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1、For pers onal use only in study and research; not for commercial use莁名词的所有格芅名词有三个格:主格、宾格和所有格。名词的所有格通常表示-的”.芄分类蒂规则葿例词螅the girls mother那个女孩的妈妈莈单数名词在末尾加s芀Want Meis ruler王梅的尺子蒅Teachers Day教师节螇以s结尾的可数名词复数,在 末尾加S莂the studentsbooks学生们的书蚅s羅所芇以s结尾的人名,在末尾加s或是羂Dickenss / Dickens novels狄更斯的小说蒃有蒁表示各自的所有关系,各名词 末尾

2、均须加s蚆Lucys and Lilys bikes薇格蚂露西和莉莉的自行车肆luck and Lilys bedroom蕿表示共同所有关系时,最后一 词末尾加s蒃露西和莉莉的卧室蚇表示某人家”、某店铺”, 所有格后的名词省略薅my uncles我叔叔家蒆1.2.膄HoW s Joys skirt?肁Her skirt is more beautiful tha n螇A.her sisters and Kateher sister and Kate羅2.This is_room. The twin sisters like it very much.肂A.Lucys and Lily sB.L

3、ucys and Lily C.Lucy膃the butchers肉店莃of羄“名词+of+名词”构成膀the window of the room这个房间的窗户肀所有格羃of所有格膈the life of the rich有钱人的生活蚈双重蚄所有格膂在同一名词词组中同时具备s以及of两种所有格薀a friend of my fathers我爸爸的一个朋友肇罿虿羆C.her sister and KateD.her sisters and Kate sandLily s腿3Its about_walk from my home.莅A. ten minute B. ten minutesC. t

4、en minutesD. ten minutes蚅4 Today is September 10th. Its_Day.A.B.衿Teacher B. Teachers C. Teachers D. Teacher5.6.芈Its June 1st, its_Day.螅A. Childrens B. Childrens C. Childrens D. Childrenss莆6 This year,_is on May 9th.A.B.羁My mothers brithdayB. My mothers brithday蚀C. My mothers brithdayD. My motherss b

5、rithday蒈7 This year, the most popular_hat is that kind.A.B.袂womans B. womens C. womens D. womans肂8 He is_.A.B.蝿one stude nt of my father B. one of my fathersstude nt袇C. my fathers stude ntsD. one stude nt ofmy fathers蚂9 Ken is also_.衿A. one cous in of mineB.one cous in of my袇C. one cous in of meD.on

6、e cous in of I莇10 Billy and I are good friends, I have_.莃A. some pictures of Billy B. some pictures of Billys袁C. some Billys pictures D. some pictures of Billy艿肃螆莈膅袃螀蚀薅薄一用所给词的适当形式填空:1.March 8th is_Day. (woman).螁2.Taking twenty_(分钟)exercise every day is good for yourhealth.螈3.The shop sells_妇女)han db

7、ags.芈4.Teachers in western countries have a_(三个月的)holiday in a year.莄5.Illgive my English teacher a card for_Day.(teacher)袂6.Itosnly ten_walk from the station to the hotel.(minute)羇7.ltis_(hour) ride from here to the museum.螈二选择填空:肅4.This is my dress. That one is_.蚀A. Mary B. MarysC. sister D. mothe

8、r艿5.The room oi the right is_.膇A. her B. she C. LucysD. Lucy袅6.Well have a_holiday. What about goiig to the WestLake?蚁A. two days B. two-day C. two-days D. two-days气两天的假 期:two daysholiday/tw-doay holiday)谢7Themarkefisn ffarfromhee_fson-y_bicyc-eride.Aha-fanhoursha-fanhourscha-fanhourDanhourandaha-f湍

9、8Myfafherwi=havea_ho=daynexfmonfh He-fakemefoQingdapACDndaysBCDndaysoCDndays0-CDndays漆9 -fissaidfhafSARShaski=edmorefhan_peop-ewo-dwide * fhreehundredsBfhreehundreds0-fhreehundred-s0-fhreehundred邇10KaCDwonfhe_raceinfhesummersportsmeefing*100me=TeB100me=Tesc100mehep100mehe“ !Whosebikeis-fySJOhnBJohn“

10、sc Johns=2袈13My pen is black._is blue.A. Kates B. Kate C.Kates蒅14Who is the man in the blue car? He is_father.螂A. Katesand MarysB. Kate and MarysC. Kate andMaryD. of Kate and Mary.蚁Answers:1CBBAA1.WomenTeachers5 DCBBB1620 BDDDAs 2. minutes3.610 BBDCB2126 BBBCBB1115womens4. three months. minutes 7. h

11、ours5.以下无正文仅供个人用于学习、研究;不得用于商业用途For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use.Nur fur den pers?nlichen fur Studien, Forschung, zu kommerziellen Zwecken verwendet werden.Pour l etude et la recherche uniquementades fins personnelles; pasades fins commerciales.TO员BKOgA.nrogeHKO TOpBieno员b3ymm(acH6yqeHu u兄cj egoB u HHue肉go员冶HBI以下无正文ucno员B3OBaTbCEBKOMMepqeckux仅供个人用于学习、研究;不得用于商业用途For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use.Nur fur den pers?nlichen fur Studien, Forschung, zu kommerziellen Zwecken verwendet werden.Pou


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