1、2009-2010 学年(下)八年级中段考试英语试卷(Chapters1-4 )2010-04-30出题人:潘秋莲 审题人:孙春月听力部分( 20 分). 听录音, 在 A、B、C 选项中选出你所听到的句子。每小题念两遍。 (4 小题, 每小题 1分) 1. A. I took a photo of the flowers.B. I took a photo of the trees.C. I took a photo of the houses.) 2. A. It s200 meters tall.B. Its 202 meters tall.C. It s 220 meters tall
2、.) 3. A. Linda is able to visit them.B. Linda is able to understand them.C. Linda is able to teach them.) 4. A. It was a good year.B. It was a bad year.4小C. It was a wonderful year. 听录音,在 A、B、C 选项中选出与你所听到的句子最接近的句子。每小题念两遍。题,每小题 1 分) 5. A. Somebody comes to school by car.B. No one takes a car to schoo
3、l.C. Everybody drives a car to school.) 6. A. Do you have less glass than metal?B. Do you have more metal than glass?C. Do you have more glass than metal?) 7. A. Jenny threw away the bags.B. Jenny repaired the bags.C. Jenny picked up the bags.) 8. A. There isn t anything wrong with the toilet.B. The
4、 toilet doesn t work well.4 小题,每小题 1 分)C. Ducks.C. I m sure I will. C. Yes, I am.C. You should buy one.C. Something is wrong with the toilet.III.(IV .听对话,根据对话内容选择最佳答案。对话念两遍。(听句子,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。每小题念两遍。) 9. A. No, they are not. B. Yes, they are.) 10. A. Sorry, I wont do it agaBin.That s a good idea.) 11
5、. A. Yes, I d like to.B. I don t think so.) 12. A. I love bears. B. No, you can t.4 小题,每小题 1 分) 13. What does the boy think Bob will be in ten years?A. A doctor. B. A teacher. C. A driver. ) 14. What sthe matter with Jack?A. He feels sick.B. He didn tdo his homework.C. He left his homework at home.)
6、 15. What was Mary doing when the boy called her last night?C. Listening to music.A. Watching TV . B. Surfing the Internet. () 16. Who is going to hold the party?C. Alice.4 小题,每小题 1 分)A. Jenny.B. Mary.V .听短文,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。短文念两遍。 下面你有 15 秒时间阅读 17-20 题) 17 When will they go on the trip?C. This Sunday.A
7、. This Friday.B. This Saturday.) 18. Why will they go to the mountains?A. Because they want to climb up the mountains.B. Because they want to learn more about pine trees ( 松树 ) there.C. Because they want to plant trees there.) 19. What time will they return that day?C. At 6:00 pm.A. At 8:00 pm.B. At
8、 4:00 pm.) 20. What do the students need to do after coming back?A. They need to write a report.B. They need to read some papers.C. They need to talk about the pine trees.笔试部分 (80 分 ) I 选择填空: (共 15分,每小题 1 分) ()21. How wasEnglish Street?-I should say it was success.A. the; aB. the; /) 22. Do you like
9、 watching ads?C. a; aD. a; / Yes. They can help us compare two different productsone.we can buy a betterA. such thatB. so that) 23. How do you know she will win? The smile on her face tells me that.C. so as toD. in order toA. confidentB. confidenceC. angry) 24. How did you feel when you read the sad
10、 but beautiful love story? I to tears.A. tookB. was taken) 25. Is Tom good at playing basketball?C. moved Yes. he is not tall, he plays basketball very well.A. BecauseB. IfC. Although)26. -Do you like cartoo ns?-Yes. I am a cartoon fan and I have collected _ comic books.A. a littleB. a number of C.
11、a great amount of)27. Is it useful to make pictures in my to remember things? Yeah. I have memorized many words in this way.A. mindB. topicC. article)28. I hear your uncle has a wonderful memory. Of course. , he can memorize 1,000 singers names.D. sadD. was movedD. ButD. muchD. mouth3A. Such asB. Fo
12、r exa mpleC. Even if)29. How can I improve my memory?-Well, your memory won t 'be betterA. ifB. unl essyou p ractise it a lot.C. though)30. If you go to his p arty, Tony will be pl eased. No, I won t' if heme.A. won t' in viteB. does n t 'in viteC. don t 'in vite)31. Little slee
13、p and rest will stop youthinking well. That s true. So we should pay more atte nti onour life habit.A. with; withB. from; toC. from; on)32. What ' s your platfor the coming holiday?I p referaround Shen zhe n.A. to travelB. on travel C. travel)33. Why didn t 'you go to school yesterday?I was
14、ill.D. traveli ngD. As forD. becauseD. didn t'inviteD. with; fromA. BecauseB. ForC. AsD. Si nee-Yes. It wasA. such a beautiful)34. Did you enjoy the con cert?music that I was dee ply attracted by it.C. so beautifulD. such beautifulB. so beautiful ayours?)35. Is Lily s opinionNo. We haveopinions.
15、B. differe nt as; the sameD. differe nt from; sameA. same as; the sameC. the same as; differe ntII.完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)Alice is an excha nge stude nt in Beiji ng. She came here two years ago. She could sp eak only a little Chin ese before 36 for China. When she got to China, her Chin ese was so 37 that
16、 she couldn t understand others well every day. She was veiiyd at that time because she had to38_others very carefully. But two or three mon ths later, her heari ng39 a lot.Alice is the only exchange student in her class. She takes five classes. She likes Chinese classes very much, 40 she can t do a
17、s well as other Chinese classmates.Alice has a few 41 pen p als in Beiji ng and they ofte n com muni cate with each other by writi ng letters in Chin ese. She is also 42 am ong her Chin ese classmates. They ofte n in vite her to their p arties. This helps her a lot in Chin ese.Alice 43 to take part
18、in school activities. And she 'in a culture club now. She is happy to 44 ma ny in teresti ng people and exp erie nee excit ing things there.Last summer vacati on, Alice went back to Australia. All her families and friends were at her great p rogress in Chin ese. She had fun livi ng and study ing
19、 in China.()36. A. goi ngB. leavi ngC. comingD. pass ing()37. A. poorB.goodC. richD. well()38. A. hearB. seeC. liste n toD. talk to()39. A. roseB. improvedC. in creasedD.exchanged()40. A. becauseB. soC. ifD. although() 41. A. ChineseB. EnglishC. AustralianD. American() 42. A. aloneB. shyC. popularD.
20、 tall() 43. A. makesB. refusesC. hatesD. likes() 44. A. memorizeB. forgetC. meetD. beat() 45. A. sadB. surprisedC. afraidD. angry阅读短文,选择最佳答案。 (每小题 1 分,共 20分)III.A.If you do not use your arms or your legs for some time, they become weak; when you start using them again, they slowly become strong agai
21、n. Everybody knows that. Yet many people do not seem to know that memory works in the same way.When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his memory in practice by using it. When someone else says that his memory is poor, he really means that he does not give it enoug
22、h chance to become strong.If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak, we know that it is his own fault ( 过错 ). But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think that his parents are to blame ( 受责备 ), and few of us know that it is just his own fault.Have you ever found that some pe
23、ople can rtead or write but usually they have better memories? This is because they cannot read or write them down in a little notebook. They have to remember days, names, songs and stories; so their memory is the whole time being exercised.So if you want to have a good memory, learn from the people
24、: practice remembering.)46 .The main reason for ones poor memory is that .A. his father or mother may have a poor memoryB. he does not use his arms or legs for some timeC. his memory is not often usedD. he can t read or write)47.If you do not use your arms or legs for some time, .A. you can t use th
25、em any moreB. they will become strongerC. they become weak but they slowly become strong againD. they become weak and won t become strong until you use them again)48.Which of the following in NOT true?A. Don t learn how to read and write if you want to have a better memory.B. Your memor y, like your
26、 arms or legs, becomes weak if you don chance for practice.C. Your memory works in the same way as your arms or legs.D. A good memory comes from more practice.)49.Some people can rtead or write, but they usually have better memories, becauset give it enoughA. they have saved much troubleB. they have
27、 saved much time to remember thingsC. they have to use their memories all the timeD. they can t werviterything in a little notebookseuoqd neo Buisn luojj sjoaijp ueq 'uedep pueleejsi 'A|bii 'uieiug jeejo eqi Biqpnpui 'seuiunoo e乙 iseei iv pessed lou inq pesodojd sueq peii "BL| s
28、oiBis puB :666L ui 6u屮bis 'suBq(率磚)peqsiiqeise "bl| seRiieooi uezop e iseei iv009$ isoo HIM 冋J eye uorbioia Aj"9 pUB auij 00乙$ B JOj |BO 3LUR pu009S V eUlj 001$ B eOBj HIM (皋锻爭)SJO1B|O!A eiUll-lSJIj屮UOLU isjij 9L|i 6uunp sBuiujbm A|UO uoaiB eq HIM seuoqd |30 Buisn iqBneo sjoaup L|6n0屮|
29、b 7 jeqiueAON uo uiOaq him ueq am seuoqcl l|30 uo BupHBi sisuoiOLU( qr證)Buiuueq mb| qBs isjij s vSPI 8屮 Psssed sbl| QBS 屮。人 m9N0BunoA SBM 9L| ueqM p!p eq ibl|a/ Aq uosjed e sBpnf pinoqs om qU!MS siq jo jo|oo 9屮 Aq uosjed e 96pn打,upinoqs om qjepBJBqo siLpkiad e 96pn打,up|noqs om gU!MS siq jo jo|oo 9屮
30、Aq uosjed e sBpnf p|noqs om v觀荡0嘗昱II sueeiu IIpuno6>pBq jnoj 09aiL|i gaeseuiqo uiQAij a- IB屮 90S UBO OM gbessed S!屮 luojj gg ( 荡VpjOM 9L|丄 pg (OMl VsjoiBues 和B|q A|uo eje/vv aio屮BLueqo ejojeg gg ()817 aM 08G aZG V SBM 9L| ueqM sn 8屮 jo luep!said 9屮 eiuBoeq Biueqo NS ()SQsgns siq 疋 poo61, usbm eq
31、qBunoA 001 sbm eq qjood Ajoa sbm 9L| g和B|q sbm eq v-9snBoeq sjuepns jeqio 9屮 jo isoiu luojj luejejjip 问 Biueqo 'hbmbh u| jg ()Dav eiojM II ,'jepBJBqo siq jo ainSBO|d 9屮 Aq inq 'upis siq jo jo|oo 9L|1 Aq psBpnf eq lou pinoL|s UBLU V6 S! lEL陛eapi耳 eiuooBu!jo屮rq u屮b|/| speiu sbl| sseoons s
32、, Biueqo BOueLuv >pB|q e jo Boueiuv 巩帥 e ue屮 jeqiBJ 'Boueiuv jo soiBis P91!un B JOj pe|BO BLueqo 'SPI 8屮 ui isod9屮 JOj eoBJ siq 6uundAjoism sn 9屮 U! (曽思誓 )sjoiBues 和B|q 9ai屮 9屮 jo euo eiuBoeq eq 冋bi AiisjeAiun pjbajbh 疋 jbjs b luiq speiu >|J0M pBL| SIH eBeiioo le puncue ajii siq p9uni
33、Aneuij Biueqo 'spU9!j siq jo d|3q 9屮 l|1!mSBM 9L| OqM jePUOM LUiq 9PBLU punojBypeq lensnun siqi iibmbh pue eiseuopu| 巴 dn mojB 9h J96L ui ujoq sbm BiueqoAjoisiq sn 8屮 UI luep!said 和B|q 冏!j 9屮 eiuBoeq Biueqo Ajoisiq speiu Aoq eqi UeAeMOH siuepns jo屮0 9屮 jo isoiu luojj luejejjip Ajoa 问 9H IIBMBH u
34、! looips siq b sjuepns >pB|q eejqi A|uo 9L|1 jo euo sbm Biueqo >|OBJJBg p|0-jeeA-uei 600乙'心BnuB0乙 uo eoijjo ”001 soieis P91!up 3L|) jo luep!said 9L|1 'BLueqo >|OBJJBgaeidoed 9L|丄 Luojj ujeeq qAjOLueiAi P009 puH slujv Buojis qAjOLueiAi P009 V eABH 0丄 moh g sBeq JO slujvno人 Buisp dois
35、 1, uoq v -eBessed siqi JOj 9|i!HSoq 9L|丄 0S(There are about 115 million cell phones in use in the United States and more than 6 million in New York State.讦0 think that I m not going to use cell phone when at the same time I can still use my laptop, I still can read a paper, I can still change my pa
36、nts while driving at 65mph. I think there s just something wrong, Ilan official said.)56. According to the law, drivers will get November.if they use cell phones while driving inOther critics( 批评 ) noted other things like eating, drinking coffee and doing make-up while driving. They suggested that t
37、he ban include a broader range of things.(A. a $100 dollar fineB. warningsC. a phoneD. a $500 fine)57. How much fine will a cell phone user receive if he has been caught using it four times while driving after November?C. $1,200.D. $1,300.A. $500.B. $1,000.)58. We can infer from this passage thatA.
38、some developed countries forbid drivers using cell phonesB. the ban has been put into effort in most states in the USC. more people in the US are against the ban than for itD. over fifty localities or states ban drivers from using cell phones )59. What can the drivers NOT do now according to the ban
39、?A. They can t talk with others by using a cell phone while driving.B. They can tdo make-up while driving.C. They cant drink coffee while driving.D. they can t change their trousers while driving.)60. What does the author tell us?A. The author tells us what to do while driving.B. The author tells dr
40、ivers not to call other people while driving.C. The author shows different opinions about banning motorists talking on cell phones.D. Its dangerous to talk on the phone while driving.D.Do you think that there is too much noise in our city? Perhaps you do. If you live near an airport, you will probab
41、ly feel unhappy because of the noise of jet planes( 喷气式飞机 ). It is said that the noise of planes or trains or trucks can make one deaf if he keeps on hearing it.Noise is a kind of pollution. However, most people in our city do not seem to mind noise. They do not know it is harmful to their health. T
42、hey like to enjoy music when they are doing their work. It is a new danger that music is played through powerful loudspeakers. It can reach 120 decibels(分贝).It is known that continuous (连续不断的) noise of over 85 decibels can make people deaf. For example, when newspapers and books are being printed, t
43、he noise is over 85 decibels, and some of the workers become deaf. Scientists believe that 10% of all the workers in British printing offices have been deafened( 使聋)by the noise. Besides, noise of about85 decibels can make some people tired and anxious. We all know that too much noise makes life dif
44、ficult and unpleasant. It can do great harm to health and stop people from working well. Workers in noisy offices are not so efficient (有效的) as workers in quiet offices. Noisemake people less efficie nt. Can anything be done to kee p dow n no ise?In Brita in, the gover nment has made some laws to ke
45、e p dow n no ise. It has spent a good deal of money mak ing air ports and main roads quieter. I n Japan, America and Can ada there are such laws, too.)61.people in big cities know no ise does harm to their health.A. FewB. MostC. NoD. Many)62. Many people work ing in prin ti ng offices become deaf be
46、cause.they kee p on heari ng the no ise of the mach ines they are not used to the no ise of the mach ines the no ise of the mach ines is below 85 decibels they don t'know the noise will harm their hearingA.B.C.D.)63. If you ofte n hear the no ise of about 85 decibels, you will.A. become deafB. f
47、eel tiredC. be happyD. work harder)64. Workers in no isy offices are not soas workers in quiet offices.A. efficie ntB. harmfulC. tiredD. unp leasa nt)65. When a person visits a factory full of loud no ise,.he will become deafhe will feel un comfortablehis heari ng will be greatly harmedhe will n eve
48、r mind the no iseA.B.D.C.IV.i.补全对话。(共10分,每小题1分)B. AlthoughC.excha ngeD. sizeE. i nformatio nF. fortun atestude nt.you are! Are you ready for it?about the coun try.A. But从方框中的六个选项中选出五个合适的选项补全对话。ll go to Ca nada as a (an) (66).A: IB: Con gratulatio ns. How (67)A: Yes. I ve searched a lot of (68)B: Can
49、 you share it with me?A: Sure. Can ada is the biggest country in the world. It is more tha n 10,000,000 square kilometres in (69).B: What about the environment there?A: Well. It is quite good. (70)it is so big, it has a small popu lati on. There are a lot oftrees there, so the air is always very fre
50、sh. And there are a lot of p laces of in trest.B: Cool. Have a good time there.A: Tha nks.ii.从方框中的七个选项中选出五个合适的选项补全对话。A. What the name of it?B. What are you going to do?C. Oh, I have n ever done that!D. What else does it say?E. What are you doing?F. Because batteries cause p olluti on.G. Where did yo
51、u do that?Hello, Benny. (71)I m reading a book.(72) -How to be a green consumer |.ABABAWow, are you in terested in the en viro nment?Yes. This book tells us lots of things we should do.Like what?Well, we should turn off the shower whe n we re wash ing our hair.(73) I have very short hair. I m only i
52、n the shower for a few minutes.Every minute helps.(74) We d better use solar-powered calculators (计算器).Oh, that s stra nge. Why?(75) V. 用简单的英语解释下列句子。(共10分,每小题2分)76. I won t 'give you any p ocket money uni ess you p ass the exam.77. My father is as busy as a bee.78. On April Fools Day, people play tricks on others79. People create mountains of rubbish every day.80. The atmosphere keeps much of the warmth from getting out.VI. 书面表达:(共15分)(共 5分,
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