1、1. phe nomenon(fi-nom-uh-non)f ? 'n ? m ? n ?nn.现象2. an aesthetist(uh-nes-thi-tist)?'nis0t? st n.麻醉师3. remun erati on(ri-myoo - n uh-reysh un)r ? ,mju ? n?'re ? ? (?)nn.报酬4. statistic s(stuh-tis-tiks)st ?'t ? st? ks n. 统计5. eth nicity(eth-nis-i-tee)e 0 '? s? t? n.种族划分6. philosoph
2、ical(fil-uh-sof-i-kuhl)f ? l?'s? f? k( ?)ladj. 哲学的7. provocatively(pruh-vok-uh-tiv)pr ?u'v ? k?tivl ? adv.煽动地8. anonym ous(uh-non-uh-muhs)?'n ? n? m?sadj. 匿名的9. thesaurus(thi-sawr-uhs)e? 's? ? r?sn.宝库;辞典10. alumi nium(al-yuh-mi n-ee-uhm)?l(j)? 'm ? n? ?madj. 铝的11. regularly(reg-y
3、uh-ler-lee)'r ? cj?l? liadv. 定期地12. February(feb-roo-er-ee)'febr ? ?r? n.二月13. particularly(per-tik-yuh-ler-lee)p ?'t? kj ? l?l? adv. 特别地14. hereditary(huh-red-i-ter-ee)h ? 'red ? t( ?)r ? adj. 遗传的15. prioritis ing(prah-awr-i-tahyz-i ng)pra ? '? r? ta ? z? ?v.优先处理16. pronun ciati
4、 on(pruh-nuhn-see-ey-shuh n)pr ?,n ? ns ? 'e ? ? (?)nn. 发音17. prejudice(prej-uh-dis)'pred ? ? d? sn.偏见18. facilitate(fuh-sil-i-teyt)f ?'s ? l? te? tv. 促进19. hospitable(hos-pi-tuh-buhl)h ? 'sp ? t?b( ?)ladj. 热情友好的音标? n?(? )m?t ?'pi ? ?n.拟声20. ono matopoeia(on-uh-mat-uh-pee-uh)辅音连缀
5、:(1 ) b ,f , g, k, p , s+l单词练习blbl- bloom-blu:mbless-blesflfl- floor-fl?:flow-fl?ug lgl -glass- g l a :sglue-g lu:klcl- class-kla :sclue-klu:plpl- play-ple?plow-plauslsl- sleep-sli:pslip-sl?p短语练习at lastbig classbli nd datefall asleepa big lampa quick leapclip handsclear blue句子练习I would like to try t
6、he pla in blue, pla in black, and dark gree n dress.The baby is sleep ing, be quiet please.The rope was ple nty long eno ugh to reach the gro und.I man aged to slip a few jokes into my speech.(2) b , f , ?, 0, k , p, t+r单词练习brbr- brace-bre?s bread-breddrdr- drop_dropfrfr- fry-frakrcr- craft-krg rgr
7、- grey-? rshr- shrink-0 rthr - three- prpr- prude_tru:p trtr- troop-tru:p 短语练习French Fries brow n mushroom walki ng traildraw-dr? free-fri:a :ftcrane-gre?gray-gre?r ? gkshrine-0 ri:through-proud-prtree-tri:?:kre?m?ra ?m0 ru:da udgreat friendsthree prizesgrade threeattractive coun tryside fire drill句
8、子练习The British are said to love traditi on.You n eed a break from routi ne.I heard about it through a friend of a friend.I think it ' s time we tried a fresh approach.(3) d , k , t+w单词练习dwdw- dwell-dwel dwarf-dw?:fkwqu- quiz_kw?zquee n-kwi: ntwtw-twi n-tw?n betwee n-bdwell ings and offices qua n
9、tum leapquee n beequick temper短语练习dwarf conifer quality con trol quarter day questi on master句子练习The old houses were dwarfed by the huge new tower blocks.They lived in the twilight zone on the frin ges of society.Would you like a quick drink?I hope the police don ' t as k any awkward questions.(
10、4) s+f, k, l , m, n, p, t , w单词练习sfsph-sphere-sf? sphinx-sf?kssksc-seen e-si: nscree n-skr?:nsk-skip-sk?pski-ski:smsm-smile-sma?lsmell-smelsn s n-sno w-s n? usno re-s n?:spsp-speed-spi:dspell-spelstst-start-sta :tstar-sta :swsw-sweet-swi:tsweat-swet短语练习start ing pointthe Star and Stripesspot checkscheduled flightthe small scree n small frysniff and snuff sn eak preview句子练习He stuck his hands in his pockets and strolled off.The scorpio
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