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1、外研版高中英语选修六 Module 1重点短语测试答案请将汉语释义写在短语的右边.Laugh and grow fat!1. small talk 闲谈2.sound like听起来像3. refer to 涉及,参考5. light conversation 轻松谈话7. encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励9. at social events 在社会事件4.take place 发生6.film stars 影星8. prepare for为一做准备10.avoid doing预防做某事1. .lack the confidence to do sth 乏自信做 12.b

2、e nervous abou伙t.紧张13. social skills社交技巧14.advance planning 提前方案15. think of 想到,回忆16.a two-way process 双向过程17. make sb. sth.使某人成为18. keep eye contact保持目光接触19. body language 肢体语言 20. show ong s interest 感兴趣21. look away from 目光移开 22.in addition 另外23. a certain 某一24.find out 查明25. conversation techniq

3、ue岐话技巧 26.under no obligation 无责任27. wear a tie 戴领带29. tidy the room 清理房间31.ask a favor 请帮助33. fax machines 机28.during a job interview 在面试中30.get a refund 得到退款32.the Chinese Embassy 国大使馆34 . human being 人类35 .put ones foot in one s mouth 说错话 36.abscence from work 旷工36 .social communication 社交 38. as

4、 a consequences止匕39 .make systematic mistakes 经常性错误 40. it is no coincidence that非偶然41 . look awkward 看上去为难42. put on weight 增肥43 .be cautious about 谨慎44.go through 经历45 e into ong s mind 浮现月而海 46.be modest about 对.谦虚47.on the anniversary of在一周年纪念日48 e up出现,被提出46 .stand by 袖手旁观50.be secretive about对

5、秘而不宣51.leave out 删除,省去53.sensitive topics 敏感话题55.take the lead 带头,领先57. a couple of 对59.it is estimated that 据估计52.ethnic background 民族背景54. violate ones private life 阻碍某人的私生活56.make compliments 恭维58. show off one's wealth 炫富60.establish a relationship® 立友谊61.be aware of 意识至U63.make friends

6、 交友65. factual matters 事实62.cheer sb. up 使人振作64.make an apology to sb. for sth 向某人抱歉66.signs of extra respect 额外尊敬的迹象选修六module2重点短语测试答案请将汉语释义写在短语的右边.More haste, less speed!1. fantasy literature 奇幻文学2.a series of一系列3. make it possible to de# 可能4.extraordinary adventures 非凡冒险5. play a part in 起作用6.str

7、ange creatures怪兽7. be stupefied with 因神志不清8.might have done 可能做了9. clear ones s mind 清醒头脑10.pad out of 轻轻走出11. put down 写下,镇压12.long for sb. to do 渴望某人做13. turn away打发,转身15. reach out 伸出17. hold out伸出,维持,抱有19. come around 顺便来访21. fix on注视,凝视23.look as if看起来似乎25.be level with 和同一水平27.be laden with 充溢

8、着29.be associated with 和有联系31.appeal to呼吁,投合,中诉33.catch a glimpse of 瞥见35.ahead of timejl 前37.be burdened with 承担39.roughly speaking 粗略的说41.in the air悬而未决43.cross out 戈U掉45.put away 收好47.leave out 漏掉49.bend oneself to 专心于51.disribute to/among 分发,分酉己53.be gifted in 在有天赋55.on doing 一就57.judging by/fro

9、m 通过 判断59. be made into 被制成61. put forward 提出63.turn down 调小,拒绝65.set up仓1J立,设立,建立14 e up to 达至U, 走向16.be invisible to 看不见18.sweep over 向扩展20.keep one s eyes on 注视22.cast about 寻找,探索24.out of shap侬形26.without doubt 毫无疑问28.look around for 四处寻找30.adjust to 适应32.be restricted to 被限定34.set out 出发36.hesi

10、tate to do 迟疑去做38. take possession of拥有40.take revenge on 报复42.put a spell on 施咒44.hold back阻挡,抑制46.cheer up 振作48.in the direction of 以方向50. dream of doing 梦想做52.marry sb. to sb让某人嫁某人54.accumulate wealth 积累贝才富56.ought to have done 本应做58.get back回来,东山再起60.be similar to 与相似62.hold up举起,耽误,延误64.turn ov

11、er移交,打翻66.hold on坚持,不挂断选修六 Module 3重点短语测试(12.12.6)请将汉语释义写在短语的右边.Rome is not built in one day.1. burst out 爆发3 .knock off 杀价5 .from time to time 有时7 .raise money 筹钱9 .go through经历,翻阅11.take note of 注意到13.amount to总计,相当15.trust sb. with sth.托付17.of all time 有史以来19. make up组成,和好,编造21.in return做为回报23.be

12、 on good terms with 关系好25.be allergic to 对过敏27.be nostalgic for 思念2.knock over撞至U,撞死4.lose interest in 失去兴趣6.turn around 转身8.hold back阻挡,抑制10.close by 在旁边12.a large amount of 大量14.rob sb. of sth 抢劫16.get close to 靠近18. get sb. to do sthU:某人做20.keep in touch 保持联系22.be blessed with 享有福气24.all at once

13、突然26.be ashamed of 感到羞愧28.lose touch with 失去联系30.quarrel with 争吵32.forgive sb. for sth 原谅34.tear down 拆毁36.keep pace with 与步调一致38.consider doing 考虑至U40.bring to mind 记得42.belong to 属于44.not to mention 更不用说46.that is也就是说48.of one s own属于自己50.thanks to 幸亏52.lose one s heart to 倾心于54.on the phone 在通 56

14、. ahead of time 提前58 e up to 走上前60.body language 肢体语言29.count for nothing 毫无价值31.regret doing 懊悔做33.be at a loss 迷茫35. be clicked with 受欢迎37.be to blame for 责备39. in terms of关于,就 而言41.live up to 到达,不辜负43.a couple of 一对45.make contact with 联系47.used to do 过去常常49.as a result of 由于51.at heart 本质上53.but

15、 for要不是55 e to terms with 甘心忍受57. in possession of 占有59.show off 炫耀选修六Module 4重点短语测试12.12.13答案请将汉语释义写在短语的右边.More haste, less speedl.western instruments 西洋乐器3. be true of/for与情况相同5 .make contact with 联系7 .put ones way through 挤过9 .all of a sudden 突然ll.draw upon 依靠13.in addition to 除之外15.be equal to和相

16、等17.be particular about 挑剔19.achieve ones ambitions 实现雄心、壮志21 e to life 苏醒23.in the sun在太阳下25.shrink from 回避27.a collection of 收集29.be honored with 被授予31.miss the point 不得要领33.in the shape of 以形状35.at present 目前37. present sth. to sb.呈现,赠送39.take charge of 掌管41 . in other words 换句话说43 .be grateful f

17、or 感谢45 .respect the traditions 尊重传统47 .dream of 梦想2.be the same withW 同样4.give life to 赋予生命6.put on 上演8.pick up拾起,接收,恢复10.dance to the music 随音乐跳舞12.mix with 混合14.give concerts举办音乐会16.interpret for为译18.be composed of 由 组成20.regardless of 不顾22.slide away 溜走24.keepalive保持生命力26.to ones relief 令人安心28.o

18、n the scene4 现场30.at intervals 有时32.get dresse屏衣34.at the ceremony 在仪式上36.for the present 暂时38.be covered with 被覆盖40.take up占据,从事,继续42.be similar to 和相似44.be closely connected t06切相连46.in public 在公共场合48 pose musicf乍曲49.at a time 一次50.be banned from被禁止51.on the pavement 在人行路上52.keep doing 继续做53.volun

19、tary contributions 自愿捐助 54.gangs of 成帮的55.Latin music 拉丁音乐57.a variety of 各种各样59. Grammy awards 格莱美奖61.folk song 民乐63.lose interest in 失去兴趣65.in return做为回报56.in ones twenties 在某人 20 多岁时58.live performances 现场表演60.the award ceremony®奖典礼62.side road 小路64.raise money 筹款66.belong to 属于选修六 Module 5重

20、点短语测试(12.12.20)请将汉语释义写在短语的右边.No pains, no gains.I.burn out烧尽,耗尽3.throw oneself on 扑至 U 在.2.contrast with 比照4.make a sound 发声5.again and again 反复7.at last 最终9.put out 扑灭ll.chase after 追逐5rush out 冲出8.walk up and down 往返走动10.stand up 站立12 .be disgusted at/with/by 感至 U 恶心、13 .express ones emotion 表达情感1

21、5.take a deep breath采呼吸17.In contrast with/to 比照19 pare with 比较21.for fear of/that 担忧、唯恐23 .throw up 呕吐25 .treat as当作27 .be identical to 和相同29 .as follows 如下31 .get out of control 摆脱限制33 .as far as I know 据我所知14.refuse to do sthf巨绝16.out of breath 气喘吁吁18. by contrast 通过比照20.in a rush 匆忙22.terrify sb

22、. into doing 吓唬某人做24.by mistake 错误26.a sequence of一系歹U28.rely on 依靠30.knock down 拆毁32.break down 分解,垮掉34 .be similar to 相似35 .be equal to 相等,胜任37 .cure sb. of sth 治愈39 .full of imagination 想象力丰富41 .make an analysis of 分析43 .charge sb. with 控告45 .keep sb pany 陪伴47 .be fundamental to 根本/重要49.knock ove

23、r 撞倒51. Turn down 拒绝53 .break off 折断55 .vice versa 反之亦然57 .recover from 从恢复59 .up to到达,胜任61 .as a result作为结果63 .achieve ones aim 实现目标36.be of bene日t to 有益于38.treat sb. for sth 治疗40.resist doing反抗做某事42.suspect sb. of sth 疑心44.arrest sb. for sth® 捕46.be absorbed in 专心于48.a controversial topic一争议话

24、题50.run over 碾压52.as long as 只要54. break out 发生56. bring- back to life 恢复,再生58.take place 发生60.make sure 保证62.be happy with 满意64.be true of /for 对适用65.take up占据,从事,继续66. I am stuck.难住了.选修六Module 6重点短语测试答案(12.12.30)1.declare war on 对宣战3.pick up拾起,捡起,车接5.take part in 参力口7.on the memorial在纪念碑上9.abandon

25、 doing 放弃ll.drown oneself into doing 投入13.be occupied with/in 忙于15.condemn sb. for doing 谴责17.make sense 有道理19.drop by顺便走访21.set off 出发23.in chaos 混乱25.drop out of school 辍学27.cut out 删除29.stand out 突出31.turn out 证实是33.put up张贴,建造,提供食宿35.bring out说明,出版37.in case of 以防39.in terms of 依照41.in place of 代替43.make a mess of 使混舌 L45.be worthwhile to do/doing 值得47.be worthy of being done 值得做49.d


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