



1、八年级英语课堂教学案( 8A Unit 4 Grammar )Teaching aims:学习目标1掌握祈使句的用法及其否定句2 掌握should ,ought to 和had better的用法学习重点掌握语法并且知道其区别学习难点能够灵活在各情景中运用各语法教具学具黑板 ;讲义 Part One预习作业&预习交流:词组翻译1、为我修理架子 2、碰湿的油漆 3、几秒钟 4、在卡片的另一面5、记住内容 6、知道一点关于DIY的事7、开始我们的工作 8、 独自9、一些有用的书 10、 加入DIY俱乐部Part Two交流展示&点拨提高Grammar A Step 1 Lead-i

2、n.设置一个情景引入祈使句1.T: open your English book.Close the door. The Air-conditioner is working. eg: The box is so heavy. Please carry it for me.加了个please 更加显得有礼貌,please既可以放在句首也可以放在句末 eg: please repair the shelf for me. Dont cut paper into pieces, please. T: Dont play in the street. Its too dangerous.Step 2

3、. Practice1. work in pairs and conclude the rules.(小组活动总结祈使句的规律) 祈使句表示请求,命令,建议。 祈使句构成 肯定句: 动词原形+ 其他 否定句: Dont + 动词原形+ 其他2. Now Millie is teaching her classmates how to make cards. Help her complete the instructions. (Finish Part A) Invite some students to read these sentences and check it. (教师讲解一下句中

4、的语言点)Grammar BStep 3 Lead-in.1. T: What are you going to do next Sunday?S: .T: Why not / Why dont you go to the cinema?S: Good idea.T: Before you go to the cinema, you have to tell your parents. /you had better finish your homework. /you must know the time. /you ought to choose to watch the Western

5、films to improve your English./Perhaps you should take your little brother with you.(T lines “should”, “ought to”, “had better”, “have to”,“must”, “perhaps” in the sentences above.) 2. Ask students to read and find out the ways of giving advice in the dialogue speak up giving advice on P37. 学生总结以前所学

6、表示建议的方式:Lets., Shall we, How about., What about等。 3.(老师说出自己近来的烦事e.g. Im very thirsty. What should I do?/ Im going to a party this weekend, but I don't know what to wear. Could you give me some advice? )学生组内讨论提建议,然后班内展示。Step 4Presentation 1.分组讨论用should, ought to, had better,来提意见时语气上有何区别;2. Work i

7、n pairs and conclude the rules.。Step 5教师提注意点:1). 用should、 ought to、 had better提出建议。 当我们要用“和善”的方法提出建议时,用 should, ought to 和 had better。should / ought to 表示“应该”,后跟动词原形。should 比ought to语气要轻一些,should谈的是自己的主观看法,而ought to则更多地反映客观情况。should的否定形式是should not (shouldnt); ought to 的否定形式是ought not to (oughtnt to

8、)had better表示“最好”,后跟动词原形,否定式是had better not do sth. 当我们想用“更强硬”的态度提出建议时,用have to 和must.should 相当于ought to shouldnt相当于ought not to3. Finish Part B. Suzy is giving DIY advice.Part Three 当堂检测A.用所给词的适当形式填空。1. You had better (not take) a walk here.2. Why not (do) morning exercises every day?3. She ought t

9、o (help) her mother do the housework.4. We must (are) here early tomorrow.5. I have to (leave) for Beijing this week.6. Should we _ (protect) the environment?7._(be not)late again .8. Jack, _( not play ) football in the street .B.下列句中A、B、C、D各有一处错误,指出并订正。( ) 1. Her mum is busy, Mary oughts to do more

10、 housework. A B C D ( ) 2. We didn't ought to speak more in class to improve our English. A B C D ( ) 3. Mike has to stay at home on Sunday, hasnt he? A B C D ( )4. Why not you have a talk with your parents? A B C DC.改写句子1. You should not keep a pet .(改为同义句)You _ _ _keep a pet. 2. You shouldt be late for school .(改为祈使句)_ l


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