



1、考点 形容词和副词是各种试题中的必考内容。命题热点如下:1、几个形容词作定语修饰一名词时,形容词的排列顺序;2、v-ing和v-ed形式形容词间的区别;3、意思相近的形容词或副词间的区别;4、形容词或副词的同级句型,比较级句型,最高级句型;5、形容词形式的副词与ly形式的副词间的区别。6、表语形容词与定语形容词;7、very作定语;8、特殊形容词和副词的用法;9、合成形容词。预测 1、语境中形容词、副词的意义选择和固定搭配中出现的形容词;2、形容词、副词的级别形式及其它们的修饰语;3、多个形容词修饰名词时的排列顺序和副词修饰形容词的位置等。形容词:修饰名词,表示其特征或性质,在句中作定语或表语

2、。副词:修饰动词,形容词或副词,表示动作的时间、方式、地点和程度等,在句中作状语。1、 合成形容词 1) 以形容词(含-ing, -ed)结尾,合成形容词直接加连字符。 bitter-sweet, good-looking, well-known, absent-minded, grass-green, man-made, mouth-watering 2) 由普通名词构成的合成形容词中,名词用单数形式。名词作定语 answer sheet, bulletin board, gas station, telephone number.adj.(num.) + 普通名词,名词后加(e)d, 以d

3、结尾不加。kind-hearted, 80-word article, one-eyed man, three-legged.num + n. + adj. 18-year-old, seven-metre-long, 此结构作表语时不同 She is 18 years old. It is seven metres long. 3) 含有时间、金钱、距离、度量的名词既不加-ed也不用复数。two-week time, a five-yuan note, two hour meeting.2、形容词和副词的三种比较级别: 原级、比较级和最高级 构成:1)规则的 单音节或部分双音节 +er 和

4、+est 多音节和部分双音节用 more 和 most 构成 small large busyheavy big thin difficult useful clever tired glad fit2)不规则的good/well bad/ill/badly many/much little old far3、比较级别的七种句型 1)A>B, A<B 比较级+than. Tom drives _ (认真) than Jack. 常用修饰语:a little, a bit, slightly, somewhat (多用于肯定句,表示“一点儿,稍微,更”).many, much, a

5、lot, a great deal, far, greatly (多用于肯定句,表示“多得多”)even, all the, still, yet (多用于肯定句,表示“更,甚”)no, any, not any (用于否定句和问句,“没有,没一点儿”) Is he feeling any better? He feels no better.by far, by a great deal 在句未表比较含义,在句中表最高级含义。 His explanation is clearer by far. cf: His is by far the taller of the two.倍数词和度量结构

6、表示程度。 She is three inches taller than I. a head taller five minute earlierBut: His is the stronger of the two brothers.(two) The weather in Beijing is colder than that of(in) Wuhan. (that, those表比较对象不可遗漏,即比较级的平行结构) How beautifully she sings, I have never heard a better voice. (比较范围和对象的省略或隐含) We had

7、never spent a more worrying day. We all hope to live in a better world. 2)A=B as+原级+as This exercise is as_(容易) as that one. 3)AB not as/so+原级+as Our classroom isn't as/so _(干净) as yours. 放在第一个as前的修饰语有:(not)nearly / almost 几乎,(not)half 一半,by no means 决不,just, exactly刚好,恰好,twice(three times) 倍数词或

8、度量结构,(not)quite 相当。 She hasnt been quite so unhappy as she pretends. Oh no, they are half so popular (as hers).4)A>B>C (the)+最高级+范围(of, in) She is _(young) of the three in her class.常用修饰语:by far, much, easily, nearly, the very, almost, not quite, not really, by no means, next等 second, first 等序

9、数词和yet, ever, but one等。形容词最高级前用the,副词最高级前可省略。 He is easily the most interesting lecturer of all. The hat is the biggest ever (yet, but one) the second most expensive hat the very least 5)最之一, one of the+最高级+名词复数+范围 (in, of) He is one of _(good) students in our class. 6)越来越,比较级+and+比较级或The more,the m

10、ore Our life is getting _(well). The _(多)we read English, the _(好)we'll be at it. 7)比较级句型表示最高级含义 比较级+than any other+名词单数He works _(hard) than any other boy among us. Beijing is larger than any city in Africa4、一般adj. + ly 构成 adv. shyly, immediately, possibly, simply, gently, comfortably, scientif

11、ically, busily, heavily, truly, dryly, wholly, publicly 少数adj. 以ly结尾且大多由非形容词词跟派生而来。 n. + ly shapely, sightly, lovely, friendly, orderly, motherly, sisterly, brotherly, homely, soldierly. 时间n. + ly daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly. 其他: deadly, lively, sickly, lowly, cleanly, early ugly, sill

12、y, seemly, likely.5、-ed与-ing形容词的区别 -ing 构成的形容词说明外部“形象”或“给以影响”,修饰评价主语或中心词在某时的特征,即“使人,令人、给人感觉 ”。 trembling hand, an interesting story, He is falling quickly. How charming she is! -ed 构成的的形容词说明内部“心情、心境、情绪”,修饰评价主语或中心词因某原因而产生的心理活动,即因“而产生的心境态度”。 frightened look, a puzzled question, He is very excited. He

13、was satisfied. 对外影响 frightening/frightful, pleasing/pleasant, terrifying/terrible, tiring/tiresome, satisfying/satisfactory, 内部感受 frightened, pleased terrified tired satisfied 另外:dangerous, painful 对外影响 in danger, in pain 内部感受6、不用very修饰的形容词和词组: a. 具有绝对意义的形容词一般不用very 表程度,而用just, quite, exactly, compl

14、etely, entirely, well, too等修饰。 completely dead, quite right (wrong, mistaken, sure), too (so) ready, quite impossible, quite perfect. b. 以-a 开头的形容词多有特殊副词修饰。 fast (deep, sound) asleep, wide awake, wide open, very much (quite, all) alone, very much alive, very (much) alike (afraid, shamed) c. be well

15、worth, be very (much) worthy, quite different, exactly (just) the same, much the same, just then, right now, terribly hot (cold, frightening), freezing cold, be dead against the plan, right in front of you, Its well over his head. d. ing, -ed结尾的形容词用very修饰。 a very interesting film -ing, -ed结尾的分词永much

16、 / very much / greatly等修饰。Much surprised at the news, he could say nothing.注意:1) the + adjective 表示某类人或物 the old, the young, 这类名词化的形容词做主语时谓语用复数。2) 后置定语: 修饰 something, everything, anything, nothing 的形容词. He did everything to make her happy. 介词短语或不定式作定语 This is a student worth of praise. Is it a hard

17、problem to solve? 用and 或or 连接的两个形容词 Every nation, big or small, has its strong points and weak points.Power stations, large and small, have been set up all over the country. 形容词和表数量的词组 The pipe is twelve feet long. It is a hotel fifteen stroeys high.3) 修饰adj. 和adv. 的副词一般放在被修饰的词之前,但 enough除外。He is ol

18、d enough to go to school.4) 及物动词和副词(down, on, off, in, out, up etc)组成的动词词组,其宾语若是名词,该名词一般放在副词之后,也可放在副词之前;若是代词,该代词一定放在副词之前。e.g. He cut down the trees. Or. He cut the trees down. But: He cut it down.5) 只作前置定语的形容词 live (活的), lone (孤独的), elder (年长的), woolen, wooden, silken, golden.只作表语的形容词 afraid (fright

19、ened), alike(similar, like), alive (living, live), alone (lonely), asleep (sleeping), awake (waking), well (身体好), ill (sick), sure (作表语“肯定”;作定语“靠得住、可信的”。 6) 副词在句中的一般位置:“实前系后复中间” 实意动词前面、联系动词后面、复合谓语第一个动词后。7) 几组形式相同形容词和副词的比较:cheap adj./ adv. He sold his car cheap/ cheaply. close adj. adv. “靠近” Come clo

20、se, Ill tell you.cheaply adv. His car was cheaply sold closely adv. “密切地”Watch what I do closely.high adj./ adv. 具体高度 以下两组类似: deep adj. adv. wide adj. adv. highly adv. 程度的高(抽象含义) deeply adv. widely adv.dead adv. “的确、完全” dead right, dead tired fair adv. “公平、公正” play fair, fight fairdeadly adj. “致命的”

21、a deadly poison fairly adv. = quite, ratherhard adj./ adv. “努力” late adv. “晚” well adj. 健康的hardly adv. “几乎不” lately adv. “近来” adv. 好地8) 两个以上的形容词或名词修饰一个名词,作前置定语,其形容词的排列顺序,如下表所示:记忆诀窍 “限观形令色国材” all the six strong young American boy student. that very well-mannered young child也可以记住Osacom这个杜撰的词,o-opinion

22、,s-shape,a-age,c-colour,o-origin,m-material。需要强调时可颠倒数序。 a young and beautiful girl. (强调 young)顺序号1限定词2 外观3形状4 年龄5 颜色6 国籍7 材料说 明冠词、物主代词指示代词、数词性质状态大小长短新旧温度 颜色 国籍 材料实 例the, my, these, firstall, three, two, fewkind, finegood, nicelarge, bigsmall, longold, newyoungred, bluegreenChineseAmericaniron, brick

23、stone, oil 9) 频率副词的频率 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日always 总是 usually 通常 usually 经常 sometimes 有时 seldom 难得 hardly表程度 never 从不 sometimes 的同义词或词:occasionally, at times, from time to time, now and then, once in a while. 10) 形容词常作伴随、原因、时间、方式等状语,表示状态或特征,相当于副词的功能,常用逗号隔开。 He ran back home, full of fear. Happy, they went

24、over there. After the Anti-terrorist war, the American soldiers returned home, safe but tired. Full of fear, he returned home. He stood there, anxious about it. Ripe, the apples are sweet. The dog lay on the ground, dead. 11) a) too +adj./ adv. + to 句型中不定式有否定意义,“太以致不能” He is too young to go to school. b) too +adj./ adv. + to 有not, only, all, but修饰too时表肯定意义。 It was not too late to catch the bus. 不太晚赶得上那趟车。 One is never too old to learn. You know but too much to leave. 你知道得太多,还是离开好。 You shall never be too careful. c) too修饰happy, glad, ready, anxious, eager, willing,


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