1、h e purose of lupevs sle t h Tnd ur he imprv ethec. c-td,a ndae masis lfe l wok, i-pth invesiat on, more ou bou- masepiec, male s of esarc reulcum. Onthennglti - informltin a nd - ege nny informain, api d -coin i stri ct aiccrdaie wiht he prooe due 、im, nnewpae, neSo Jkddaed t o ue, s t hold a num b
2、e of mpora nt sses bol d iupenisin ove spev son, tuk ise Jin, pr obms ae no、.idistos t he To.hee t as moe tointe d of de cis on vis on, more tinatinal some has e - twsa pes neve lae fal to report fase cam ad skimming.d as, te blme dos did not mis,d atsacinoof npae Shangpu-hhd,for a dvace w ok, ad pu
3、bl ciy ca ngde ply duetof suevnd pe Th-, ilmain sumi - d tod p.ectng tei itee ss ttoch te tut h, sek praJi - l reu -Adhee t sin au I oiy wi h the be .e- Cal Wih ca uin,s lupevsigdea.etbe primalc. Qui ck and tmey The ao pe ople oriee d, the mos mporas soul d steg he t he cnncint ba- fr te -e beng not
4、i ng Theefe, te sUmi obi f e,oril “-nd adrradfase a| pr ova and eedbck to mp eue maiy r c te fUlpctue of -ns, one s one, Wo, ts i sthe le of te inlrmainccua isp -qualatvea nd q - nia qu instig s t o raie, lalgua d ad deel op t he un dimeta i .ees s of te ove wemi I g majriy of thepeople We cary out
5、ise on, sm-t go-e - I ng the mase 、g del i nt te r eaies a was pay a- nin t te pe opl es lvei hoodlo gra sp the pulc setme nt, ad eane sy safeua d the beei, a dde ng t he mase s ae mos cncennd about ad elecig t he stonges isue s, elrs t sve teprobm of deouses ofluthoried st cty acord ng t proce_re p
6、e-nig the lupevson a nd - cesie t pr eentIddigbun togrss rots T o ts e nd, the suevsonDeame nt of the Pary Cmmtte of suevsiin m us be ur c ad CuypalyCmm .ee cetay Gee a Oc)ecnd, sould foc-on. Is te Govenor tooe re atd t t he globaEvet, Gernor te prota ctd dlcut, st ong Gvenor - rng - erequa niate ob
7、jecveof pubif - lgiciions imp et ed ad not mpeme ntte.nny ugent. Not havi I g seal iepabes ic Tobe rela be ad use*sumi if ormain toh ace t dec sonmak ng t.i de and pr omoe tework and . praJi prb s MXeon is one of te most mporaI t pow es of te Olie soud not ony dae t o uue, but als wi h ca uin.prce_e
8、 ca n do god ti ngs not Gveror , not a uhor zed by Cuy la r s not te Gvenorpu sekseissppcalupevs on, se u acc unts hodi. shouldcnscent oosym plmet the leding conta cig mates seured had a na-r t ehi. then set ae of 100%. Ha_ an impaconsme of the outsandi I g -us, lupev-n of ten s otep.”s g Inv - ee 3
9、. isst on arun, aound the pracice of tu h ca ci ng elce focus seificain. To g ul| ay tte pay Oliec, r- a al l ls tmotvae evey aspe c,Idhee t t he tut,steg hei g sandadzd management t ach- cheet elce nt ad elc uncining of thed- wrk of the PayCmmi - esprcss ngm_sgsoud stvetose-ie , sandadz and qualySt
10、emiig is t cntol the numbe0fmesaesncySpeclcaions is tsticyenforce te ba n isuud by te Cmmunis pary luthorite s i documet“dig rrguatons ad pr ovnca ad municiarrguathe a nd imprve commuicai ons manng-et t o ennure tapay dcme ns or dey Hg h qua、s to mpr te q-iy of meslgeI rocess I g, i s nee say t accu
11、aey implme ntig the inteton oftaCmmite,ceaance good cmmuicains polcy pr I gam clsld, ennurng ta tee sdu ed t ennue tor o h, sae a nd eicet-Ay arangements fr the meeig s and evet, caeuB aange d,itmby km itea ce mpeme ntd,o vigr oosy stremie mtngs a ctviesnumbe of pesue reddcin, scae t ensu e tha la d
12、esip e meg. lomthe Ge nealCneenne a nd eeraiment sev ces Ious onbg thig s ma - s. Thid e nd huma n. Rece pin ad wk di- me time sregheig theconsuciond, pesnal culura w ecet on, a i- m or h a nneds a i- moe humacae moe humae amoshee a ndcnstah mpr o culualacesCnl de-lw irk to m-tthewth pe ope e ce pti
13、on se-III- - - . i. . t e-tons cnnciet I usy stegofiraymprte re cet on cndit I ns more humanoreeceM -I ok of theaoud connectng, coor dnai I g ite na ad -tenaf - ues cntalue.Ts segt heni ng pay a d Germeques as a meas of admii id is t o sle t he T I e purose of lupevs sle t I T oldhee I a nd ur he mp
14、rv e theout ciy c eated, a ndae masses If, fccs wok i depth i nvesgat on, mor e oU boutq masepi ec, make s of e Cr ls more t i nt e d of de cS on vsn, more tin natina some has eect ofewspape Shang pulshedfr a dvace wok, ad publcly ca ng ply due e Thid, ifmain sum”, to be pragma, c Qui ck and timey T
15、he a ncies d fr Ie time . satement back fr Ie tme beng noli ng Theefe, the sumisson I f fntdfu, that S, Ind the problemfase, edi or_ “ send ad read fase a iprova and eedacko bp_ent qui cky T o be true and accurate True maiy rf c the fullpctue ofevens, one s one, Wo, ths i s the Be of the i nfrmain.
16、Acua cy is prmaiyqua - tVe and quantia qu in*qua n“ve objeCV e ofpublfve lgic Toberbe ad u ul- sUmi if ormain to have a ces to nmak ng togui de and pr omote Ie work and slve pra cl prbems MXe dO -tv ifiy ift il i i t itwtt hf wwv It fi tt fl li kiIvt 2 vii i i tt i tiitttt h th tt h I ti 11Ah tl it
17、th t i tt ti it Iz fv l t h ft l i t t f i - whli ji-f thl W yt iitthi t iiilw- y i i t i1ilhfth bl i ttl fth b ii t htb t f i t h t t ifftt lt bl fii il tt i lt Oittik t i i Rhtf i ii f i t i ttw f i Ofi h l t l tb t l wi h iSo cakddaed I o ue, s I hold a num be of mpora nt sses bol dlupevisin ove
18、spevson, tick isecin, pr oil ems ae no sle d do not pas, Ie blme d os not hod did not mis, disat sacinof Ie m-ss ddd not miss terea rgtof suevsin au I oiy wi h the be .e-. Caal *h ca uin, siuperVsig deamets soul d steg he t he c onnci ouses ofluthoried st c acordd ng I pr oceure pe- nig t he lupevso
19、n a nd - ces- I pr eent dig bun togrssroos. T ots e nd, t he suevis onleea.e nt of the Paly C.mmIte of sue in m us be uner c ad CuypalyCmm.lee cetay Gee a 。,cnd, .oud focuson. Is Ie Gove nor tooe re atd I t he glbaEvet , G).cnd, .oud focuson. Is Ie Gove nor tooe re aid I t he glbaEvet , Gernor Ie pr
20、ota ctd dfcut, sr ong Gvenor -.ng - erency ugent. Not havi I g seal-pa.es i n cage of Ie Genea Go - .or, unde Ie nomaprcedue ca n do god ti ngs not Gv eror , not a uho。e d by C ouy ladde s not Ie Gvenor化学品安全数据表化学品名称:酒精编号:MSDS-01分子式:C2H6O;CH3CH2OH分子量:46.07外观与性状:无色液体,有酒香溶点:(C)-114.1沸点:(C )78.3燃烧性:易燃溶解
22、皱裂和皮炎。急救:皮肤接触:脱去污染的衣着,用肥皂水及清水彻底冲洗。眼睛接触:立即翻开上下眼泪睑,用流动清水基生理盐水冲洗至少15分钟。就医。吸入:迅速脱离现场至空气新鲜处。保暖并休息。必要时进行人工呼吸。呼吸困难时给输氧。就医。食入:误服者立即漱口,饮足量温水 。防护措施:工作时穿工作服。工作现场严禁吸烟。泄漏处置:疏散泄漏污染区人员至安全区,禁止无关人员进入污染区,切断火源。应急处理人员戴好防毒面具。在确保安全情况下堵漏。喷水玩不要让水进入包装容器内。如果大量泄漏,用塑料布覆盖,在技术人员指导下消除。mesaes compr s mlssges educ I g proccdues .pr
23、ove meslgehanjlg fcency S pecfcains is to stricy enf orce the ba n isuud by the C.mmuni s pary luthorie s i documet I adig rrg ultions ad pr ovnca ad muni cia rrguat ons cnnciet I usy sreg he a nd mprv e commuicai ons ma nng-ett oennure tha paly documents or del. Hg hquaiy s to mprthe quaiyof meslge
24、I roccssIg, is nee say to a ccuaey implme ntig the i nteti on of the lary C.mmi , ceaance good cmmui cains polcy pr I gam clsld, ennurng tha thee snoerr. Sicond meeigIchedu ed to ennue thor oogh, sae and eficent. Ay ara ngmets fr t he meeig s and evets caeuhaa nged, itmbyiem itea ce mpeme n,lue. To
25、vgroosy stremie m-I ngs a ctv - s numbe of pesue re ducil, se to e nsu e tha lasiemegldfom the nealCcnee nce a nd eeraime nt sev ces fcus onbg thigs mates. T hid e cepti onsevcs sould lay se on huma ne, pe sona, culual a nd huma n. Rece pin ad wk diicty wih pe op e ce ptin sevie s die ciy a - ig the
26、 Oie of pary Ccmmiee The mage of Ie rrgin. A theme time sregheig the consuclon of iray mpr - the re cet onondt I ns more human orieted, pesnal, - lura w ecet on, a ite m or huma nneds a ite moe huma cae moe humae amoshee a nd cnstaty mpr ol thesevce, improvet he qualiy of vi ce M nw hie to fut her p
27、py se ca atetot he . w ok of the I the Oie Systm. Ccnfdeta wrk rons biiy ssfor la dig cade s to mplme nt scuiy a la de, to im prove the cnfide ntaiy of ca dpesonnel, pe d y leadng cadrs sengt heni ng paty ad Govenme nt focus on vial cos of curty ma nng-et, t o ada nce priacy manng ement sandad in, m
28、oderaion of scuiy ecniques as ameas of admii strainiccrdig to law and“gs su - y by lokigu pu setment s to id prbllms Probl -s wl incra se is sppcillupevs on, se u a ccunts hod on t o i. We shouldcnscent oosy m plmet the ledi ng contra cig mates seured had a na-r to yt hig then setls ate of 100%. Ha_
29、 an impac on sme of the outs nd I g isus, lupevn depatmet s ad i nfmain cmponent s togehe, ply the lupevsy reof the new s ote prN_ svig Ivesee 3. isst on a r un, aound the praci ce of tu h .ag filency, focus specfcain. To gie ul | ay to the paty Ofie aound cnnnctng, coor dnai I g ite na ad -tena f u
30、es cnta c, r- a al l - l s Imot e evey a spe c, Idhee to t he tuth, streg hei g sandad -d ma nagement to a ch- che et, fce nt ad fecie unctining of the . wrk of the lary C.mmi sprcss ng m-sg - soud srve t osrramlie , sandad , and qualtyStremiig is to cntrol the numbescuiy e nfrcement, e nnur e the l
31、afeyof the pary ad Sae ces Ccnfdetal w irk to mtthedimads of new -hnology develpmet id is t o sle t he T I e purose of lupevs sle t I T oldhee I a nd ur he mprv e theout ciy c eated, a ndae masses If, fccs wok i depth i nvesgat on, mor e oU boutq masepi ec, make s of e Cr ls more t i nt e d of de cS
32、 on vsn, more tin natina some has eect ofewspape Shang pulshedfr a dvace wok, ad publcly ca ng ply due e Thid, ifmain sum”, to be pragma, c Qui ck and timey The a ncies d fr Ie time . satement back fr Ie tme beng noli ng Theefe, the sumisson I f fntdfu, that S, Ind the problemfase, edi or_ “ send ad
33、 read fase a iprova and eedacko bp_ent qui cky T o be true and accurate True maiy rf c the fullpctue ofevens, one s one, Wo, ths i s the Be of the i nfrmain. Acua cy is prmaiyqua - tVe and quantia qu in*qua n“ve objeCV e ofpublfve lgic Toberbe ad u ul- sUmi if ormain to have a ces to nmak ng togui d
34、e and pr omote Ie work and slve pra cl prbems MXe dO -tv ifiy ift il i i t itwtt hf wwv It fi tt fl li kiIvt 2 vii i i tt i tiitttt h th tt h I ti 11Ah tl it th t i tt ti it Iz fv l t h ft l i t t f i - whli ji-f thl W yt iitthi t iiilw- y i i t i1ilhfth bl i ttl fth b ii t htb t f i t h t t ifftt l
35、t bl fii il tt i lt Oittik t i i Rhtf i ii f i t i ttw f i Ofi h l t l tb t l wi h iSo cakddaed I o ue, s I hold a num be of mpora nt sses bol dlupevisin ove spevson, tick isecin, pr oil ems ae no sle d do not pas, Ie blme d os not hod did not mis, disat sacinof Ie m-ss ddd not miss terea rgtof suev
36、sin au I oiy wi h the be .e-. Caal *h ca uin, siuperVsig deamets soul d steg he t he c onnci ouses ofluthoried st c acordd ng I pr oceure pe- nig t he lupevson a nd - ces- I pr eent dig bun togrssroos. T ots e nd, t he suevis onleea.e nt of the Paly C.mmIte of sue in m us be uner c ad CuypalyCmm.lee cetay Gee a 。,cnd, .oud focuson. Is Ie Gove nor tooe re atd I t he glbaEvet , Gernor Ie prota ctd dfcul, sr ong Gvenor -.ng - erency ugent. Not havi I g seal-pa.es i n cage of Ie Ge nea Go - .or, under Ie normalp.oe - e n do god ti ngs not Gv eror , not
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