单词。(5分)1. have many things to do   _2. the second day of the week  _3. talk wit

73、h your friends   _4. hate, not like something  _5. high temperature(温度)    _ .选用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)get up, twice a week, more than, would like, each other1.       I play table tennis _ with my classmates.2.     &#

74、160; Wendy is my best friend. We always study together and help _.3.       _100 people are going to visit our school tomorrow.4.       Tom is often late for school, because he often _ late in the morning.5.     

75、0; _ you _ a cup of tea or a cup of coffee(咖啡)? .选择填空。(10分)(   )1.There are _things to do at my school.A. many  B. lot of  C. a lot  D. much(   )2. We often _ snacks _the tuck shop after school.A. borrow, for  B. buy, from   C. buy, to 

76、0;  D. lend, from(   )3.Thank you _ me.A. for help  B. for helping   C. to helping  D. helping(   )4. Do you know the answer _the question?A. to   B. of    C. at     D. in(   )5. I cant _ my sweater.

77、Can you help me?A. find   B. look for    C. look   D. look like(   )6. I like seeing all _ students in the Assembly Hall.A. the other   B. the others    C. other     D. another(   )7. After school, I

78、often _ Simon to go home together.A. meet up  B. meet up with   C. see with  D. meet on with(   )8. _I open the window, Mum? No, you_. Its cold outside.A. Can, may not  B. Can, mustnt   C. May, may not   D. May, mustnt(   )9. The Class

79、 5 students will _ tomorrow.A. go swim  B. go to swimming  C. go swimming   D. going swimming(   )10. Where is your homework?       -Im sorry. I forgot _ it here.A. to bring   B. bringing   C. to take   D. taki

80、ng .根据要求变换句型。(10分)1.       My brother does his homework at school.(改为否定句)My brother _ _ his homework at school.2.       Mr Green teaches English in No.2 Secondary School.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_ Mr Green _English in No.2 Secondary School? Yes

81、, he_.3.       I have a new friend. His name is John.(改为同义句)I have a new friend _ John.4.       We dont know how to have a time.(改为同义句)   We dont know how to _ _.5.       It takes Millie ten minutes t

82、o read the story.(改为同义句)Millie _ ten minutes _ the story. .改错。下列句子均有一处错误,找出并改正。(10分)1.       I and Simon are from Shanghai. _2.       Does your parents go to school every day?  _3.       Is she get up

83、 late on Sunday morning? _4.       Mike, wake up! Its time to school. _5.       He lives in Nanjing. It is called the “Stone City(石头城)”. _ .完成下列句子。(10分)1  整个城市有两百多家学校。_ 200 schools in the whole city.2  我妹妹每天晚上总是要花一个小时看学英语报。&#

84、160;   My sister always _Learn Englishevery evening.3  Daniel是我们班上游泳最棒的人。    Daniel is _ in our class.4  我们盼望着国庆节的到来。    We _National Day.5  老师,我可以开灯吗? 当然可以。     _the light? Sure.   . 阅读短文,填写表格。(10分)Im Jes

85、sica. Im 13. Im a middle school student. Every day I have a lot to do. On Monday I have school assembly in the Assembly Hall. On Tuesday I play tennis with my best friend, Mary. On Wednesday I organize all the boys to play football together in the afternoon. On Thursday I watch cartoons(卡通片) on TV i

86、n the evening. On Friday, I go to the museum after school. Im very busy, but I love my school and friends.DayActivitiesMonday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday  . 写作。(10分)  根据下列信息写一封电子邮件给你的朋友告诉他们你一天的生活。6:30 a.m. Get up        

87、;           3:30 p.m. Play sports6:45 a.m. Have breakfast             4:45 p.m. Go home7:00 a.m. Go to school             

88、60; 6:30 p.m. Have supper7:45 a.m. Have assembly             7:30 Do homework 8:00 a.m. Have lessons               9:30 Go to bed Dear e-friends,Thank you for w

89、riting to me. I want to tell you something about my life. _Please e-mail me soon!_ 7A英语 Unit2练习题(新版译林牛津英语)班级               姓名       _    评价_一、词组翻译。 (10)1. 喜欢踢足球_  &#

90、160;  2. 一天许多次_3. 擅长游泳_     4. 看上去年轻_5. 是的一名成员_     6. 放学后_7. 成为现实_     8. 在周末_9. 步行去学校_     10. 使我高兴_二、根据句意和提示填写单词的正确形式。 (15)1. Do you eat three _ (次数) a day?2. There are five _ (碗) on the table.3. _ (绘画) is my hob

91、by. Do you like it?  4. There are two basketball_ (俱乐部) in Nanjing.5. Who can play very _(好)in the match?6. The man is s _ enough to carry that heavy box.7. The book is f _ . Don't pay money for it.8. What e_ do you want to say, Sandy?9.Are you a good student? Yes, of c_ .10. My mother

92、 e_ watching TV at home at night.11. How many _ (play) are there in a football team?12. Tom _(study) hard and he is a top student.13. We usually have _fn talking with each other.14. Jay is one of my _(hero). Do you like him?15. The young man likes watching NBA_'mætz on TV.三、完成句子,每空一词。 (15)1

93、.  让我们来谈论我们的新学校吧。  Lets _ _ our new school.2.  你想去购物吗? Do you want to _ _?  3.  有许多学生在操场上。There are _ _ students in the playground. 4.  Jack watches TV every day. (划线提问)_ _ Jack _ every day?  5.  Simon is from America. (同义句) Simon _ from America

94、. 6.  Which book do you like best? (同义句)Which is _ _ book?7.  Does he play tennis well?(同义句) Is he _ _ _ tennis?四、选择填空。 (15)(    )1. - Can you play _ table tennis, Simon? - Yes, I often play it after class.        A. a   

95、0;    B. an               C. the         D. /(    )2. - _ your classmates all nice to you? Yes, _.     A.Do, they do    B. Are, theyre&

96、#160;       C.Are, they are    D. Is, he is(    )3.  _ of the students in Class 2 looks happy.       A. All         B. Each              C. Both          D. Every(    )4. Is there_ in todays newspaper? &#


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