1、Minqing Hongdian Electronic Ceramics & Electronic Co ,LtdMinqing Hongdian Electronic Ceramics & Electronic Co.,Ltd established in 1979, which is located in Minqing tow n -the porcela in cen ter of southeast . It has abundant resources , convenience tran sportati on (about one hour riding awa
2、y from Fuzhou port) and eno ugh electric ; it has sta ndard factory rooms and opacious field, all of these form superior con diti on tor produc ing porcela in. There is about 15000 square meters of company area, 13000 square meters of building area. It has fixed asset about 10,000,000 RMB ,more than
3、 210 employees, 21 full-time ma nagers, 10 engin eers and 15 tech ni cia ns.Minqing Hongdian Electronic Ceramics & Electronic Co.,Ltd has improved its tech nique by the sec on dme on the basis of the origi nal compa ny, it has foun ded in Nov .2005. During the past two years, the producti on res
4、ult is en couragi ng. The main products have: various suspe nsion type in sulators un der 30 tons (in clude class ANSI 52 series), medium , high voltage pin type in sulators (in clude ANSI 55 and ANSI 56 series), each ki nd of spool in sulators , pocela in cross arms in sulators, various pillars,set
5、 tubes, cutout fuse , lighting arrester and gang insulator electrical products which are un der 35 KV.Our compa ny adopts an IEC, En glish (BS), and America n (ANSI) sta ndard product ion strictly . The products are sold all over the world , such as Europe and America, Southeast Asia, Middle east,So
6、uth America and HongKon g-Macao regi on , the year product ion value reaches to 38,000,000RMB which is one of the main high-voltage electric ceramics manu favturers in Fujia n provin ce.The compa ny follows the policy customer supremacy, the quality-first and serve in a top-grade aim, developing new
7、 products all the time, expanding new field. The equipme nts of our compa ny is good, the techique is adva need. Now we have establishing electricity porcelain physics, chemistry lab, product quality is reliable, the fun cti on is good, deeply welcomed by domestic and intern ati onsl customers.Welco
8、me old and new customers hold hands together for explori ng and develop ing.圣象集团有限公司是一家专业从事高新技术产品开发、生产和研究的企业。 成立于1995年。公司主要以生产和经营高科技、绿色环保、拥有广阔市场前景 和发展空间、并且正成为地面铺装材料新的世界潮流、符合中国百姓实际购买力的强化木地板产品为主业,同时也生产和经营实木复合地板、中高密度板材、高 密度强化木地板基材、壁纸、新型散热器系统、新型家具板材等建筑装饰材料。 目前公司正朝着专业化、网络化、多元化的方向迈进。Shen gxia ngGroup Co.,
9、 Ltd. is a professi onal high-tech product developme nt, product ion and research en terprises. Foun ded in 1995. Compa nies operat ing mainly in the producti on and hi-tech, gree n en vir onmen tal protect ion,and have broad market prospects and developme ntof space and groun d-based paveme nt mate
10、rials is beco ming a new global trend, in line with the actual purchas ing power of Chin ese people Lam in ate floori ng products in dustry, as well as producti on and Parquet bus in ess, in high-de nsity plate, high-de nsity substrate Lam in ate floori ng, wallpaper, new radiator system, new furn i
11、ture, build ing decoratio n materials such as sheet metal. At prese nt, compa nies are moving towards specializati on, n etwork-based, pluralistic direct ion.为实现我们的管理目标,提升公司核心竞争力和可持续发展的战略目标,我们开 展了公司流程化建设的项目规划。2008年是tp的流程标准化年,2009年 是tp的流程持续优化年,2010年是tp的流程再造年。tp汽车保险将加快流程化 公司建设的步伐,率先实现管理上的突破,真正从管理中要效益,
12、进而将管理发 展成公司的核心竞争力。通过三年的流程化建设工作,实现流程的标准化,进而 IT化,最终实现管理效率的提升和成本的下降To achieve our man ageme nt objectives, enhance the compa ny's core competitive ness and the strategic objectives of susta in able developme nt,we ope ned Show the compa ny's process of con structi on project pla nning. Tp of 20
13、08 is the sta ndardizati on process, 2009 is continuing to optimize the process of tp, the tp of 2010 is in process ree ngin eeri ng. tp auto in sura nee compa ny will speed up the process of buildi ng the pace of man ageme nt take the lead in achiev ing a breakthrough, the real from the man ageme n
14、t to be effective, and will man age to develop into the compa ny's core competitive ness. Through the process of buildi ng a three-year work, the sta ndardizati on of processes, and IT, and the eve ntual realizati on of man ageme nt efficie ncy and decrease costs中国第一家专业的汽车保险公司 -tp汽车保险股份有限公司 tp汽车
15、保险股份有限公司是 2004年12月经中国保险监督管理委员会批准设立的全国性金融机构,是中国第一家专业汽车保险公司。公司总部设在上海浦东陆家嘴金融区,注册资本5.5亿元人民币,主要经营机动车交通事故责任强制保险和机动车商业保险,同时还经营企业财产险、家财险、货运险、责任险、短期 意外险和健康险等业务。tp保险开创了中国保险市场上的数个先河,是第一家实行非核心业务外包模式和第一家提供全面汽车安全 服务的保险公司。tp保险所倡导和实施的基于非核心业务外包的低成本专业化”经营模式正在被业界认可,“tp模式”逐渐成为理论界和实务界讨论的热点。tp保险倡导尊重、共享、执行、卓越”的企业文化,秉承 诚信、
16、专业、创新、效益”的经营理念,拥有中 国车险市场上具有重要影响力的资深专业人才,结合国际先进的保险技术、管理经验和中国市场实际,着 力打造中国汽车保险第一品牌。目前,公司已在上海、北京、广东、深圳、浙江、江苏、四川、河北、湖北、山东、重庆等地设有11家分公司,在宁波、苏州、东莞、佛山、金华、嘉兴、绍兴等地设有7家中心支公司,天津分公司已获准正在筹建,公司还在成 都建立了全国集中的电话中心,2008年1月,tp电话营销专用车险产品获中国保监会批准。根据tp保险发展规划,2008年公司将在成都建立全国集中的运营管理中心,完成全国主要地区的机构网络布局,为实现业务的快速增长和公司的持续盈利打下坚实的
17、基础。tp保险的服务已经超越了传统的理赔服务,在为客户提供方便快捷的理赔服务的基础上,tp致力于为客户提供全面的汽车安全服务。围绕让岀行更美好”的使命,tp致力于成为最佳的汽车安全服务提供商。tp历程2005 年: 10 月,筹建北京、深圳、浙江分公司和宁波中心支公司。2006 年:年初,北京、深圳、浙江分公司和宁波中心支公司正式开业。河北、江苏、四川、广东四家分公 司以及绍兴、金华、嘉兴、苏州等中心支公司也相继成立。2007 年:年初,湖北分公司和佛山、东莞中心支公司正式开业。2008 年:2 月 1 日,全国性的电话销售专用产品获中国保险监督管理委员会批复正式面向全国销售。山东、重庆、天津
18、分公司正式开业。tp 模式tp保险所倡导和实施的 基于非核心业务外包的低成本、专业化”经营模式正在被业界认可,“tp模式”开创了中国财产保险业的先河。 tp 只做保险公司具有核心竞争力的部分,把产品研发、定价、风险控制等业务 环节作为自己的主营方向,而把产品销售、查勘定损、基础服务等环节外包给保险产业链上其他主体。这一模式不仅使 tp 保险实现了低成本、专业化的经营优势,并巩固了自身的核心竞争力,而且也为保险中 介的发展提供了丰富的业务土壤和广阔的发展空间。tp 管理2008 年 tp 汽车保险提出了上市的战略目标,于是治理结构最好、管理最好的管理目标应运而生,tp 将通过建立行之有效、科学严
19、密、高效一致的标准化、制度化、系统化、精细化经营管理流程体系; 通过建立强大的经营管理平台,持续、有效提升公司经营效益和客户服务、运营管理效率、品质,实现在 效益、成本、质量、服务和速度等方面业绩的显著提高。为实现我们的管理目标,提升公司核心竞争力和可持续发展的战略目标,我们开展了公司流程化建设的项目规划。2008年是tp的流程标准化年,2009年是tp的流程持续优化年,2010年是 tp 的流程再造年。 tp 汽车保险将加快流程化公司建设的步伐,率先实现管理上的突破,真正从管理中要 效益,进而将管理发展成公司的核心竞争力。 通过三年的流程化建设工作, 实现流程的标准化, 进而 IT 化, 最
20、终实现管理效率的提升和成本的下降China's first professional car insurance auto insurance Co., Ltd. - tpAutomobile Insurance Company tp is 12 periods in 2004 the China Insurance Regulatory Commission ap proved the establishment of a national financial institutions, is China's first professional automobile ins
21、ura nce. The company is headquartered in Shanghai Pudong Lujiazui financial district, the registered capital o f 550 million yuan, mainly engaged in the compulsory motor vehicle traffic accident liability insurance a nd commercial insurance of motor vehicles, as well as property insurance enterprise
22、s, home Insurance, car go insurance, liability insurance short-term accident insurance and health insurance services.tp insurance China's insurance market and created a few months on the first of its kind, is the first impl ementation of outsourcing non-core business model and the first to provi
23、de comprehensive security service s car insurance companies.tp insurance advocacy and implementation of the "non-core business based on low-cost specialized outsou rcing" business model is being recognized, "tp model" theory and has gradually become a hot topic in in dustry pract
24、ice.tp insurance advocate "respect, sharing, execution, excellence" corporate culture, adhering to the "integrity, professionalism, innovation, efficiency" business philosophy, with the Chinese auto insurance market has an important influence on the experienced professionals, com
25、bined with international advanced insurance t echnology, management experience and actual Chinese market and strive to build China brand car insuran ce.At present, the company has been in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangdong, Shenzhen, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Sichuan, Hebei, Hubei, Shandong, Chongqing and other
26、places with 11 branches in Ningbo, Suzhou, Dongguan, F oshan, Jinhua, Jiaxing, Shaoxing, etc. Center 7 and has a branch in Tianjin branch has been under prepar ation, the company also established the National Chengdu centralized call center, in January 2008, tp tele marketing exclusive auto insuranc
27、e products approved by China Insurance Regulatory Commission. Tp ins urance in accordance with development plan in 2008 in Chengdu will focus on the establishment of the National Center for the operation and management to complete the national network of major areas of th e layout for the realizatio
28、n of the rapid growth of business and corporate profits continued to lay a solid foundation.tp insurance service has gone beyond the traditional settlement services, providing customers with conveni ent and efficient service based on the claims, tp is committed to providing customers with a comprehe
29、nsi ve security service vehicles. Around the "Let's a better trip," the mission, tp is committed to becoming th e best provider of automotive safety.tp course2004: December 31, by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission approval of motor vehicle insurance tp officially opened in Shan
30、ghai, the registered capital of 550 million yuan.2005: in October, to build Beijing, Shenzhen, Ningbo, Zhejiang Branch and branch centers.2006: the beginning of the year, Beijing, Shenzhen, Ningbo, Zhejiang Branch and the Center officially op ened branch. Hebei, Jiangsu, Sichuan, Guangdong and the f
31、our branches of Shaoxing, Jinhua, Jiaxing, Suz hou and other centers have been set up branch companies.2007: the beginning of the year, Hubei Branch, and Foshan, Dongguan center opened branch.2008: February 1, the national telephone sales of specialty products by the China Insurance Regulatory C omm
32、ission officially approved for sale nationwide. Shandong, Chongqing, Tianjin Branch officially opened.tp modetp insurance advocacy and implementation of the "non-core business based on low-cost outsourcing, profe ssional" business model is being recognized, "tp model" to create C
33、hina's first property insurance industry.tp only insurance company with the core part of the competitiveness of the product development, pricin g, risk control and other business segments as its main direction, and product sales, the survey will be d amaged, basic aspects of outsourcing services
34、 to the insurance industry chain other subjects.This model not only to achieve a low-cost insurance tp, the operating advantages of specialization and co nsolidation of its own core competitiveness, but also for the development of insurance intermediary busin ess offers a rich soil and vast space for development.tp ManagementTp auto insurance in 2008 put forward the strategic objectives of the listing, so the best governance struc ture, management came into being the best management objectives, tp will be through the establishment of effective, science and t
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