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1、湖北省襄阳市 2016-2017 学年高一英语下学期期末考试试题 (扫描版)人j eft,琴生势盘嗨iic的許朴.冷苹诫峥轴耳從祥is g上.人用船笔把寤餐卜时门世订的弱寒悴号UtML如需茂础冋那于療轴.l4arHftS*Uq和徒客丘麻试推匕 篇一分前力(AM节.31分30分) 傲&时.先轄稱塞标枉试&上”朮音内容站集-节 (共事加B水#M分* 分73分)WTH$ aura*戲朋诟韓一令小.M A1f&9芥第flEUOS的1应惶比骑宪供枚对话乐MTF44L WUtKftttHl*1*HGW& xM iiiinkMMl*dy h mng to the MrtA S

2、he門driving her own 5E She h RO縮there 00 fbiX,C. She rs caking 4 ridc ki the aLv) )icarh2. Ulwt b the mui何吨Io do?A.Sltow ihc woftum the码B.Ail some heal people for hdp*C MAt WM WW ume wiN the ihip leave ?A. At 65iB.Ai745taJ lATitfc does the cornrrustion take plxc?A. in me m*n*f home圧叶心步 z m 1 KiftiiKW

3、K紳s国wmjhwuft上的陌枪的A R . C三个丽(申违岀i 作io松忖的时蔺mmr劉拭CAI 15.扎hfcndav.B. Sfllur4ay15-1 fDMf did the wtsftiMi举tp ihc ofFie?U建强h民B-y taxift- By bta.U 扭y *=16. Whflr happmed To Hie wman whon恥 血也homil九Swmne broke Etw window of her house,C. KufWliy.ft She dWnT曲:In her house until nart. CLS3ie Ibtijid she f呷oIDtk

4、k dhc key亶 听那*+#,屬l7X 20fl.n.Whcine(foe the spcirch probably Lake pifA- In a HiwBcum.B, InBftounutf-8. What docs lhe speaker ihinlc abota the kifchcji?C- fnlhe speakers附虢A- Hs ihe besl place忖 碗society.B- It gj碎s吗some ideas ofrtw lilflylc m the past CBIIdata ba tn die early LWTs, l9,Whfl is the kisch

5、efi like?A, Its full M wowlen Uible home design ceffc血ahui social ctmngs.C The kitchen should be wll deiigjwd finr eomlortabte life,第二部分:捋读理解I弦两节漓分00井)N:甞第一葫I共馬小紙密小羁址分+満分川分)WE4 K+ijfei.風舟題脯蛤的网牛选璃.wiKftnisantiti,啊有时利糾读再* 小曲毎2$曲t听兒后,蓉小卷饶出$卅的忤命柑僧甩囲时活戎曲口读期料阪第斡.聞$乂筑丁現-缶Whu曲lhe man ?A. A IN曲n想9. A a呛斷血.C.

6、 A stierrtisl.7. Where ;jywhai did坯rortigntf曲皿佃whtn ,hfi初诚血w罰& He repcawd血唤勺*曲H. H uFvJmuwd verywdLC. He nod*rf aid bmUi bul didnl y iinjflh吨23, On lhe PflptWK严屁nted the fblkmring Bl.FT*thcTA Hwitrg deflbckMiEii UuherheerB. StoopfMiig bLong DfcBofi Allr).U Explwkij the Fortsdden Fwil.D. EjnjaYir

7、IwtKHraftlclL fk归wkfllirKLHOn n hen wntmeT day in Kiutli Florid乩a llule bay dec ided u凹(nr 4 iwfcm in Ikiv oW iwinimwbolu behind his house, tn u hruny to dive into Sw coal witcr, he did rw mlir? an ntltpatofiTif呦弊I *AH5imming. Inward ilte Mim,ritflin11 h rauMher- in the hcu吗kvking out tf lhe window

8、riw tfw t*、u dtav got ckiws- ami clowlogctlier In fw. the tan icmordi the wikr. idling in her pm lovcHy *s she cxwM, h was too !牡before1Ihc alliidirtuf reached him.From lhe dock Ebe modwt grabJ hw linle hay by rhe arniB jusl as Uw Mli百nk*r got hhThat began *n incrtdibte lug-of -ww i懺冋舟小耳pn the h*o T

9、he allijartpr *3* much s&un由创*stejsflyinerhe nwQm; bul die nMher wouldnt kt go. A tnnrKT happefted to drive by. He h田E her scnurtH ftwn hisifbck and shert (he alii崔抑*AnwiziT如V, flikr weeks rwid wrefcr In iht lwsphaiL th llrtle* boy wrvrved. Hisw計empleiuuxlETy mcamd by除詡MmalM日咕srwi m JH讪加thill li

10、nle twy.恥Mvewa not (ran 冲24. Upon seeing the nitlgor grtii呻close料her btw, ihe nwthcr -扎dived into the wai刊即atR, was coo afraid to mwe. slKHited 9 wumina m her刚D, got icadvIDfigit ihe M i呼r25. | can be leami fironi H flor)-A- theft wen scars oci the boj s inns nuiJ址4B the mother*邮the match-bccauw of

11、bcr stpcnglh.4-毎曲* J ft ( 13rhmlc tcwneButterheerWly by thro os7Tiekffti caitfkM be braghtQL tlwHIIndian sa、曲u mubt pmehnse 9n ajvnnMOur tfckds include規return tw the winKiinn 20 miles from Lcndwi Vfc如命 创辑如“giving JrtWi證COTipIrtely stra升伽叮(Xinw、Siiv? 10% with a fiunily Iklci (up u 2 chiklnn)Buy wilh

12、ifidencc - we are nfliclal山碍i fihc Rriehdi TtwriM AMhoriiy, VbitBtitain MemiQformAtkMEji)oy a welcome movie starring DunieJ RuikliHe, Emma Waiwn and KtipcNcbeing ij5th,iduttl血llw impmsivr GERI HallGo behind the scenes and see how the nKiwies* impressive cusftimes animM忖ni勺皿spccuil dTetw were puiincl

13、LdLng Arthur Weasleys flying Frd Anglic Molly Qgley、magical kitchen沪jgtts(器R) and the ctMTitiai tool far utrty witch or wizard -氐yirt#twcinKLicks!Wil PJiClbmi 9 % afhi cLLmb ubixird (be unnztl Hi!gwarU Exprt?p皿也n tcaig炉nnpleii! with lhecarriage where firil nurl Ron nnd KcimicMw!Expkw the insidlcLPXJ

14、沪砂1 of Hw;tns. irKluding uii忙! 旳曲匕尺AtlcnUni: 畑for 2017:The Fcrtidfen Foz2J. Which of the fbllcwing saaienwntA is TRUE?.AViiifidtatn is the nly tickd seller for Wnjnrr Bnn Studio Trar tdnn_圳圧TicketsCJWIbe bought afler visilors arrive al l屉studio,C Hogwarts Expg will take血ilo靑W lhe测由 恥皿Ltmd*n VkK也 気li

15、uikDTwo aduhs travelli晞with州廿chililnin can get a diwtwiL22, During their lour, visits will_ _-A , be welconied by怙three msin刼阳in pm*m11 xplu-re ihi:礙cn口tJwy have wen 111 IM Htry /VXJE1i Im seriesG jrnend a Potions leclitre讪h Professm- DuntbtedrgD, hAwa haMsai ex.pcrienccMImovie pecil cllecis and ani

16、nMifvfliw-Climb ftbonrd the闭盛附Expreti23. nLrwn hiw the mtwteirspeciaL effects uid Hnimrtmnk-s BriLiili sierwtjpcs are ha神忖undniUrid.29.Tlw! meun dinbneie血肿Theit51?K. urigira is thnl _xA.(here arc mare crwl jokes in the E洱versin几B.the lastSCECin the UK verskw k more syrpminC.qslsodes in the UK veiun

17、uften宅科a hopeless nde episodes in lhe US versiewi oflen end in n bcirint;way.$6 h can be inferred frewn Uw micle UweA- Arnerican people ane brought up lobe niore們臨iiheIk Urttish coinedyOACJIhas a nkwl nschsdiie.C.Drts do noc like lo makt iitii uf crthcK.D- Jokes Arc difTkuJi In tranjsl訓De frrm nnc匕廿

18、阮匹淞 巾协anEhcT,31 - The amhor may aree ihst ccwmic diflrencsAme flight and lhereiewe can bs ignOfed.Bcn (MJtlv曲屮cuUural dificrencesM(L $Jww stenxitypes ofdiflferrnt cultuirs.D.help people* aMnmunwjtc with each Ehc;The SwhimAde Solar Impulse plane lajxfcd in Lhdb on Thursday;breaking血山胛毗rec曲讣for 3wbr-p

19、Dred flight on d)S &ccond kg Wili cwsl-tLxuiist juumey atruSi AmEfica.The super-ligiit. super-widt plane ruw inM its runway at Phoenix Sky Eiartw InW血m:il Airport al 4:47 sun,Wudncsd辱wLth Anjrc Bonthbeffe Solar mp* MJE hn mo(hwWJH:i * litti a hrBYc- b0*v he was. nufirtw escape il WKi局鲁dieep the址

20、磁were:屁mi询“r飞fipinhjrt匚忧Minilju* iu iht buy in ihc Mt inthq*儿w亡cw be brave and never lei ga of our loved ay,$ we may be fiKi with danger rn our lives.J wc fliay have to depend on ihc kindiw% of fitranp.ere-D, wc may have scan that eufne frunt paiiL nd kvc.CNtobod Laughed when the l;K comedyS!M* hffl

21、 Britain toured llw VS- A.mcricms didn*! find the BrJusfistereorypesft?式ftT funny. One chanicier wa* 3 woman who *RSsck ulKncver血 细*a foreigner. Another w$s a k)udanJ i*Lkk 15- ycsir- old girl cursing也her taichenL Bui back flush people were laughing ihblkiftg, 磁!Thnr- exactlywhal wrre hktTA Jaugh &a

22、mp; u laujgh in mix也蛰133世仇初l曲fensens fiic诃u口bff vety diftcreRL Rrie朋and AnKTic-ims*生peak tbcSJUHClariuiLg-Ci bul hutnLX docs Kjilwaj-?, Ujmrskil.an example- Thw牺胡気皿“旳a l-K TV series bui it was ced仙 血VBoth ihc US and UK wHcs art Sfl( in u boring place in d嗣哗lawn. Bu* Dmrid Hrem.血bo* of (he UK Oflice,

23、 is W! a nice砂 眦附hd弘珈晰血US屈油“恥had讪嗣Mktad 2 a .lightly nicer呻”Me驾论叫阿旳旳如血“心圖屮be too昨n.“g 吐id British peopk虹曲臥僧仙America2 叱”她和呦册血心0,people e like ot加宓讪of叱比belief the俪曲皿5朕知应宓刑2:亠Mhumorare betauw of our upbringing.-离一藝 A 莘6頁决M巧仙KWwl away Ihr戸仙旳聪出吨靳Qtt w.M can Hrrak曲骨n inlo sugur 1o give you erwiBy.E ItYjLs

24、tas ihdh Io push yourwlf nn an rrnph sivmacltF= Simply pot. you nocd: 10 consider “hl M尔山i乩before you get up and gp.G. MCKL cwilflin HV)K alone rh-sn yvuGML轴闪k bum in a ihofl aitoiml of lime,第三舗分*英语知识运用(扶两节蒲静45分)A5-P:宾瑚空(贞郭小麻 每小題I*膺甘酣并)间读下耐芯从飯丈际各翹所端的叶忸圧 S 乩C相D)中.酬咖第人京白处 的片任?t甌卡上務该空涂启The other Jjy I

25、g jheppinf fit i ffKr的忙彷町TKiBhhlDd. I was MWiing m d*血(kfflit (iw _4_nwwiuin 1 loot昶g be hl阳确,胸 bil碍b-旦lv理.诞gjvcfcdhff 4J_ and asked her _4L sftg昨曲i帕伽脚咖!T 3 画 Z 歸现吶钳討险亦说购仙:紳诚耐的备up讥is価_trie包again, I血丫 皿刖hpW山&lliTlft1t,-加lwttdtwHl uRier flw HI*wl fmu M I個IUJH.化 .,-说自恥Elki mktin drmra屁供砂fee肘nglifso

26、lar-pgwtred Hiiidhi. IJgrwhhrfp卅 曲c甘m ,recmt W nd丘 曲 西&durlHiE黑IINUJKflifllnmm SuilttHAJSMl hi卑kinThr StiSiir ImpuUc pn加d he爭wi in茁伽 讯打a血*ZbiidCT nf和nrlllcumt hkM up対 如啊沁Tfeplo k Z*如独*说曲十网吐说 鹹 Z 呱怯p皿ichl on曲皿讨巩啲虹吶诚邸血 T* f 庐li z呱nsort i旳tht!ffltw mr I血代MHMRI ihe nirpl*圧环血隔 囲巾FmwJ adVtnlumE 胡他血pil

27、呗血耐毗lH帕血显lilowing E true yf lhe Solif lflipii|j?A_ h斗邂mientcd hy a Su-jss scteniist.R. It hardh made Ftny ptilliMlondie iiaEiire.C,|i couLd ofiJy ouver di讹ry hurt dulorice.11 ft can cany a hwgt number puiserig J4. The uudffJiiKtl wcmlsLHparagraph 4 tun he Terlaccd by- 尽左|曲*畸叩B. gjivinout C. iskift t

28、imildg l035, ThR曾卿i mainly 10 fellLUMI一- -A. t WM- mrtticxi has curae into忖网饴沪府tl. K if g init仙ing to uywl面m 3* 3fi3iitC.twowtveniiHers恢丈arisiof购砸BfroaS ttw心D,Sohr EmpulM:dljaance iwofii &r 4 5hW.A. wndrI乩iurliigU Ztfni叶D-makling呗工“Jso巻JICid.枢啓些可农広題卜丄一;爼审怯m弋牧朝二部井:诞语知识罐用(井两节.歯井勒井)仲 时賊轴二节IK IW卜验 申

29、力喲L5处Mw井n3 ai plnci? CP visitIn Chifiae, | 1$. jn)vn址IKpfccnHs land.卜讪or mixinliiiH and kurbl lAndlcwiiwCiuisJbuu himu码renfuijncd m忙u( Chlju1 unpilcd(東速i劇平的冲bu:5_61 Ihe China Icur Guide wcbile ncned, GLIDIBHIS btwTifiai mMiural scuncTy C Kftt J is F wmdcrland ihu yiwill never fhnjcfl The niwi iimoi岳

30、scwc sp| sEnmps_寸 叶化My heurt nclwci. I nbxl in help血didnl know hem. Should T 47W“MAk for bn hushands TEiime?As I walked irrto die jsaricing lot, I Lhe woman ceium咏her皿凹1即Mwiifitliing in叫 肿(haL E Ihuuit eould help her. It waanl 4 Ifcandful of门曲】Jds剝fir Iwr 50. bul Huayhc il wtnuld malf !bcr ILfb bebc

31、r.My liCTrt tent 51 as】sippwached the wonuirL Exc iw-辟 仙如her lhe Mflall 52 femi mj purac. hive noJETOnm mucii ihis 54 tu nw/)wins 4 iiftle拓 即her reply. Having dd csrdered mj own Ibvx oftou:Mviecr cardkand Ftjuicd也.1 them.frar away. The sunliit and rainbow IHI%k-城_tfw ftTilcrfnlr buii事伽 活hkb67 (COTW)

32、ftw amidwr world.Anddr eye心肾hhng Oiri/Jm披叫山晒is- tii takMirlul. khLli, -68 tact tknl people cutildr!i gm w iibc pfiwfnce- IIMatwig time Wiped nwnj- sihiaic jjroupi(步數忙.戟)keep ihir irjidilintisl tricstlc9:omd ciritwE- FPTcsnmpfci.曲耳Misine.naU.1第四部分:写作(共卿审W35分)第一节弗朋0( I井淆井山幷锻定典论课上盘卸吾求歸卓迄岡交換際改作丈*怖曲你同桌骂的

33、口下怖丈,文中Jt有WitflhJL中曲“!处。储幌柳曲一亍单狮卅iiL删陈或怕改:l1 W46u fcom吧When dsc w M)41. ABbciliireB. beskkC. behmdD.mind42. ACUEB= SlwC placeD.urdu43r A- by cJuiTHJtB. by iimneCaintluucD,mwm斗4. A.辑hutB. bn會C= whereD.wiiy45, Au good0, newG UdIXdlfFkult4&, A. get throughB. break downC. recover IhwIXApply fesr47.A

34、. requireft. speakG askDolTer48- h、heardB. keptC- spotted0miled49- A - purseEL pockrE. ha&CLCET50, A, sonH- hustmndC- dauhGerD,familym de-liWdt1B. si脚UyCKkindtyD.wildly32. A. noteR- phxrtoCcardD.刍camp51 Au fiwB. twoG fourDthroe54- A. nieiuiHB - paysC, gjwesD.occurs5S.A, del增血dB- isetC- movedD.su

35、rprisedrd like愉护応ym* 谟i&m Si(廉耐A)%:Mft r詆注JSj L,曲艸-一慣约床征逵洞下面易出甘如的詞J即墉溟旳顷故均砸词;peirg 縮糊匪血蛆叙H肚蜡II社靳耐氛严碍nf,如Pmiai* it the set of gflinajly EngHsh ncwds UiaT you seat io me w tnJthtiay,./ - 町will I an EnglhhEXiLrn which wllli be Vilal hl dderminmg ihnl 1 can *ludy dbiwad . lilN IlCl.p 0F innuj ,|佛工齐n

36、nvclfc my Trading caiipridwniLflFi ill surely be improve. As distance lfe.畑嗨th. so dues limeEE|&IIpcnwn5 heart. A friend in need is- a friend indeed. Yew -r-.-te yone of眼moa询吨忖friend I血件Fhcrufe as you毗抽,曲here when r g any hdp. TKank艸碑in-Yciiira4U H wi器二节15面谟达i満介為井唱定隊赴李华,炖:的朋反P4:ta r即均弓K;S叼惘砌谕志那话

37、动购面试谢煤勺怙番卷提 供一些建议*内容也拈;h祝优E4审试机会i2,面试注意讯頊f守时:肯姑t日皤语扎Etjg:I.词数U左右:X可以适当龜恒绐:折以粧打文连赏:3.开头和站尼已绘I乩心计人总说数*券号词汇:vo|uneerX,甘庄Jt卜向可出悽捌的闻-8 -2017年7月襄阳市高一调研统一测试英语听力部分录音稿及答案听力材料(Text 1)W: Someth ing is wrong with my car. How can I go to the con cert?M: Dont worry. Ill come and pick you up in my car.W: You are a

38、lways so helpful.(Text2)W: Sir, help! Tell me the way to the n earest hospital. My mother just had a stroke.M: Sorry, Im new here. But let me dial 120 for you. Dont worry.(Text 3)M : The speaker says our ship leaves in twenty - five minu tes.W : Oh, its only six - forty now. We can take our time.M:

39、Let me go and buy a magaz ine for the jour ney.(Text 4)M: Would you like some more chicke n?W: No, its delicious, but rve had eno ugh. I un dersta nd youve become a real cook recently.M: Well, since my wife bega n work in g, I decided to help out by makingthe meals once in a while.(Text 5)M Was the

40、movie as good as you had expected?W It was a waste of time and money. We should have stayed at home.M Why are you so mad about it?It was just a film after all.听6下面一段对话,回答第6, 7题。(Text 6 )- 9 -W: I hope well have a good flight.M: So do I.I dont like flyi ng.W: Are you going on holiday?-10 -M: No, I am

41、 travelling on business. Im a salesman. I work for a computer company.W: How interesting!M: And you?W: I am a physicist. I am going to give some lectures.M: Really? In English?W: Yes, of course.M: Would you like to have a drink?W: No, thank you.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。( Text7 )M: I got a part-time job at th

42、e supermarket!W: Oh! Congratulations! How many hours will you work?M: Three hours a day and six days a week.W: Are you sure you can handle it? What about your homework?M: Im doing all right in the school. Im sure I can handle it!W: Dear, how much do they pay?M: Minimum wage to start. Please say yes,

43、 I really need the money.W: Well, its up to you, but tell your father about it.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。(Text 8)W:How did you feel the first time you spoke English to a foreigner?M:Nervous. I felt very nervous.W:Why did you feel nervous?M:That was many years ago in New York City,I was asking a man in thestr

44、eet how to get to the nearest station. I was worried that I might not be ableto make myself understood. So I said every word slowly and clearly.W:Did he understand you?M:He nodded and smiled,but did not reply. So I repeated even more slowly what Ihad said.W:Did he reply this timeM Yes,he said slowly

45、 and clearly,Sorry,InoEnglish.请听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。- 11 -(Text 9)W: You wont believe what happe ned to me yesterday!M: What happe ned to you?W: I woke up at seve n thirty in the morningM: Seven thirty? So early? I mea n.W: Yes. But liste nup. I had breakfast and went to my car, right? Well, the car did

46、 ntstart.So I walked all the way to Baker Street to take a taxi.M. A taxi? On Sunday morning ? Did you find one?W: Of course not. So I took the bus.M: But I dont un dersta nd. Where did you want to go?W: To work. Well, I on ly remembered it was Sun day whe n I arrived at the office andno onewas ther

47、e. I went back home and guess what? I did nt have my keys with me. ThereVwasno choice but to break one of the win dows to get in.M: Oh. Its funny.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。(Text 10 )Welcome to our exhibition on The Home in History. Our purpose is to show thatthe design of a home tells us something about soc

48、iety of the past. There is no better place to start,Ithink,than in that center of family lifethe kitchen. If youwill,please follow me. The first kitchen,in our exhibition is probably a littlebigger tha n your own. You can see its a big room with a high ceili ng and large worktables. There is ahuge s

49、tove to the left. Food could be cooked for hun dreds ofpeople at one time. It took about 25 people to prepare a meal here. And this particular kitche n datesback to the early 1800s .It is n ot an example of the ordi nary family kitche n,but it does give us someideas of the kinds of kitche ns that we

50、re com mon in the home of some people at that time. Can you point-12 -out some of the special characteristics of the design? 参考答案 听力110 CCBAA BBCBA 1120 ACCAB CAACB阅读:21-25 DBCCA 26- 30 ADBCA 31- 35 BABCD36- 40 FEGDA完形:41-45 CABBC 46-50 ADCAB 51-55 DCBAD 56-60 ADCDB语法填空: 填空题,单词拼写、大小写错误等都0分;61. As; 6

51、2. probably; 63. height; 64. falling; 65. be heard;66. to ; 67.to come; 68. The; 69. while; 70. tomatoes短文改错:71.去掉it72. originally改为original73. had改为have74. that改为whether /if75. help前加the76. improve改为improved77. tells改为tell78. friend改为friends79. as改为like80. here改为there短文改错只改前10处错,从第11处不计分,错误标记格式不正确0分。短文写作Dear Peter,How is it going? Congratulations on your chance to enter the interview stage for volunteers wanted bythe local museum. Here a


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