1、八年级英语寒假复习检测卷注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。2.试卷满分 100,时间 60 分钟。|一、单项选择(25 小题,每小题 1 分,共 25 分)从AB、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。()1. Mr. Brow n says I have_ flu, but I thi nk I have_ bad cold.A.a; a B. an; theC. the; a D. the; the()2. I hope our teacher_ to the party.A. will come B. come C. c
2、omes D. to come()3. There_ a talk show on CCTV at nine this evening.A. will have B. is going to be C. is going to have D. is hav ing()4.There were at least more tha n_visitors came to Taisha n yesterday.A. three thousa nds B. three thousa nds ofC. three thousa nd D. thousa nd of()5.Do ing exercise e
3、very day_ our health.A. is good at B. do well in C. is good for D. are good for()6.We can see the old people_ taiji every morning.A. plays B. plays C. play D. to play()7. You d better_ in the sun.lt s bad for your eyes.A. read B. not read C. not to read D. don t read()8._ movie they are talk ing abo
4、ut!A. What nice B. What a nice C. How nice D. How a nice()9. What a cold day!The weather report says it will be eve n_ tomorrow.A. colder B. cold C. hotter D. hot()10.who cooked the lunch today?I_.A. didB. doesC. was D. do()11.Will you please_ the TV?I want to see the Ani mal World.A. turn off B. tu
5、rn dow n C. turn on D. turn up()12.The banana is too big.You can_ first.A. cut up them B. cut them up C. cut it up D. cut up()13.Hi, Amy! How_your school trip to the beach?Hi, Tom! We_ a good time there.A. is, hav ing B. was, had C. are, had D. were, have)14.The man was born( 出生)_1976.A. in the 24th
6、of Jun e.B. on the 24C. in June 24thD. for June 24)15. It was an_A. excit ing, excit ingC. excited, excited)16.She didnA. sta nding)17._No, you _ A. Must;does n C. Must; don)18.WhatsA. popular_soccer game. The soccer fans were very_.B. excit ing, excitedD. excited, excit ingt an swer the questi on,
7、her mother kept her_for an hour.B. to sta ndC. stoodD. sta nd_ we keep the room clea n eno ugh all the time?t have to thave toB. Do; don t have toD. Must; mustntfood in Chi na?B. more popularC. the most popular D. most popularththof June3()19. Alicestopped _ TV and started doing her homework.A. watc
8、hB. watch ingC. watched D. to watch()20. She is new here, so she has_ friends at school.A. much B. few C. little D. a little()21. A good friend should care_you all the time.A. inB. aboutC. atD. with()22.Did you do_ in the coun tryside with your family?A. someth ing in teresti ngB. in teresti ng some
9、th ingC. anything in teresti ngD. in teresti ng anything.()23._ do most stude nts use the intern et?Three times a week.A. How soonB. How many C. How long D. How ofte n()24.Which is_ movie theater, Wanda Cin ema, Chan gjia ng Cin ema or Xin tia ndi Ci nema?A. the most expe nsiveB. expe nsiveC.more ex
10、pe nsiveD. much more expe nsive()25. Hi, Lucy , I n eed_to make a banana milk shake.OK, here you are.A. two cup of yogurtB. two cups of yogurtC. two cups of yogurtsD. two cup of yogurts.、完形填空(20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,共 30 分)AWhat do the people usually do on weeke nds? Some people like to 26 at home, but othe
11、rs like to go out for a walk orplay football. Mr. Smith 27 hard in a factory duri ng the28 . On the weeke nds, he usually 29 the same thing. On Saturday he washes his car and30 he goes with his family to a village by car. His uncle and aunt 31 a farm there. It_isnt a big one, but there is always 32
12、to do on the farm. The children help and give them some33 .Mr. and Mrs. Smith help in thefield.At the end of the day, theymeal.student some questions , but the student 36 answerThe teacher decided to give him some 37 questions so that he could get 38 of them _right .“Who was Beethoven (贝多芬)? ” the t
13、eacher asked . The student39 for some timeand said ,“ A king . ”“ 40. He was a musician , ” the teacher said . She was gettinga little 41 now , 42_ she was trying not to show it .“ Who was the first preside nt ofthe USA ? ” asked she . The student thought for a long time , but he didn t say 43 . The
14、teacher was very angry and44_ , “ George Wash in gto n (乔治华盛顿)!” The stude ntgot up and walked to the door .“ Come Back ! ” the teache r said ,I 45 you to go .”“ Oh , I m sorry , ” the student said ,I thought you called the next student .”()36. A. could B. had to C. couldn tD. must()37. A. easy B. n
15、ice C. differe ntD. difficult()38. A. little B. a little C. few D. a feware all 34_and Mr.Smith s aunt35 them a big()26. A. playB. stayC. beD).so()27. A. worksB.doesC. makesD. studies()28. A. dayB.yearC. weekD. mon th()29. A. doesB. doC. makeD. has()30. A. FridayB. Saturday C. Thursday D. Sun day()3
16、1. A. haveB. hasC. bringD. find()32. A. manyB. muchC. anyD. most()33. A. foodB. riceC. cakesD. fruit()34. A. fullB. angryC. hungryD. happy()35. A. giveB. putsC. makesD.doesonwith the animalsany of them .Ateacher was askinga4()39. A. liste ned B. thought C. guessed D. talked5三、从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话(5 分)A:
17、Who is your best friend at school?B: Of course Nelly is.A: 46B: She is tall and thi n.A: 47_B: Yes, we have many things in com mon.For example, we both study welland like singing.A: 48_B: Yes, but I am better at dancing than her. A:49_B: Nelly. I am not so outgo ing as her.A: 50_B: Yes, I do. But. I
18、 also like to have friends who are different from me.四、阅读理解(20 小题,每小题 2 分,共 40 分)AEvery year there is the Spring Festi val in China. Usually it is in January or February.It s the most importa nt festival in China. So before it comes, every one has to prepare(准备)thin gs. They buy beef, pork, chicke n
19、, fruit and many other thin gs. And they often makea special kind of food called“ dumplings ” . It means “ come together ” in Chinese. On theday before the festival, pare nts buy new clothes for their childre n and childre n also buy presents for their parents. On thefestival eve, all the family mem
20、bers come back to theirhome. This is a happy mome nt (时刻).They sing, dance and play cards. When they enjoy the meal, they give each otherthe best wishes for the coming year. They all have a good time.()51. Which is the most importa nt festival in China? ._A. Mid-autu mn Festival B. Spring FestivalC.
21、 Children s DayD. May Day()52. The Chin ese usually have their Spring Festival in_A. Jan uary or FebruaryB. February or MarchC. September or October D. December or January()53. What s the special kind of food for the Spring Festival in China? ._A. Pork B. Fish C. Dumpli ngs D. Noodles()54. The food“
22、 dumplings ” mean “_ ” .A. be delicious B. be hungry C. come together D. come back()55. When they are havi ng dinner on the festival eve, the Chin ese_A. sing, dance and play cards B. buy each other presentsC. n ever drinksD. give each other the best wishesBAnn s gran dpa towasveryrichand he had som
23、e shops. Theoldman beganlearn draw ingwhe nhe wassixty,and heloved itvery much.Fortwelveyears he()40. A. Yes B. Maybe()41. A. angry B. happy()42. A. so B. but()43. A. anything B. everyth ing()44. A. spokeB. told()45. A. didn t tellB. didnC. All right D. NoC. in terestedD. nothingC. or D. andC. somet
24、h ing D. nothingC. shoutedD. talkedt letC. let D. toldA. Is she good at dancing?B. What does she look like?C. Do you like to have friends who are like you?D. Do you have anything in com mon?E. Who is you best friend?F. Who is more in teresti ng,Nelly or you?6drew a lot and thereweremany picturesin h
25、isworkroom. Hewaspleasedwiththem andkeptthem well.One day, the old man was ill.He had tostay in hospital.Before hedied,he saidto Ann,“ 1 want togivemy picturesto aschool asprese nts.Theri thestude ntscan remember meforever.But Idon tknow whichschoolI mgoing togivethem to.Can you help me? ”Well,” sai
26、d the littlegirl,you dbettergivethemtoa bli ndschool.( )56. Ann A.asdrivergran dpawas.B.a teacherC.a bli ndmanD.a rich man( )57. Theoldman triedhis best to beA.anartistB. a farmerC.a doctorD.a teacher( )58. Theoldman lovedverymuch when hewas sixty.A.writi ngB.his shops C.moneyD. draw ing( )59. Whent
27、he oldman was in hospital,he wasyears oldA.60B.70C.72D.78( )60. Annthought her grandpa s pictureswereA.niceB.beautiful C.goodD. badCIt was a beautiful spring morning. There were no clouds in the sky, and the sun is warm but not hot. Mr. Black sawan old man at the bus stop with a big, strong, black u
28、mbrella in his hand. Mr. Black said to him ,“Do you thinkwe are going to have rain today?”“No,” saidthe old man, “ I don t think so. ”“ The n are you carry ing the umbrella because the sun is too hot?”“No, the sun is not very hot in spring.” Mr. Black looked at the big umbrella again, andthen the ma
29、n said “I am an old man, and my legs are not very strong. I must have a walk in g-stick(拐杖).Butpeople will say, Look! That man is so old! I don t like that,so I carry an umbrella every day. ”()61. When did the story happe n?A. In the morning. B. In the ni ght. C. In the evening. D. In the after noon
30、.()62. What was the weather like that day?A. It was raining. B. It was too warm. C. It was hot. D. It was cloudy.()63. Where did Mr. Black see the old ma n?A. At the bus stop. B. At the airport. C. In the park. D. In the cin ema.()64. Why did the old man take an umbrella with him?.A. Because it was
31、going to rain.B. Because the sun was too hot.C. Because it was his walk in g-stick.D. Because the umbrella was beautiful.()65. What can we know from the passage ?A. There was a lot of cloud in the sky that day.B. The old man was too old to go home himself.C. The umbrella was not strong eno ugh for h
32、im to use.D. The old man didn t want o ther people to say he wa s old.DApril FoolsDayis on April 1st. People can play jokes on others on this special day.If you succeed, you usually laugh and say,“April Fool! ” The person who has been fooled byyou laughs, too. And he will n ever be angry with you.Mo
33、thers Dayis on the sec ond Sun day of May. It s a day to tha nk mothers. On that day mothers usuallyreceive flowers and cards from their childre n. Fathers and childre n do the housework so that mothers can have agood rest.7Easter Dayfalls on the first Sun day after the full moon which is on or after March 21st.It s also called E aster Sun day. It s s
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