



1、有关用活体动物做实验的辩论反对方(一)道德层面1. The benefits of research using animals do not justify the suffering caused (用动物做实验的优点并不能替代(它们的)痛苦。)2. The lives of animals should be respected. (动物的生命应该得到尊 重)3. 动物也有权利,人类没有道德权利进行动物实验。Could anyone tell me why humans are more important than any other animals Could anyone plea

2、se tell me the fundamental reason why human suffering is 'absolutely' more important than animal suffering, why the intense agony experienced by a laboratory animal is inconsequential (不重要的,微不足道的) when view against the same or even lesser degree of suffering within a human. Of course We see

3、ourselves as more important than other species, as I'm sure other self-realising species see themselves, but we cannot use this flimsy( 轻而薄的 ), subjective argument as an excuse to totally disregard the feelings of other species. Humankind has absolutely no right to use animals for any reason wha

4、tsoever, especially for experimental use.Humans have no moral right to do experiments on animals.4. 在试验中动物被残忍的伤害。An imal experime ntati on invo Ives the in carcerati on of ani mals and pois oning, mutilati on, disease and killi ng of those in dividuals. It is arguably the most brutal and most severe

5、 form of violence in the moder n world.(二)现实层面1. Animal experiments are ultimately applied to human by clinical trials(临床试验),which are not accurate.2. The main disadvantage of animal testing is the inhumane treatment of animals in tests due to the fact that anesthesia (麻醉)for the help of pain is oft

6、e n not used.3. 可以有别的选择来代替动物实验Many alternatives already exist, and there must be many more which are wait ing to be found. The day will surely come whe n not more experime nts on ani mals will n eed to be done for huma n medic ine.The most com mon alter natives that are used today are: in-vitro test

7、s(体外试验),computer software, and even human“clinical tests(临床试验)”.The use of animal cells, organs, and tissue culturesare also deemed as alter natives。(三)总结All in all, the animals can not tell the scientist that they don ' t want to be tested on, but humans can. We need to talk for the animals and help stop this cruel and inhumane treatment. There are many other ways that products and medic ine can be test


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