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1、Unit 1 ArtWhat is Art?Art is an expression of the soul.When something is created, it is not art. It only becomes art when it is appreciated by someone other than the artist.Art is nothing without appreciation. Sounds Reasonable?dancemusicBrainstormingIn pairs list some art styles you know.sculpturea

2、rchitectureliteraturemoviepaintingcalligraphy Art AppreciationChinese Folk Art Chinese Folk Art New Year Graphics (New Year Graphics (年画年画) )rich colour traditionalsimple shapeChinese Folk Art Chinese Folk Art Wood carving (Wood carving (木雕木雕) )natureChinese Folk Art Chinese Folk Art Paper cutting (

3、Paper cutting (剪纸剪纸) )bright coloursimple shapeWestern Sculpturesbeautiful linerealisticChinese-Chinese-s style Paintings tyle Paintings AppreciationAppreciationRider by Da Vinci骑士骑士(素描手稿素描手稿) 达达芬奇芬奇Western-style Paintings AppreciationunfinishedcolourUnit 1 ArtA SHORT HISTORY OF WESTERN PAINTINGSkim

4、ming to get general ideas Whats the topic and hows the information organized?Its about Western painting and the information is organized in time period, from earliest to present time.2. How many styles of Western painting are mentioned in the text? What are they?Four. They are the Middle Ages, the R

5、enaissance, Impressionism and Modern Art.Reading Comprehension ISkimming1. The paintings with religious themes mainly appear during _. A. the Middle Ages B. the Renaissance C. the late 1800s D. the early 1900s2. Drawing things in perspective is the most important discovery in the _ century. A. 5th B

6、. 16th C.19th D. 20th3. The beginning of “Modern Art” are the _ paintings. A. Religious B. perspective C. Impressionist D. ridiculousReading Comprehension IIScanning4. In the Renaissance, painters _.painted religious scenes in a more realistic styleB. focused more on religion than on humansC. began

7、to paint outdoorsD. returned to classical Roman and Greek ideas about art 5. At first many people hated the impressionists style of painting, because _.A. their paintings were very abstractB. their paintings were very realisticC. they broke away from the traditional style of paintingD. their paintin

8、gs were very ridiculousThe first great painter of the Italian Renaissance, whose innovations inthe use of scientificperspective openthe modern era inpainting. Masaccio 马萨乔马萨乔(14011428)Masaccios Paintings圣母子圣母子圣三位一体圣三位一体Nationality: ItalianField: Many and diverse fields of arts and sciencesMovement:

9、High RenaissanceWorks: Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, The Vitruvian Man, etc.Leonardo da Vinci (14521519) 画面上,人物衣纹构成的弧线与折线同背景中流淌的河水交相辉映,而人物头发细小的波浪则宛如远处山崖瀑布上冲下的水流。更为重要的是,背景中的阿诺河谷保持了它原始时的状态,近处的女子也单纯朴素地摘除了所有装饰,除了头上那层淡淡的黑纱,它在当时的意大利含有“贞洁”的隐义。 蒙娜丽莎蒙娜丽莎 (Mona Lisa) 1503-1505年年 Da Vincis painting 画面在秩序井然的外表下带动

10、观者去体察灵魂深处奥秘的理智与热情。画面占据了整个墙壁,赫然面对观众,背景中达芬奇娴熟地运用了透视法,使符合焦点透视规则的建筑结构与壁挂装饰宛如食堂真实空间的延伸,直到消失于窗外优美的风景。这就使得晚宴的场景不是发生在单幅画面封闭的空间里,而是发生在整个食堂,一旦进入,你就成为了其中一分子。最后的晚餐 (The Last Supper) Michelangelo Bounaroti 米开朗基罗米开朗基罗 (14751564) Nationality: ItalianField: Painter, sculptor, architect, poetMovement: High Renaissan

11、ceWorks: Statue of David,The Last Judgment, Creation of Adam, etc. Creation of AdamMichelangelos PaintingThe Last JudgmentNationality: ItalianField: Painting, architectureMovement: RenaissanceWorks: The School of Athens, etc.Raffaello Sanzio (14831520) 拉斐尔拉斐尔 画面中,建筑的形式以及人物的装束都表现出典型的古希腊风格。在开阔的建筑大厅中,不

12、同时代、地域和学派的著名学者全汇聚到了一起。他们代表着哲学、语法、修辞、逻辑、数学、几何、音乐、天文等不同的学科领域,其中每个人都含有对应的象征意味,但他们看起来如同现实中的人,毫不拘束地按照自己的意志和个性在进行活动,完全沉浸在浓厚的学术探讨和自由辩论的气氛当中。雅典学院最终希望表现的是人类如何通过自身的理性而获得真理。 Raffaellos Painting 雅典学院雅典学院雅典学院雅典学院 The School of Athens Nationality: DutchField: PainterMovement: Post-ImpressionismWorks: The Potato E

13、aters, Sunflowers, The Starry Night, Irises, Portrait of Dr. Gachet, etc.Vincent Willem van Gogh 梵高梵高(18531890) The Strange Night星月夜星月夜The Potato Eaters吃土豆的人吃土豆的人Van Goghs PaintingPablo Picasso 毕加索毕加索 (18811973)Nationality: Spain Field: painter, draughtsman, sculptor and poetMovement: Modern artWork

14、s: Guernica, Les Demoiselles dAvignon, Peace pigeon, etc. 19371937年,西班牙的格尔尼卡小镇为德国年,西班牙的格尔尼卡小镇为德国法西斯空军夷为平地,毕加索闻讯后极法西斯空军夷为平地,毕加索闻讯后极为愤慨,就为巴黎世界博览会西班牙馆为愤慨,就为巴黎世界博览会西班牙馆画了画了格尔尼卡格尔尼卡这幅壁画,对法西斯这幅壁画,对法西斯暴行表示强烈抗议。全画用黑、白与灰暴行表示强烈抗议。全画用黑、白与灰色画成。这幅画描绘了西班牙小镇格尔色画成。这幅画描绘了西班牙小镇格尔尼卡遭德军飞机轰炸后的惨状。尼卡遭德军飞机轰炸后的惨状。 Guernica

15、格尔尼卡格尔尼卡 Picassos PaintingLes Demoiselles dAvignon 亚维农的少女亚维农的少女 Peace pigeon 和平鸽和平鸽Quiz I: Can you tell which period the following pictures belong to? The Middle AgesImpressionism Modern Art Renaissance与怪兽搏斗的圣凯依斯与怪兽搏斗的圣凯依斯庄严的圣母庄严的圣母Middle Ages基督之死基督之死西斯庭的圣母西斯庭的圣母 拉斐尔拉斐尔A Short History of Western Pai

16、nting纳税钱 意大利 马萨乔The Renaissance 画家将宗教故事描绘成真实的世俗场面,画画家将宗教故事描绘成真实的世俗场面,画中人都是普通百姓,被恰当地安置在真实的自然中人都是普通百姓,被恰当地安置在真实的自然环境中,符合空间透视法则,具有深远感,人物环境中,符合空间透视法则,具有深远感,人物被塑造得庄严而厚重,结构明确而清晰。被塑造得庄严而厚重,结构明确而清晰。 蒙娜丽莎蒙娜丽莎达达芬奇芬奇Impressionism向日葵向日葵 梵高梵高日出日出 莫奈莫奈草地上的午餐 马奈Modern Art哭泣的女人 毕加索我和我的故乡我和我的故乡 1911 1911 夏加尔夏加尔 法国法国

17、内战的预感内战的预感 1931 1931 达利达利 西班牙西班牙三个音乐家三个音乐家 毕加索毕加索Discussion1 What art styles would you rather see in your home? Give your reasons.2 Which art style do you like best? Give your reasons.1. I have great _ (trust) in you I know youll do well. 2. She promised _ (= made a firm promise) that she would neve

18、r leave him. 3. They are _ (trying) to reduce unemployment by 50%. 4. Shes very _ (传统的传统的) in her views.5. This is a ty_ example of Roman pottery. Quiz IV: Fill in the blanks. faithfaithfullyaimingconventionaltypical6. From the smell it was _ (obvious) that the drains (下水道下水道) had been blocked for s

19、everal days.7. All three teams _ (采用采用) different approaches (方法方法) to the problem.8. I dont _ a single DVD (= I dont have even one DVD). 9. Please remember to take all your personal po_ with you when you leave the aircraft.10. He is a _ (very great) dancer.evidentadoptedpossesspossessionssuperb11.

20、We have developed a new _ (way) for detecting errors in the manufacturing process.12. You chose exactly the same wallpaper as us what a co_!13. Jamie followed his mother around all day like a _ (影子影子).14. Do I look _ (stupid) in this hat?15. Its still not possible to accurately p_ the occurrence of earthquakes. techniquecoincidenceshadowridiculouspredictQuiz V: Translation.1. 他对听这种事没兴趣。他对听这种事没兴趣。He _ such things. 2. 珍妮显然是高兴的,因为她在微笑。珍妮显然是高兴的,因为她在微笑。 _ Jenny is happy, for she is smiling. 3. 他抽许多烟。他抽许多烟。He smokes _.


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