



1、The primary medium of language is oral: speech is language.2、Theory of learning Behavioral psychology: stimulus-response chainsLearning principles:1. Foreign language learning is basically a process of mechanical habit formation.2. Language skills are learned more effectively if the items to be lear

2、ned in the target language are presented in sporken form before they are seen in written form.3. Analogy provides a better foundation for language learning than analysis. Hence the approach to the teaching of grammar is essentially inductive rather than deductive.4.The meaning of word can be learned

3、 in a linguistic and cultural context and not in isolation.三、Design1、ObjectivesShort-range objectives:Listening comprehension、accurate pronunciation, reading comprehension and production of correct sentences in writing.Long-range objectives :To develop in the students the same types of abilities tha

4、t native speakers have2、The syllabusA linguistic syllabus: phonology, morphology, and syntax of the languageA lexical syllabus of basic vocabularyLanguage skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing3、Types of learning and teaching activitiesDialogues Drills -Various kinds of drills : repetition, i

5、nflection, replacement4、Learner roles Organisms that can be directed by skilled training techniques to produce correct responsesa reactive role, have little control 5、Teachers rolesCentral and activeModels the target languageControls the direction and pace of learningMonitors and corrects the learne

6、rs performance6、The role of instructional materialsTextbookTape recorders and audiovisual equipment 四、Procedure1、The process of teaching involves extensive oral instruction2、The procedures the teacher should adopt ( Brook3、In a typical audiolingual lesson the following procedures will be observed: a

7、. Recognition; b. Imitation and repetition c. Patterns drill: d. Follow-up activities五、The decline of Audiolingualism 1、Criticism on two fronts: the theoretical foundations(both in language and language learning) and the practical results fell short of expectation.2、the theoretical attack: Noam Chom

8、skys theory of transformational grammar情境法与听说法的异同There are many similarities between situational language teaching and audiolingualism.1. The order in which language skills are introduced2. Focus on accuracy through drill and practice in the basic structures3. Sectence patterns of the target languag

9、eHowever, situational language teaching was a development of the earlier Direct Method and does not have the strong ties to linguistic and behavioral psychology that characterize audiolingualism. The similarities of the two methods reflect similar views about the nature of language and of language l

10、earning, through these views were in fact development from quite different traditions.第五章 Communicative Language Teaching又称:功能意念法( The Functional-Notional Approach )The CLT is an approach to foreign or second language teaching which emphasizes that the goal of language learning is communicative comp

11、etence. Teaching materials used with the Communicative approach often teach the language needed to express and understand different kinds of functions. The approach follows a National syllabus and emphasizes the processes of communication to get information, and using language for social interaction

12、 with other people. 一、BackgroundThe origins of the CLT are to be found in the changes in the British language teaching tradition dating from the late 1960s. In the late sixties, the current SLT was questioned. British applied linguistics began to emphasize the fundamental dimension of language teach

13、ing at that time- the functional and communicative potential of language. Scholars argued for focus in language teaching on communicative proficiency rather than on mere mastery of structures. 二、Approach 1、Theory of languageThe functional view of language is the primary one behind the communicative

14、method. language as communicationThe characteristics of the communicative view of language 1. Language is a system for the expression of meaning.2. The primary function of language is for interaction and communication.3. The structure of language reflects its funciational and communicative uses.4. The primary units of language are not merely its grammatical and structural features, but categories of functional and communicative meaning as exemplified in discourse. 2、Theory of learning Elements of an underlying learning theory: communication principle, task principle, meaningful


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