



1、33、昨天我们花了一个小时给牛挤奶34、你怎么不去看医生呢? (两种 )八年级上册英语易错题100 道(unit 1-unit 5)1、 They both work hard at English (改为同义句 )2、 It s bigger than _in China (.任何其它城市)3、 Tom is _of the two boys (.更高)4、 _(越小心 ) you are , the _越(少 ) mistakes you make.5、 They speak as _好() as the teacher does.6、 The girl in red is new her

2、e, so _很(少 )people know her.7、I want to buy the dictionary , its not _yes ,its price is _.A、expensive lowB、low cheap C、highcheap8、 He didn tgo to school because he was ill . 同(义句 )He didn tgoto school _.9、 We had to go back to the hotel on foot .同(义句 )We had to _hotel .10、What do you think of the mo

3、vie ?(同义句 )11、The girl is taller than _ _ _ in her class.12、He doesnthave a job ,so he has nothing _. A 、doB、to doC、doing13、Can I have something _ A、eatB 、to eatC、eating14、What a nice weather it is ! (改错 )15、do morning exercises 做早操do eye exercises 做眼保健操dress oneself 打扮某人自己16、They are not _不(够认真 ) w

4、hile they are doing homework .17、The Yellow River is the _(long) river in China .18、Of all the students ,Tony is _(careful) student in class .19、Jim ,please help _to some bread . 、A himB、 youC、yourself20、You can do it by _(you)21、There are many _(different ) between you and him.22、Ihad _useful umbre

5、lla when it rained . A、aB、anC、23、Did you enjoy yourself last night ?(同义句 )24、我们班每个人都带了一个装食物和水的袋子Everyone in our class took a bag _ food and water .25、十分钟后,太阳开始升起。_ the sun started _.26、让我们尽最大努力来帮助贫困地区的孩子们。27、Miss White is waiting _the bus stop . A、 forLets _the children in poor areas . B、 at C、on28、

6、Jim surfs the Internet twice a week 对(划线部分提问 )29、Jim surfs the Internet twice a week (对划线部分提问 )30、I help my mother _(clean) the room .31、How do you like the food in Shanghai ?(同义句)32、He seems to have a lot of money 同.(义句 )。We _an hour _cows yesterday ._ _ you go to see the doctor ? _ _ _ _the doctor

7、 ?35、Would you like _?A、anything to eatB、something to eat36、_excellent work you had done ! A、what anB、whatC、 How an37、The dining hall is _(足够大 )to hold 300 people .38、We _the bus我.们等了很长时间的公交车。39、我们今天有太多作业要做。We have _homework _today .40、他们尽最大努力使我们感觉像家一样。They _at home.41、The hot weather _me _unhealthy

8、热.天使我不开心。 42、He put on his coat and _(leave).43、_(do) sports can help us keep healthy .44、I am so tired ,I have to stop _(have) a rest .45、You know _(eat) junk food isnt good for us .46、I plan _(buy) a new house next year .48、I didn texpect _(see) anything at all.47、We hope _(get) good grades .49、I

9、will try my best _(help) you .50、Remember _(bring) your homework to school.51、He doesntmind my _(open) the door .52、I dontknow _A 、 what to do itB、How to doC、what to do53、We all except him _here on time .A、coming B、 to come C、 come54、Why not _(ask) the police for help?55、Listen ! Someone _(talk) in

10、the room .56、Idecide _ (exercise) for half an hour every day .57、Would you please not _(close) the door ?59、I d like _(read) history , but my brother enjoys _(read) history.60、The woman _ a child likes eating fish. A、withB、inC、at61、I hope to find out what s happening around the world .同(义句 )Ihope to

11、 find out whats _ around the world .62、_ will we know the results of the tests ? In a week.63、Hainan Island is a very large island it, s thescond _ (large)island in China.64、Of all the students ,he likes English _(well).65、Of all the subjects , chemistry seems to be _for me . 、AwellB、bestC、good66、Of

12、 all the subjects ,chemistry seems to _for me .A、more difficultB、 the most difficult67、They make the girl _(clean) the room. 68、_(到目前为止 ), everything is OK.69、Of all the students ,Lucy talks _(little),but does the most .70、He can paint _his teacher . A as good as B、as well asC、 so well as71、The boy

13、in blue is _(young)of the two boys .72、How often does the train run to Jinan ?_twenty minutes. 、AEachB、Every C、Any73、He can hardly speak English ,_反(义问句 )?74、 There is little milk in the bottle ,_?75、Jim is funnier than _in his class . A、any other students B、any other student76、Mary is the youngest

14、_the three. A、ofB、 inC、at77、Li Lei is _one of the twins .A 、the tallerB、the tallest C、taller D、tallest78、At last ,we climed the top of the mountain_(success).79、_(successful) is the mother of failure.80、Shanghai is bigger than _in china . A、any other cityB、any other cities .81、_(read) in the sun is

15、bad for your health .82、Computer is becoming_and_popular in China 83南希与我大不一样Nancy is _me.84、妈妈在乎我,并且一直在那儿倾听。Mom _me,and she always there _.85、I like _to school ,it _long .我喜欢走路去上学,用不了多长时间。86、北京是一个如此漂亮的城市。 Beijing is _city .Such a beautiful city = so beautiful a city87、India has the _第(二大 )population

16、 in the world.88、圣诞节是西方国家最重要的节日之一。Chritmas is one of _in western countries .89、Zhu Zhiwen is famous _singing well. A、asB、 forC、 at90、人们在旅行中可以学到很多东西。People can _during their travels.91、The boss made them _(work)the whole night.92、_watching TV. 不是每个人都喜欢看电视。93、These shows are fun _(watch).94、The tall b

17、oy wins the game .(同义句 ) The _the game is the tall boy .95、He didn tgo to movies , Ithink . (合为一句 )96、My home is the closest to our school ,but his home is _(far).97、It is _Andy _me with my English. A、forto helpB、 ofto help98、Lucy is _of the two. A、quieterB、 the quieter C、 the quietest99、Most kids a

18、re more serious than Jeff .同(义句 ) Jeff is _serious than most kids.100、Cleaners workis _(ture) common. The work does _(terrible) difficult .101、I found an old man _(lie)outside the park just now .102、The man on the motorbike was traveling too fast 改(感叹句 )103、The two women go to cinema at times 针(对划线部

19、分提问 )104、The man was _enough not to tell the manager that he would not do the job .A 、careB、 carefulC、careless D、 carelessness105、The computer is really cheap .The _,the better .I need money ,you know .106、Japan is _the east of Asia and the north of Australia.A 、in toB、to toC、 in on107、I won the gam

20、e last week .A、I am happy to hear that . B、Congratulations to you .108、Human beings should be _to pandas ,because there are a _number of pandas in the world .A 、friendlysmallB、friendlittle109、Which do you prefer ,orange juice or coke ?_,thanks .I would like just a cup of tea .A 、bothB、neitherC、noneD

21、、either110、 All these shows have _ _ _ _ 一.(个共同点 )111、 If you do that ,you will feel _soon .A 、more healthy B、more healthier C、much healthy D、 much healthier112、 Kate often goes to work _breakfast .Its bad for her health .A、with B 、 without C to D 、on113、 Who do you _was the best actor ?A、thinkB、 th

22、ink ofC、Think about114、 Oh,dear ,there is not enough _for us in the life .A、 floor B 、 seat C、room115、 Those toys for children look _and sell _ A、lovelygoodB、 good lovely C、lovely well116、 Where are all the boys ?I saw them _on the playground .、A to play B、 played C、 plays D、playing117、 It doesnt of

23、ten rain or snow .(肯定句 )It often _.118、 She wasntcreative ,_ _?(改为反义问句 )。119、Can we do the work with _money and _people . A、less fewer B、little few C 、little fewer D 、few little.120、You can speak English as well as Tom _. 、A is B、speak C、 does D、 do121、He is helpful ,he thinks _(little)of himself th

24、an of others .122、The _(much)you practise ,the _your English will be .123、The train is _(arrive),please get ready to get off.124、Peter has more books than _do,but _are better than him.125、Our country will be _and _(strong).126、Lily does homework as _(care)as Lucy .127、The book is _(heavy)of the two.128、We are s_about the plan ,and you know we are not ki


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