



1、副词的比较级和最高级副词比较级和最高级的变化形式与形容词基本上样一般副词hard-*harderhardestfast-*faster -fastestlate-*later -latestearly-pearlier -earliest特殊副词well -better bestmuch -* more mostbadly worse -*worstlittle -*less least但是,开放类副词即以后缀ly结尾的副词不能像形容词那样加er 或est,如quickly more quickly *most quickly quietly *more quietly most quietl

2、 y(注):early中的ly不是后缀.故可以把y变i再加er和est兼有两种形式的副词1) close 与 closelyclose意思是"近":closely意思是"仔细地"He is sitting close to me.Watch him closely.2) late 与 latelylate意思是"晚":lately意思是"最近"You have come too lateWhat have you been doing lately?3) deep 与 deeplydeep意思是"深&qu

3、ot;,衣示空间深度;deeply时常农示感情上的深度,"深深地"He pushed the stick deep into the mud.Even father was deeply moved by the film.4) high 与 highlyhigh农示空间高度;highly农示程度,相当于muchThe plane was flying highI think highly of your opinion5) wide 与 widelywide农示空间宽度;widely意思是"广泛地","在许多地方"He opened

4、 the door wideEnglish is widely used in the world6) free 与 freelyfree的意思是"免费":freely的意思是"无限制地"You can eat free in my restaurant whenever you likeYou may speak freely; say what you like1.副词的比较级和最高级的构成副词和形容词一样,也有原纵.比较纵和最高级三个等级。其构成.方式有规则变化 和不规则变化两种情况。规则芟化的一般规律是:单音节词的比较圾和晟高圾在词尾加-ur 或

5、-cst;多音节词以及y结尾的副词(early除外),前而须加more或most不规则的萸化 式只能采用“各个击破”的办法去记忆。1)规则变化原级 soonlongloudfastwideearlyhappily carefully 比较级soonerlongerlouderfasterwiderearliermore happilymorecarefullyJ最高妖.soonestlongestloudestfastestwidestearliestmost happily most carefully2)不规则变化原级 well badly lilric much far比较级 bette

6、rworse less more farther further聂高统.best worst least most forthestfurthes3副词的比较级的用法1)单独便用:Try to do belter next time.下次争取干好一点。I had seen the film only a few days earlier.我是几天前才看的这部电影。He 11 come back sooner or later.他迟早会回来的。Please speak more slowly.请讲侵点。I determined not to travel farther that night.我

7、决定那天晚上不再往前走 了。2)和than 一起使用:He swims better than 1 do.他游泳游得比我好。He works less than he used to.他工作的时间比以前少了。Can you do ally better than that?你能不能干的好一些?He arrived earlier than usual.他到的比平时早。He studied the subject further than I do.这问题他研究得比我深。3)比较级前可有状语修饰:You must work much faster.你必须大大加快干活的速度。He walked n

8、o further.他没在往前走。She could dance even more gracefully than a dancer.她能比舞蹈演员跳的更美.oHelencame late, but her sister came still later.海伦来晚了 ,而她妹妹来得更晚。Cail you come over a bit more quickly?你能稍稍快点来吗?4. asas和not soas结构这两个结构也可结合副词便用:1) as-as可用在肯定句中,裘示“像一样",后面的副词要用原级:She can run as fast as a deer.她能跑的像鹿一

9、样快。They work as hard as you do.他们工作像你一样努力。I hate him as much as you do.我像你一样恨他。I * 11 be round as quick as I can.我将尽快过来。2) 在否定句中,as-as和soas都可以用:I don" t go there as much as I used.我现在到那里不象过去那么多了。I didn, t do as(so) well as I should.我做的不如我应做的那么好。I can' v jump so(as)loudly as Bill.我跳高不如比尔。I don' l like it so (as) your other works.我喜欢它不 你的其他作品。3) 这种句于中也可以有一个丧示程度的状语:I don' t speak half as (so) well as you.我讲的不及你的一半好。


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