1、精品自学考料推荐.全国2018年10月高等教育自学考试现代语言学试题课程代码:00830I D ircctbns: R ead each of the folbw ing statem ents caxefii D ecile which one of the four chores bes tcom pletes the statem ent and put the JetterA, B, C , orD h the brackets.(2%10二 20% )X1 V biatbn of the vocalcoxds results h a quality of speech sounds
2、called vor hg, which is a feature of ()4A allconsonantsC allconsonants and som e vow elsB vow els onkD all vow els and som e consonants2. The negative pie fix “ 五一” in English, when added to the ad Active “ possible ”,is actually pronounce d/in /and spettasThis is the zesultoftherule atwoik.()A dele
3、tbnB assin ihtbnC phoneticD sequential3.The woid “ecobgy ” ism oiphem eaiwo chsterthatcontains.()A .1w O lootsB a mot and a suffixC a :root and afee m oiphem eD . a prefix and a loot4.W hen w e m ove the advexbalphiase“ every day” in the sentence“ Every day, we study English” tow e arc nowthe phrase
4、 to the right ()A lewrithgB prcposhgC .postposngD . m aintahing5 Antonym s arc divided into seveialkhds W hrh ofthe folbw hg is N0 Ta kind ofantonym s?()A com plem entaiyBielati)nalC supeioidhateDgiadabfe6. In teun s ofpxedratbn anasis , the utteiance“ Is itgohg to snow this aftemoon? (”) is aA one-
5、place piedratbnB1woplacepedJcatbnC thiee-place prcdratbnDno-placepredication7. h 0 Id English, word ozderwas feerbecause the case endings w ere rich So ii 0 Id English, woid orders inchded SV0 ,VS0 , S0 V and 0 SV. However; M odem English has a m uch weakercase system , so its sentences have to folb
6、w a basicword orderof( )B SVOA SO VC. VSOD OSV8- B hck English is a khd ofdialect ()A regionalB standaidC ethnicD situational9. The criticalperbd fc)rlanguage acquisition refers to the shortperbd ofyears old h onewhich the hum an biain is m ostrcady to acquire a partxularlanguage( )A . 1-2B 2-12C 1-
7、12D . 13-1810. h a sense, hum ans can be sail to be bbbgica piogiam m ed to acquire at leas tone language W hatis m eantby thisview of hnguage acquis itbn is that hum ans aie equQped w ith the neuxalpieiequisites for languageand language use()A behavioristB nativistC . m entalistD empiricistII . D i
8、rcctbns: Fill in the bhnk h each of the fellow ing siatem ents w ith one word, the letter of w hich is alreadygiven as a che .Note thatyou are to fill h 0 N E w oid on, and you are notalbw ed to change the letter given. (1%X10二 10% )11. A scientific study of language is based on the s vestigatbn of
9、language daia.12. The lin ited range of sounds which are m eanhgfiilh hum an Ihguistr com m unratbn and axe of hterestto Ihguistrstudies are called 1he pm ediim of language.13. phiase stmcturc zules can generate an hfhite num berof sentences w ith infinite length, due to theirproperties 14. A f clau
10、se is a clause thattakes a subpctand a m ah veib, and atthe sam e tin e stands stmcturaabne.15Ih teim s oftmth conditbn, ifX is tme, Y is felse, and ifX is felse, Y is true. The rcJatbnship between X and Y is116.In Austin ' sear speech acttheoiy, cw ere statem ents that either state or descrbe,
11、and w ere thusverifiable 17.1h the historraldevebpm entof language, sound change is inevitable, such as sound Joss, sound a ndsound m ovem ent18.S lang is often perceived as a bw or vulgar fcim of language and is deem ed to be undesirable in fstyles of language 19. Q listening tests invoke sin uhane
12、ousl piesenting, th lough eaiphones, 1wo diflferent auditoiysignals, one to the right ear and the other to the left ear20. At childrcn' languages devebpm ent; one-woxd utterances can be used to express a conceptorpiedratbn sin Uar to asentence h adult speech. For exam pie, a c hid m 迴htuse the w
13、 oid“ dada ” to m ean D ada, com e hereu G ive m e m ore candy ” . Those uttexances can also be hcalledsentencesIII .D ircctbns: Judge whether each of the folbw hg statem ents is tme or felse. Puta T for tme orF for felse in thebracketil fiontofeach statem ent Ifyou think a statem entis felse, you m
14、 ustexplain why you think so and give the conectversbn.(2%10二20% )X21. ()Language can be studied both synchionra anddiachionralh7 The tTo appioaches arc equa fevorcd bym odem linguists.22. ()S tess is a supiasegm entalfeatiiie that is exclusiveh used w ith w oxds, notw ith sentences.23. ()A com poun
15、d can be written as one woid w ith orw ithouta hyphen between its com ponents, oras 1wo separatew ords. It is sin pk a m atter of conventbn.24. ( )M a jr lex込alcategories are cbsed categories because the num berof lexralitem s in these categories is fixed and no new m em bers arc a lbw ed for25. ()T
16、he in porta nt criteria to distinguish poksem v fe>m hom onym y axe the etym obgy of the w oids in question andthe cbseness of the xeJatbnshp between the m eanhgs in questb n.26. ()The snifrance ofG rice ' C oopeiaWes Prhcplelies in that itexp Jains how it is possible for Uie speaker toconvey
17、 m ore than is literalh7 said27. ()The invention of steam -pow eied boats gave the veibsailan opportunity to extend its m eanhg to boats w ithoutsails This exam pie indicates thatthe m eanhg or sem antic ieprcsentati)n ofw oids m ay becom e bloader28. ( )An officiallanguage is h 宦eta natbnallanguage
18、.29. ()G enerally speakhg, lefthanded people have their language centexs h the lefthem ispheie of the brain 30. ()A child bom to a C hhese orEnglish speaking fem ihr takes aboutthe sam e num berofyeaiB to acquire theirnaWetongue, xegaidless of their general intelligence IV.D irectbns: Explain the follow hg teim s, ushg one or tT o exam pies for ilhstatbn. (3% 10=30% )X31. phonem ic contast32. fee m oxphem es33±ierarchralstmctuie34. co-hyponym s35. utterance m eanhg36. perbcutbnaxy act37. htemalborrc>w hg38 subvocalspeech39. contrastive anasis40. caietaker sp
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