已阅读5页,还剩4页未读 继续免费阅读




1、单位门卫工作制度门卫管理制度为强化门卫管理,确保单位的经营管理有序进行,单位资产安全,特制定本制度。第一条适用范围综合股,专职门卫员工,本单位办公区域和全体员工,以及来宾。 本制度适用于公司第二条责任 :综合股安全员、负责人对本制度的运行质量负监督、管理责任 ; 公司专职门卫对本制度的实施质量负执行责任 ; 公司全体员工对本制度的实施负维护责任。第三条制度细则 :( 一) 门卫值班出勤时间 :早班时间段为 8:00-16:00,中班时间段为 16:00-24:00,晚班时间段为 0:00-8:00 。每隔 1 个小时要巡逻、巡视全公司各区域一次。( 二) 形象与仪态 :1( 门卫在岗员工应按统

2、一着装,穿戴整齐,挂好上岗;2. 不得留长胡子、长指甲,保持仪容整洁、精神状态上佳、态度谦和、认真负责 ;3. 恪尽职守、文明执勤、礼貌待客。严禁离岗、睡岗或酗酒、闲聊等,因事离开或巡察办公楼、宿舍时,岗位应有人代班 ; 4. 礼貌接听电话,对上级的吩咐和通知事项,应及时传达 ; 严禁接打私人电话 ;5. 不允许态度粗暴、故意刁难员工或外来人员,一经发现,将按照公司管理规定的劳动纪律的相关规定严肃处理 ; 6. 应绝对服从上级命令,切实执行任务,以身作则,不得偏袒徇私,严禁监守自盗。7. 遇有重大事件或可疑人物,应临危不乱,不卑不亢,果断做适当的处置,并立即报告直接上级。8( 领导班子,或综合

3、股事先告知来访的重要来宾及政府官员进出本单位时,应行注目礼,以示敬重。( 三) 进出门卫管理细则1( 对于外来宾客要进入本单位,须验明身份,并对来宾进行凭外来人员进出单位登记表登记 ( 登记材料 : 介绍信或个人身份证 ) may be less serious about our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationship between life, teaching research

4、 and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflectionbehavior data analysis 41st problem you on you of daily teaching work ()single topics option small meter proportion a,. occasionallyreflection 3 6.25% b. sometimes reflection 15 31.25% c. never reflection0 0% d. often reflection 30 62.5% beside the ef

5、fective fill inpassengers 48 design beside the of purpose heavy in test young teacherson itself to daily teaching work whether for reflection. Judging from the statistics, and our spirits, most of the teachers are taught as normal to reflect. But we believe that reflection is the best means to promo

6、te teachers ' professional development, methods. Therefore attaches great importance to teaching in the mind at the same time, must pay attention to write teaching reflection and cured by means of words your thoughts down and2( 严格执行公司物资管理规定,任何物资进出公司大门,均应进行检查,特殊物资需在门卫登记,未经登记的物资,门卫人员不予放行; 凡单位进出货物必

7、须持有相关部门的有效证明 ( 如放行条 ) ,经核对无误后方可放行,否则,不予放行。3. 门卫负责管理单位内的机动车和非机动车停放秩序。员工的自行车、摩托车现暂停放在仓库门口及公共卫生间问口,本单位公家机动车辆停放在院内靠墙指定位置按车号停放。4( 未经单位领导批准,不允许新闻媒体等机构到公司采访、摄像。5( 负责做好单位邮件的接收登记、签收分发工作。6( 在上班后和下班前半个小时内将自动门完全打开,在上班时间将自动门只留两人能通过的空隙 , 在 22:00-7:00之间则将自动门全部关闭, 如有车辆进入 , 要仔细检查。( 四) 门卫室环境管理细则1. 单位门卫室要保持清洁、安静,物品放置应

8、定位规范。2( 严禁在岗门卫和闲杂人员在单位门卫室内饮酒、打牌。3( 单位内、外闲杂人员不得无故在本单位门卫值班室逗留、闲聊、嬉笑、打闹、借故刁难、纠缠门卫值班人员。一旦出现,门卫应立即电话请示直接上级( 部门负责人 ) 处理,处理未果,可拔110 寻求支持。4. 保持门卫应承担的公共区域环境卫生区域的清洁、门卫室内物品摆放整齐、美观。( 五) 安全巡查1( 负责办公楼、宿舍的安全巡视、公共区域的水电监管,以及夜间查岗并登记。2. 夜班 00:00-05:00 期间,每隔 1 个小时要进行安全巡逻、巡视全局各区域一次。加强巡察,对单位物品、水电设施进行检查,防止意外事件的发生,确保办公楼、宿舍

9、安全 ; 若发现问题要及时报告有关领导处理。因工作失职,给单位造成损失者,追究当班门卫责任。3.熟记单位内各处水、电开关,门锁及消防器材放置地点。发现公共区域的电灯、门窗等有缺损时,应报单位直接领导并及时处理。( 六) 工作记录1. 交接班时,应将注意事项交代清楚,并将值班中所发生的重要事项登记门卫值班记录。2( 按单位规定填写、保存值班的各项工作记录,每一个月的第一天上交综合股存档。ust pay attention to write teaching reflection and cured by means of words your thoughts down andteachers

10、' professional development, methods. Therefore attaches great importance to teaching in the mind at the same time, momote and our spirits, most of the teachers are taught as normalto reflect. But we believe that reflection is the best means to prf purpose heavy in test young teachers on itself t

11、o daily teaching work whether for reflection. Judging from the statistics, the oion 15 31.25% c. never reflection 0 0% d. often reflection 30 62.5% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside daily teaching work () single topics option small meter proportion a,. occasionally reflection

12、3 6.25% b. sometimes reflect ou ofbetween life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior data analysis 41st problem you on y eacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationshipmay be less ser

13、ious about our t25. 附则本制度由城区烟草专卖局综合股负责指导执行、考核。解释权归本局综合股负责。time, must pay attention to write teaching reflection and cured by means of words your thoughts down and promote teachers ' professional development, methods. Therefore attaches great importance to teaching in the mind at the same ans tot

14、istics, and our spirits, most of theteachers are taught as normal to reflect. But we believe that reflection is the best meide the of purpose heavy in test young teachers on itself to daily teaching work whether for reflection. Judging from the stagn beses reflection 15 31.25% c. never reflection 0

15、0% d. often reflection30 62.5% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 desion you of daily teaching work () single topics option small meter proportion a,. occasionally reflection 3 6.25% b. sometimm you ationship between life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection be

16、havior data analysis 41st probleout our teacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relmay be less serious ab3门卫职位职责职位名称门卫 所属部门综合股综合股安全员无 直接上级直接下级1、学历、专业知识 :初中以上学历,具备一定的物业管理知识,复原退伍军人优先。任职资格 2( 工作经验 : 有从事门卫工作经历,做过专业保安公司员工优先职责表述 : 遵

17、章守纪1、遵守劳动纪律,按时上、下班,不迟到、早退。职 工作2 、行为端庄,服装整洁,对来客来访接待礼貌。责 任务3 、24 小时无脱岗现象,白天无睡岗事件发生。一考核重点 : 迟到、早退次数 ; 接待有无投诉 ; 睡岗、脱岗次数。职责表述: 制度执行力1、门卫室内应保持肃静,严禁闲杂人员进入门卫室聊天,逗留职 2 、门卫在岗人员严禁酒后上班或在岗饮酒。工作 责 任务 3 、外来人员进出公司,必须按规定办理相关手续。二 4 、按规定进行夜间巡查,防止突发安全事故出现。考核重点 : 闲杂人员滞留门卫次数,饮酒上岗、在岗次数,未给外来人员办理进出手续次数,人员、物资进出大门未检查次数。抽查到未进行

18、夜间巡查次数。职责表述 : 职业责任感职 1 、对公司忠诚,与来人来访客人交际中,注重维护公司形象,无抵毁公司的言行。 工作 责 2 、日常安全巡查工作中对龙头漏水、长明灯和乱放物品应进行及时通报并处理。 任务 三 3 、对安全隐患应在 15 小时内书面上报,对突发安全事件应立即电话上报。考核重点 : 抵毁单位言行次数,长明灯视而不见次数,对不道德现象麻木次数。对安全隐患、事件上报的及时性。职责表述 : 道德品行 职 工作 1 、自我约束,绝不伙同员工私拿公物,损害公司利益。针对员工行为,应及时上报和处理。责 任务 2 、洁身自好,杜绝私自占有公司财产的欲望出现,绝不监守自盗。四考核重点 :

19、对员工私拿公物未上报、处理,自盗公司财物金额。职责表述 : 环境卫生责任职 工作 1 、保持门卫室卫生清洁,物品放置有序。ust pay attention to write teaching reflection and cured by means of words your thoughts down andteachers ' professional development, methods. Therefore attaches great importance to teaching in the mind at the same time, momote and our

20、 spirits, most of the teachers are taught as normalto reflect. But we believe that reflection is the best means to prf purpose heavy in test young teachers on itself to daily teaching work whether for reflection. Judging from the statistics, the oion 15 31.25% c. never reflection 0 0% d. often refle

21、ction 30 62.5% beside the effective fill in passengers 48 design beside daily teaching work () single topics option small meter proportion a,. occasionally reflection 3 6.25% b. sometimes reflect ou ofbetween life, teaching research and teaching. 5. teachers of teaching reflection behavior data anal

22、ysis 41st problem you on y eacher vacancies, and hope that our young teachers dauntless spirit, overcome the difficult, properly handle the relationshipmay be less serious about our t4责 任务 2 、每天按规定打扫公司划分给门卫应做的公共卫生,绝不出现未按规定打扫现象。考核重点 : 门卫卫生检查是否合格,不合格次数,公共区域生未打扫次数。 五 time, must pay attention to write teaching reflection and cured bymeans of words your thoughts down and promote teachers ' professional development, methods. Therefore attaches great importance to teaching in the mind at the same ans totistics, and our spirit


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