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1、人教版九年级英语上册知识点总结目录Unit 1 How can we become good learners?2Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!4.unit3 Could you please tell me where the restaurants are?7unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark9.unit5 What are the shirts made of ?12Unit6 When was it invented ?1.6Unit 1 How can we become good l

2、earners?短语总结:1. good learners优秀的学习者2. work with friends和朋友一起学习3. study for a test 备考 4.have conversations with 与交谈5.speaking skills 口 语技巧 6.a little 有点儿7.at first 起初 起先 8.the secret to,的秘诀9.because of 因为 10.as well 也11.look up ( 在词典中等)查阅;抬头看 12.so that 以便,为了13.the meaning of 的意思 14.make mistakes 犯错误

3、15.talk to 交谈 16.depend on 依靠 依赖17.in common 共有的 18.pay attention to 注意 关注19.connect with 把联系。 20.for example 例如21.think about 考虑22.even if 即使尽管纵容23.look for 寻找 24.worry about 担心担忧25.make word cards 制作单词卡片 26.ask the teacher for help老师求助27.read aloud 大声读 28.spoken english 英语口语29.give a report 作报告 30

4、.word by word 一字一字地31.sothat 如此以至于 32.fall in love with爱上33.something interesting 有趣的事情 34.take notes 记笔记35.how often 多久一次 36.a lot of 许多37.the ability to do sth. 做某事的能力 38.learning habits 学习习惯39.be interested in 对感兴趣 40.get bored感到无聊41.be good at 在方面擅长42.be afraid of 害怕43.each other 彼此互相 44.instead

5、 of 代替而不是二.用法集萃1. by doing sth通过做某事2.it +be+adj+to do sth做某事是的3 .finish doing sth 完成某事4.what about doing sth ?做某事怎么样?5 .try to do sth尽力做某事 6.the +比较近,the+比较近越,就越7 .find it+adj+to do sth发现做某事 8.be afraid of doing sth害怕做某事29 .help sb (to) do sth帮助某人做某事10.practice doing sth 练习做某事11.keep doing sth一直做某事1

6、2.be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事13.begin to do sth开始做某事14.want to do sth想要做某事15.need to do sth需要做某事16.remember to do sth记得做某事17.shoot 射(射着,射死等表结果)18.shoot at (瞄准) 射Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!一.短语归纳l.put on 增加(体重)发胖 2.care about 关心 在乎3.end up最终成为,最后处于 4.not only but also 不 但而且5.shoot down

7、 射下 6.used to do 过去常常做7.remind sb. of使某人想起8.give out 分发 发放9.the water festival 泼水节 10.the Chinese spring festival 中国春节11.next year 明年 12.sound like听起来像13.each other 互相 彼此 14.in the shape of以的形状15.on mid-autumn night 在中秋之夜 16.fly up to飞向 717.lay out 摆开 布置 e back 回来19.as a result 结果 因止匕 20.mother '

8、;s day 母亲节21 .more and more popular越来越受欢迎22.think of 想起认为思考23 .dress up 装扮 穿上盛装 24.the importance of 的重要性25 .make money 挣钱 26.in need需要帮助处于困境中27 .between and 在和之间 28.the dragon boatfestival 龙舟节29.the lantern festival元宵节 30.like best最喜欢31.go tofor a vacation去度假 32.be similar to相似33.wash away 冲走洗掉 34.

9、mid-autumn festival 中秋节35.shoot down 射下 36.call out大声呼喊37.the tradition of 的传统 38.at night 在夜里 在晚上39.one ,the other 一个,另一个一 40.Father 's day 父亲节41.have to 必须 不得不 42.play a trick on sb 捉弄某人43.the spirit of 的精神 44.care about 关心45.wake up 醒来 46.the beginning of 的开始二.用法集萃1.感叹句式一: What+ ( a/an ) +adj

10、+ 名词(+主语+谓语+其他)! 多么的 感叹句式二: How +adj/adv+ 主语+谓语+其他! 多么!2.in+时间段在后3.give sb. sth.给某人某物4.plan to do sth计划做某事5.refuse to do sth拒绝做某事6.one of +名词复数形式之一7.it +is+名词+动词不定式(to do sth )做某事是8.what - thinkof?认为怎么样?9.make sb do sth让某人做某事10.used to be 过去是11.warn sb (not ) to do sth告诫某人做某事12.tell sb (not ) to dos

11、th告诉某人做某事13.decide to do sth决定 做某事 14.promise to do sth承诺、答应做某事三.语法全解1 .宾语从句一.连词a.陈述语序(that) b. 一股疑问句(if或whether) c.特殊疑问句(5w,1h)二.陈述语序三.时态可跟 that 从句做宾语的动词: say, think, insist, wish, hope, demand, imagine, wonder, know, see, believe, agree, admit, deny, expect, explain, order, command, feel, dream, s

12、uggest, hear, mean, notice, prefer, request, require, propose, declare, report等例:I don 't know what they are looking for. Could you tell me when the train will leave? 注意:当主句谓语动词是think, believe,suppose, expect 等词,而宾语从句的意思是否定时,常把否定转移至主句表示。例:I don 't think it is right for him to treat you like

13、that.注意:由 whether,if引导的宾语从句由whether(if)引导的宾语从句,实际上是一般疑问句演变而来的,意思是一是否II o例:I wonder whether(if) they will come to our party.注意:当宾语从句表示的是一个客观真理或者事实时,即使主句是过去时,从句也用一般现在时态。例: The teacher told us that light travels faster than sound.2 .感叹句结构(P56 )How+adj./adv. + 主 + 谓! What (a/an)+ 名 + 主 + 谓! 例: What an i

14、nteresting story it is! How tall Yao Ming is!unit3 Could you please tell me where the restaurants are?一.短语归纳1 .a pair of 一对,一双,一副 2.between A and B 在 a 和 b 之间2 .on one 's / the way to 在去的路上 4.pardon me 什么,请再说一遍5 .pass by 路过 经过 6.look forward to 盼望 期待7 .excuse me 打扰了 请原谅 8.get some magazines彳马至U些

15、杂志9 .get some information about 获取有关的一些信息 10.turnleftright 向左向右转11.go past 经过 路过 12.a little earlier早一点儿13.a good place to eat一个吃饭的好地方14.in different situation在不同的情况下15.on time 准时 按时 16.get to 到达17.have dinner吃晚餐 18.on one ' s / the right 在右边e on 快点 请过来 20.the shopping center 购物中心21.the corner o

16、f 的角落/拐角处 22.lead into 导入 引入二.用法集萃1 . not until 直至U猜You never know until you trysomething.2.let ' s do sth咱们做某事吧!3.spend time doing sth 话费时间做某事4.thank sb for doing sth为做某事而感谢某5.would like to do sth想要做某事6.look forward to doing sth盼望做某事7. It seems (that)It seems a rock band plays there every eveni

17、ng.8. Could you please tell me. ? Could you please tell me how to get to the post office?9. take 的用法 take some food take some medicine(二have 吃,喝) take notes 做笔记 take one ' s temperature ( 测量 ) It takes sb some time/money to do something( 花费, 需要 ) I ' ll take this coat. ( =buy 购买) take somebo

18、dy / something to( 带领,拿去,取 ) take a train to Chongqing( 乘坐 ) take off ( 脱下)轮到你了10.turn 的用法 turn to page 80翻至 U It is your turn.at the turning在转弯处 turn on/ off/ up/ down关urn right/ left at the first turning /crossingunit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.一.短语归纳1.used to do过去常常做2.deal with 对付 应付3.be p

19、roud of 为骄傲 ,感到自豪4.take pride in 为感到自豪5.from time to time 时常,有时 6.in public 公开地7.in person 亲身,亲自 8.take up sth开始做,接受,占用9.not anymore 不再 10.worry about 为担忧11.hang out 闲逛 12.think about 考虑13 .be alone 独处 14.on the soccer team 在足球队15 .no longer 不再 16.make a decision 做决 定17 .to one 's surprise令某人吃惊的

20、是18.even though 尽管19 .pay attention to 对注意,留心 20.in the last few years 在过去的几年里21 .be afraid of 害怕 22.turn red 变红23 .tons of attention很多关注 24. be careful 当心25 .give up 放弃 26.a very small number of极少数的27 .give a speech 作演讲 28.all the time 一直 总是29.be interested in对感兴趣 30.change one ' s life 改变某人的 生

21、活31.take care of 照顾 32.one of ,之一二.用法集萃l.used to do sth过去常常做某2.be afraid of doing sth害怕做某事3.have to do sth必须做某事4.make sb do sth让某人做某事5.give up doing sth 放弃做什么 6.try to do sth 尽力做某事 7.adj+ enough to do sth 足够而能够做某事8.be prepared to dosth准备做某事9.see sb doing sth看见某人在做某事10.begin to so sth开始做某事11require s

22、b to do sth要求某人做某事12.decide to do 决定做某事13.make a decision to do sth决定做某事14.It 's hard to believe that很难相信15.It +has+been +一段时间+ since+ 从句 自从以来已经有很多长时间了16.dare to do sth敢于做某事17.It ' s adj+ for sb+ to do sth对某人来说做某18.take up doing sth开始做某事三.语法全解1) 辨析:used to do sth.过去常常做一get/be used to sth./do

23、ing sth.习惯于be used to do 被用于做(被动语态)be used by 由(被)使用(被动语态)be used as 被当做使用(被动语态)be used for doing被用于做(被动语态)例:I used to go to work by bus. Now I take a taxi.He used to be a problem boy.She used to be very shy.I ' m used to drinking a cup of water after meal.He ' s been used to living in the d

24、ormitory.A hammer is used to drive nails.This machine is used to clean the floor.The girl is being used as a servant in the house.A knife can be used for cutting bread.2) afford(支付得起)的用法afford sth 买得起 afford to do sth有足够的一去做例: His mother couldn ' t afford to pay for her child' s education.Th

25、ey did not consider whether they could afford the time or not.We can ' t afford to pay such a price.3) take pride in sth/ sb = be proud of sth/ sb为感至 U 自豪例: He was watching me and take pride in everything good I do.I take pride in my child. =I' m proud of my child.注: He take pride in everyth

26、ing good I do.这是一个定语从旬。省略了关系代词that。先行词为不定代词时,关系代词只能用that。4) the+序数词+最高级+N第几(大/长/高) One of the/形容词性物主代词+Ns 谓语用三单例: He is now one of the best students in his classOne of my best friends is a doctor.One of his most expensive pens has been lost.The yellow river is the second largest river in china.Mount

27、 Qomolangma is the first highest mountain around the worldunit5 What are the shirts made of ?一短语归纳1 .be made of 由制成的(表示制成成品后,仍可看出原材料是什么)2 .be made from 由制成的(在成品中已无法辨认原材料)3 .be known for 以.闻名 4.be used for 被用于 5 .no matter 不论; 无论 6.be covered with 用.覆盖7 .as far as i know 据我所知 8.by hand 用手9 .be good f

28、or 对有益 10.on the last friday of each month最后一个星期五制造局科11.be good at 擅长 12.make high-technology products技产品13 .the earth 's surface地球表面14.many different kinds of 许多不同种类的15 .fly a kite放风筝16.such as 例如17 .according to 根据 按照 18.ask for help 请求帮助19 .a symbol of 的象征 20.put on 把放在上21 .be used for被用于做 22

29、.good luck 好运23 .at a very high heat在高温下24.be made in 在制造的25 .be famous for 以著名 26.on the sides of mountains在山腰上27 .traffic accident交通事故28.a kite festival 风筝节29 .be from 来自 30.turn into 把变成30 .send out 放出 32.in trouble 处于困境中33 .rise into 上升上涨 34.paper cutting 剪纸35 .be used by 被使用 36.during the sprin

30、g festival在春节期间36 .sky lanterns 孔明灯 38.all over the world 全世界二.用法集萃1. no matter +what / when / where -whatever / whenever /wherever无论什么/什么时候/哪里II2. it放在find / found后做形式宾语的用法3. It seems that + 从句 一 好像II给某人买某物4 .buy sb.sth尸buy sth for sb5 .avoid doing sth 避免做某事 6.allow sb to do sth允许某人做某事7 .want to do

31、 sth 想做某事 8.learn to do sth 学会 做某事1.1 t takes + sb. +一段时间+ to do sth做某事花费某人多长时间10 .try to do sth尽力做某事11 .辨析:be made of 由制作/制造(材料):在成品中能看出原材料be made from 由制造/制成(材料):在成品中看不出原材料be made in 在制作/制造(产地)Made in China. 中国制造例: The desk is made of wood.Bread is made of flour.The paper is made from wood.Wine is

32、 made of grapes.This kind of plane is made in China.12 . be famous for 以.闻名;为人知晓 be known for 因.而闻名be famous as 作为.而闻名 be known as 作为.而闻名例: Jingdezhen is famous for china.China is famous for its tourism. Mo Yan is very famous as a writer.13 . allow sb to do sth允许某人做某事allow doing sth be allowedto do

33、sth例: Please allow me to come in.My boss doesn't allow me to use the telephone.We were not allowed to talk in class.They allowed smoking in this room only.注意:allow 只可搭配动名词短语作宾语,不可直接搭用动词不定式作宾补,即 只可说 allow doing sth ,不可说 allow to do sth.14 .一般现在时的被动语态结构:am/is/are+ 过去分词Unit6 When was it invented一.短

34、语归纳I.It's my pleasure尸 My pleasure. 我的荣幸2.seem+to+动词原形好像做某事3.such a great invention 如此伟大的一项发明 4.think of = think about 想至U,考虑5.in our daily lives 在我们的日常生活中 6.in my daily life 在我的日 常生活中7.have a point 有道理 8.by accident 偶然地,意外 地9.over an open fire 在篝火上 10.it mentioned that它提至 U1.It is said that 据说

35、12.It is believed that人们相信13.fall into(过去式 fell into)=drop into 掉进14.in the 19th century 在19 世纪 15.spread to other countries传播到其他国家16.at a lowprice 以很低的价35 格 17.bring(brought) sth. to sp.把某物带到某处 18.all of a sudden 突然地19.1 ess than 少于,不至Umore than = over 超过 20.without doubt毫无疑问21.at that time 在那时 22.

36、advise sb (not) to do sth建议某人(不要)做某事23.start doing sth开始做某事24.work on sth致力于某事25 .(be) similar to 与相似 26.the Olympics 奥运会27 .by mistake错误地,无意地 28.make a mistake 犯错29 .divide .into把分成 30.in the end = at last = finally最后31 .at the same time 同时 32.teach(taught) sb to do sth教某人做某事33 .come up with 想出 34.

37、encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励 某人做某事35 .the purpose of 的目的 36.stop sb from doing sth 阻止 某人做某事 37.look up to sb.钦佩某人 38.look up the word查找单词39 .work together一起工作40.I want to achieve my dream. 我想实现梦41 .My dream will come true.我的梦想会实现42.work hard 努力工作42 .on a hard floor在坚硬的地板上44.lead to 导致leader 领 导,引路人45

38、 .Don't mention it.不客气,不用谢 46.o.把翻译成一47 .be used for doing sth=be used to do sth 48.dream of doing sth梦想做某事二.用法集萃1 . be used to do被用来做某事be used as被用作一be used by sb. 被某人使用2 .help sb do sth尸help sb. to do sth.帮助某人做某事3 .make a decision to do sth尸decide to do sth.决定做某事4 .make sb. + adj.

39、使某人怎么样make sb do sth使某人做某事be made to do sth 被 使唤去做某5.1. n this way 这样,用这种方式三语法全解1 . some time 一段时 间 sometimes 有 时 some times 几次 sometime某个时候2 . one of the world's favorite drinks 世界最受欢迎的饮料之一.oneof之一,后面的名词用复数(一般要加 S),动词用单数(一般要加S) ; favorite,最喜欢的,前面要用一谁的II .3 . thousand 千hundred 百million 百万,当它们前面有数字的时候,它们本身不能加S,当它们后面有 of的时候它们要加S,但前面的数字和后面的of不能同时存在4 . not - until 直至U才,I don ?t go


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