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1、Module 3 单 元 分 析教 学 目 标 分 析语言知识目标功能谈论是否喜欢某种水果语法1. 全体学生能初步运用:banana, apple, milk, orange, fruit, milkshake, everything, tomato, really, their, favourite, Here you are.词汇1. 全体学生能理解:banana, apple, milk, orange, fruit, milkshake, everything, tomato, really, their, favourite2. 全体学生能初步运用:banana, apple, mi

2、lk, orange, fruit, milkshake, everything, tomato3. 部分学生能初步运用:really, their, favourite, Here you are.语音字母E e, Ff, Gg的发音语言技能目标听全体学生能听懂“Do you like bananas?”并做出相应回答。说1 全体学生能问他人“Do you like .?”并能做出相应回答。2 部分学生能说“Do they like apples?”并做出相应回答。读全体学生能初步整体感知:banana, apple, milk, orange, fruit, milkshake, ever

3、ything, tomato, really, their, favourite写1 全体学生能初步视觉感知:“Point towindow, door, desk, chair”运用1 全体学生能在“Do you like?”的活动中运用“banana, apple, milk, orange, fruit, milkshake, everything, tomato”学习策略兴趣感知英语游戏,进一步培养学习英语的兴趣。交际乐于给他人交流是否喜欢某种水果。文化意识了解英语游戏,了解英语的韵律情感态度培养参加英语活动的主动性。任 务Unit 1:用“Do you like bananas?”询

4、问他人是否喜欢某物并能回答。Unit 2:用“Do they like apples?”询问他人并能回答他人的询问。教 学 内 容 分 析l 本模块的教学内容是询问他人是否喜欢某种水果。l Unit 1的课文情境是Lingling  来到Amy 家,A my 招待她,问她是否喜欢香蕉、苹果等。最后Amy将各种水果和牛奶做成奶昔,玲玲非常喜欢。并且感谢Amy。l Unit 2的课文情境则是Amy和ingling来到农场,参观养猪场,通过饲养员的介绍了解猪的喜好。l 本模块要求学生学会教学字母E,F, G的书写。课题Unit 1 Do you like bananas? (新授课)教学目

5、标知识技能目标1、全体学生能初步运用:Do you like bananas? Yes, I do. No, I dont.2、全体学生能初步认读:banana, apple, milk, orange, fruit, milkshake 情感目标全体学生感受朋友之间的友好相处。教学重点词汇:banana, apple, milk, orange, fruit, milkshake句型:Do you like bananas? Yes, I do. No, I dont教学重点全体学生能够准确认读单词和句子,并能运用句子进行交流。课前准备单词卡片、课件、点读机第一课时 总第9课时教 学 过 程

6、 设 计教学步骤教 学 活 动设计意图Step1Warming up1. Lets chant: Noodles and rice are very very nice.2. Revise the words about food: rice, noodles, meat, ginger, onion, sweets, burger, hot dog利用图画真实地呈现食物单词,帮助学生复习,让学生印象深刻,易于理解和记忆。 3. Revise the structure: I like noodles. I dont like rice.复习chant来创造愉快的学习气氛。复习旧词汇和句型来引

7、出新词汇。Step2Presentation1 Show the picture of apple and ask the children: Whats this? I like apples. Do you like apples? 引导学生回答:Yes, I do. No, I dont. Then, teach the class to read the word: apple. After that, stick the word card on the blackboard.同样的方法学习新单词orange, pear, banana, 为后面的学习做准备。2 Show the p

8、ictures of other fruit like: orange, pear, banana, grape, watermelon and so on. And teach the children to read.3 Play a game with the CAI. I say the numbers, the children say the word.4 Play a game. Whats missing?5 Lets chant. Apple, apple, I like apples.6 Ask the children to make their own chant th

9、en share them.先呈现儿歌前两句,然后请同学们利用自己学习的词语自编儿歌,大家一起说一说。 即可以提高孩子学习儿歌的兴趣,有强化了句型的训练。本节课主要学习水果单词。为过渡自然,我引用上一模块学过的句型来引出本节课的重点词汇,之后用两面个游戏和一个韵诗来帮助学生记住新的词汇,为下一环节句子的练习做好铺垫。Step 3 Drills 1 Write the structure on the blackboard. Do you like bananas? Yes, I do. No, I dont.2 Ask the children to ask and answer in pai

10、rs.利用课件为学生提供大量的口语交际的图画,帮助学生练习句型。学生互问互答时老师可以进行计分比赛, 以此来激励学生大胆对话,效果会更好。3 Ask the children to ask and answer pair by pair.通过两人对话练习和开火车的活动来强化学生对句子的掌握。在句子的练习过程中,鼓励学生创新造句。板书设计Unit 1 Do you like bananas?A: Do you like bananas?B: Yes, I do.No, I dont.作业设计1、 跟磁带朗读P1415课文五遍。2、 跟磁带朗读第十四页课文五遍。第二课时 总第10课时教 学 过 程

11、 设 计教学步骤教 学 活 动设计意图Step1Warming up and revision1 Lets chant: Noodles and rice are very very nice. Apple, apple, I like apple.2 Ask and answer in pairs.CAI shows the pictures of f利用游戏的方式帮助学生复习学过的单词, 对于二年级的学生来说,大量的复习单词有助于提高学生的口语表达能力。练习句型: Do you like? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.ood, fruit, colors, sports

12、. Revise the words first. Read and spell them. Then, ask them to ask and answer in pairs. Then, let them ask and answer pair by pair. Each team can choose one of the kinds of words. For example: Team chose food. Team 2 chose fruit. Team 3 chose colors. Team 4 chose sports.通过这些复习活动让学生动起来,同时整体复习了前面所学的

13、重点内容。Step2Text learning.1 Listen, point and say. 让学生听录音,然后回答问题,尽可能用英语提问,当学生不知道什么意思的时候可以利用其他方式引导学生回答问题,养成学生良好的听课习惯。 Ask the children to look at the picture carefully and tell us whats happening? Then, listen and point. Play the recording again and ask the children to listen and repeat.l Listen, point

14、 and find “Do you like?” Ask the children to look at the pictures carefully and tell us whats happening? l Then play the record and ask the children to listen and find out “Do you like?” and underline it. l Play the record again and let the children listen and repeat. l Read the dialogue with the cl

15、ass in roles.l Divide the children into two teams and let them read in roles. 这一环节主要解决课文的朗读。先利用教材提供的图片来帮助学生装理解课文内容的意义。然后在听、指活动中让学生感受语言。之后,再让学生跟录音朗读加强语言的准确性。最后利用师生、生生间的分角色朗读来进一步感受语言的意义。板书设计 Unit 1 Do you like bananas?A: Do you like bananas?B: Yes, I do.No, I dont.作业设计1、背P14-16课文五遍。2、听指P1718课文五遍。课题Uni

16、t 2 Do they like apples? (新授课)教学目标知识技能目标1. 全体学生能初步运用:Do they like apples? Yes, they do. No, they dont.2. 全体学生能理解:banana, apple, milk, orange, fruit, tomato, really, their, favorite情感目标全体学生初步感知英语的韵律。教学重点1、 学生能够初步感知句子:Do they like apples? 并能做出相应回答。2、 学生能够初步了解句中第三人称代词they 含义。课前准备点读机,单词卡片, 课件第三课时 总第11课时

17、教 学 过 程 设 计教学步骤教 学 活 动设 计 意 图Step1Warming up and revision.1. Lets chant. Apple, apple, I like apple. 改错: apples, apples, I like apples. 2. Show the word cards of food and fruit. Ask the children to read as quickly as possible. Then, ask them, “ Do you like bananas?” Let individuals to answer. 通过这一环节

18、既复习了单词又复习了上节课学过的句型。Step 2Presentation.1. Ask the children in one team who like apples stand in a group. The children who like bananas stand together. And so on. Then, point to one of the groups ask others: Do they like apples? And elicit them to answer, “Yes, they do.” Or “No, they dont.” 这一部分要利用课件给

19、学生清楚地呈现出They like They dont like 2. Listen and chant. They like apples. Ask the children to watch the picture of activity 1 on page 17 and talk about it. What are they eating? Are they happy? Do they like the food that they are eating? Play the record and ask the children to listen. Teach the childr

20、en to read the sentence of the chant. Play the record again and let the children try to chant together.通过这样一个活动来让学生初步感受They的含义。Step 3Text learning.1. Let the children watch the pictures carefully and listen to the record. 2. Ask the children to answer the following questions. Where are the children?

21、 What are they watching? Do the pigs like apples? Do they like oranges? Do they like all the food and fruit? Whats their favourite? 3. Listen and point to the sentences. 4. Listen and repeat. 5. Read in roles. 在这一教学环节中,先让学生根据教材提供的图片材料和录音来对课文内容有一个整体感知。然后,通过提问来检查学生对课文理解的程度。在此基础上,再通过听、指、跟读等活动帮助学生能够基本朗读

22、。最后,已角色朗读的形式促进学生对课文的理解和强化读的能力。作业设计1、 听第18页韵诗五遍。2、跟随磁带朗读第14-17页课文五遍。第四课时 总第12课时课题Unit 1 and Unit 2 (活动课)教学目标知识技能目标1 全体学生能够正确认读字母Ee, Ff, Gg.。2 大部分学生能够正确书写字母Ee, Ff, Gg.。情感目标能够感受书写字母的乐趣。教学重点难点1 学会唱字母韵诗。2 学生能够正确书写字母Ee,Ff,Gg课前准备点读机,单词卡片、课件教 学 过 程 设 计教学步骤教 学 活 动设计意图Step1Writing CAI shows how to write the l

23、etters and ask the children to watch carefully. Then, ask individuals how to put the letter in the correct space and their correct order of writing. At last, let them to write the letters in their exercise books.课件展示字母的书写过程,让学生仔细观察并总结其正确占格以及笔顺,然后学生再动手写,学生更能清楚掌握字母的写法。Step2Listen and say. Then chant.1

24、. Ask the children to try to read the words of the chant. 2. Play the record and let the children feel the rhythm. 3. Play the record again and let the children try to chant wit it. 4. Lets chant together.通过这首字母韵诗让学生感受英语的韵律。同时,加强了对这三个字母的认读能力。Step 3Listen and draw or×.1. Play the record and ask

25、the children to listen and draw. 2. Check the answer by asking questions. Do the pigs like shoes? Do they like apples? Do they like noodles? Do they like bananas? Do they like pencils? Do they like rice?通过这个练习进一步强化学生对句型Do they like ?及其回答方式的掌握。Step 4Revision.1. Divide the class into two teams and rea

26、d the dialogue on page 17 in roles. 2. Ask the children to read in pairs. 3. Ask several pairs to act.复习上节课学习的课文。作业设计1唱第18页歌曲三遍。2跟随磁带朗读第14-17页课文三遍。3背诵第17页课文。第五课时 总第13课时教 学 过 程 设 计教学步骤教 学 活 动设 计 意 图Step1Revision1. Greeting to the class。2. Let's chant. They like apples. E is for elephant. 通过几个歌谣达到

27、活跃气氛的效果。Step2Do the exercises.1. Look and match. Ask the children to read the words and match them to the pictures. 2. Listen and number. . Read the listening material and ask the children to listen and number.then, check the answers. I say the numbers and let the children say the sentences. 3. Read

28、 and match. Ask the children to read the sentences and match them to the corresponding pictures. 4. Listen, read and tick. Read the listening material and ask the children to listen and match the questions to the correct answers. 5. Make a survery. Demonstrate how to make a survey. Then, aks the children to do the survey in groups o


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