



1、Unit41. wake (sb.) up 叫醒某人(其中 sb用宾格)2. It ' s time for sth./ It' s time to do sth./ It' s timeifOSsbdlOWSth.注意它的一般疑问句Is it time to do sth.?3. Shall we 加动原-?= What /How about doing sth.?= Why not do sth.?我们做某事,好吗?为什么不做某事呢?4. go walking 去散步 go out for a walk出去散步5. in the hills 在山里6. seldom

2、/ never/ hardly都是否认词7. after lunch 午餐后at lunchtime 在午餐时间8. need a good rest 需要好好休息 need sth.需要某物 need to do sth. 需要做某事 need sb. to do sth. 需要某人做某事9. do morning/eye exercises 做早/眼保健操 do after-school activities做课夕卜活动10. be late for迟至U 注意区分 Jack is always late for school. 和 Jack, don ' t be late fo

3、r school again.11. start lessons 开始上课 We start lessons at a quarter past eight.=Our lessons begin at a quarterpast eight.12. a student at Huji Middle School13. from Monday to Wednesday14. a lot of=lots of既可以修饰可数也可以修饰不可数15. be all nice to sb. 都对某人好16. chat with each other互相聊天(注意 chatting )17. have a

4、Reading/ Swimming/ Dancing Club18. read books there/ go there by bus/ take the bus there/ walk there/ go there on foot/ ride a bike there/ go there on one' s bike/ onNoWbus气车上19. in the school volleyball team20. practice doing sth .练习做某事21. have (great) fun doing sth.= have a good time doing sth

5、.= enjoy oneself(myself/ ourselves/ yourself/ yourselves/ himself/ herself/ themselves/ itself)玩得开心、22. all the best/ best wishes23. He is the best student in my class.24. in1999/in January (February/March/April/May/June/July/August/September/October/November/December)/ in spring(summer/ autumn/ win

6、ter)/25. on a morning/ on the morning of /onSunday( Monday/ Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Thursday/ Friday/ Saturday)/on Childre n ' s Day/26. at noon/ at breakfast/at 6 years old/at lunchtime/at birth/at Christmas/ at the daytime27. We don ' t have lessons on Saturday or Sunday.28. have much time to

7、do sth.有许多时间做某事 have no time to do sth.没有时间做某事29. have too much homework to do 有太多的作业要做30. dance for two hours 跳舞两个小时(记住在一段时间前用 for).对for +一段时间提问用 how long./对 in +一段时间提问用 how soon/对距离提问用how far/对频率提问用how often31. at Sunshine Sports Center在阳光体育中央32. the two teams in the match 比赛中的两个队33. come and watc

8、h the game 或 come to watch the game来观看比赛34. Thanks for doing sth ./Thanks for sth. 如 Thanks for your help.35. wish your team good luck/ Good luck to you./ a lucky dog 幸运儿36. like to do sth.37. visit the museums38. go on picnics= go on a picnic39. X: once a month/ twice a month/ three times a month 提

9、问用 how often, 但是对其中的 once, twice, three 提问用 how many times40. bread, food, chalk是不可数名词41. be/ get ready for为准备好42. What ' s the weather like?= How is the weather?43. It ' s good for sb. to do sth.做某事对某人有好处44. the reason for 的原因45. learn from sb.向某人学习 learn to do sth. 学习做某事 learn a lot about

10、了解46. too much homeworktoo much后接不可数名词、 eat too much/Don ' t talk too mutdro much放在动t后much too cold 太冷much too 后接形容词too many people 太多的人too many 后 接可数名词复数47. put on 穿上,上演put out扑灭put up 挂上,张贴 put off 延期put away把收起来48. careful 形容词 细心的"carefully副词 细心be careful/ listen to the teachers carefull

11、y49. take good care of = look after彳well地照顾某人50. remember to do sth.记得要去做某事事情没有做 remember doing sth.记得做过某事事情已经做了51. finish doing sth.做完某事52. Must I的否认答复 No, you needn ' t./ No, you don' t have to.Unit51 . 聚会,联欢 get together2 .月饼moon cake3 .敲门knock on/at the/people4 .不招待,就使坏 trick or treat5 .

12、粽子rice dumplings/a rice dumpling6 .狮子舞the lion dance7 .发现 find out8 .拍照 take a photo/take photos9 .在夜里 at night10 .放烟火 let off fireworks11 . 红包 a red packet/res packets12 .让某人做某事 let sb do sth let后面加动 词原形13 .让我们 let us=let ' s14 . 猜一猜 have a guess15 .想要做某事2 want to do sth=would like todo sth16 .

13、装扮成 dress up as dress up 打扮 be dressed in 穿着dress sb.给某人穿衣服s door形式18 .美猴王 the Monkey King19 .春节2 Chinese New Year=Spring Festival20 .端午节 Dragon Boat Festival21 .庆祝中秋节 celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival22 .在感恩、节 on Thanksgiving Day23 .得到许多礼物get lots of/a lot of/manypresents24 .在圣诞节 at Christmas25 .在那一天on

14、 that day26 .我所有的家人all my family27 .吃一顿丰富的大餐have a big dinner28 .赏满月 enjoy the full moon be full of 装满充满29 .居住在美国3 live in the USA/the US/America30 . 看信 read a letter/letters31 .因某事感谢某人thank sb for sth32 .因做某事感谢某人thank sb for doing sth33 .谢谢你 2 thank you=thanks34 .告诉某人关于某事 tell sb about sth17. 怎 么样?

15、及用法 what about ?=howabout赤面人称代词用宾格,动词用ing35.最喜欢(2) sb ' favourite=likebestfloor36.在10月 31日的晚上 on the evening of59.一个玩具火车a toy trainOctober 3160.家庭成员 family members37.过得很开心have lots of fun61.外出去吃生日餐 go out for a birthday38.戴面具 wear masks/a maskdinner39.给某人穿衣 dress sb62.我明白了 I see40.用颜料涂脸 paint fa

16、ces63.些其他的东西some other things41.做南瓜灯 make pumpkin lanterns64.年夜饭 Chinese dinner42.玩游戏 play a game/games65.在播送中 on the radio43.给我们一些糖果作为一次招待give us some66.在度彳 itbe on holidaycandy as a treat67.在派又at the party44.给某人某物(2) give sb sth=give sth to sb68.新年快乐!及答句Happy New Year! 答句:45.捉弄某人 play a trick/tric

17、kson sbHappy New Year! 或 The same to you!46.举行一个派对 have a party69.看烟花 watch the fireworks47.在几月几日 的晚上on the evening of+几月70.在那之后 after that几日71.举行关于不同节日的演出have shows about48.享受美食和饮料enjoy nice food and drinksdifferent festivals49.特殊的天a special day72.全世界 around the world/all over the50.对孩子们来说 for chil

18、drenword51.用A作B make B out of A A是制成品73.在学校礼堂at the school hallB是原材料74.个重要的节日an important holiday52.在万圣节(Halloween ) on Halloween75.大多数的中国家庭most Chinese families53.至U达学校 get to school至ij家 get home76.放烟花set/let off fireworks54.至U这儿、儿get here/there(home77.春节联欢晚会the Spring Festival Galahere there为地点副词,

19、前面不需要介词78.在一年中的这个时候at this time of year55.中饭吃have for lunch79.在电视上 on TV56.想要某物(2) want sth=would like sth80.为做准备 get ready for57.圣诞节想要want for Christmas81.为 A 准备 B get A ready for B58.在一楼(2) on the ground floor/on the first82.每年 every year every 前不用介词例题解析1. This is our first(one)day at No.1 Middle

20、School【与one有关的词有两个,first和once.】2. . Does Daniel like reading(read)books?【like doing sth. 3. . My(hobby)are football and volleyball【后面有are,所以前面用hobby的复数,以辅音字母加 y结尾的改y为i加es】.4. . After school , Daniel usually(play)with his friends【主语是Daniel ,属于第三人称单数,所以动词用单三,plays 5. . I ' m free today . What abou

21、t(go)to the park?what about doing sth.6. . Do you often watch tennis(match)with your father?【可数名词前面没有冠词a,an,the时,后面用复数.可数名词非单即复matches 7. Sandy 1ikes keeping(diary)to help her remember things.【同上,diaries 8. Can you hear (I) ,Millie? hear 是动词,后接宾格.填 me9. Their parents love (they) very much. 【同上,填 the

22、m 10. They are (they) coats. Pleases put (they) on the bed.【后有名,贝1J用形 填their.第二格,同第60题,填them 11. Whose ball is it? Maybe it ' s(she). 【后无名,那么用名.填 hers 12. The little boy is sitting between Jack and(I).【between and 一是介词短语,介宾.填me13. The woman in blue is the(twin) mother.twin是双胞胎,所以用复数,又由于后面有名词moth

23、er,所以用所有格.填twins 14. Lucy,(not close) the door, it' s too hot.【空格前有一个逗号,所以此题是祈使句,填 don' t close 15. The boy with his sister(study) in a middle school.with短语是介词短语,不做主语.所以 the boy做主语,属于三单,动词也填三单studies 16. He writes to his sister(two) a month.【与 two 有关系的词是 second 和 twice 17. Every evening she(

24、spend) about one hour(read) English. 【第一格根据 she用三单.第二格根据 spend some time doing sth. 填reading 18. She is one of the newest(member) in our team.【根据one of力口 the加最高级加名词复数,填 members 19. Mike, my best friend,(write) to me every month.【此处有两个逗号,属于插入语,可以划去,所以主语是Mike ,属于三单,填 writes 20. This basket of apples(l

25、ook) delicious.【此题的主语是apples ,由于是苹果是中央词,而 this basket of这篮子属于量词,填look 21. He has no time(talk) to you now.have no time to do sth. 填 to talk 22. Would you like(give) me some pocket money, Mum?【根据 would like to do sth.填to give,而不能只看like 23. He practices(draw) every day,and now he can(draw) very(good).【第一格根据practise doing sth.


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