1、钢结构工程施工方案Steel Structure Construction Scheme一、钢结构工程概述A brief account of steel structure work本工程为斯比克(中国)工业设备制造有限公司之汾湖新厂房项目钢结构工程。分A-1 和 A-2两个单体,其中A-1 屋面面积3.4万平方米,A-2 屋面面积1.5万平方米。生产车间内设有桥式桁车,钢柱、钢梁采用焊接成型的H 型钢,结构主材采用Q345B ,檩条采用 Z 型钢,墙面采用双层压型钢板+ 保温棉的构造,屋面采用钢承板+保温板+柔性防水卷材的构造。The working area of steel struc
2、ture work are production and warehouse halls, bicycle shed, total area is about 16500 square meter, roof pitch is 5%, eave height 13.75M. There will be 6 8t bridge traveling cranes in production hall, welding H-section steel column and beam, structural main material is Q345B, cold bending sheet stee
3、l Z-purlin, wall and roof cladding are double-skin pressed steel sheet and thermal insulation wool.二、钢结构工程的特点Characteristic of steel structure work1、该工程单坡最大跨度为18m,钢柱高度大,单根框架的平面外刚度极小,吊装过程中做好保证结构平面外的稳定作为安全技术控制的重点。The single span of the work is 18m, the height of steel column is large, single frame pla
4、ne external rigidity is very small, so the key point of safety technical control is to guarantee the stability outside the structuralplane.2、厂房最大连续24跨,长度方向252m,制作安装时应注意误差累计,做好测量控制点,保证整个 厂房的安装精度。Take out 6 steel columns from grid line 914 in the production building, instead of 52.5m space truss as tr
5、immer beam to support the upper structure and crane load, the installation of the space truss is a difficulty point of this work.三、施工现场总平面布置方案施工现场平面布置方案大体与土建单位一致,在土建单位搭设的临时设施内进行钢结构安装。三、钢构件的制作Fabrication of steel structural members(一)、制作前的技术准备Technical preparations prior fabrication1、钢结构制作前必须熟悉设计的施工图
6、,了解设计要求,并审核图纸,根据蓝图编制加工制作图,并在得到原设计部门的认可后方可进行备料加工。Study and check the design working drawing before fabrication, make shop drawing and get approval from designer then prepare material for fabrication.2、根据构件类型、数量、用材制定加工计划和加工程序。Make a plan and program for fabrication as per the type, quantity and materi
7、al of the structural members.3、编制施工工艺和技术措施,以及对加工用的设备制定检查维护计划,使机械设备处于良好状态。Write construction techniques and technical measures, and the equipment regular examine and maintain plan, keep the machinery in good condition.(二)、主材采购计划Material requirements:1、对工程用的材料应进行选定和确认。Select and confirm the material f
8、or the project.2、各种材料均应有质量证明书和出厂合格证。若有疑议则应按国家有关标准的规定进行抽样检验, 经检验合格后方可批量使用。All kinds of material should be with quality guarantee and ex-factory certificate. If there is any doubt, sampling examination should be taken according to relevant national standard, only when passed the examination material i
9、n batches can be used.3、钢材表面锈蚀等级应符合现行国家标准涂装前表面锈蚀等级和除锈等级规定。Rust degree of steel surface should conform to the present national standard <rust and rust removal degree before painting>.4、连接材料(焊条、焊丝、焊剂卜高强度螺栓等,以及涂料(底漆和面漆等)均应具有出厂质量合格证书,并应符合设计的要求和国家现行有关标准的规定Jointing material (welding rod, solder, flu
10、x), high strength bolt, and coating( under coat and top coating) should be with ex-factory quality certificate and conform to the design and national standard.5、严禁使用药皮脱落或焊芯生锈的焊条、受潮结块或已熔烧过的焊剂以及锈蚀、碰伤或混批的高强 度螺栓。If the skin of welding rod is peeled off or the core is rust, welding flux is wetting and ag
11、glomerating or melting, the high strength bolt is rust/damaged or taken from different batches, these materials are strictly prohibited.6、防腐油漆应符合设计要求和有关标准的规定,并应有产品质量合格证书及使用说明。Anti-corrosion paint should conform to the design and relevant standard, and with quality certificate and operation instructi
12、on.(三)设备及工具等准备Equipment and tool preparation1、对加工制作使用的设备应事先检查,进行必要的维护。Check and maintain the fabricating equipment in advance.2、对加工制作使用的工具和计量工具应具有相当的精度,并定期送计量检测部门进行检测标定。The fabricating tools and measuring instrument should be with certain accuracy, and be examined and marked by the measurement testi
13、ng department regularly.3、焊工必须具有上岗证,且应做符合其证书规定范围的工作。凡停焊时间超过半年以上时,应重新 考试合格才可上岗操作。Welder should bearing the qualification certificate, and do the work within the scope stipulated in certificate. If the welding work stopped more than 6 months, the welder should be re-examined and passed the examination
14、.(四)、钢结构制作工艺要点Key points of steel件平直制 孔(冲、钻)半成品按分类堆放料成品钻孔 铲磨除锈 +油漆包装退火处理loftngCuttng,punching,sawingsawinRa、m*rialcal brcu' tingGa ationbendingEdgemachiningSpare parts_4taightenhigg andboringSemi-ready product storage割Second materialuttingassEn(Endmillingweld nblpar assemPai【btjnE&-factoInte
15、Annealingry removalenuchtrng Rust-四、钢结构安装方法Steel structure installation method(一)、安装前准备工作Preparations prior to installation根据钢结构安装工程要求,在钢结构安装前,必须对安装现场进行了解、场地已清理,吊装道路应通畅坚实,施工电源已明确,并做好如下工作:As per the requirement of steel structure installation, before installation work started, it is need to check and
16、 clear the site, insure the access for hoisting is smooth and firm, and construction power is ready, the following works are also need to do simultaneously:1、对各组预埋螺栓进行了水平高度、轴线偏移等进行测量,并与土建施工单位做好书面交接记录。Survey the horizontal level and axial deviation of the all groups of embedded bolts, make records fo
17、r the handing over with the civil work team in writing.2、由于本工程构件量多面广,对钢构件应编号和确认,避免用错位置。The since the quantity of structural members is large and has a great variety, it must be numbered and confirmed to avoid mis-placed.3、会同业主或现场监理进行安装前的相关检查和验收。Make necessary inspection and acceptance jointly with t
18、he employer and supervisor before installation.(二)、钢构件运输及堆放Transportation and storage of structural members1、根据钢构件几何尺寸、单重合理配备运输车辆,运输中需做好必要的软垫绑扎。Transport structural members by appropriate vehicle as per the geometric dimension and unit weight, make necessary soft mat and binding during transportatio
19、n.2、钢构件在装卸、运输过程中,必须轻拿轻放。必要时垫起,防止损伤漆膜。While loading/unloading and moving the structural members, it must be handled gently. Insert spacer while necessary to avoid damage the painting.3、运输堆放应有专人负责指挥和管理Someone must be put in charge of transportation and storage.(三)、结构吊装方法Structure hosting and installat
20、ion method1、钢结构安装思路Consideration about installation of steel structure本工程钢结构为带有桁车梁的标准门式钢架,单根刚架平面外刚度小,进货顺序从1轴线开始,先安装12 轴线的刚架,同时安装柱间支撑、屋面支撑并校正形成稳定的空间体系后,再向29轴线推进,钢柱采用单机旋转法吊装,钢梁地面拼装后采用双机抬吊法。桁架式托梁采用地面螺栓拼接,双机抬吊法。吊车梁高度距屋面檩条距离有3.5 米,满足最小起吊高度,可在屋面结构安装完成后或穿插结构吊装过程中进行。The type the structure in this project is
21、 a standard portal-framed structure with moving crane beam, externalrigidity of a single frame is small, the sequence of mobilization of structure is start from grid line 1, firstinstall steel frame at grid line 12, bracing to column and roof installed and adjusted simultaneously to form a stable sp
22、ace system, then moved to grid line 29. Steel column to be hoisted and installed through Singe-Crane-Rotating-method, the steel beam to be hoisted through Two-Crane-Lifting-method after assembled on the ground. Truss trimmer to be assembled with bolts on the ground and hoisted through Two-Crane-Lift
23、ing-method. Space between crane beam and roof purlin is 3.5m, it is enough for minimum hosting space, and can be done after the structure installed or alternated in.2、钢柱的吊装与校正Hoisting and installation and adjustment of steel column(1) 钢柱采用旋转法吊装,吊装示意图如下:Steel column to be hoisted through Rotating Met
24、hod, diagrammatic drawing as follows:(a)平面布置;(b)旋转过程;1柱平放时,2起吊旋转法吊装示意简图(a) plan layout (b) rotating process 1-column lain down 2-hoistingRotating Method Hoisting Diagrammatic Drawing(2)吊装应有专人指挥,吊装前进行安全、质量、技术的详细交底。Someone must be in charge of hoisting and installation, safety, quality and technology
25、to be talked over in details before hoisting.为提高吊装效率,在堆放柱时,尽量使柱的绑扎点、柱脚中心与基础中心三点共圆弧。For the efficient hosting, while piling the columns, put the binding point/column footing center/base center at a same arc.(4)起吊时吊机将绑扎好的柱子缓缓吊起离地20cm后暂停,检查吊索牢固和吊车稳定,同时打开回转刹车,然后将钢柱下放到离安装面40100 mm ,对准基准线,指挥吊车下降,把柱子插入锚固螺
26、栓临时固定,并在两个方向采用临时拉结稳定柱子的结构。While the column is being hoisted slowly 20cm above the floor, stop hoisting for a while to check the sling and crane, open the swing brake, then put the column down at 40100 mm to the installation plane, align to the datum line, direct the crane descend, insert the column
27、to the anchor bolt and fixed temporarily, tie the column at two direction to stable the column structure.(5)钢柱经初校正后,待垂直度偏差控制在20mm以内方可使起重机脱钩,钢柱的垂直度用经纬仪检验,如有偏差立即进行校正,在校正过程中随时观察底部和标高控制块扎之间是否脱空,以防校正 过程中造成水平标高误差。After initial adjustment of the column, only when the vertical deviation controlled within 20
28、mm then can remove the hook of crane, check the verticality with theodlite, any deviation to be adjusted immediately, while adjustment is being done, observe the bottom and level control block to avoid horizontal level deviation.(6)柱子的垂直校正,测量用两台经纬仪安置在纵横轴线上,先对准柱底垂直翼缘板或中线,再渐渐仰视到柱顶,如中线偏离视线,表示柱子不垂直,可指挥调
29、节拉绳或支撑,可用撬动等方法使柱子 垂直。在实际工作中,常把成排的柱子都竖起来,然后进行校正。这时可把两台经纬仪分别安置在 纵横轴线一侧,偏离中线一般不得大于3m。在吊装屋架时或安装竖向构件时,还须对钢柱进行复核校正。Vertical adjustment of the column, fix two theodlites to the longitudinal and transverse axis, first aim at the column bottom wing or center line then move upward to the column top, if the ce
30、nter line drifted off the line of sight, to adjust the tie rope or support, make the column to be vertical through prying. Usually to erect a row of columns first then to do adjustment. At that time, two theodlites can be placed at one side of longitudinal and transverse axis, deviation to the cente
31、rline not more than 3m. while hoisting roof truss or installing vertical members, the steel column must be re-check and adjusted.2、钢梁的吊装Hoisting and installation of steel beam(1) 1)吊装思路:钢架整体跨度约 135米,钢梁共分9节制作及运输,最大截面钢梁节重量为 2.5 吨,采用分节安装的方法。本工程钢柱、钢梁、平台梁及楝条的安装均采用分件吊装法:一是对钢 柱依次进行吊装;二是对柱间支撑进行吊装;三是对屋面梁、水平支
34、51.51.0181.051.050.95200.800.65220.650.5024270.45 0.4最大作业半径:R=27m额定起重量G=16T支腿跨度:5.34MX 5.1m吊装载荷Q1组装钢梁重:Q=5T不均匀系数:K1=1.1动载系数:K2=1.05风载系数:K3=1.3基本风压: W0=17.5Kg/m2S:迎风面积S 钢梁=1.33 30.6=41m2结构风载: W1= K3K W0< S钢梁 =1.3 17.5 41=932Kg=1T计算载荷:Q计=Q K1 K2+W1 =5X1.1 M.05+1=6.775T吊钩重:q1=0.4T吊索具重:q2=0.2T吊装载荷:Q1
35、=Q计+q1+ q2=6.775+0.4+0.2=7.375T结论:考虑迎风荷载等钢梁最大起重量约7.375吨,回转半径考虑 5米,主臂长度约15米左右,吊机起重量 9吨> 7.375吨,故安全。4)钢梁的临时支撑钢梁安装后,在形成空间单元前易失稳,应采用临时拉结固定,常用拉结方式如图示:拉结方法采用直径12的钢丝绳作为揽风绳,等主结构稳定后拆除。第一根钢梁采用临时揽风固定, 第二根结构安装过程中与第一根结构用楝条拉结,以保证稳定。5)钢梁翻身就位后需要进行多次试吊并及时重新绑扎吊索,试吊时吊车起吊一定要缓慢上升,做到 各吊点位置受力均匀并以钢梁不变形为最佳状态,达到要求后即进行吊升旋转
36、到设计位置,再由人 工在地面拉动预先扣在大梁上的控制绳,转动到位后,即可用板钳来定柱梁孔位,同时用高强螺栓 固定。因该工程第一次起吊钢梁长度为46米左右,应设五道揽风绳拉结联系,在固定的同时,用线锤检查其垂直度。第二根后的大梁则用屋面檀条及连系梁加以临时固定,After the steel beam turned over and positioned, trial hoist must be done repeatedly and bond again , while trial hoist is being carried out it must be lifted slowly, the
37、 best state is that uniform force at each point and the beam will not deformed, then to hoist and rotate to the designed position, pull the controlling rope buckled on the beam in advance by hand on the ground, rotating to the position, fix the column and beam connecting hole with high strength bolt
38、. Since the first hoisted beam length is 46m, 5 guy ropes should be tied, while fixing it, check the verticality with pendant. The second and the after beams to be fixed temporarily by the roof purlin and tie beam.6)在吊装钢梁时还须对钢柱进行复核,此时一般采用葫芦拉钢丝绳缆索进行检查,待大梁安装完后 方可松开缆索。对钢梁屋脊线也必须控制。使屋架与柱两端中心线等值偏差,这样各跨钢屋架
39、均在 同一中心线上。Re-check the column while hoisting the beam, normally use the chain block and steel wire rope, the rope to be removed till the beam installed. The steel beam ridge line must be controlled. Make the deviation between the truss and the column ends center line be equal, so that all the roof t
40、russ to be at a same center line.(四)高强螺栓连接The connection of the high density bolt( 1) 、材料Material1、螺栓、螺母、垫圈均应附有质量合格证明,并应符合设计要求和国家标准规定。The bolt, nut and washers will be accompanied with the quality pass certificate of which is complied withthe national standard and the specification.2、螺栓、螺母、垫圈应保证配套,螺
41、纹不得有损坏,保持清洁、干燥状态,并应按规格分类存放在仓库内。The bolt, nut and washers should be in uniform. The thread should not be worn-out. It should be in cleanand dry state and be kept in the storage according to the specification.( 2) 、螺栓安装前准备工作Preparation to the bolt before installation1、检查各安装构件位置是否正确,是否符合钢结构工程施工质量验收规范(
42、GB50205-2001 )的精度要求。Check each part of the installation is in right position and make sure that the installation is comply with the“ Regulation for check and acceptance to the quality of steel structure work-2001 ” code no. GB5022、检查安装母材的螺栓孔的孔径及孔距尺寸,孔边的光滑度是否符合要求,如有毛刺应彻底清除。Check the main material wit
43、h the hole is correct in diameter and the size. Make sure that the smooth is metthe specified requirement. If there is thread on the main material, we immediately remove it.3、熟悉安装施工图纸及施工计划,并准备好操作扳手设备及相关机具。We shall familiar with the installation construction drawing and program schedule and make full
44、 preparation to the work spanner and the other related equipment.4、准备好检测工具。Preparation to the measuring tools( 3) 、操作工艺The workmanship1、连接处钢板应平直,板边、孔边无毛刺,以保证摩擦面紧贴。接头处有翘曲或变形时必须进行校正,并不得损伤摩擦面。The connection to the steel plate must be straight, the side and hole should contain no thorn to make sure the
45、surface is closely attached. If there is the bending, we shall make necessary adjustment and avoid the damage to the fraction surface.2、装配前应清除孔边污染的油污、油漆。Before fixing, we shall clean dirty oil and paint on the hole side.3、安装时,首先用临时螺栓拼装,个数不应少于接头螺栓总数的1/3。方法是先用钢穿杆对准孔位,在适当位置插入临时螺栓拧紧螺母,每一个节点至少放入两个临时螺栓。不允
46、许使用高强螺栓兼做临时螺栓。一个安装段完成后,经检查确认合格后方可安装高强度螺栓。Before installation, we shall use temporary bolt to fix in position, the number will be more than one third of the total number for the connected bolt. The method is pre adjust the steel hole and put the temporary bolt inside and then use the nut to screw it.
47、 There will be two temporary bolts in each point. Not allowed to use the high density bolt to be served as the temporary bolt. After one section is completed, then to check it and confirmed then to carry out the work with the high density bolt.4、安装高强度螺栓,结构中心位置经调整检查无误后,即安装高强螺栓(本工程采用双螺母扣紧)。垫圈放置在螺母一侧,不
48、得装反。如螺栓不能自由穿入螺孔时,要用铰刀修孔后再穿入,不得强行用力打入,以防螺纹损伤,修孔后清理毛刺。While install the high density bolt, we shall make sure that the central position is check and no mistake and then procedure the work of the high density bolt (This project adopt the double nut screw tight). The washer will be put on one side of th
49、e nut and be sure not in opposite direction. If the bolt cannot be through the hole freely, we shall use the knife to adjust the hole and then procedure the work. It should not use the force to go through the hole so as to avoid the damage to the thread. Clean the thorn after adjusting the hole.5、高强
50、螺栓的紧固:一般分两次进行,第一次为初拧,紧固至螺栓设计预拉力的50%60%,第二次为终拧,紧固至螺栓设计预拉力,偏差不大于± 10%。预拉力按设计规范确定。施工中扳手扭矩公式Tc=k*Pc*d k=0.110.15Pc(设计预拉力)二螺栓直径The tight for high density bolt: This work will be in two stage, the first stage is called preliminary tight, the tight force is about 50%-60% of the designed pre-pull force
51、. The second stage is called the final tight. The tight force will reach the designed pull force. The deviation will be less than 10%. The pre-pull force will ± be determined according to the designed specification. During the work, the spanner force formula will be Tc=k*Pc*d k=0.110.15 Pc(desi
52、gned pre-pull force) d=the diameter of the bolt.6、检查扭矩扳手标定记录和螺栓的施工记录,当有疑议时应检查螺栓初拧记录。Check the turn space spanner mark record and the bolt construction record. If there is any questioning, we shall check the preliminary tight record.( 4) 、质量标准Quality standard1、高强螺栓的形式、规格和技术条件必须符合设计要求和有关标准规定,必须进行试验确定扭
53、矩系数或复验螺栓预拉力,应检查合格证及试验报告。The high density bolt s type, specification and the technical condition should be comply with the designed specification and the related standard. We must carry out the test to determine the turn space coefficient and recheck bolt pre-pull force and check the quality pass cer
54、tificate and the test report.2、螺栓连接面的摩擦系数必须符合设计要求和有关标准规定,表面严禁有氧化铁皮、毛刺、焊疤、 油漆和油污等。The connection surface for the bolt in friction coefficient will be complied with the designed requirementand the related specification. On its surface, there should be no rust, thorn, welding remaining, dirty oil and p
55、aint, etc.3、高强螺栓必须分二次拧紧,初拧、终拧质量必须符合施工规范和钢结构用高强螺栓的专门规定。The high density bolt must be tight in two stage, the quality of the preliminary and final tight should be complied with the construction regulation and the related specification.4、高强螺栓穿入方向应一致,丝扣外露不少于2 扣。The high density bolt will be put through in the same direction and the thread rings should less than 2 rings.5、摩擦面间隙应符合设计和钢结构验收规范要求。The fri
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