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1、IPD-产品开发流程-发布阶段活动说明活动Activities活动描述Description更新项目文档Update Project FilesPOP-40更新所有的项目文档。Update all project files.继续对项目进行管理和监控Continue Monitoring and Control of Project LPDT-140FPDT-80RDPDT-90TSPDT-80MNFPDT-80PROPDT-80MKTPDT-90对项目的执行进行持续的每周例行监视和控制。Continue weekly monitoring and control of project exe

2、cution.Beta测试退出检查 Beta test exit check TE-94TE组织PDT相关人员按照局点退出CheckList检查该局点是否可以结束试验局状态,局点退出标准为:Based on the checklist of customer location exit, TE organizes the relevant members of PDT to check whether the customer location can finish the Beta test state. The standards for customer location exit ar

3、e as follows:1、完成了试验局最终的责任移交;1. The final responsibility handover of Beta test is completed.2、Beta测试评估通过;2. Beta test evaluation is passed.3、试验局协议已经完成;3. Beta test agreement has been completed.4、Beta测试协议转合同谈判工作已经完成;4. The negotiations on transferring the Beta test agreement to a contract has been co

4、mpleted.5、局点升级到GA级版本/拆除局点设备的工作已纳入相应工作计划中;5. The work of upgrading customer location to GA level version/dismantling the customer location equipment has been brought into the relevant work plan.-3606、各局点的文档已升级替换成正式发布的文档;6. The documents of all customer locations have been upgraded and replaced by the

5、 formally issued documents.7、试验局相关资源已释放;7. The relevant resources of the Beta test have been released.局点退出检查通过后,TE发布局点退出公告,局点退出后,该局点的全部责任主体变成技术支援部。After the customer location passes the exit check, TE publicizes the customer location exit bulletin. After the customer location exits, all responsibili

6、ties of the customer location will be undertaken by Technical Support Department.提供产品配置给订单履行Provide Product Configuration to FulfillmentRDPDT-95将产品的详细配置清单提供给定单履行。Provide detailed product configuration list to fulfillment.技术资料出版、发运、储存(继续)Print, Ship, and Stock Documentation (continued) TD-70当技术文档和其他文

7、档经过评审和验证后,印刷纸件文档(技术手册、安装手册、用户手册等)及其翻译版本,运送到销售渠道并纳入存货目录。When the technical and other documentation have been reviewed and verified, print the paper-based documentation (technical manuals, installation manuals, user manuals, etc.) and their translated versions; ship to channels and stock in inventory.

8、向生产操作切换Transfer to Manufacturing OperationsMOPS-10在这一点,制造流程已经被验证,初始产品被成功地生产出来;生产线被成功地转移到制造操作人员,他们将逐渐放大产能到量产规模,并维护生产线直至制造结束时间。At this point, the manufacturing process has been verified and initial units have been produced successfully; the manufacturing line is then transferred to manufacturing opera

9、tions, who will then ramp up to volume production and maintain the line through the date of end of manufacturing. RAMP UP生产Rampup ProductionMOPS-20在切换后的生产线上建立批量生产能力;订购制造用器件,测试采购系统并监控供应商绩效;下载面向生产的产品文档、制造指导书等;培训生产操作与测试人员;监控质量、生产周期,并提升流水线人员的技能;通过生产线人员参与讨论识别瓶颈与问题从而加快学习过程,明确解决办法、变通方法与长期的解决方案;重新平衡生产线,如果必要

10、的话,增添新设备;利用“交付更改管理”使能流程来生成和评估产品设计的工程更改数量。Build up to volume production on the transferred line; order production level parts, test procurement systems and monitor supplier performance; download production level product documentation, manufacturing instructions, etc.; train operators and testers; mon

11、itor quality and cycle time and build up line staff skills; push the learning curve by involving line staff in discussions to identify bottlenecks or problem areas, identify fixes, workarounds and long term solutions; rebalance the lines and add equipment if necessary; generate and measure the numbe

12、r of engineering changes to product design using the 'Deliverable Change Management' enabling process确定发布材料Finalize Launch package MKTE-38完成所有的发布材料最终稿。Finalize launch package. 完成客户迁移计划Complete Customer Transition PlanMKTPDT-39根据详细的工作计划执行用户迁移活动;准备可根据不同用户进行修改、调整的标准迁移计划;准备可根据需要进行修改、调整的标准用户协议,培训

13、技术人员,指定人员来全面审视用户的具体情况。Perform customer transition activities per the detailed work plans; prepare standard transition plans that can be modified to suit different customer situations; prepare standard customer agreements that can be modified if necessary; train technical staff; assign staff to overs

14、ee specific customer situations. 向区域/国家发送营销/销售信息Distribute Marketing/Sales Information to Geo/CountyMKTE-39A所有营销类资料开发完成后,向区域机构或全球的营销人员发送。After having been developed, distribute marketing and sales information to regional and global marketing and sales.完成订单环境的建立Complete Setting Up Ordering Environmen

15、tFF-70加载产品构件、标准配置和配置规则到配置器中,在MRP中建立用户定单系统的界面。Load the offering components, standard configurations and configuration rules into the configurator; set up interfaces to the customer ordering system in MRP.继续发运ESP产品Continue Shipping ESP ProductsMOPS-30将ESP产品发给ESP客户。Ship products to ESP customers as the

16、y come off the line during ramp-up 继续ESP客户支持Continue Supporting ESP CustomersTSS-70对ESP客户提供支持准备引导,培训,计划与管理安装与运行;获得产品性能的反馈;报告问题;性能诊断;方案开发与管理;对于技术支持人员提供培训以进行持续的支持。Provide support to ESP customers - prepare facilitation, conduct training, plan and manage installation and operation; obtain feedback on p

17、roduct performance, report problems, performance diagnose, perform solution development and management; provide training to tech support staff for ongoing support各局点升级到GA级产品/拆除局点设备Upgrade to GA level/ Remove beta site equipments TSS-72TSS作为PDT代表,负责按照试验局升级计划组织各试验局办事处技术支持工程师对各试验局局点进行版本升级,升级过程严格按照技术支援升

18、级流程进行,升级结束后必须完成文档刷新任务。As the PDT representative, TSS is responsible for organizing the technical support engineers of the regional offices of all Beta tests to upgrade versions of all Beta test customer locations according to the upgrade plan for Beta test. The upgrade process should accord with the

19、 technical support upgrade flow. After the upgrade is completed, the document refresh task must be completedESP客户支持ESP Customer SupportSE-290MKTE-40FF-75S-50分别在技术、行销、定单履行、销售方面支持ESP客户。Support ESP customer in technology, marketing, fulfillment and sales. 完成ESP活动Complete ESP ActivitiesESP-40按照项目计划完成ESP

20、的活动。Complete ESP activities per project plan.培训行销/销售人员Train Marketing/Sales StaffMKTE-45培训行销/销售人员,使他们对产品包的功能、性能及其它交付有足够了解,支持他们以后的行销/销售活动。Train marketing/sales staff so that they can have enough knowledge on the functions, performance and other deliverables of the offering to support their follow up

21、marketing/ sales activities.完成市场准备Complete Market PreparationMKTE-50完成修改RFA标准模板文档来准备RFA包(市场紧迫性、竞争紧迫性、机会丧失可能性、暴露以前产品的缺陷等);根据收集到的信息来完成RFA文档;完成对销售员工的培训,包括师资培训(T3);获得准入证,准备媒体发布,完成培训资料的准备,准备好正式的发布申请。Complete modification of the standard RFA template to prepare RFA (Request For Announcement) package (mark

22、et demand urgency, competitive urgency, opportunity loss urgency, exposure to previous product defects, etc. ); complete the RFA document with collected information; complete training of sales staff including train-the-trainer programs (T3), get clearances from agencies, prepare press releases, comp

23、lete preparation of training materials, and prepare a formal request for announcement渠道备货Load ChannelsFF-80向各个分销渠道发货,使得在GA点之前各个销售渠道能够满足部分客户的发货要求。Ship products to distribution channels so they have a ready-to-ship initial supply of product before GA接受培训和准备销售力量Receive Training and Prepare Sales ForceS

24、-60培训销售队伍并用市场的辅助品(如小册子等)、工具(如配置器等)武装他们以便让他们在发布日能够开始销售。Train the sales force and equip them with the marketing collateral (brochures, etc.), tools such as configurator, etc. so they can start selling on the day of announcement发布产品包和公布GA日期Announce Offering and Announce General Availability DateMKTE-60

25、向外界正式公布产品包及GA日期;发布新闻;设置WEB站点;就旧系统向新系统的迁移,与现有客户群进行特别沟通。Publicize the offering and the general availability date; issue press releases; set up web sites; issue special communications to existing customer base regarding transition/migration from existing product . 开始销售标准产品包Start Selling Standard OfferingS-70在产品发布与销售人员得到培训之后,销售代表开始与潜在客户联系,寻找销售目标并将完成的合同输入制造系统来生产。After sales force has been tra


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