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1、2013-2014学年度第一学期期中考试八年级英语试题注意事项:1.本试卷满分120分,考试时间100分钟。 2.将答案写在答题纸上,写在其他位置无效。3.考试结束后,考生只需交答题纸。第一部分 选择题(65分)一、听力(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)第一部分 听对话,回答问题。本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话, 每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。( )1. Which boy is Daniel?A. B. C. ( )2. What does Tom like best? A. B. C. (

2、 )3. Where did his father go last month?A. B. C. ( )4. What is Mr. Chens job? A. B. C. ( )5. How does John go to school? A. B. C. ( )6.What would the boy like to drink? A. Tea.B. Milk.C. Coffee.( )7.When does the boy get up on Sundays? A. At six.B. Later than six.C. Earlier than six.( )8. Whats Kitt

3、ys phone number?A. 5552-4923. B. 5553-5932C. 5532-5923.( )9. Why doesnt the boys brother have good eyesight? Because he_. A. works on the computer too much B. does too much homeworkC. watches TV too much( )10. Whose school has the most teachers? A. Peters. B. Jacks. C. Lilys.第二部分 听对话或短文,回答问题。这一部分你将听

4、到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你还有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。 听一段对话,回答第11、12题。( )11. What will Betty do this evening? A. Go to a party. B. Stay at home. C. Watch TV.( )12. What time should Betty be back?A. At 10:00p.m.B. At 10:30p.m. C. Before 11:00p.m.听第一篇短文,回答第13-15题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完

5、成信息记录表。A new subjectNew subjectJapaneseDay for lessonOn 13 every weekPlace for the lesson 14 Time for the Japanese cornerEvery 15 evening( )13. A. Monday and Wednesday B. Tuesday and Friday C. Wednesday and Friday( )14. A. Room A105 B. Room A510 C. Room A501( )15. A. Thursday B. Saturday C. Sunday听第

6、二篇短文,回答第16-20题。( )16. This passage talks about _. A.seasons and farmersB.farmers and studentsC.weather and rice( )17. In _ rice grows quickly. A.spring B.summer C.autumn( )18. Rice grows quickly because _. A.it often gets too much rainB.the weather is hotC.there is enough rain and the weather is hot

7、( )19. Why do students often go to help the farmers? A.The farmers are too busy. They need help.B.The students like visiting the farm.C.The students like to go to farms in autumn.( )20. What kind of weather do farmers hope for their rice? A.good B.warm C.cold二、单项选择 从下列每题所给的四个选项中, 选择一个最佳答案。(共15小题;每小题

8、1分,满分15分)( )21. Excuse me, may I borrow your dictionary,Sandy? _. But you have to return it this afternoon.A.Im not sureB. No way C.I hope to D .No problem ( )22. Dont _any old pictures on the white wall. A. put on B.put away C. put up D .put in( )23. Mary ,dont fill the bottle_water.A.with B. in C.

9、 at D. on ( )24. Please _your bedroom.Its_.A.tidy up,tidy B. tidy up ,untidy C. tidy ,untidy D. tidying up,undity( )25. Both Li Lei and Mike are thirteen years old. Li Lei is _Mike. A. the same age as B. not as old as C. older thanD. younger than( )26. Could you say something _ about it, please? Id

10、like to know _.A. else; most B. other; most C. other; more D. else; more( )27. You had better _the flowers now .Its going to rain . A. not to water B. not water C. not watering D. water( )28. This English story is quite easy for us to read. There are _ new words in it.A. a little B. little C. a few

11、D. few( )29. Did you write a report _ pandas_ danger for the club yesterday evening?A. about; on B. on; in C. to; from D. in; with( )30. What if you have two days_?Id like to go_ a trip_ Suzhou. A. of; for; to B. off; on; for C. off; on; to D. of; for; for( )31. I guess Tom and his sister Celia enjo

12、yed at the party. A. myself B. himself C. herself D. themselves( )32. The students from America_ the Chinese lessons every day. A.join B.join in C. attend D.take part in ( )33. Mr smith has two childrenOne is a teacher and_ is a doctor A. other B. the other C. another D. other one( )34. Lily isnt as

13、 _as David.She often makes mistakes in her homework.A. careful B. careless C. carefully D. carelessly ( )35. My pet dog died yesterday. - _.A.Not at all B never mind C. Oh ,no. D.Im sorry to hear that.三、完形填空 阅读短文, 从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) My parents have always loved everything abo

14、ut India, so a year ago we went on holiday there. Its a wonderful _36_ with beautiful scenes and interesting people . However, I didnt enjoy Indian _37_ very much.On the second day we planned to see an old palace. At the _38_ they said. “If you go by train, itll take you only two hours to get there.

15、” However, the hot ride_39_ over four hours. I was very _40_ when we got there , so we had some rice and vegetables with bread in a small restaurant. We were _41_ to find it was quite nice. I wasnt full up though and I saw a man nearby eating some little meatballs.I said to my dad, “Ive been eating

16、rice all week. Can I have some meatballs please?”Well, they looked delicious so I ate the first one very_42_ . I was just putting the second one in my mouth when I felt myself _43_ my mouth was on fire! I started to cough(咳嗽)and there were tears (泪水)in my eyes. I couldnt _44_how spicy (辛辣的) it was!I

17、 drank about ten glasses of water but the worst thing was everyone was laughing at me. You couldnt make me eat another Indian meatball for all the _45_ in the world!( )36.A. townB. cityC. countryD. restaurant( )37.A. foodB. scenesC. peopleD. costumes( )38.A. palaceB. hotelC. airportD. entrance( )39

18、.A. take B. takesC. tookD. will take( )40. A. hungryB. curiousC. cheerfulD. nervous( )41.A.shockedB. surprisedC. boredD. tired ( )42.A. quietlyB. easilyC. quicklyD. gently( )43.A. burningB. wateringC. cryingD. smiling( )44.A. feelB. believeC. thinkD. know( )45. A. luck B. diet C. time D. money四、阅读理解

19、 阅读下列短文, 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)AIt was a beautiful spring morning. There were no clouds in the sky, and the sun was warm but not hot. Mr Black saw an old man at the bus stop with a big, strong, black umbrella (伞) in his hand. Mr Black said to him, “Do you think we are going to have rain to

20、day?” “No,” said the old man, “I dont think so.” “Then are you carrying the umbrella because the sun is too hot?” “No, the sun is not very hot in spring.” Mr Black looked at the big umbrella again, and the man said, “I am an old man, and my legs are not very strong. I must have a walking-stick (手杖).

21、 But people will say, Look! That man is so old., and I dont like that. When I carry an umbrella in fine weather, people only say, Look at that stupid (愚蠢的) man.” ( )46. This story happened _. A. on a spring morning B. on a cold day C. on a summer evening D. in the afternoon ( )47. Which of the follo

22、wing statements(叙述) is right? A. The old man carried an umbrella instead of a walking-stick. B. The old man borrowed an umbrella from Mr Black. C. Mr Black and the old man were good friends. D. The old man thought it was going to rain. BBen Jones was walking home from school one day when he saw a bl

23、ack cat. It was walking across the srteet in front of him.Ben stopped, turned around, and walked down a different srteet to go home. Why did he do that? Its unlucky when a black cat crossed the street in front of you, says Ben, I did not want to walk down that street! Many people think that some thi

24、ngs bring bad luck or good luck. For example, some people think that 13 is an unlucky number. They never invite 13 people to a party. I never walk under a ladder (梯子), says Ben. And I never open an umbrella inside the house. They both bring bad luck. And what brings good luck? We have a horseshoe ov

25、er the front door of our house for good luck, says Ben.And when I find a peney on the ground, I always pick it up. That brings me good luck all day!( )48.Why did Ben turn around when he saw the black cat crossing the street?A. Because he thought it was lucky. B. Because he disliked a black cat. C. B

26、ecause he was afraid of the cat.D. Because he thought it was unlucky.( )49. In western countries,which number do some people think is unlucky?A.6B. 10. C. 13D.14.( )50. Which of the following things can bring people good luck?A. Opening an umbrella inside the house. B. Walking under a ladder. C. Pic

27、king up a penny on the ground.D.Seeing a cat.COne day a farmer went out for a walk with his daughter. The farmer put on a pair of wrong shoesone with a thick sole(鞋底) and the other with a thin one. So as he began to walk, he felt very uncomfortable. When he was just out of the house, he turned to hi

28、s daughter and said, “Why should one of my legs be longer than the other today?”The daughter looked at his fathers legs carefully as he was walking, and then laughed, “Oh, no, Daddy, your legs are all right. You have put on the wrong shoes.”The farmer was very happy to hear that and said to himself,

29、 “What a clever daughter I have got!” Then he asked his daughter to go back and get the other pair of shoes for him.The farmer had only two pairs of shoes.When the daughter ran back to the house, she found that the other pair was also a pair of wrong shoes.She had to return to his father with nothin

30、g in her hands and said out of breath, “Its no use changing them, Daddy! The shoes at home were not a pair, either!”( )51. When the farmer went out for a walk with his daughter, he put on a pair of _ shoes. A. wrongB. comfortable C. old D. new( )52. A pair of wrong shoes means _. A. the shoes are no

31、t the farmersB. the shoes are too smallC. one of the shoes has a thick sole, the other has a thin one, they are not a pairD. the shoes are too big( )53. When the farmer began to walk, he felt very uncomfortable because _. A. one of his legs was longer than the other oneB. he was ill that dayC. he wo

32、re a pair of wrong shoesD. the shoes were too small( )54. The farmer thought his daughter was a clever girl because _. A. she could make shoesB. she could find out that her father wore a pair of wrong shoesC. she could find out a pair of right shoesD. she found that her fathers legs were sick( )55.

33、The father asked his daughter to go and get the other pair of shoes for him and the daughter _. A. brought back a pair of wrong shoesB. brought back a pair of right shoesC. didnt bring any shoes; she knew the other pair at home was not a pair, eitherD. couldnt find anything at home第二部分 非选择题(共55分)五、阅

34、读表达 阅读下面的短文, 根据文中信息完成表格。(每空只填一词)(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)If we find a bird nest, we will have a good place of observing(观察) and knowing about birds.Birds sit on eggs and take care of their baby birds from April to June. Because the baby birds are too young to leave the nest, mothers often leave and come b

35、ack to the nest during the time to look for food. So it is good to observe birds. When we observe birds, wed better hide ourselves in a close place to the nest, and its better for you to use binoculars(双筒望远镜).But how to make a bird nest? Its very easy. If you want to make one, please follow these:Ma

36、king a nest: A good nest must be very fine, strong, thick and easy.a) Each nest must have six boards. Dont make the boards too slippery.b) Dig a small hole in the front of the nest as a door. The “door” is from 3cm to 5cm. So the bird can fly in or out easily.c) Make sure the rainwater doesnt go int

37、o the nest.d) One piece of the boards should be easy to open.e) Please dont forget to color the nest. 1.How do birds look after their 56 birds?They sit on 57 and take care of their baby birds from 58 to June. Mothers often 59 and come back to the nest during the time to look for 60 , because the bab

38、y birds are too young to leave the nest.2.When we observe birds,wed better hide_61_ in a close place to the nest, and you had 62 use binoculars(双筒望远镜).3. How to make a bird 63 ?a) Each nest must have six boards. Dont make the boards too slippery.b) Dig a small hole in the 64 of the nest as a door. T

39、he “door” is from 3cm to 5cm. So the bird can fly in or out easily. c) Make 65 the rainwater doesnt go into the nest.56._ 57. _ 58. _ 59. _ 60. _61. _ 62. _ 63. _ 64. _ 65. _六、词汇运用 根据句意、首字母或中文提示完成单词(每空一词)。(15分) A根据句意和中文提示完成单词66. Which _ (语言) do you like better ,Chinese or English?67._(幸运的是), he was

40、not badly hurt.68. It was a great day, but they did not enjoy it at the _(开始)69.When did he _(到达) Beijing yesterday ?70.He cried _(伤心地) when he heard the bad news.B 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。71.Most people are afraid of _(wolf )72. He didnt go to school yesterday because of _(ill)73 My little dog hurt_(it)when

41、 it jumped down from the desk74.My drawing is even _(bad) than Mellies.75.This book is_(use). You dont have to read it any more.C用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。76. He was tired ,so he decided _(stay) at home.77. He didnt play basketball instead of _(stay) at home.78. Would you please_(not look) out of the window?7

42、9. The doctors are trying their best to save the _(die)old man.80.There _(be) a dolphin show in the zoo.七、根据所给提示完成下列句子。(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分) 81. 她脸上总是带着微笑, 看上去很开心。She always _ and looks happy.82.这张桌子不如那张重。 This desk is _that one . 83. 当我看到这些照片时,我不敢相信自己的眼睛。I _when I saw these photos. 84. 她不但唱得好,而且跳的好。She can _sing _dance.85.


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