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1、博奥教育国际音标班讲义中文名_英语名_班 号_目 录UNIT ONE- 第 2页UNIT TWO- 第 7页UNIT THREE- 第11页UNIT FOUR - 第15页UNIT FIVE - 第19页UNIT SIX - 第23页UNIT SEVEN- 第27页UNIT EIGHT- 第31页UNIT NINE- 第35页Tongue twister- 第38页附录一语音学习方法 - 第40页附录二发音熟练程度自测表 - 第41页 Unit One你要知道的几个概念² 元音:发音响亮,是乐音;口腔中气流不收阻碍;是构成音节的主要音。英语中有20元音。² 辅音:发音不响亮

2、,是噪音;口腔中气流受到阻碍;不是构成音节的主要音。英语中有28辅音。² 辅音分为浊辅音和清辅音:你可以用下面两种方法区分他们² 1把手放到喉咙上,发浊辅音时声带震动。 ² 2. 用手捂住耳朵,发浊辅音时声音很响,而清辅音则几乎听不见。前元音 i: i 爆破辅音 p b t d k g 一、前元音 i:1. Learning:学习 长元音,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭尽量抬起,舌部肌肉紧张,嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平型,像微笑一样。2. Feeling:感受 i: e- me he she ee- bee meet feet geese ea- tea sea seat

3、teacher ie- piece niece chief 短语:in the tree , in the street , in the fields , in the deep sea , have a meeting , a key man 句子:Lets eat peas. Keep the meat in the fridge. Please take the seat. I am on Team Three. 3. 对话: A:Where is Mr.Lee? 李先生在哪儿? B:He is on the beach.他在海滩上。 A:What would you like to

4、eat? 你想吃些什么? B:Slices of bread, please. 面包片。二、前元音 i 1 Learning:学习 短元音,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭尽量抬起。2 Feeling:感受 i i- sit pig his this six king ay- Sunday holiday Monday Tuesday ey- money monkey honey volley y- study city busy very only happy copy e- beside behind between excuse eraser pretty短语 a big city , a pr

5、etty lady , a busy day , a little monkey , a foreign language句子 What a big city! Can you copy the file? It is a crime to pick a pocket. The dish of fish is delicious. Sit down , please.3 对话 Tom:How is your Granny? 你奶奶好吗? Mary:She is fit as a fiddle. 她很健康。 Mary:How is your company? 你的公司怎么样? Jack:Oh,i

6、t is big and busy。 噢,很大,很忙。练习题1 请正确读出以下读音: big pig film kick dig pity guitar foreign money build business pillow deep he eve meat deceit niece key2 请读出以下句子。 That is for the three evenings. It is not good to eat too much meat. Tim lives in this city. The six little sisters live in this city.三、辅音 p b

7、1. Learning:学习 双唇紧闭,然后突然分开,气流冲出口腔发音。2. Feeling:感受 p p- pig map pen pencil picture paper pretty b b- big book boot bike black bread rubberComparing:比较 bi:- pi: i:b - i:p bi:b - pi:p bi:p - pi:b bi - pi ib - ip bib - pip bip - pib 句子: Peter was sleeping on the pillow. Pick up the pen, please. I can pl

8、ay the piano. Please pass me a piece of paper. Could you pick me up at the Peoples Hall, Peter?3. Dialogue 对话: Peter: How do you do? Im Black, Peter Black. 你好,我是布莱克,彼得·布莱克。 Bob: How do you do, Mr. Black? Im Bob Brown.你好,布莱克先生。我是鲍伯·布朗。四、辅音 t d 1. Learning: 学习舌尖紧帖下齿龈, 然后突然下降,气流冲出口腔发音。2. Feel

9、ing: 感受 t - tableteatimetaketaketoytentwelveteacher d - deskdaddeardeerladderbadComparing 比较 ti: - ti ti:t - tit ti:p - tip tip - tib i:t - it pi:t - pit bi:t - bit bi:pt - bipt 句子:There is a letter for Tom.I will take a driving-test.Mr. Taylor is talking with his client.Ill see Titanic tonight.3. 对

10、话:A: Whats the date today?今天几好? B: The 3rd December.十二月三日。 A: What day is today?今天星期几? B: Today is Sunday.今天星期日。五、 辅音 k g 1. Learning: 学习舌后部隆起,紧贴软腭,形成阻碍,然后突然离开,气流冲出口腔发音。2. Feeling : 感受 k c: cat callcomecanck: chickkickbackblack k: kiteKatemakebakech: schoolChristmas g g: gooddoggeesebaggrandmagateCo

11、mparing: 比较 ki: - gi: ki:k - gi:k ki: p - gi:p pi:k - pi:g kit - tik gi:t - ki:t kig - gig bi:g - bi:k 句子Its cold. Put on your coat.The clinic is closed now.I often do morning exercise beside the lake.Come here to look at this picture.3 对话 A:Where may we park the car? 我们在哪儿停车啊?B:We may park the car

12、beside the garden. 我们可以把车停在花园旁。A:Thats OK. 好的。六 单元练习题:1. 听录音,圈出你所听到的音标。 1. a . p b . b 2. a . p b . k 3. a . b b . d 4. a . t b . k 5. a . p b . d 6. a . i b . i: 7. a . d b . b 8. a . g b . b 9. a . g b . b 10. a . p b . t 2. 听录音,如果每组单词中的划线部分读音相同,请在括号中打“ ”,否则请打“ ”。421. ( ) sea bread4. ( ) pencil pu

13、blic7. ( ) meat sweet2. ( ) eat teacher5. ( ) sheep sheet8. ( ) black lamb3. ( ) tea pleasant6. ( ) we behind9. ( ) nine know3. 听写音标。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 4. 下列音标能拼出几个英语字母的读音?请分别把字母及其音标写在下面的横线上。 t p d i: b _5. 根据读音规则给下列单词划线部分注上音标。1. page 2. birth 3. street 4. dance 5. jacket 6. we 7. think

14、 8. again 9. cold 10. doctor 11. hit 12. sweep 13. fever 14. believe 15. cut 6. 根据读音规则读出下列新单词。pea bee peace piece pick tippeat peek peep pip pit kid Unit Two 你要知道的几个概念1. 音节:由元音和辅音构成的发音单位。ap'ple, stu'dent, tea'cher, un'der'stand2. 开音节:a) 辅音+元音+辅音+e name bike home due; b) 辅音+元音 he,

15、 go, hi3. 闭音节:a) 辅音+元音+辅音 bad, bed, sit, hot, cup; b)元音+辅音it4. 重读音节:单词中发音特别响亮的音节。 前元音 e æ 爆破辅音 f v h r 一、 前元音 e 1. Learning:学习 短元音,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,上下齿可容纳一个食指尖,双唇稍扁。2. Feeling:感受 e e : hen bed left nest desk jelly well yes ea : bread head breakfast 短语: a red letter day , a best seller , a piece of

16、bread , make a request for help , get wet , take a rest 句子: We should learn step by step. Today is a red letter day. There are ten well dressed men in the hall. This is the best novel I have ever read. I have a bit of a headache. I need a rest.3. Dialogue 对话: A:What are you going to do this weekend?

17、 你这周末打算去干什么? B:Im going to visit Ted. 我要去看泰德。 He is my best friend. 他是我最好的朋友。二、 前元音 æ 1. Learning:学习 短元音,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,双唇向两旁平伸,或扁平形,咽喉有收缩。2. Feeling:感受 æ a :bag lamp capper cat have flag 短语:a black bag , a happy family , a bad apple , a fat cat , a bad habit , hand in wand 句子: Mary always f

18、ollows fashion. I had a chat with sally, and knew that shell marry Jack. Sally bought a cap with a red cap band. My wife and I have a happy marriage and a happy family. 3. Dialogue 对话: A: Why were you absent yesterday? 你昨天为什么没来? B: I had a bad cold and had to lie in bed. 我得了重感冒,不得不躺在床上。 A: How are y

19、ou now? 你现在怎么样了? B: I feel better. 我感觉好多了。三、摩擦音 f v 1. Learning:学习下齿轻触上齿,气流由齿唇间的缝隙中通过引起摩擦发音。2. Feeling:感受 f f : fat face five knife for fish ph : photo phone dolphin nephew gh : enough rough v v : very driver seven van3. Comparing: 比较 fi: vi: fe ve f æ væ i: f i: v pef pev fit vit pi: ft p

20、i: vt def dev æf æv ef ev 4. 句子 They will invite all their friends to the wedding. They plan to marry in November. Frank has a set of beautiful flat. To be frank I have been fired. Its Friday today.四、辅音 h r 1. Learning:学习 h 口自然张开,气流不受阻碍自由冲出口腔,只在通过声门时产生摩擦音,口型依后面之音而变化,声带不震动。 r 舌尖向上卷起,停在口腔中央,

21、舌身向侧收拢,双唇突出,气流从舌面与硬腭间流出发音。2. Feeling:感受 h h: hello hat head ham have wh: who whom r r: ride rubber red rabbit wr: write wrong wrap3. Comparing: 比较 ri: di: rem ret ript hipt red ret 句子 I like to travel on holidays. This is Henrys handbook. I like to keep a tool-box handy. Ill reach the library soon.

22、My friend, Frank, will come from UK on Friday.3. 对话:A: Do you know Henry? 你知道亨利吗?B: Yes, he is tall. His left hand was hurt in a war.知道。他个子很高。他的左手在战争中受了伤。 He has a warm heart and often help others. 他是个热心肠,经常帮助别人。五、单元练习题1. 按听音顺序给下列音标编号。 1. ( ) tek ( ) dep ( ) ebt ( ) teg 2. ( ) pi: d ( ) bid ( ) beg

23、( ) get 2. 听录音,如果每组单词中的划线部分读音相同,请在括号中打“ ”,否则请打“ ”。 1. ( ) head tea 2. ( ) bread head 3. ( ) eleven eleven 4. ( ) van fan 5. ( ) eleven bed 6. ( ) fat mat 7. ( ) vase vest 8. ( ) elephant pan 9. ( ) photo phone3. 读句子,指出下列句子中各含有几个所给的因素 .( ) That fat man has a black cap.( ) The man ran back to get his

24、cap and bag.4. 请按照所听到的内容把所涉及到的因素划出来,并在后面的横线上写出正确的音标。e.g. (Fred) f d i: e i r n fred b p e i: i d v g d r m r p ae i: e t n b r e d v b p i i: v p m r n p i: e f æ b 5. 听写音标。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 6. 根据读音规则给下列单词划线部分注上音标。 1. warp 2. free 3. matter 4. riddle 5. vest 6. wet 7. fit 8. eve 9

25、. climb 10. rag 11. sleeve 12. swept 13. flu 14. met 15. rest Unit Three中元音 : 摩擦音 s z 一、中元音 : 1. Learning:学习长元音,舌身平放,舌中部抬起到至中间位置,牙床开得较窄。2. Feeling:感受: : ir girlthirstyshirtbirdbirthdayur nursehurtThursdaypurpleor worker hercertainlyear earlyearth短语:turn red, serve a customer, at first, on earthbe at

26、 work, make a long journey, learn the list of words句子:My shirt is dirty, I should clean it.I will begin my work on Thursday.Its my turn to speak.I got the third place in the competition.3. 对话:A: Where do you work?你在哪里工作?B: I work for a German firm.我为一家德国公司工作。C: I work in the Diplomatic Service.我在外交部

27、工作。二、中元音 1. Learning: 学习短元音,舌中部稍抬起,牙床半开,双唇扁平。2. Feeling:感受 er- riverrubberrulersupperteacheror- doctormonitoro- todaytomorrowchocolatea- aboutaroundaheadagainChinaure- pleasure picturetreasure短语: number ten, at ten oclock, from cover to cover, post a letter, draw a picture句子: Dont stick the two piec

28、es of paper together. Peter is the books author. As a visitor to Beijing, I like it in September. There are six people in my family, my grandfather, my father, my mother, my brother, my sister and I. 3. 对话:Mother: What do you want to be, son, a teacher, a driver, a writer, a doctor or a professor? 你

29、想做什么,儿子,老师,司机,作家,医生还是教授?Son: I want to be a doctor. 我想做名医生。三、摩擦音 s z 1. Learning:学习舌端靠近齿龈,但不要贴紧,气流由舌端与齿龈间流出,摩擦发音。2. Feeling: 感受 s s: six lastsoupsevenmaps c: facepencilcent ss: classgrassglass z s: usemusiceraserknivesphotos z: zoozip magazinezero3. Comparing: 比较 st zt bl:ms bl:mz bs bz sip zip ta:s

30、 ta:z sæd zæd t : t:t zept sept 句子:We have rice for supper.I give you a box of sweets.There is a filling station near the supermarket.You can stay as long as you please.This is a smokeless zone.4. 对话: A: What did you have for supper? 你晚饭吃的什么? B: Rice and fried eggs. 米饭和煎鸡蛋。四、辅音 1. Learning

31、:学习舌尖在上下齿间,略微伸出,气流由舌齿间的窄缝流出,摩擦发音。2. Feeling: 感受 th: thank thin three birthday bath month thumb th: they these those them their with smoothComparing: 比较 u: u i i i i a: a: æ æ ei ei 句子 Edith is taking a bath. Im thirsty. He is thinking of going north. There are three girls in my family. Im

32、the third. I will buy a pair of leather shoes this afternoon. 3. 对话A: What do you think of my leather shoes? 你觉得我的皮鞋怎么样? B: Theyre beautiful. And the leather is excellent. 很漂亮。而且皮革很好。五、单元练习题1. 按听音顺序给下列音标编号。 ( ) :d ( ) ri: ( ) si: ( ) s: ( ) siks ( ) i ( ) st: ( ) ik ( )red ( ) fif ( ) zest ( ) si: (

33、 ) bri:z ( ) is ( ) zi: 2. 听录音,圈出你所听到的音标。 1. ik ip it 2. ek ik i: k 3. i: p ip ep 4. in tin in 5. :k a:k :k 6. : :t :d 7. ik ik 8. ek ek 9. i:p i:p 10. h h 11. in in 12. :k :k 13. : t :t 14. a: t a:t 3. 听录音,如果每组单词中的划线部分读音相同,请在括号中打“”,否则请打“×”。 1. ( )joy coin 2. ( )near pioneer 3. ( )poor sure 4.

34、( )here where5. ( )beer bear 6. ( )hare hair7. ( )dear dare 8. ( )fear dear9. ( )bear bare 10.( )stair stella11.( )hate hat 12.( )high blind 4. 请按照听到的内容选出正确的音标,把它的编号填到括号内。( )1. niz 2. nz ( )1. feit 2. beit ( )1. : 2. u ( )1. ba: k 2. bait ( )1. ka:d 2. kaid ( )1. :s 2. k:s ( )1. bi: t 2. bi: d ( )1.

35、 di: p 2. ti: p ( )1. sei 2. dei ( )1. bil 2. b:l ( )1. k:in 2. k:n ( )1. tu 2. tut 5. 读单词,注意黑体部分的读音,并写出它的音标。 1. light cry time 3. dear tear clear 5. pair chair hair 7. join point oil 2. joy destroy enjoy 4. hate mate great 6. deer near here 8. say make bake Unit Four 后元音 u u: 摩擦音 破摖音t d一、后元音 u 1. L

36、earning : 学习短元音,舌尖离开下齿,但不与上齿接触,舍身后缩,双唇收圆,稍向前突出。2. Feeling: 感受 u oo: book lookfootcookgoodhook u:putpullfullsugarbutcher ou:couldshouldwould短语:a good-looking womana cook-booka gas cookerfull speedin the woodsome good sugar句子:Ill do it by hook or by crook.Dont look outside the room, you should read yo

37、ur book carefully.They are playing football at the foot of the hill.The woman wants to buy some good sugar.He took two sugars in his coffee.3. 对话A: Would you help me find my son?你能帮助我找到我的儿子嘛?B:I would if I could.如果有可能我会的。A: Could I book room?我想订一个房间。B: Im sorry. The hotel was full.对不起,房间被订满了。二、 后元音

38、u: 1.Learning : 学习长元音,舌尖离开下齿,舌后部向软腭抬起,双唇收圆,收小且更突出,口腔肌肉始终保持紧张状态。2、Feeling状态 u: oo: zootoofoodafternoonbootgoose o:do whotwomovetomblose u: bluegluejuicerulerfluteruleew:blewdrewgrewflew短语:a glass of juicethe school rulesa stage crewblue moonfood and drinkblood group Ain June句子:Ill clean my room soon.Have some fruit , pleaseThis group of students is going to school.Its cool in a


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