1、12Listening and speakingReadingGrammarWritingCulture expressContent3lPronunciation and listening skills lConversationslPassageListening and speaking4Different intonationsListen to the following sentences with different intonations and match the sentences in Column A with their meanings in Column B.
2、Tips 同一个句子,可以通过不同的语调表达不同的意思。如:降调() 可以说明事实;升调( )可以表示疑问;降升调( )表示委婉的建议、不相信或话外有音等;升降调( )表示强烈的赞同、自鸣得意或不耐烦等。1 Her name is Mary.()2 Her name is Mary.()3 Her name is Mary.()4 Her name is Mary.()Column AA The speaker doesnt believe that. B The speaker has mentioned the name several times and becomes impatien
3、t.C She is Mary.D Pardon, what is her name? Column B5TipsDistinguishing different intonations of a sentence日常谈话中的一句话除了其词汇意义(lexical meaning)外,还有语调意义(intonation meaning)。所谓词汇意义就是这句话中所用词的意义,而语调意义就是说话人用语调所表示的态度或口气。一句话的词汇意义加上语调意义才算是完整的意义。同样的句子,语调不同,意思就会不同。语调包括升调和降调等,一般说来,升调表示疑问、不确定与征询意见等,而降调表示陈述、确定等。Dif
4、ferent intonations6ConversationslConversation 1lConversation 2Functional languageExercisesExercisesFunctional language7A he left earlier Listen to a conversation and choose the best way to complete each of the following sentences.Word tipsrequirement n. 要求sick leave n. 病假tutorial adj. 辅导的1 The man d
5、oesnt know the course requirements because _. 2 The man knows nothing about the course requirements except _. B he fell asleep in class CC he took sick leaveA something about the paper B giving a small talk to the tutorial group C making preparations for an open-book examination A8 Listen again and
6、check () what you hear. Greetings & responsesA giving a presentation on any topic related to the course; B giving a 25-minute presentation to the tutorial group;C writing a paper and giving it to the lecturer; The course requirements include: D finishing an essay on a freely-chosen topic; E havi
7、ng an open-book examination. 9ScriptsGreetings & responsesMan:Hey, do you happen to know what the course requirements are? I took sick leave last week and missed the class. Woman:Well, you have to give a small talk and complete a paper.Man:Ive heard something about the paper. But Im not quite cl
8、ear on the details. Can you be more specific?Woman:First, youll have to give a 25-minute presentation to your tutorial group. And then you have to write up your piece of work and give it to the lecturer to be marked.10ScriptsGreetings & responsesMan :Right. And is that all?Woman : Oh, in additio
9、n to that, there will be an open-book examination. Man :So you are saying that we need to give a small presentation, write a paper, and prepare for an open-book examination?Woman : Yes, thats everything.Man :Got it. Thanks a lot.11Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the following s
10、ituations. You may refer to the Functional Language.Situation 1A, a newcomer to the school, is asking B to clarify the school rules for him / her. (Sample)A is a student who is going to take part in a picture show. He / She is consulting his / her tutor about the things to prepare. Situation 2(Sampl
11、e)Conversation 1 - Greetings & responses12Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the following situations. You may refer to the Functional Language.GUIDED CONVERSATIONA: Ask B if he / she knows aboutB: Tell A generally what A has to do. A: Ask for more specific information. B: Exp
12、lain to A in detail. A: Show thanks and ask for more information. B: Give more information. Conversation 1 - Greetings & responses13Role play - Sample conversationSituation 1Greetings & responsesHelen: Hey, Anna. Its nice to see you again. Thank you for showing me the way to my dorm yesterda
13、y.Anna:Youre welcome. Have you got used to your new life here?Helen : To be frank, I still feel a little bit nervous in this new place. Im not quite clear on the school rules. Could you please give me some suggestions?Anna :Sure. Generally, you have to do what your teachers ask you to do. By the way
14、, the library is usually closed at 10:30 p.m.Helen: Are you saying that we have to leave the library before 10:30 p.m.?14Role play - Sample conversationSituation 1Greetings & responsesAnna:Yes.Helen :I see. Thanks. Can I use electric kettle in the dorm?Anna:No, you cant. Students are not allowed
15、 to use high-powered electricity devices in the dorm. It might cause a power outage and you will be punished.Helen : Got it. Thanks a lot!15Role play - Sample conversationSituation 2Greetings & responsesMichael: Mr. Blake, I am thinking of taking part in the picture show next month. Do you happe
16、n to know what preparations I should make for it?Mr. Blake:Well, youd better get to know the requirements for the pictures.Michael: Requirements? Could you be more specific?Mr. Blake:Sure. For example, how many pictures you should submit.Michael: I see. Thanks. And is that all?Mr. Blake:The pictures
17、 must be your original work. The pictures modified by the computer programs wont be accepted.Michael: OK. Thanks a lot.Mr. Blake:Youre welcome.16Functional LanguageAsking for clarificationDo you happen to know? Im not quite clear on Can you be more specific? Do you mean? You mean? What do you mean b
18、y? Could you say that again, please? Are you saying that? So you are saying that? Asking for clarification17Listen to a conversation and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Word tipstaboo n. 禁忌ornamental adj. 装饰性的funeral n. 葬礼connotation n. 隐含意义even adj. 偶数的1 In decidi
19、ng what to choose as gifts, the woman has to think hard. 2 Actually, the Chinese dont give plates as gifts. 3 If the man has not given his advice, the woman might have made some stupid mistakes. Conversation 2 - Making introductions & responsesTFT18Listen again and complete the following table.
20、Conversation 2 - Making introductions & responsesThe Chinese dont give clocks as presents because they think the clocks may have an implied meaning of _. In Chinese culture, _ numbers are regarded as lucky, except for the number _. funeralevenfour19ScriptsMaking introductions & responsesAlic
21、e:Hey, Li Lei. Andrew and I have been invited to a Chinese home for dinner. Weve been racking our brains trying to choose some gifts for them. Can you tell us something about the cultural taboos in this aspect?Li Lei:Sure. About the gifts, what do you have in mind?Alice:Actually, weve bought some ni
22、ce plates, clocks, andLi Lei:Hang on, you said clocks? Uh, actually we dont give them as presents, especially to old people.Alice:So what you are saying is that its a bad idea to give clocks as presents? But why? They are ornamental clocks, really lovely ones.20ScriptsMaking introductions & resp
23、onsesLi Lei:Well, it may sound strange to you, but they have a funeral connotation in China. As for the plates, youd better give an even number of them.Alice:You mean that it is better if we give six of them as gifts rather than five?Li Lei:Yeah, even numbers are regarded as lucky in Chinese culture
24、, except for the number four.Alice:I see. Thanks for your advice; otherwise we might have made some stupid mistakes.Li Lei:Youre welcome!21Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the following situations. You may refer to the Functional Language.Situation 1A is from Hainan, and he / sh
25、e is going to spend the winter holiday in Beijing. This is his / her first time to visit a city in North China, so he / she is asking B what should be prepared for the trip. (Sample)Situation 2A takes an interest in playing tennis recently, so he / she is asking B, a tennis fan, to clarify some basi
26、c rules in playing tennis. (Sample)Conversation 2 - Making introductions & responses22Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the following situations. You may refer to the Functional Language.GUIDED CONVERSATIONA: Ask B if he / she can tell you something about. B: Show the willing
27、ness to help. A: Tell B what you want to know. B: Give A some information. A: Ask B to give more specific information. B: Explain to A in detail. A: Show thanks. Conversation 2 - Making introductions & responses23Role play - Sample conversationSituation 1Making introductions & responsesJohn:
28、Hi, Lily. Where are you going to spend your winter holiday?Lily:I am planning to visit Beijing.John:Sounds great! Have you been there before?Lily:No, this is my first time. I was wondering if you could tell me something about Beijing since you have been there before.John:Sure. Its my pleasure.Lily:W
29、hat is the weather like there?24Role play - Sample conversationSituation 1Making introductions & responsesJohn:Its usually very cold and dry in winter. You should bring a down coat with you. And there are so many beautiful scenic spots in Beijing. Youd better plan out in advance.Lily:Could you b
30、e more specific?John:Before you go to visit the scenic spots, you should get to know the route and the means oftransportation the day before. It will save you time. You can also gather some informationabout the places youre going to visit.Lily:I see. Thank you.25Role play - Sample conversationSituat
31、ion 2Making introductions & responsesSammy:Stacey, Im very interested in tennis lately and I want to learn how to play it. Could you please tell me something about it?Stacey:Sure. What do you want to know?Sammy:I would like to know the basic rules for playing tennis.Stacey:The overall goal of te
32、nnis is to gain points to win games (局), sets (盘), and matches. A player wins a set when he wins six games, provided he is ahead of his opponent by two games.26Role play - Sample conversationSituation 2Making introductions & responsesSammy:Would you elaborate on that?Stacey:If the difference bet
33、ween the players is less than two games, the game may continue till either wins the set by a margin of two.Sammy: I see. Thanks for the information.Stacey: Youre welcome.27Functional LanguageAsking for clarificationCan you tell me something about? So what you are saying is that? Could you clarify th
34、at, please? Would you elaborate on that? Could you be more explicit? Conversation 2 28 Listen to a passage and choose the best way to complete each of the following sentences. Passage1 English people will shake hands in the following situations except when _. A they meet for the first timeB they mee
35、t each other quite often C they will be away for a long timeWord tipscustom n. 风俗;习惯regularly adv. 经常B29Listen to a passage and choose the best way to complete each of the following sentences. Passage2 The main idea of this passage might be: _. BA the method of shaking hands with foreigners B knowin
36、g some customs of the country you are going to visit can be of great help C misunderstanding in customs sometimes makes people laugh30Listen again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Passage1 The customs of Germany are quite different from those of the UK. 2 The Ge
37、rman students went to England for a competition. 3 The German students kept hands behind their backs because they didnt like the English students. 4 The English students knew that Germans shake hands a lot. TTFF31ScriptsPassageBefore you go to another country, it is helpful to learn about the langua
38、ge and some of the customs of the country.When people meet each other for the first time in England, they say, “How do you do?”, and shake hands. However, they do not shake hands if they see each other regularly. They only shake hands after they havent met for a long time, or when they will be away
39、from each other for a long time. But things can be quite different in other countries.Last year, a group of German students went to England for a holiday. Their teacher told them that the English people hardly shake hands. So when they met their English friends at the station, they kept their hands
40、behind their backs. The English students, however, had learned that the Germans shake hands as often as possible, so they put their hands in front and got ready to shake hands with them. It made both of them laugh.32One of your close friends is planning to travel abroad, and this is his or her first
41、 time to visit a foreign country. Offer him or her some advice on the customs and cultural taboos of the country. You can do some research beforehand. Passage33PassageAdditional information:Cultural taboos in Egypt: Do not use your left hand in social situations either to gesture or touch an Egyptia
42、n because the left hand is considered evil and unclean. Be careful of your posture when dealing with Egyptians. Do not drape yourself over your chair, lean against a wall, or keep your hands in your pockets when dealing with an Egyptian. All of the above may be considered signs of disrespect.Cultura
43、l taboos in Thailand: Dont touch someones head for the head is considered the most sacred. Pointing at someone is considered rude in many cultures, particularly in Thailand. If you must indicate someone, do so by lifting your chin in their direction.34l Passage Al Passage BDoes travel broaden the mi
44、nd?From Shakespeare to cultural exchangesReading35Does travel broaden the mind?lLead-inlText studylExercisesPassage A36Passage A A mothers ltter to the worldLead-inlExtended readinglPre-reading questions37Meal culture in ItalyOne of the great pleasures of Italy is eating. In Italy breakfast is norma
45、lly around 8:00 a.m. and consists of biscuits or croissants (羊角面包), accompanied by strong coffee or perhaps tea. The main meal of the day is often lunch, which starts anywhere between 1:00 and 2:00 p.m. and may last up to there hours (depending on the region), although office workers will usually ea
46、t and leave faster. If a heavy lunch has been eaten, the evening meal may consists of a light snack. Dinner is usually around 8:00 p.m., but may be as late as 10:00 p.m. If the breadwinner cannot get back for lunch, dinner becomes the main meal. Children tend to stay up late, with no fixed bedtimes.
47、 Bread without butter is served and there is usually wine and water. When the family has guests, the headPassage A Does travel broaden the mind?Lead-in- Extended reading38of the household pours the first round of wine and may propose a toast and then everyone serves themselves. “Cheers” in Italy is
48、“Salute.” A full-scale Italian meal is substantial, and so varied that it bears out the adage (谚语): the appetite grows with eating. Two main courses are preceded by a starter and followed by cheese, a dessert, and/or fruit. The starter is often a selection of cold meats and marinated (腌泡的) vegetable
49、s. Parma ham and melon are popular antipasti. The first main dish, the primo, is usually pasta or risotto or perhaps a soup. Minestrone is a vegetable soup. The second main course will be meat or fish plus a cooked vegetable, often servedPassage A Does travel broaden the mind?Lead-in- Extended readi
50、ng39separately as a side dish. The contorni (including potatoes) oftenfollow the second dish as they are seen as palette cleansers (清洁剂) rather than as an accompaniment to the meat or fish. Pasta is almost never eaten as a meal in itself, except for lasagne (烤奶酪肉馅面条), and if you feel a whole portion
51、 of pasta as a first course is too much for you, it is acceptable to ask for a half portion. This may followed by cheese and fruit, then dessert and coffee. It is absolutely normal for Italians to drink wine with their meal, even in working hours. Tap water is free, but most Italians will ask for mi
52、neral water, either sparkling or still.Passage A Does travel broaden the mind?Lead-in- Extended reading40Passage A Does travel broaden the mind?Pre-reading questionsWork in groups to discuss the following questions.Do you travel a lot? What is the most interesting travel experience youve ever had? W
53、hat do you like or dislike about traveling? Why? 41Passage A Does travel broaden the mind?Text studylOrganization of the textlLanguage pointslText reading42Passage ADoes travel broaden the mind?1. We often hear people say that travel broadens the mind: If you stay in your own country your whole life
54、, your ideas remain narrow; if you travel abroad you see new customs, meet new people, eat new food, do new things, and come back home more broad-minded. 43Passage ADoes travel broaden the mind?2. But does this always happen? An acquaintance of mine who lives in England had never been abroad; until
55、last summer he decided to go to France for a trip. When he returned, I asked him how he liked it. “Terrible,” was his answer. “I couldnt get a nice cup of tea anywhere. Thank goodness Im back.” I asked him whether he had any good food while he was there. “Oh, the dinners were all right,” he said. “I
56、 found a little place where they made quite good fish and chips. Not as good as ours, mind you, but they were acceptable. But the breakfasts were terrible: no bacon or kippers. I had fried eggs and chips, but it was quite an effort getting them to make them. They expected me to eat rolls. And when I
57、 asked for marmalade, they brought strawberry jam. And do you know, they insisted that it was marmalade? The trouble is they dont know English.” _44Passage ADoes travel broaden the mind?3. I thought it useless to explain that we borrowed the word “marmalade” from French, and that it means, in that l
58、anguage, any kind of jam. So I said, “But didnt you eat any of the famous French food?” “What? Me?” he said. “Of course not! Give me good old English food every time! None of those fancy bits for me!” Clearly, traveling had not broadened his mind. He had gone to France determined to live there exact
59、ly as if he were in England and had judged it entirely from his own English viewpoints. 45Passage ADoes travel broaden the mind?4. This does not, of course, happen only to Englishmen in France. People of all different races, in all foreign countries, can be found judging what they see, hear, taste,
60、and smell according to their own habits and customs. People who are better educated and who have read a lot about foreign countries tend to be more ready to accept and adjust to foreign things, but this is because their minds have already been broadened before they start traveling. In fact, it is easier to be broad-minded about foreign habits and customs if ones
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