1、(1) 批处理1(2) 变量 3(3) 逻辑控制 5( 4)函数 7(4.1)系统函数 7(4.2)自定义函数 12(5) 高级查询 22(6) 存储过程 35(7) 游标 35(8) 触发器 50SQL Server 数据库的高级操作(1) 批处理(2) 变量(3) 逻辑控制(4) 函数(5) 高级查询*/(1) 批处理将多条 SQL 语句作为一个整体去编译,生成一个执行计划,然后,执行!理解批处理的关键在于 编译 ,对于由多条语句组成的一个批处理,如果在编译时,其中,有一条出现语法错误,将会导致编译失败!create table t(a int,b int- 注释- 如果多行注释中包含了批
2、处理的标识符 go- 在编译的过程中代码将会被 go 分割成多个部分来分批编译- 多行注释的标记将会被分隔而导致编译出错- 以下几条语句是三个非常经典的批处理- 你猜一下会添加几条记录!/*insert into t values (1,1)go*/insert into t values (2,2)go/*insert into t values (3,3)*/go- 查询看添加了几条记录select * from ttruncate table t(2) 变量- 全局变量SQL Server 中全局变量由系统定义、系统维护,用户一般仅可对其进行读取!- 查看 SQL Server 版本pr
3、int version- 服务器名称print servername- 系统错误编号insert into t values (a,a)print errorinsert into t values (a,a)if error = 245print Error- SQL Server 版本的语言信息print LANGUAGE- 一周的第一天从星期几算起print datefirst- CPU 执行命令所耗费时间的累加print cpu_busy- 获取最近添加的标识列的值create table tt(a int identity(3, 10),b int)insert into tt (b
4、) values (1)print identityselect * from tt- 局部变量局部变量由用户定义,仅可在同一个批处理中调用和访问declare intAge tinyintset intAge = 12print intAgedeclare strName varchar(12)select strName = stateprint strName select au_lname, strName from authors(3) 逻辑控制- IF 条件判断 declare i int set i = 12 if (i 10) begin - print Dadadada! p
5、rint Dadadada! end - else begin print XiaoXiao! print XiaoXiao! end- While 循环控制 declare i int; set i = 12; print i return;while (i 18) beginprint i;set i = i + 1;if i 15break;end;- CASE 分支判断select au_lname, state, 犹他州 from authors where state = UTselect au_lname, state, 密西西比州 from authors where stat
6、e = MIselect au_lname, state, 肯塔基州 from authors where state = KSselect au_lname, state,case statewhen UT then 犹他州 when MI then 密西西比州 when KS then 肯塔基州 when CA then 加利福利亚 else stateend from authors(4) 函数(4.1)系统函数- 获取指定字符串中左起第一个字符的ASC 码print ascii(ABCDEF)- 根据给定的 ASC 码获取相应的字符print char(65)- 获取给定字符串的长度p
7、rint len(abcdef)- 大小写转换print lower(ABCDEF)print upper(abcdef)- 去空格print ltrim(abcd dfd df )print rtrim(abcd dfd df )- 求绝对值print abs(-12)- 幂- 3 的 2 次方print power(3,2)print power(3,3)随机数- 0 - 1000 之间的随机数print rand() * 1000- 获取圆周率print pi()- 获取系统时间print getdate()- 获取 3 天前的时间print dateadd(day, -3 , getd
8、ate()- 获取 3 天后的时间print dateadd(day, 3 , getdate()- 获取 3 年前的时间print dateadd(year, -3 , getdate()- 获取 3 年后的时间print dateadd(year, 3 , getdate()- 获取 3 月后的时间print dateadd(month, 3 , getdate()- 获取 9 小时后的时间print dateadd(hour, 9 , getdate()- 获取 9 分钟后的时间print dateadd(minute, 9 , getdate()- 获取指定时间之间相隔多少年print
9、 datediff(year, 2005-01-01, 2008-01-01)- 获取指定时间之间相隔多少月print datediff(month, 2005-01-01, 2008-01-01)- 获取指定时间之间相隔多少天print datediff(day, 2005-01-01, 2008-01-01)- 字符串合并print abc + defprint abcderprint abc + 456print abc + 456- 类型转换print abc + convert(varchar(10), 456)select title_id, type, price from ti
10、tles- 字符串连接必须保证类型一致(以下语句执行将会出错 )- 类型转换select title_id + type + price from titles- 正确select title_id + type + convert(varchar(10), price) from titles print 123 + convert(varchar(3), 123) print 123 + 123print convert(varchar(12), 2005-09-01,110)- 获取指定时间的特定部分print year(getdate()print month(getdate()pri
11、nt day(getdate()- 获取指定时间的特定部分print datepart(year, getdate()print datepart(month, getdate()print datepart(day, getdate()print datepart(hh, getdate()print datepart(mi, getdate()print datepart(ss, getdate()print datepart(ms, getdate()- 获取指定时间的间隔部分- 返回跨两个指定日期的日期和时间边界数print datediff(year, 2001-01-01, 200
12、8-08-08)print datediff(month, 2001-01-01, 2008-08-08) print datediff(day, 2001-01-01, 2008-08-08)print datediff(hour, 2001-01-01, 2008-08-08) print datediff(mi, 2001-01-01, 2008-08-08)print datediff(ss, 2001-01-01, 2008-08-08)- 在向指定日期加上一段时间的基础上,返回新的 datetime 值print dateadd(year, 5, getdate()print da
13、teadd(month, 5, getdate()print dateadd(day, 5, getdate()print dateadd(hour, 5, getdate()print dateadd(mi, 5, getdate()print dateadd(ss, 5, getdate()- 其他print host_id()print host_name()print db_id(pubs)print db_name(5)- 利用系统函数作为默认值约束drop table tttcreate table tttstu_name varchar(12), stu_birthday dat
14、etime default (getdate()alter table tttadd constraint df_ttt_stu_birthday default(getdate() for stu_birthdayinsert into ttt values (ANiu, 2005-04-01)insert into ttt values (ANiu, getdate()insert into ttt values (AZhu, default)sp_help tttselect * from ttt(4.2)自定义函数select title_idfrom titleswhere type
15、 = businessselect stuff(title_id,1,3,ABB), typefrom titles where type = businessselect count(title_id) from titles where type = business select title_id from titles where type = business select *,count(dbo.titleauthor.title_id)FROM dbo.authors INNER JOINdbo.titleauthor ON dbo.authors.au_id = dbo.tit
16、leauthor.au_idselect au_id, count(title_id)from titleauthor作品数量group by au_idSELECT dbo.authors.au_id, COUNT(dbo.titleauthor.title_id) AS FROM dbo.authors left outer JOINdbo.titleauthor ON dbo.authors.au_id = dbo.titleauthor.au_idGROUP BY dbo.authors.au_idorder by 作品数量 - 自定义函数的引子(通过这个子查询来引入函数的作用)- 子
17、查询- 统计每个作者的作品数- 将父查询中的作者编号传入子查询- 作为查询条件利用聚合函数 count 统计其作品数量select au_lname,(select count(title_id) from titleauthor as ta where ta.au_id = a.au_id) as TitleCountfrom authors as a order by TitleCount- 是否可以定义一个函数- 将作者编号作为参数统计其作品数量并将其返回select au_id, au_lname, dbo.GetTitleCountByAuID(au_id) as TitleCoun
18、t from authorsorder by TitleCount- 根据给定的作者编号获取其相应的作品数量create function GetTitleCountByAuID(au_id varchar(12) returns intbeginreturn (select count(title_id)from titleauthor end- 利用函数来显示每个作者的作品数量create proc pro_CalTitleCountasselect au_id, au_lname, dbo.GetTitleCountByAuID(au_id) as TitleCount from aut
19、horsorder by TitleCountgo- 执行存储过程execute pro_CalTitleCount- vb 中函数定义格式function GetTitleCountByAuID(au_id as string) as integerGetTitleCountByAuID = ?end function- SALES 作品销售信息select * from sales- 根据书籍编号查询其销售记录(其中, qty 表示销量)select * from sales where title_id = BU1032select sum(qty) from sales where t
20、itle_id = BU1032- 利用分组语句( group by ),根据书籍编号统计每本书总销售量(其中, qty 表示销量) select title_id, sum(qty) from sales group by title_id- 是否可以考虑定义一个函数根据书籍编号来计算其总销售量- 然后,将其应用到任何一条包含了书籍编号的查询语句中select title_id, title, dbo.GetTotalSaleByTitleID(title_id) as TotalSalesfrom titlesorder by TotalSales- 定义一个函数根据书籍编号来计算其总销售
21、量create function GetTotalSaleByTitleID(tid varchar(24)returns intbeginreturn(select sum(qty) from sales where title_id = tid)end- 统计书籍销量的前 10 位- 其中,可以利用函数计算结果的别名作为排序子句的参照列select top 10 title_id, title, dbo.GetTotalSaleByTitleID(title_id) as TotalSalesfrom titles order by TotalSales desc- 根据书籍编号计算其销量
22、排名create function GetTheRankOfTitle(id varchar(20)returns intbeginreturn(select count(TotalSales)from titleswhere ToalSales (select TotalSalesfrom titleswhere title_id=id )end- 根据书籍编号计算其销量排名select dbo.GetTheRankOfTitle(pc1035) from titlesselect count(title_id) + 1from titleswhere dbo.GetTotalSaleByT
23、itleID(title_id) dbo.GetTotalSaleByTitleID(pc1035)- 删除函数drop function GetRankByTitleId- 根据书籍编号计算其销量排名create function GetRankByTitleId(tid varchar(24)returns intbeginreturn (select count(title_id) + 1from titleswhere dbo.GetTotalSaleByTitleID(title_id) dbo.GetTotalSaleByTitleID(tid) end- 在查询语句中利用函数统计
24、每本书的总销量和总排名select title_id, title,dbo.GetTotalSaleByTitleID(title_id) as TotalSales, dbo.GetRankByTitleId(title_id) as TotalRank from titlesorder by TotalSales desc- 查看表结构sp_help titles- 查看存储过程的定义内容sp_helptext GetRankByTitleId sp_helptext sp_helptext sp_helptext xp_cmdshell- ORDER DETAILS 订单详细信息sele
25、ct * from order detailsselect * from order details where productid = 23- 根据产品编号在订单详细信息表中统计总销售量select sum(quantity) from order details where productid = 23- 构造一个函数根据产品编号在订单详细信息表中统计总销售量create function GetTotalSaleByPID(Pid varchar(12)returns intbeginreturn(select sum(quantity) from order details where
26、 productid = Pid) end select * from products- 在产品表中查询,统计每一样产品的总销量select productid, productname, dbo.GetTotalSaleByPID(productid) from productsCREATE FUNCTION LargeOrderShippers ( FreightParm money )RETURNS OrderShipperTab TABLEShipperIDint,ShipperNamenvarchar(80),OrderIDint,ShippedDatedatetime,Freig
27、htmoney)ASBEGININSERT OrderShipperTabSELECT S.ShipperID, S.CompanyName,O.OrderID, O.ShippedDate, O.FreightFROM Shippers AS S INNER JOIN Orders AS OON S.ShipperID = O.ShipViaWHERE O.Freight FreightParmRETURNENDSELECT * FROM LargeOrderShippers( $500 )- 根据作者编号计算其所得版权费create function fun_RoyalTyper ( au
28、_id id)returns int asbegindeclare rt intselect rt = sum(royaltyper) from titleauthor where au_id = au_id return (rt)endgo版权费select top 1 au_lname, au_fname, dbo.fun_RoyalTyper(au_id) as from authorsorder by dbo.fun_RoyalTyper(au_id) descgocreate function fun_MaxRoyalTyper_Au_id ()returns idasbeginde
29、clare au_id idselect au_id = au_idfrom authors return(au_id)版权税此方法将会遗漏end goselect dbo.fun_MaxRoyalTyper_Au_id()goselect au_lname, au_fname, dbo.fun_RoyalTyper(au_id) as from authorswhere au_id = dbo.fun_MaxRoyalTyper_Au_id()go(5) 高级查询select title_id, price from titles- 查找最高价格select max(price) from
30、titles- 查找最贵书籍的价格 (排序 ) ,如果存在多本价格最贵的书,select top 1 title_id, pricefrom titles order by price desc- 查找最贵书籍的价格 ( 子查询 ) select title_id, pricefrom titleswhere price = (select max(price) from titles)- 查询指定出版社出版的书 (连接 )select p.pub_name as 出版社 , t.title as 书籍名称 from publishers as p join titles as t on p.
31、pub_id = t.pub_id where pub_name = New Moon Books- 查询指定出版社出版的书 ( 子查询 )select titlefrom titleswhere pub_id = (select pub_idfrom publisherswhere pub_name =New Moon Books)- 查询指定出版社出版的书 ( 分开查询 )select title from titles where pub_id = 0736select pub_idfrom publishers- 重点- 理解相关子查询的基础select * from titles w
32、here type = businessselect * from titles where type = business123select * from titles where 1 = 1- 在订单表中寻找满足以下条件的订单编号以及相应的客户编号- 在详细订单表中存在对应的订单编号并且其中包含产品编号为 23 的产品- 然后将产品编号为 23 的产品订购量返回判断是否大于 20USE northwindSELECT orderid, customeridFROM orders AS or1WHERE 20 (SELECT MAX(advance)FROM publishers INNER
33、 JOIN titles ON titles.pub_id = publishers.pub_idWHERE pub_name = Algodata Infosystems )SELECT title, advanceFROM titlesWHERE advance all(SELECT advanceFROM publishers INNER JOIN titles ON titles.pub_id = publishers.pub_idWHERE pub_name = Algodata Infosystemsand advance is not null)declare i int set
34、 i = 12 if i all(select price from titles where type = business)select title_id, price from titleswhere price (select max(price) from titles where type = business)select title_id, price from titleswhere price any(select price from titles where type = business)select title_id, price from titleswhere
35、price (select min(price) from titles where type = business )if exists(select * from titles where type = 123) print ZZZZZelseprint BBBBBif exists(select * from authorswhere city = Berkeley and state =UT)print Welcomeelseprint Bye-Bye- 筛选出 business 以及 trad_cook 类型的书籍 ( 联合查询 )select title_id, type from
36、 titles where type = businessunionselect title_id, type from titles where type = trad_cook- 统计 business 类型的书籍的总价 ( 联合查询 )select title, price from titles where type = businessunionselect 合计 :, sum(price) from titles where type = business- 统计所有书籍的类型剔除重复 (Distinct)- 作者记录的复制 (Select Into) select * into
37、au from authorsselect * from au- 查看数据表结构 (Select Into 并没有对数据表的约束进行复制 ) sp_help authorssp_help au- 分页 (子查询的经典应用之一 )- Jobs 职务信息表( pubs 数据库)- 在实际项目中,显示职务信息时,而职务信息量非常庞大,可能需要将其分为若干个页面来显示- 比如:每页显示 4 条记录, 那么,第一页将显示 1 ,2,3,4,第二页将显示 5,6 ,7,8- 显示所有信息SELECT * FROM jobs- 显示前 4 信息select top 4 * from jobs- 显示前 8
38、信息- 显示前 12 信息select top 12 * from jobs- 寻找规律,每一页的信息源于前(页面大小 * 页码)条信息的反序结果的前 页面大小 条记 录- 比如:第二页就是前 8 条记录的反序结果的前 4 条select top 4 * from (select top 8 * from jobs) as ttorder by job_id desc - 当然,对于期望按升序显示查询结果的要求可以对查询结果进行再次排序select * from (select top 4 *from (select top 8 * from jobs) as ttorder by job_i
39、d desc) as sttorder by job_id- SQL 命令中不支持在 select 的查询列表中直接使用局部变量- 比如: select top PageSize * from jobssp_executesql 来执行- 那么,可以考虑对 sql 命令进行拼装,然后,利用系统存储过程exec sp_executesql NSelect * from jobs- 存储过程的实现- 其中, CurrentPageSize 用于确定最后一页的页面大小create proc proGetJobsByPageCurrentPageSize int,PageSize int,Curren
40、tPage intasDeclare strSql nvarchar(400)set strSql = select * from(select top + convert(nvarchar(4), CurrentPageSize) + *from (select top + convert(nvarchar(4),(PageSize * CurrentPage) + * from jobs) as ttorder by job_id desc) as sttorder by job_idexec sp_executesql strSqlgo- 测试(6) 存储过程- 扩展存储过程- 查询系统
41、目录下文件信息xp_cmdshell dir *.* - 启动 Windows 系统服务 xp_cmdshell net start iisadmin(7) 游标- 游标的五个基本操作步骤:- 声明declare cur_titles cursorfor select title, price from titles- 打开open cur_titles- 提取fetch cur_titles fetch next from cur_titles- 关闭close cur_titles- 释放deallocate cur_titles- 利用游标遍历所有书籍信息,通过冒泡排序法进行比较,找出最
42、高价格的书- 这一段为批处理版- 与批处理版相比,存储过程版更方便调试以及代码的重用- 声明declare cur_titles cursorfor select title, price from titles- 打开open cur_titlesdeclare title varchar(80)declare price numeric(9,4)- 提取fetch cur_titles into title, pricefetch cur_titles into title_temp, price_tempwhile fetch_status = 0beginif price price_
43、tempbeginset price = price_tempset title = title_tempendfetch cur_titles into title_temp, price_tempend- 关闭close cur_titles- 释放deallocate cur_titles- 显示处理结果go- 定义一个存储过程- 利用游标遍历所有书籍信息,通过冒泡排序法进行比较,找出最高价格的书(游标具体应用 的经典)- 这段存储过程的实现代码相对下面的实现方式略有不同- 代码重复,但是思路更清晰create procedure pro_GetMaxTitleas- 声明declare
44、 cur_titles cursorfor select title, price from titles- 打开open cur_titles- 存储最贵的书籍信息declare title varchar(80)declare price numeric(9,4)- 存储从游标中提取出来的书籍的信息提取fetch cur_titles into title, price- 判断是否存在书籍信息if fetch_status 0beginprint 没有书籍信息 !- 关闭close cur_titles- 释放deallocate cur_titles- 结束存储过程returnend f
45、etch cur_titles into title_temp, price_temp- 判断是否只存在一本书if fetch_status 0begin- 显示处理结果close cur_titles - 释放deallocate cur_titles- 结束存储过程returnendwhile fetch_status = 0beginif price price_tempbeginset price = price_tempset title = title_tempendfetch cur_titles into title_temp, price_tempend- 显示处理结果close cur_titles- 释放deallocate cur_titles go- 定义一个存储过程- 利用游标遍历所有书籍信息,通
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