1、单词:Lithography 平版印刷 silk screen 丝网印刷 photogravuve 凹版印刷 letterpress 凹版印刷Flexography 柔性版印刷 secondary colours 二次色 coated stock 铜版纸 uncoated stock 胶版纸 screen dash 撞网 computer to plate(ctp)计算机直接制版 amplitude modulated screening 调幅加网 frequency modulated screening 调频加网 test specimen 试样 unitized load 组合/集装式货
2、物 fabricated materials 人造/合成材料 vertical shock 垂直纵向冲击 vibration transmissibility 震动传递特性 regression analysis 回归性分析 post-production feedfack 生产后反馈 sampling process 采样过程 material properties 材料性能 leakage test 泄露试验 stack test 堆码 permeation test 渗透试验 metaliation techniques 真空冶炼技术 11.11 Conventional screeni
3、ng is referred to as amplitude modulated(AM) screening;that is,the dots are arranged in a regular pattern of rows and columns but each dot veries in size.Other screening tecniques now available includ Stochastic screening,now referred to as frequency modulated(FM)screening.This type of screening pro
4、duces dots of the same size but thy are randomly scattered:this produces finer vignettes and reduce the possibility of moire patten problems.Moire patterns are irregular wavy lines produced by the superposition at a slight angle of two sets of closely spaced lines.These unwanted basket weaveeffects
5、can occur when screen angles on colour work are not set correstly.When there is regular patterning on an image,or when a halftone has been re-screened. 常用的加网工艺就是指调幅加网,网点在横竖两个方向上呈现规则的图样,但网点的大小是变化的。现在使用的另一种加网工艺是指调频加网法,其产生的网点,尺寸大小不变,但呈随机散布,这产生更好的图像效果,并且避免了龟纹产生。莫尔纹是有两个过于相近的加网角度叠加而产生的不规则波纹,这些波纹产生的原因是彩色作业
6、加网角度的不正确。特别是当正常的图像在翻版或一幅半色调图像被重新加网。11.2 Printing began with the invention of paper in China in AD 105. This led to printing from carved wooden block throughout the East-particularly in China,Korea and Japan. The oldest known printed book was produced in China in AD868印刷术始于公元后105年中国纸的发明,这使得雕版印刷遍及东方特别
7、是中国、韩国和日本。最早的,最著名的印刷书籍在公元后868年在中国产生。Development in printing continued with words and pictures being carved together on wooden blocks being cut for each new book. To obviate this ,printing presses were developed using type cast from individual pieces of clay so that they could be used repeatedly.Thes
8、e were in common use in China by AD1041.and by AD 1400 Korean printers were casting type in metal.通过将文字和图像在一起雕在木板上,印刷术得到了进一步的发展。然而,这使得每一本新书都需要雕刻在一块木板。为了改变这种状况,能够重复利用的泥活字印刷机出现了。这在公元1041年的中国得到了广泛的应用。公元1400年韩国的印刷人员改用金属活字。Printing in Europe had existed in various forms since the sixth century,but it is
9、Johannes Gutenberg who is credited with the invention of printing in west and the production of the first book in Europe in 1445.Gutenberg was a goldsmith by trade,living in what is now Germany .at the time all the technologies necessary for the invention of together .as a goldsmith,Gutenberg knew h
10、ow to cast objects in metal,and ink and paper were readily available ,together with presses used for wine making which could be adapted for printing . Gutenberg went on to develop the concept of casting individual letters that could be assembled into words,printed,cleaned and reused, a process now k
11、nown as letterpress printing. 欧洲在六世纪时就出现了多种形式的印刷术,人们认为Johannes gutenbery发明了西方的印刷术并且在1445年出版了欧洲的第一本书。Gutenbery是一位从事贸易的金匠,住在现在的德国。在那个时期发明印刷机的所需要的所有技术都具备了。只需要将所有条件融合一体的正确思想。作为一个金匠,gutenbery知道如何雕刻金属,油墨和纸和容易得到,加上酿酒机改装成的印刷机,gutenbery继续发展了将单个字母拼成单词,印刷,清洗、再利用的观念,一个现代人的所认为的凹版印刷工艺。11.9 To reproduce continuous
12、 tone illustrations or photographs they have to be converted into line by turning them into a pattern of single dots before they can be printed .This process is called screening and can be done either photographically , through a screen , or more commonly nowadays either digitally or by laser . 为了再现
13、连续调图像,不得不将他们在印刷之前通过单个网点排列转换呈现。这个过程被称为丝网印刷。可以通过照相加网或则更普遍的采用数字或激光照排。 A conventional halftone contains dots of different sizes , but placed in a regular pattern , according to the type of screen being used . Where there are light tonal areas , within the image , the dots will be small appearing as blac
14、k dots on white , whilst with dark tonal areas the dots will again appear small but this time as white dots on black .At 50% tonal value the dots form an equal pattern of black and white . (Line illustrations or type copy do not require screening for lithography .) 一个普通的半色调图像包含不同尺寸的网点,根据适用的丝网类型,排成一定
15、规律。当在印刷图像中含有浅色调区域的场合,网点作为细小的黑点显示在白色上。而在所含的深色调区域网点再次一细小的点来显示,但这次是黑色上面的白点。在50%色调值区域内内网点形成一个黑白的均匀模式。(对平版印刷来说线条稿和复制品不需要加网)。 The halftone produced by the photographic method is achieved by placing a screen between the lens of a process camera and the film being exposed . The screen is usually made of gla
16、ss with a finely ruled grid pattern . As the light waves pass through the screen they are converted into dots that vary in size , shape and number . When the individual dots of the halftone are printed they appear to melt back into continuous tone . 由平版印刷方法产生的半色调是通过在制版照相机的镜头和胶片之间设置一个屏幕。这个屏幕通常由细微规则排列
17、好的格子结构的玻璃构成。当光波通过屏幕时就被转换成尺寸不同形状各异数量不同的网点。当包含各个网点的半色调图像被印刷数来时被还原成连续调图像。 Halftone screens are measured in lines per inch ( or lines per centimetre , in Europe ), usually abbreviated to lines or lpi .Using a screen with a higher lpi the number of lines per inch produces a finer dot pattern and hence gi
18、ves a higher quality of reproduction. 半色调网屏计量方式是线/英寸(或者线/厘米,在欧洲)。通常缩写成”lines”或则“lpi“。运用高”lpi“的网屏产生更精细的网点,并且产生高质量复制的效果。12.1 Once the design has been finalized and a prototype fabricated,the product/packege system is tested using inputs that duplicate the potentically damaging effects of the distribut
19、ion environment to verify its performance. It is necessary that a product/packege system be subjected to the design drop height and the chosen vibration spectra.Because the previous development procedure includes some simplifying assumptions that can only be evaluated by test.For exaple,the cushions
20、 have a different shape than test samples,and while real-word inputs occur in three dimensions,the individual lab tests were conducted alone in a single axis. 一旦完成了包装设计并制造出了模型,就要模拟产品包装系统在流通环境中潜在的破坏作用,以检测其性能。在检测其性能的过程中设定跌落高度和振动谱的形式是必须的,应为设计过程往往简化了参数条件,所以最后必定通过实验来评估设计的有效性。例如,缓冲垫与测试样本形状不同,当以3维方向进行实际情况的
21、输入,实验室里只能以单一轴向进行操作。12.5:Test procedures are available for verification of package performance and integrity. A relatively new standard,ASTM D4169,has gained wide acceptance since its release and is recommended for this purpose. Performance refers to the ability of the package system to protect the p
22、roduct from shock and vibration. Integrity refers to the ability of the package system itself to withstand the rigors involved during a normal distribution cycle。 测试程序对包装性能和完整性是有益的,ASTM D4169一个相当新的标准,自从颁布之后获得广泛的认可,并且为了这个目的被推出。性能是指包装系统保护产品免受冲击和振动的能力。完整性是指在正常的运输环节中包装系统承受灾难的能力。12.8 The repetitive shock
23、 test is used for individually shipped packaged products which may be exposed repetitive mechanical shocks on the truck bed.The test specimen is placed on the vibration table in its normal shipping orientation with restraining devices present to prevent the specimen from dropping off the table.The v
24、ibration table is started at 2Hz with a fixed displacement of one-half inch and the frequency is gradually increased until the test specimen begins to bounce on the table or the acceleration of the table is 1.1g(zero to pesk).At this frequency the test is continued for thirty minutes and the specime
25、n is then examined for damage to both the product and the package. 反复冲击试验被用作单独包装运输的产品测试,这些产品可能会经受卡车的反复机械冲击。用固定夹具将试样以合适的定位姿态固定在振动试验桌上,从而阻止试样从桌子上掉下去。振动实验桌以1.5英寸固定振幅,2hz频率开始,频率逐渐增加知道试样开始从桌子上弹跳,或则桌子的加速度是1.1g,达到共振,在这个频率上测试持续30分钟,将会检测到产品和包装的破坏程度。13.1 Quality assurance is an function that has been evolving
26、 for the past sixty years. This evolving has included quality assurance work in packaging materials, components, and finished packages. Ten years ago, however, the shock of lost jobs and business to foreign competition brought about a fundamental change in the way American corporations handled quali
27、ty control. No longerf was quality relegated to the Quality Control Department. It became a priority topic for everyone from executives to line workers in quality circles. 质量保证是一项发展了60年的工业活动,包括包装材料组成部分和最终包装的质量保证工作。10年前,失业外贸竞争的冲击,使得美国公司处理质量控制的方式发生了根本性的变化。质量不再归类质量控制部门。它成了在质量管理中一线工人的优先考虑重点。 Previous, i
28、ndustrial quality control was viewed as a testing and inspection operation at the completion of a manufacturing cycle. It has moved upstream into the manufacturing process to monitor in-process variables, to tighten control of the process and to eliminate defects before they occur. This reduces manu
29、facturing waste and can reduce the amount of end-item in section required. 先前,工业质量控制被看作一项在生产环节末端进行的测试和检查操作,为了检测过程中的变量,加紧生产流程的控制和在未发生之前降低缺陷,他已经被移到上游的生产环节,这就减少了生产的废品,并且减小了终端检查工作的工作量。13.2 Quality is often defined as the consistent conformance of products and services to customer requirements. Other cri
30、teria are the product's fitness-for-use and freedom from defects. With regard to the packing process, quality assurance includes the optimization of traditional packing functions such as protection, containment, communication and convenience.质量经常被认为产品、服务和消费者要求的相一致,其他的标准就是适用性和没有缺陷。说到包装过程,质量保证就是包括
31、传统的包装功能的最佳化,比如,保护容量、传递信息方便Quality issues are now discussed early during the designing process. Engineers need to know the sensitivity of package performance to variations in its components or variations in package processing. This information is used to set purchasing and processing tolerances. IT c
32、an affect the choice of materials and the desing of the package. The engineers goal is to develop a “robust” package design which can be manufactured without mormal component or processing variation affecting the final package quality. The current enphasis of quality assurance is on prevention, rath
33、er than detection, of defects. 现在,质量问题在早期的设计过程中就被讨论。工程师需要知道成分发生变化或包装过程发生变化时包装性能的敏感性,这些信息被利用来确定采购和加工公差,他能影响材料的选择和包装设计。工程师的目标是开发一种结实而耐用的包装设计。在制造过程中,最终包装质量不受额外成分或者工艺变化的影响。现在质量保证的重点在于预防,而不是检测缺陷。13.6 Design Criteria: Physical and marketing requirements, performance targets and allowable tolerance must be
34、 formally defined. Performance is often described in terms of a reliability in packaging this is the probability that, when subjected to stated environmental conditions, the packaging system will perform its intended function adequately for a specified time interval. 设计准则:物质和市场需求,性能要求和允许的公差范围,必须被正式的
35、确定。性能经常是针对包装可靠性而言的,就是当遭受到特定的环境条件,包装能在一定时间内发挥理想性能的概率。 Design review: Design qualification tests are the basis for determining the fitness-for-use of a design. An internal review process often for malizes the initial qualifications as well as potential changes in designs. This process documents the pe
36、rformance baseline and the market readiness of a package. 设计评价:质量检定测试是决定一个设计适用性的基础,一个内部审查过程被形式化。通常用最开始的性能鉴定和设计的潜在变化,定形的正规化的,这个过程为性能基准和产品的市场投放要求提供了文件。 14.1 Few things are less tangible than an idea, and few more important. Throughout history there have been recorded examples of moments of briliant in
37、sight Archimedes in his bath, Newton (possible) in the orchard but many, many more ideas undoubtedly evolved over a period of time by observation and deduction, trial and error. 没有什么东西比思想更抽象更重要,纵观历史但是毫无疑问更多的思想都是经过一段时间的观察和研究反复试验发展起来的。 There are many reasons why a search for new ideas in packaging may
38、 be initiated. These range from a packaging supplier wishing to develop a new material or packaging system, to a food manufacturer relaunching existing ranges, solving a technical problem or devising a new convenience feature. The impetus may com from the need (necessity is the mother of invention)
39、or from the development of a new technology, process or material.在包装行业有很多因素激发了包装行业对新思想的探索,这些原因从包装供应者希望发展一种新的材料或者包装系统,到一个食品制造商在投产所需的资本,解决一个科技问题或者设计一个包装便利结构,原动力可能来自需求(需求是创造之母)或者新科技新工艺或者新材料的发展。14.2 Some individuals,companies and even nations have better records of success than others in this field,and
40、there must therefore be some underlying reason-cultural,educational,motivation or philosophical.One of the most prolific inventors of recent times was Thomas Edison.One he had prospered from the launch of his first successful product,the gramophone cylinder,he set up a laboratory to invent all manne
41、r of things.His approach,made possible by the funds available,was to study large numbers of ideas and observe phenomena for their potential applications.Just one such phenomena was the deposition of thin layers of metal from a eated filament in a vacuum.This he patented in the 1890s,but only in the
42、last 20 years or so has it achieved a major significance in packaging with the development of the high output vacuum metalizantion techniuues.一些个人公司甚至国家在这个领域要比其它国家有更成功的记录,因此一定有一些根本的原因文化、教育、原动力、哲学、宗教。最近时期有最多项发明的发明家是托马斯·爱迪生,自从他成发明第一种产品 留声机的圆柱形唱片,为了发明各种各样的东西,他建立了一个实验室,他的方法,充足的资金使得这有可能,是学习大量的思想并且观察
43、现象,寻找它潜在的因素,有一种这样的现象是在真空中加热的灯丝能析出金属薄层,根据这个现象他在19世纪90年代申请了专利。但是仅在最近20年左右,随着包装行业中真空镀铝薄膜技术的发展,这项专利得到了广泛的应用。14.3 All research and development innovative processes thrive by cross fertilization,and it is most often by a system of accretion of small gains in knowledge that problems are solved.The most suc
44、cessful innovators are those who are able to bring together concepts from many different disciplines and industries in the search for a solution to any particular problem.所有的研究和创新过程是通过知识的交叉和滋润,而得到繁荣与发展,而且常常是一个通过小知识的积累解决问题的过程。最成功的科学家善于采纳来自不同学科、产业的概念,经过融合与组装,去探索对某个专门问题的有效解答方案。Equally(and often more)su
45、ccessful are those see the possibilitise of some observation for another application while studying something else.This is serendipity.Back to edison-who is supposed to have invented the gramophone while trying to make speech visible for the deaf;fleming who spoilt a culture and went on to discover
46、penicillin;there are many more.同样的(通常更多)成功的是那些研究其他东西的时候,看到观察资料可能更适合另一种行业的人,这就是偶然发现有价值物品的才能,珍奇之物。对于爱迪生那个发明留声机的人当他试着使聋人之前进行对话时发明了留声机。弗莱明损坏了培育的微生物继而发现了盘尼西林,这种例子还有很多。 Ideas do not,or at least only very rarely,come suddenly to an unprepared mind,so the innovator must have a lively curiosity and be a voracious gatherer of information灵感不是或则至少说是非常难得,会突然走向没有准备的人,因此发明家必须有一个强烈的好奇心,和对知识的贪婪心。14.7 Any new ide
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