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1、时态训练一般过去时(一)I. 一般过去时 :表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态; 过去习惯性、 经常性的动作、行为;过去主语所具备的能力和性格。基本结构: 主语 +动词过去式 +其他I was at school yesterday .I went to America last year .否定形式 was/were +not; 在行为动词前加I wasn t at school yesterday . I didndidn't ,同时还原行为动词 t go to Americalast year ?一般疑问句:Was/ Were +主语 +其他?Were you at school

2、 yesterday ?Did+ 主语+动词原形+其他?Did you go to America last year ?时间状语:then那时yesterday昨天last night昨天晚上last week上周last month时候ago上个月之前last year去年( last 上一个 )at that timethree days ago三天前many years ago许多年前在那个规则动词变过去式:1、一般直接 +ed:walk-walked2、以不发音的 e 结尾的只play-played +d:start-startedlive-livedhope-hopeduse-us

3、ed3、以 “辅音字母+y”结尾的动词,先变 “ y为”“ i再”+ed:study-studiedcarry-carried4. 以元音字母 +y 结尾的,直接加 ed:enjoy- enjoyedplay-played4、末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,双写末尾的辅音字母再+ed:drop-droppedskip-skippedstop-stopped规则动词 -ed 的读音1、清念 /t/ ,即 ed 在清辅音后面念/t/ ,例: finishedtalkedwalkedcooked2、元浊 /d/ ,即 ed在元音,浊辅音后面念 /d/ ,例: listenedplayed3、/t

4、/d/ 之后念/id/ ,即 ed在 /t/ /d/ 音后面念 /id/例: wantedstartedneeded4.不规则变化:have/has -hadeat ate see saw am/is wasare were go went,do didtake tookrun ransleep sleptget got meet met,bring broughtbuy boughtthink thoughtcan couldwrite-wrote,tell toldsay said give gave,feel felt , fall fell , teach taughtmake mad

5、esend sentlose lost swim swamdrink drankring rang win wonput put , cut cut , let let , read read时态训练一般过去时(二)I.写出下列动词的过去式:look -_come -_watch -_am/is -_are -_live-_get -_have -_talk -_cook -_work-_can -_read-_write -_dance-_teach-_study-_eat -_like-_give-_drink -_bring-_help-_want -_use-_take -_go -_

6、stay -_visit-_ride-_climb -_wear-_laugh -_sleep-_put-_borrow -_send-_tell-_carry -_make -_finish-_run -_wait-_drop-_meet-_walk-_see-_wash -_play-_skip-_ring -_win -_lose-_listen-_photo -_rain-_jump-_hop -_look -_stop -_bump -_carry -_fall -_happen-_swim -_II 阅读理解 (T/F)My name is Lily. This is my hou

7、se. There are five rooms in my house. This is myfather and mother s room. There are three pictures on the wall. There is a desk nearthe window. There are two chairs behind the desk. On the left of the room, there is atoilet. On the right, it s my room. There are four pictures and a poster on the wal

8、l.()1. This is Lily s house.()2. There are four rooms in the house.()3. There are three pictures in Lily s room.()4. There are two chairs and a eskd in father and mother s room.()5. The toilet is on the left of my father and mother s room.一般过去时(三)单项选择()1. What did you do at the weekend?_A. I visit a

9、 lot of placesB. I visited lots of placesC. We visit lots of places.()2. Where did you go?A. We went to the British MuseumB. We go to the parkC. ItwonderfulsaplaceD. I don t understand()3. Did Lingling like the London Eye ? _A. Yes, she doB. Yes, she didC. Yes, he did D. No. he didnt() 4.She liked t

10、he bus ride_ .A. bestB. betterC. goodD. bad()5. Did Daming and his father take photos of the mountains? _A. Yes, he didB. No, he didnCt. No, they didD. Yes, they did() 6. They _ there at ten o clocklast Sunday.A. goB. wentC.goes() 7. Then they _ for one hour to Badaling yesterday.A. walkB. walkedC.

11、walking()8. They _ photos of the mountains last Wednesday. A. tookB. take C.takes() 9.They _young then.A. areB. wereC. isD. was()10.I _ two years old thenA. isB. wereC. wasD. are()11.I _nine years old last year.A. isB. were C. amD. was()12.She _tall then .A. isnBt. weren Ct. areD. wasn t()13.I _tall

12、 then .A.isn tB. weren tC. areD.wasn t()14. I _my mother yesterday.A. helpB. helpedC. helpsD.helping()15 He _ in the park yesterday.A. ranB. runsC. runD.running()16.They _last evening.A. danceB. dancedC. danceD.dances()17.She _ to school at 8 o clock yesterday morning .A. goB. goesC. went()18.They_

13、lunch at 1 o clock thenA. hadB.hasC. have()19. _you visit vegetables at Shouguang last year?A. DoB. Does C.Did()20 When did you come back?_A. He came back last SundayB. Yes, we didC. We came back last SundayD. We come back last Sunday()21.I _ in Shanghai last term. But now I _ in Beijing.A. study, s

14、tudiedB. studied, studiedC. studied, study()22.He _ up late this morning . A. getB. getsC. gotD. getting()23. My sister _ all day yesterday.A. didn t cry B. didn t cried C. doesn t cry D. doesn t cried() 24.What _ you _ last night?A. do , doB. do, didC. did, didD. did , do()25. I _ in the park last

15、night. A. walkB. walked C. walkingIII :根据要求改写下列句子,每空一词1.They went to the cinema.一(般疑问句 )_ they _ to the cinema?2.Jim s weekend wasvery great. (就划线部分提问 )_ Jim s weekend?3.He practiced English last weekend. 就(划线部分提问 )_ he _ last weekend?4. He moved to Wuhan because his father worked there就.(划线部分提问 )_

16、_ he _ to Wuhan?5. They did their homework last night.(变否定句 )They _ their homework last night.6. She did her homework last night. 否(定句 )She _ _ her homework last night.7. Anita studied for math test last Sunday. 一(般疑问句 )_ Anita_ for math test last night?8. I went to the beach yesterday. (一般疑问句并否定回答

17、)_ you _ to the beach yesterday?_, I _IV :V阅读理解 (2):There is a new park near my house. It s a fine day today. My family and I are in thepark now. On my left, there is a cafe. On my right, there is a big lake. There are manyflowers and trees near the lake. There s a smalle hilllakebehind.Near the lak

18、e,there is a sign. It says,“ Don t swim in the lake!” There is a playground in the middof the park. There are some small shops near the gate. The park is so beautiful. We like it very much.()1. The park near my house is _.A. new and beautifulB. old and beautiful C. clean and new D. old and clean()2.

19、 Is there a cafe in the park? _A. Yes, there isnB. tNo,. there isnC. Yes,t. there is. D.No, there is.()3. People can t _in the lake.A. swimB.fishC. boatD. play()4. The shops in the park are4 not _A. smallB. bigC. goodD.pretty()5. Do we like the park? _A. Yes, we do.B. No,we do. C. Yes, you do. D. No

20、, we don t.时态训练一般过去时(四)I :句型转换1.The children had a good time in the park.否定句: _一般疑问句: _对划线部分提问: _2. There were about nine hundred people at the concert.( 音乐会 )否定句: _一般疑问句: _对划线部分提问: _4. Ann did her homework yesterday evening.否定句: _一般疑问句: _对划线部分提问: _5. Last week I read an English book.否定句: _一般疑问句: _肯

21、定 /否定回答: _对划线部分提问: _III. 单项选择()1. Last week, my good friend and I _ a movie.A. seeB. sawC. watchD. looked()2. I _ English yesterday evening.A. studyB. studiedC. studyedD. studies()3. Did he _ to sleep late last night ?A. wentB. goC. goesD. going()4. _ was your weekend? It was not good.A. WhatB. Wher

22、eC. HowD. Why()5. What did you do last weekend?_ my friends .A. visitsB. visitedC. visitingD. visit()6. Mary _ swimming with them last Friday.A. doesn t go B. wasn t going C. didn t goD. isn t going()7. My mother is always busy. What about _?A. yourB. itC. yoursD. its()8.Did you do some shopping las

23、t week? _.A .Yes, I didB. Yes,I doC. No ,I don tD No, I didn t() 9. _did Sally_ on Sunday? She went to Beijing.A. What; doB. Where; goesC. Where; goD. What ; did() 15. Where_your parents last night?They were at home .A .wasB .isC .areD. were()16. Susan likes _.A. singingB. singC. singsD. sang()17. Some of _ can speak English.A. themB. theirsC. theyD. their()18. What _ Tom and his mother like ?A. doesB. doC. isD. are()19. Tom can _ some vegetables at the market.A. buysB. buyingC. buyD. to buyIV. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1.


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