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1、印度尼西亚龙湾3X315MW燃煤电厂工程P LTU 3 BANTEN(3X315MW ) Project0调试程序Commissioning P rocedurePT.PLNOwn er's(P ERSERRO)File No.0703-00-M-01-H-002吧銘l« RE总AYAELEKTRIKAPT.PLN(P ERSERRO)JASA SERTIFIKASI(LMK)印度尼西亚龙湾3X315MW燃煤电厂工程PLTU 3 BANTEN (3 X 315MW) ProjectCONSORTIUM OFDONGFANG ELECTRIC COR PORATION AND

2、DALLE ENERGY四川电力调试所SiChuan Electric Po wer Commissioning & Test Institute批准App rovalWei Qianq日期Date审核ReviewPu Xiaoqin日期Date断油稳燃调试程序Commissi oning Procedure of fuel oil cut andstable combusti on test of boiler校核CheckZhanq yu日期Date文件号File No.SCCTI-TS-GL-CS-003-2009A版本号REV印度尼西亚龙湾3X 315MW燃煤电厂工程PLTU

3、3 BANTEN (3X 315MW) Project调试程序Commissio ning P rocedure断油稳燃调试程序Commissio ning P rocedure of Fuel Oil Cut-offand Stable Combustio nREV 0SCCTI-TS-G L-CS-003-2009APage 2 of 17目录Table of Contents1.调试目的 PURP OSE2.调试范围 SCOPE3.编制依据 PREP ARATION BASIS4.系统及设备简介 BRIEF DESCR IP TION OF SYSTEM AND EQU IP MENT5

4、.调试所需工具、仪器 TOOLS AND INSTRUMENT FOR COMMISSIONING6.调试应具备的条件 P REREQUISITE FOR COMMISSIONING7.调试程序 COMMISSIONING P ROCEDURE8.安全措施 SAFETY MEASURES11附录 APPENDIX139.19.2附录 1 调试条件检查确认表Appen dix 1 Commissio ning Con dition Checklist附录 2 试运参数记录表 Appendix 2 FTrial Run Parameters Record .1416印度尼西亚龙湾3< 315

5、MW燃煤电厂工程PLTU 3 BANTEN (3< 315MW) Project调试程序Commissio ning P rocedure断油稳燃调试程序Commissio ning P rocedure of Fuel Oil Cut-offand Stable Combustio nREV 0SCCTI-TS-G L-CS-003-2009APage 3 of 171.调试目的Purp ose在锅炉带负荷启动调试过程中实现稳燃、安全断油,可节约燃油,提高机组运行经济性。Stable combusti on and safe fuel oil cut-off reached in th

6、e pro cess of commissi oning for boiler start-up with load can save fuel oil and in crease econo mic op erati on of un its.2. 调试范围Scope本程序适用于锅炉断油低负荷稳燃调试,包括锅炉主保护的检查确认、断油前的燃烧调整、断油 试验、断油后的燃烧调整。This Procedure is app licable to the commissi oning of low load stable combusti on after boiler fuel oil cut-o

7、ff, in cludi ng check and verificati on of boiler p rotect ion, combustio n sett ing before fuel oil cut-off, fuel oil cut-off test and combusti on setti ng after fuel oil cut-off.3. 编制依据Prep arati on Basis3.1印度尼西亚龙湾 3X315MW燃煤电厂机组整套启动试运调试大纲315MW) Power PlantStartup and commissi oning p la ns for P L

8、TU 3 BANTEN (33.2印度尼西亚龙湾 3X315MW燃煤电厂机组工程资料3<I5MW) P rojectEngin eeri ng docume nts associated with P LTU 3 BANTEN (3烟风系统及煤粉系统图DRGs of flue-gas and air system and pu Iverized coal system 锅炉性能与结构说明书Manual of boiler p erforma nee and structure燃烧设备说明书Manual of combusti on equipment磨煤机使用说明书Manual of c

9、oal mill op erati on(2)(3)(4)(1)4. 系统及设备简介Brief Descri ptio n of System and Equi pment4.1本工程装设三台亚临界参数、四角切向燃烧方式自然循环汽包炉。单炉膛型半露天布置,燃用褐煤,一次再热,平衡通风,固态排渣,全钢架结构,炉顶带金属防雨罩。三台锅炉皆由 东方锅炉(集团)股份有限公司设计制造。锅炉型号:DG1025/17.4-II13 。炉膛燃烧方式为正压直吹四角切圆燃烧,燃烧器喷口可摆动。过热蒸汽汽温主要设置一、二、三级喷水减温器调 整,共布置有三级五点。再热蒸汽汽温调温方式采用摆动燃烧器喷口为主,喷水减温为

10、辅, 同时设置了喷水减温器。印度尼西亚龙湾3X 315MW燃煤电厂工程PLTU 3 BANTEN ( 3X 315MW) Project调试程序Commissio ning P rocedure断油稳燃调试程序Commissio ning P rocedure of Fuel Oil Cut-offand Stable Combustio nREV 0SCCTl-TS-G L-CS-003-2009APage 4 of 17Three sets of natural circulation drum boilers with subcritical parameter and four-cor

11、ner tangen tial firing are p rovided in this p roject. It has sin gle furnace with half open arran geme nt of n Type, brown coal fired, single reheating, balaneed draft, solid cinder removing, and all steel structure and with metal rain shed on top. All these three boilers are designed and manufactu

12、red by Dongfang Boiler Group Co,. Ltd. The model of the boilers is DG1025/18.3-ll13.The firing mode in furnace is a positive, direct blowing, four-corner tangen tial firing with swing of bur ner no zzles. For the steam temp erature of super heated steam, the spray type des up erheater with l,ll and

13、Ill ste ps is p rovided for the adjustme nt of temp erature and the arran geme nt of three ste ps and five points is p rovided. The swinging of burner nozzle is used as the main way to adjust the steam temperature of the reheated steam, reduc ing temp erature with water spray as auxiliary and spray

14、type des up erheaters are p rovided as well.4.2锅炉主要参数(设计煤种)Main P arameters of Boiler (Desig n type of coal)项目ltems单位UnitBMCR工况BMCRECR工况ECR锅筒工作压力Work p ressure of boiler drumMPa18.7718.58过热蒸汽流量Flow of sup erheated steamt/h1025976.2过热蒸汽出口压力Outlet p ressure of sup erheated steamMPa17.417 . 32过热蒸汽出口温度O

15、utlet temp erature of super heated steam°C541541再热蒸汽流量Flow of reheated steamt/h839.4802再热蒸汽进/出口压力lnlet/outlet p ressure of reheated steamMPa3.76/3.583.59/3.41再热蒸汽进/出口温度lnlet/outlet temp erature of reheated steamC329/541324/541给水温度Temp. of feed waterC281278排烟温度Tempof flue gasC131131炉膛出口烟温Outlet

16、flue gas temp. of furnaceC985994空预器进口风温lnlet air temp. of air APH (air p reheater)C3030空预器出口风温Outlet air te mp. of air APHC359/351359/351锅炉燃料计算消耗量Calculated consu mp tion of boiler fuelt/h161.58154.23锅炉计算效率Calculated efficiency of boiler%93.2693.71印度尼西亚龙湾3X 315MW燃煤电厂工程PLTU 3 BANTEN (3X 315MW) Projec

17、t调试程序Commissio ning P rocedure断油稳燃调试程序Commissio ning P rocedure of Fuel Oil Cut-offand Stable Combustio nREV 0SCCTI-TS-G L-CS-003-2009APage 5 of 174.3燃烧器采用摆动式燃烧器,燃烧器四角布置,在炉内形成双切圆燃烧,假想切圆分别为e 548mm和1032mm。煤粉喷嘴设计中采用了水平浓淡燃烧技术,强化低负荷运行时锅炉 燃烧稳定性。Swing burners are adopted as burners which are arranged in fo

18、ur corners and double tangential firing is formed in the furnace and the presumed tangential are e 548mm and e 1032mm resp ectively. The horiz on tal bias bur ningtech nique in the desig n of pul verizedcoal no zzles is used to stre ngthe n the stability of combusti on in boiler whe n running with l

19、ow load.燃烧器特性数据(设计煤种/BMCR负荷)Characteristic data of burner (desig n coal typ e/BMCR load)序号Sr. No.项目Items风比Air Ratio (%)风速Air Sp eed (m/s)风温Air Temp. C)阻力Resistance (Pa)1一次风P rimary air286519002二次风Secondary air4534610003三次风Tertiary air3周界风Circumferential air353464炉膛漏风Furnace leaking air4.4燃料特性如下:Char

20、acteristics of fuel as below:序号Sr.No项目Items符号Symbol单位Unit设计煤种Design Coal Type校核煤种Verified Coal Type1碳(收到基)Carbon(as basis)receivedCar%47.652氢(收到基)Hydrogen(as basis)receivedHar%3.363氧(收到基)Oxygen(as basis)receivedOar%134氮(收到基)Nitrogen(as basis)receivedNar%0.775全硫(收到基)Full sulfur (as basis)receivedSar%

21、0.23印度尼西亚龙湾3X 315MW燃煤电厂工程PLTU 3 BANTEN (3X 315MW) Project调试程序Commissio ning P rocedure断油稳燃调试程序Commissio ning P rocedure of Fuel Oil Cut-offand Stable Combustio nREV 0SCCTI-TS-G L-CS-003-2009APage 6 of 176灰份(收到基)Ash content(as received basis)Aar%57水份(收到基)Water content(as received basis)Mar%308干燥基水份wa

22、ter in dry basisMad%209挥发份(可燃基)Volatilization(inflammable basis)Vdaf%5410低位发热量Net calorific valueQnet.arKcal/kg420011哈氏可磨指数Hardgrove grindabilityHGI4512灰变形温度Ash deformation temp.DT°C115013灰软化温度Ash intenerating temp.ST°C120014灰熔化温度 Ash melting temp.FTC13004.5燃油特性Characteristics of fuel oil项

23、目Items单位Unit轻柴油LDO最大灰分Max. ash content%最大硫分Max. sulfur content%最大水分(体积百分比)Max. water content (volume %)%残渣(重量百分比)Cinder (weight %)%高位发热量Gross calorific valuekJ/kg密度(15 C) density (15 C)kg/m3> 847运动粘度(100 C)Kinematic viscosity (100 C)Cst羽.0倾点Pour po intC闪点(闭口)Flash po int (closed op ening)C>50相

24、关印度标准Related India standard印度尼西亚龙湾3X 315MW燃煤电厂工程PLTU 3 BANTEN (3X 315MW) Project调试程序Commissio ning P rocedure断油稳燃调试程序Commissio ning P rocedure of Fuel Oil Cut-offand Stable Combustio nREV 0SCCTI-TS-G L-CS-003-2009APage 7 of 17其他参数待说明书提供后详述。Detail for other p arameters will be give n after the manual

25、 is furni shed.5. 调试所需工具、仪器Tools and In strume nt for Commissio ning5.1对讲机Walkie-talkie5.2振动测试仪Vibrati on measureme nt in strume nt5.3红外测温仪In frared themodetector6.调试应具备的条件P rerequisite for Commissio ning6.1在锅炉启动前必须对FSSS系统的各项功能进行试验,确保其动作正确可靠。在试运中逐步将其各项功能全部投入。Each function of FSSS must be tested p ri

26、or to start- up of boiler to en sure its action is correct and reliable. All of its functions will be put into service ste p wise in the pro cess of the trial run.6.26.3锅炉断油前必须再次对锅炉主保护进行检查确认,对个别投不上或因故解除的保护需经试运 指挥组批准,重要的要经试运领导小组批准后执行。The main p rotect ion of boiler must be checked and verified aga in

27、 before fuel oil cut-off of boiler. For in dividual p rotecti on which is released because of fault or can not put into service, app roval by the comma nd gro up of trial run is required for the executi on and for the important one, app roval by the leadershi p group of trial run is required for the

28、 executio n.断油前应再次观察和检查炉膛内燃烧情况,确认燃烧稳定,火焰清晰,无明显的结焦及其他 异常现象。The combusti on in the furnace shall be observed and checked aga in p rior to fuel oil cut-off of boiler to en sure that the firing is stable, flame is clear, there is no obvious cok ing and other abno rmalities.6.46.5断油试验前已完成制粉系统调整及锅炉燃烧调整试验且

29、制粉系统工作正常。The adjustme nt test for pu Iverizati on plant and firing in boiler has bee n compi eted and the plant runs no rmally before fuel oil cut-off test.制粉系统各磨煤机、给煤机、石子煤排放系统等工作正常。Op erati on of all mills in pul veriz ing plant, coal feeders and removi ng plant for rejected coal is no rmal.6.6制粉系统

30、热态调整工作结束,煤粉细度合乎设计要求。印度尼西亚龙湾3X 315MW燃煤电厂工程PLTU 3 BANTEN (3X 315MW) Project调试程序Commissio ning P rocedure断油稳燃调试程序Commissio ning P rocedure of Fuel Oil Cut-offand Stable Combustio nREV 0SCCTI-TS-G L-CS-003-2009APage 8 of hot-state adjustme nt of pul veriz ing plan t is

31、 fini shed and the finen ess of coal po wder is up to the desig n requireme nt.断油前应确认煤质符合设计要求,原煤场煤质稳定。The coal quality conforming to desig n requireme nt shall be con firmed and the coal quality of coal in raw coal yard is stable before the fuel oil cut-off.试验前锅炉运行持续时间应大于12小时,锅炉保持试验负荷稳定时间大于2小时,机组运行稳

32、定,各主要参数正常,主辅机设备工作情况良好。The duratio n of boiler op erati on shall be more tha n 12h, the stable time for test load kept by boiler shall be more tha n 2h, the un it runs stably , all main p arameters are no rmal and the op erati on of BOP is proper before the test,试验中维持炉膛压力波动不大,燃烧稳定,火焰清晰且火焰检测信号正常。Durin

33、g the test, the p ressure fluctuati on in the furn ace shall be kept small, firing is stable, flame is clear and the flame sca nning sig nal is no rmal.断油前炉侧的有关自动应尽可能投入(如:给水、减温水自动;弓I、送、一次风自动;主汽 压力自动等)。Before fuel oil cut-off, the related automati on at boiler side shall be tried to put into service

34、(for in sta nee, feed water, temp erature reduci ng water auto, auto of ID, FD and p rimary fans and auto of main steam p ressure)断油前应对炉本体进行一次全面的蒸汽吹灰工作。A comp lete ash steam purging for boiler proper shall be con ducted before fuel oil cut-off.断油前应做好锅炉灭火、断水、汽机跳闸、失去厂用电等事故预想。The P ossible accide nts,

35、such as fire out, water cut-off and no auxiliary po wer supply, shall be con sidered prop erly before fuel oil cut-off.试验中高加应投入,保证机前压力稳定。HP heater shall be put into service in the test to en sure that the p ressure p rior to TG stable.锅炉汽包上下壁温度、过热器管壁、再热器管壁温度测点,在试验前检查指示正确无误。The measure points of temp

36、 erature on up and dow n wall of boiler drum, temp erature of SH tube wall and temperature of RH tube wall shall be checked for correctness of reading before the test.锅炉灭火保护装置正常投入,火检信号反映灵敏可靠。The fire p rotect ion device of boiler shall be put into service and the flame sig nal reflects q

37、uickly and reliably.试验前磨煤机分离器出口挡板已根据煤粉细度要求调整适当。The outlet damper of coal mill sep arator has bee n adjusted prop erly as per requireme nt of coal po wder finen ess before the test.燃烧器调节灵活、动作可靠The adjustme nt of burners is free and its action is reliable.7.调试程序印度尼西亚龙湾3X 315MW燃煤电厂工程PLTU 3 BANTEN (3X 3

38、15MW) Project调试程序Commissio ning P rocedure断油稳燃调试程序Commissio ning P rocedure of Fuel Oil Cut-offand Stable Combustio nREV 0SCCTI-TS-G L-CS-003-2009APage 9 of 177.17.2Commissioning P rocedure试验时间安排和方法Time Schedule and Method for Tests根据试运计划的安排,本试验可在晚间机组随电网调峰时进行,试验计划经上报调度批准后 执行。为了保证过热器金属壁温在正常范围内运行及合适的主

39、、再热汽温,在条件允许的情 况下,要求试验过程中尽量保留最底层粉嘴对应的磨煤机运行,以期维持较低的火焰中心并 稳定燃烧。The test can be con ducted at ni ght whe n the un it p eak load is con trolled by the po wer grid as per arra ngeme nt in trial run plan. The test schedule will be submitted to dis patch cen ter for approval before it is executed. It is req

40、uested, under permissible condition, that the op erati on of the mill corres pon ded to the lowest layer po wder no zzle shall be kept by all means to maintain the lower flame cen ter and firing stably in the purp ose of en suri ng the temperature of SH metal wall in the normal range and proper main

41、 and reheated steam temp erature.试验步骤Steps of Test7.2.1在进行燃烧调整时,应随着电负荷的下降逐渐减小上层燃烧器的出力,减煤的操作应缓 慢,且先快后慢,当负荷降至80%负荷时,停止第四套制粉系统的运行,关闭相应二次风挡板(或最低开度冷却燃烧器)情况,若此时燃烧良好,且煤火检稳定,可以继续减小第 三套制粉系统的出力;若火检信号大幅度减弱或炉膛负压波动增大,说明炉内燃烧稳定性受到影响,在采取调整措施仍无改善时,应停止降负荷,待进行相应的燃烧调整后,燃烧工 况得到一定改善,燃烧稳定再继续降负荷;同时,注意监视炉膛出口烟温是否仍保持较 高水平;Dur

42、ing firing adjustme nt, the out put of upper layer burners shall be reduced gradually with the decrease of electric load and the coal reducti on shall be done slowly, first fast and then slow. Shut down the fourth puIverizing plant and close corresponding sec on dary air damper (or the lowest openin

43、g to cool the bur ner) whe n the load is reduced to 80%. If the burning is proper at this mome nt and coal flame sca nned stable, the out put of the third pu Iveriz ing plant can be reduced con ti nu ously. If the sig nal of flame sca nning becomes weak in large exte nt or the fluctuati on of n egat

44、ive p ressure in the furnace in creases, it shows that the firing stability in the furn ace is affected. The load reduct ion shall be stopped whe n no imp roveme nt is see n after adjustme nt. Theload reduct ion can be continued whe n firing con diti on has bee n improved after corres ponding firing

45、 adjustme nt. I n additi on, the outlet flue gas temp erature of furnace shall be mon itored for maintaining at relatively high level.7.2.2用同样的方法继续将负荷降至60%左右负荷时,停止第三套制粉系统的运行,停磨后关闭相应的二次风挡板。印度尼西亚龙湾3X 315MW燃煤电厂工程PLTU 3 BANTEN (3X 315MW) Project调试程序Commissio ning P rocedure断油稳燃调试程序Commissio ning P roced

46、ure of Fuel Oil Cut-offand Stable Combustio nREV 0SCCTI-TS-G L-CS-003-2009AP age 10 of 17Shut dow n the third pul veriz ing plant whe n the load reduced to app roximately 60% with the same method above. Close the corres ponding sec on dary air damper after shutt ing dow n the mill.7.2.3继续降负荷,当降至 60%

47、以下负荷时,保持第一套、第二套制粉系统运行,根据负荷变 化,逐渐减少其出力,先减少上层燃料量,再减少下层燃料量,减燃料的同时,应适当 调整该制粉系统的一次风量,以保证较合理的一次风速、煤粉浓度及较高的磨煤机出口 温度;同时,适当减少二次风量,维持合理的氧量,同时注意按磨煤机的风煤比曲线调 整入磨的一次风量,以保证燃烧器喷口合适的一次风粉浓度。Continue to reduce load and whe n the load is reduced to less tha n 60%, kee p the first and sec ond pul veriz ing plant work in

48、g and the out put will be reduced gradually with the cha nge of load. First reduce the fuel volume of upper layer and the n the lower layer.While reducing the fuel, the primary air of the pulverizing plant shall be adjusted prop erly to maintain proper sp eed of p rimary air, coal po wder den sity a

49、nd higher outlet temp erature of coal mill. At the same time, the sec on dary air will be reduced prop erly to maintain rati onal content of oxyge n and the air and coal ratio curve of coal mill shall be no ted and the p rimary air volume shall be adjusted to maintain proper den sity of p rimary air

50、 and po wder at spout of burn ers.7.2.4当负荷降到50%时,A、B两层煤火检信号开始有明显减弱现象时即停止减负荷,从就 地看火孔观察,炉膛火焰应稳定明亮,煤火嘴着火点适宜,炉膛出口烟温不再降低,基 本趋于稳定,此时该试验开始。Stop load reducti on whe n the load is reduced to 50% and there is obvious weake ning of signal from flame scanner of A and B layers. The test can start when, from obse

51、rvatio n through local flame opening, flame in the furnace is stable and bright, firing point of flame no zzle is proper and the temp erature at furnace outlet is not reduci ng any more, it is basically stable.7.2.5稳定1小时进行工况的确认。Verify the work con diti on after 1h of stabilizati on7.2.6工况经过确认,燃烧稳定后,

52、维持该负荷稳定运行两小时至试验结束。试验过程中,锅 炉各项保护应全部投入,为了稳定燃烧和便于控制,磨一次风量可切至手动方式运行, 其余自动全部投入。After verificatio n of work con diti on and firing stable, maintain running stably for 2h at this load until the test is compieted. All types of boiler protection shall be put into service in the pro cess of test and for stabl

53、e firing and facilitat ing the con trol; the p rimary air volume con trol of mill can be switched over to manual while all others will be put into service automatically.7.2.7各燃烧器的一、二次风量通过自动调节进行控制。必要时可解除自动,进行手动调节。The P rimary and sec on dary air volume of all burners will be con trolled by auto adjus

54、tme nt. The auto can be released, if n ecessary, and con duct the adjustme nt manu ally.印度尼西亚龙湾3X 315MW燃煤电厂工程PLTU 3 BANTEN (3X 315MW) Project调试程序Commissio ning P rocedure断油稳燃调试程序Commissio ning P rocedure of Fuel Oil Cut-offand Stable Combustio nREV 0SCCTI-TS-G L-CS-003-2009AP age 11 of 177.2.8试验期间,试

55、验人员应加强就地看火,运行人员加强对火检信号及炉膛负压、一次风量、 二次风量、氧量、烟温等参数的监视。如有较大波动应暂时停止减燃料,调整燃烧至稳 定后,再继续进行试验。During the test, the p artici pant of test shall stre ngthe n local firing observati on and the p artici pant of running shall stre ngthe n mon itori ng p arameters of flame sca nning sig nal, n egative p ressure in furn ace, volume of p rimary air, volume of sec on dary air, oxyge n content, flue gas temp erature, e


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