2020-2021学年高二英语同步备考之语法专练:专题3 动词和动词短语 Word版含解析_第1页




1、动词和动词短语1. the owner of the jewellery shop was happy to see diamond necklaces and rings beautifully _ on a background of black velvet.a. stocked b. smashed c. accumulated d. arranged【答案】 d【解析】考查动词词义辨析。这家珠宝店的老板很高兴地看到钻石项链和戒指漂亮地摆放在黑色天鹅绒的背景上。a. stocked贮备,贮存; b. smashed打碎,打破; c. accumulated积累; d. arranged

2、排列,布置。黑色天鹅绒为背景,钻石项链和戒指被排列在上面。故选d。2. in this day and age, women can have children and jobs as well.i cant agree more. its great to have the two _.a. linked b. related c. connected d. combined【答案】 d【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:在这个年代的今天,妇女既能照顾孩子又能上班。我非常同意。能够把两者结合太好了。have sth combined把结合起来,这里指家庭和工作可以兼顾,故选d。3. we did

3、nt have the proper equipment, but we _ somehow and finished the work on time.a. demanded b. represented c. managed d. postponed【答案】 c【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们没有合适设备,但我们设法按时完成了工作。a. demanded要求; b. represented赠送,颁发,授予,提交; c. managed设法做成; d. postponed推迟。根据but转折可以判断出,尽管我们没有合适的设备,但是我们还是“设法”按时完成了工作。故选c。4. childr

4、en often do as well as what adults, particularly parents and teachers, _ of them.a. suppose b. supposed c. expected d. expect【答案】 d【解析】考查时态和动词词义辨析。句意:孩子们通常能做得像成年人,尤其是父母和老师,期望的那样好。suppose认为,假设;expect期望,预料。根据语境可知,孩子们可以做好老师和家长“期望”他们做的事。结合主句时态可知,应用一般现在时态。故选d。5. once the sufferings _, youll realize that

5、things arent as bad as you first thought.a. wear out b. wear off c. wear on d. wear in【答案】 b【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:一旦痛苦消失,你就会意识到事情并没有你最初想的那么糟。a. wear out穿破,耗尽; b. wear off (药性、感觉、感情等) 逐渐消失; c. wear on缓慢地进行,时间消逝; d. wear in磨合。结合语境可知,该处表示当痛苦“逐渐消失”时,你就会意识到事情并没有你最初想的那么糟。故选b。6. mamet says it _ him what a movie

6、costs as long as it is a good one.a. makes a difference to b. makes not difference toc. makes any difference to d. makes no difference to【答案】 d【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:mamet说,一部电影的成本对他来说无所谓,只要是好电影就行。a. makes a difference to对有影响; c. makes any difference to对有影响; d. makes no difference to对无影响,对无差别。not不能修饰名词,b选项

7、表达不正确。根据语境可知,mamet在意的是电影的好坏。因此,电影花费多少钱对他来说“没有差别”。故选d。7. the son asks his dad why the chameleon(变色龙) can _ the color1 of its background.a take on b. take up c. take in d. take over【答案】 a【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:儿子问父亲,为什么变色龙能够呈现它背景的颜色。a. take on呈现;b. take up占据;c. take in吸收; d. take over接管。变色龙可以随着背景的颜色而改变自身的颜色,

8、从而使自己呈现跟背景一样的颜色。take on意为呈现,符合题意,故选a项。8. since the present situation is very complex, i think it will take me some time to _ its reality.a. come across b. figure out c. look through d. put off【答案】 b【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:由于目前形式比较复杂,我认为要花费一些时间来弄清楚它的事实。a. come across偶遇;b. figure out弄清楚;c. look through浏览;d. p

9、ut off推迟。根据句意,形式复杂,所以要花点时间来弄清楚搞明白它的真实情况。figure out意为弄清楚,搞明白,符合题意。故选b项。9. the lunch period will be _ from 30 minutes to an hour from now on.a. expanded b. extended c. spread d. added【答案】 b【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:从现在开始,午饭时间将会从30分钟延长至1个小时。a. expanded扩展,扩大; b. extended延长,延续; c. spread传播,伸展;d. added增加,补充说。午饭时间是被

10、延长,extend意为延长时间,符合句意,故选b项。10. the light is so weak that i cant _ the words in the article. maybe your eyesight is failing.a. leave out b. make out c. check out d. figure out【答案】 b【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:光线太弱以至于我不能辨认出文章里的字。也许你视力在下降。a. leave out停止(做)某事, 忽;b. make out辨认出;理解;c. check out检查;d. figure out计算出;解决;弄

11、明白。根据语境可知此处光线影响字的“辨认”,故选b。11. clinical evidence began to_, suggesting that the new drugs had a wider range of useful activities than had been predicted from experiments in animals.a. operate b. strengthen c. approve d. accumulate【答案】 d【解析】考查动词辨析。句意:临床证据开始积累,表明这种新药比在动物身上的实验所预计的有更广范围的使用。a. operate 操作,

12、运转;b. strengthen加强;c. approve批准,赞成;d. accumulate积累。根据句意选d。12. cathy someone, so i nodded to her and went away.a. phoned b. had phoned c. has phoned d. was phoning【答案】 d【解析】考査动词时态。句意:她正在和某人打电话,所以我向她点了下头就走了。根据下文i nodded to her and went away.( 我向她点点头就走了)可知,她正在打电话,此处描述的是过去正在进行的动作。故选d。13. im glad to see

13、the sea air has to his health and he is at work now.a. made a move b. made a differencec. took a step d. took a walk【答案】 b【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:我很高兴看到海上的空气对他的健康起了作用,他现在正在工作。a. made a move迁动;b. made a difference有影响,起作用;c. took a step迈出一步,采取措施;d. took a walk散步。根据he is at work now可知,此处指 “海上的空气对他的健康起了作用”。故选b。

14、14. he some excuse for being late for class, but no one believed him.a. made out b. gave up c. made up d. gave out【答案】 c【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:他为上课迟到编造了一些借口,但没有人相信他。a. made out明白,理解;b. gave up放弃;c. made up编造,组成;d. gave out发出,放出。根据空后some excuse可知,此处指“编造借口”。故选c。15. unless extra money , the factory will close

15、.a. finds b. was found c. is found d. found【答案】 c【解析】考查动词时态和语态。句意:除非找到一些额外的钱,否则,工厂就倒闭了。根据主句的将来时态可知,状语从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时,因为find和money之间是被动关系,所以用一般现在时的被动语态。故选c。16. lily closed her eyes and to be dead when the bear approached her.a. agreed b. pretended c. hesitated d. imitated【答案】 b【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:当熊走近她时,

16、莉莉闭上眼睛假装死了。a. agreed同意;b. pretended假装;c. hesitated犹豫不决;d. imitated仿效。根据句意可知,此处是pretend to do sth.“假装做某事”。故选b。17. he looked through the suits and selected the cheapest one for me. i _.a. put it out b. put it on c. took it off d. took it away【答案】 b【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:他看了这些西装,给我选了最便宜的一件。我把它穿上。a. put it out

17、把它熄灭;b. put it on把它穿上;c. took it off把它脱下;d. took it away把它带走。结合句意可知,此处是指“我”把新买的西装穿上,故选b项。18. mary is really good at taking notes in class. she can _ almost every word her teacher says.a. put out b. put downc. put away d. put together【答案】 b【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:玛丽的确擅长在课堂上记笔记,她几乎能记下老师说的每句话。a.put out熄灭;b. pu

18、t down写下,记下;c. put away放好,储存;d. put together组合,放在一起。由“mary is really good at taking notes in class.”可知,put down“写下,记下”符合句意。故选b项。19. it is dishonest of you to _ the truth from your parents.a. prevent b. hide c. defend d. protect【答案】 b【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:你向父母隐瞒真相是不诚实的。a. prevent阻止;b. hide藏;c. defend防卫;d. protect保护。分析句意可知,此处应表示你向父母隐瞒真相是不诚实的。结合选项,故选b。20. the flat_ a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and two bedrooms.a. consists of b. makes up of c. is consisted of d. consis


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