



1、从完型填空到语法填空的华丽转身(取材于2011年一2014年广东省英语高考试题四篇完型填空广东省揭阳市揭阳第二中学英语组王小敏高考试题是一种重要的习题资源,不仅注重考查学生对英语语言基础知识的掌握和理解程度,而且强化了考生在特定语言环境中综合运用语言知识的能力。同时考卷渗透了一种人文思想,传播了正能量,是各位教育专家智慧的结晶,因而成为学生练习的经典题目。对高考试题进行科学改编,既实现了陈题变新题的创新,又在训练中起到举一反三、触类旁通的作用。所以笔者将2011年-2014年的完形填空改编为语法填空,让学生进一步学习感知这些优秀文章的同时提升他们的语言知识的运用能力。2011 年It has

2、bee n argued by some that gifted childre n should be grouped in sp ecial classes,The1(argue has bee n on the belief that in regular classes these childre n are heldback in their in tellectual (智力的 growth by lear ning situati on that has desig ned for the average childre n.There can be little doubt2_

3、 sp ecial classes can hel p the gifted childre n to graduate earlier and take their p lace in life sooner. However, to take these childre n out of the regular classes may create serious p roblems.I observed a nu mber of in tellige nt childre n who3(take out of a sp ecial class and pl aced in a regul

4、ar class. In the sp ecial class, they showed little ability to use4own judgment, relying5_ (heavy on theirteachers ' directions. In the regularclass,6(have no worry about kee ping up, they bega n to reflect directly on manyMany are concerned that gifted childre n become bored and lose in terest

5、in lear ning.8, this concern is more ofte n from parents and teachers tha n from stude nts, andsome of these adults simply con clude that sp ecial classes should be set9_ for those who are tale nted . Some top stude nts do feel bored in class, but why they feel so goes far bey ond the work they have

6、 in school. Studies have show n that to be bored is to bean xious. The gifted child who is bored is10_an xious child.2012 年We all know that some things are obviously right. For exa mp le, it is right to be kind to other peop le. It is also right to look after the en vir onment. Some thi ngs are1(cle

7、ar wrong, too. For in sta nee, we should not hurt or bully欺 负 others, nor should we litter. Rules ofte n tell us what is right or wron g.Rules can help the p ublic make the right choices, and rema in safe. Car drivers have to obey traffic regulati ons that tell them the right things to do on the roa

8、d to avoid crashes.Cyclists_2_ give sig nals before turni ng or stopping help p reve nt accide nts .If people follow rules without tak ing other matters into3(con siderate, it willbe easy for them to form what is sometimes called _4“black and white ” view. Fcexa mp le, they may believe that people s

9、hould always tell the truth, and that lying is n ever acce ptable. Such people always stick to their views, eve n if it means that they may get5 trouble.Sometimes it may not be so easy to know exactly what is right or wrong. Somepeople choose not to eat meat6they believe that it is cruel to eat ani

10、mals, but others argue that they can eat meat and still be kind to an imals; some in sist that steali ng is always wrong, but others think that one does not n eed to feel so guilty whe n7(steal some food to eat, if he lives in a really poor area and he is starvi ng.Rules help us live together in har

11、m ony, because they show us the right way to treatothers.8, some people argue that rules may be _9(con fuse, hav ing observed that rules cha nge all the time, and that some schools have some regulati ons and10have differe nt ones -so who is to decide what is right ?2013Number sense is not the abilit

12、y to coun t. It is the ability to recog nize a cha nge in(surp rise,nu mber. Huma n beings are born with this ability.exp erime nts show that many ani mals are, too. For exa mple, many birds have good nu mber sen se. If a n est has four eggs and you remove one, the bird will not no tice.However, if

13、you remove two, the bird gen erally leaves. This mea ns that the bird knows2differe nee betwee n two and three.Ano ther in teresti ng exp erime nt showed a bird's amaz ing nu mber sen se. A man was tryi ng to take a p hoto of a crow (乌鸦 _3had a nest in a tower, but the crow alwaysleft whe n she

14、saw him4_(come. The bird did not return un til the man left the tower.The man had an idea. He took 5 man with him to the tower. One man left and the other stayed, but they did not fool the bird. The crow stayed away un til the sec ond manleft, too. The exp erime nt6(rep eat with three men and the n

15、with four men. But the crow did n ot return to the n est un til all the men were gone. _7_ was not un til five men went into the tower and only four left that they were fin ally able to fool the crow.How good is a huma n's nu mber sen se? It's not very good. For exa mp le, babies aboutfourte

16、e n mon ths old almost always no tice8_ someth ing is take n away from a smallgroup. But whe n the nu mber goes9three or four, the childre n are ofte n fooled.It seems that nu mber sense is somethi ng we have in com mon with many ani mals inthis world,10_ that our huma n ability is not much better t

17、ha n a crow's.2014Parents feel that it is difficult to live with tee nagers. The n aga in, tee nagers havesimilar feeli ngs about their paren ts, say ing that1is not easy liv ing with them.Accord ing to a rece nt research, the most com mon argume nt2parents and teen agers is that regard ing un t

18、idi ness and daily rout ine tasks. On the one hand, parents gomad over messy rooms, clothes throw n on the floor and their childre n's refusal to helpwith the housework. On the other hand, tee nagers lose their p atie nee(con ti nue whe n parents blame them for dropping the towel in the bathroom

19、,not clea ning up their room or refus ing to do the shopping at the sup ermarket.The research,4(con duct by St. George Uni versity, shows that differe nt parents have differe nt app roaches to these p roblems. However, some app roaches are more successful tha n others. For exa mp le, those parents w

20、ho yell at their childre n fortheir un tid in ess, but later clea n the room for them, have5_(few cha nces of cha ngingtheir children ' s behavior. On the contrary, those6let teenagers experienee the con seque nces of their acti ons can do better. For exa mp le, whe n tee nagers who don their pa

21、rents with the shepping don ' t find their favorite drink in the refrigerator, they7( force to rec on sider their acti ons.P sychologists say that com muni cati on is the most imp orta nt thi ng in paren t-child relatio nships. Parents should talk to their childre n but at the same time they sho

22、uld lend8ear to what they have to say. Parents may scold their childre n whe n they are un tidy _9_they should also un dersta nd that their room is their own p rivate sp ace.Communi catio n is a two-way p rocess. It is only by liste ning to and un dersta nding eachother _10p roblems betwee n parents

23、 and childre n can be settled.答案与解析2011 年1. argume nt2. that3. were take n4. their5. heavily6. hav ing7. which8. However9. up 10. an1.argument前面有一个the,因此用名词形式,学生容易误拼为arguement.2.that little相当于否定词,所以用连词that.3.were taken充当who引导的定语从句的谓语动词,主句的时态是过去时,主语children与take的关系为被动。4.their充当judgement的限定词,呼应前面的主语th

24、ey.5. heavily 修饰动词 relying.6.having此句子本身已经有谓语动词 began与主语they是主动的关系,充当状语。7.which非限制性定语从句,先行词是Problems,前面又有of,所以用which.8.However前后句子是转折关系,空格后有逗号。9.up固定短语搭配,成立班级。10.an泛指,an xious首字母是元音字母。2012 年1. clearly2. who/that3. con siderati on4. a5.i nto6. because7. steali ng8. However 9 confusing 10. others1. clearly副词修饰形容词wrong.2.who/that句子有两个谓语,需要填连词,从句修饰先行词cyclists.3.co nsiderati on take sth. i nto. SthI把考虑在内4.a泛指,一种是非观。5.into固定搭配get into troubel陷入困境。6.because因果关系。他们选择不吃肉因为他们觉得吃动物是残忍的事。7.stealing when引导的从句,省略了与主句相同的主语与be动词,动作是主动的。8.However因为上下


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