



1、 2013年7月13日托福写作真题解析综合写作阅读:Due to human activity and diminishing habitants wolves population gradually disappears in the American west. Some people want to reintroduce wolves from place where there is plenty of wolves. The author thinks the action holds potential dangers.黄石公园重新引进狼的三中风险First reason: w

2、olves are predators as a result they can disturb the balance of local environment, e.g. in the Yellowstone National Park, if wolves are restored to local area, they can deplete the elk population.狼会破坏生态平衡,把动物吃了。Second reason: wolves can harm ranchers' economics profit. If wolves are hungry, they

3、 will possibly capture livestocks raised by local ranchers therefore causing farmers to loss money.对家畜有影响,影响农场主经济Third reason: wolves population will eventually grows big enough and therefore meet with local people; wolves can harm people and bring potential danger to human being.对人有危害,因为不断扩展自己的领域听力

4、:. 1、reintroducing wolves对ecosystem有好处,可以restore balance,教授举例:狼灭绝了,elk的数量become unnatural large,现在reintroduce狼,可以让elk的数量恢复正常也可以让一些植物重获新生。2、狼只会在natural food短缺的情况下去攻击家畜,而农场也会收到政府发放的奖金,如果家畜受到攻击,文章中的economic threat 不成立。3、很多去国家公园的人只是听到了狼的嚎叫,叫人感到害怕,而实际上在美国历史中therere few wolf attack people的事情,而且这些事故中没有一例是r

5、eintroducing wolves 造成的。独立写作:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People rely on their neighbors less now than they did in the past.Today rapid development and industrialization has allowed for people to lead more independent lives. As a result, people are not as dependent on their

6、 neighbors as they were in the past.Before cities exploded into super metropolises, many people lived in the countryside and worked as farmers. People lived in small villages far away from towns and cities. Sometimes the nearest doctor or hospital was several hours away. For safety and support peopl

7、e had to rely on their neighbors. If a neighbor was building a barn, for example, every hand was needed to help raise the barn walls, so all of the neighbors would help. Nowadays, more and more people are moving to cities and towns, where construction companies build houses and hospitals are easily

8、accessed. Neighbors are no longer necessary for one to get by.Modernization has also made it unnecessary for people to rely on their neighbors. In the past, stores did not stay open very late. If my grandmother discovered while she was cooking dinner that she did not have enough flour, she would not

9、 go to the store. Instead, she would go over to the neighbors to borrow a cup of flour, with the understanding that they were welcome to come borrow food from her at any time. Now, since there are convenience stores on each street corner which stay open at all hours, we go to the store instead of go

10、ing to our neighbors.Another reason that people depend less on their neighbors is because of the constant movement of people from one place to another. In my building alone, I have had a new next-door neighbor every six months. I have also moved three times in the past four years. You cannot rely on

11、 your neighbors as much anymore, because chances are that you do not know your neighbors. For my grandmother it was different, she lived in the same apartment for thirty years. When my parents moved to a new apartment with more modern facilities, she chose to stay in her old apartment because she di

12、d not want to move away from her neighbors. The current generation does not see the need to rely on their neighbors as much as previous generations.The mass migration of people from the countryside to the city coupled with the modernization and development of newer buildings in the city has weakened

13、 the relationship between neighbors. People are more independent and do not need to rely on their neighbors as much. (413 words)In the past, people usually depend upon their neighbors for any emergency happened at home. Since urbanization is an idea that did not appear until about one or two centuri

14、es ago, humans who live in the organic country-side are inevitably closely knitted. However, this is no longer the case anymore. To begin with, people are becoming increasingly independent now. Even decades ago, blocks of flats were not as popular as they are recently. In that period of time, neighb

15、ors in my country not only helped with the hanging of clothes, and watching out for thieves, but also offered their assistance when they were picking up the children who went to the same kindergarten or elementary school. But as time went by, people hire others to do such house chores and have their

16、 chauffeurs to send children off to school. There is simply no need to rely on others in the modern world. Most white-color citizens earn more than enough to pay for the service fees in their own residential area. Furthermore, the trust among people is not as strong as it used to be. I still remembe

17、r the old Chinese saying that my grandmother told me time and again ten years ago: next-door neighbors are much more helpful than family members living thousands of miles away. People literally trust next-door neighbors with almost anything. My grandparents would usually leave the keys of their flat

18、 to the neighbors when they were away on a long holiday, in case there is any emergency so that their neighbors can enter the flat. When one of their neighbors was taken ill, my grandmother would cook more dishes to feed the patient. This is almost unthinkable now. The patient may as well have meals in the hospital where there must be a cafeteria. Even he prefer to eat home-cooked dinners, no one is ever going to provide them free. Most people feel that the trust, especially among city dwellers, is already gone


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