



1、No.1It's a small world美丽小世界(经典儿歌,被翻译成各国语言)Written by: Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. ShermanIt's a world of laughter A world of tears It's a world of hopes And a world of fears There's so much that we share That it's time we're aware It's a small world after allThere is

2、 just one moon And one golde n sun And a smile means Frie ndship to ev'ry one Though the mountains divide And the ocea ns are wide It's a small world after allIt's a small world after all It's a small world after all It's a small world after all It's a small, small worldNo.2T

3、en Little In dia ns 十个印第安小男孩(歌词超简单,学数数的时候学的)Ten little Indian boysOne ( 一 ) little, two ( 二 ) little, three ( 三 ) little Indians ( 印第安人) ,four ( 四)little, five ( 五 ) little, six ( 六 )little Indians,seven (七) little, eight( 八 ) little, nine( 九 ) little Indians, ten( 十 ) little Indianboys ( 男孩 ) .Ten

4、little, nine little, eight little Indians, seven little, six little, five little Indians, four little, three little, two little In dia ns, one little In dia n boy.One little, two little, three little fin gers ( 手指 ) ,four little, five little, six little fin gers, seve n little, eight little, nine li

5、ttle fin gers, ten fin gers on your hands ( 手 ) .Ten little, nine little, eight little fin gers, seve n little, six little, five little fin gers, four little, three little, two little fin gers, one fin ger on your hand.【中文歌词】十个小印第安人一个小,两个小,三个小印第安人,四个小,五个小,六个小印第安人,七个小,八个小,九个小印第安人,十个小印第安男孩子。十个小,九个小,八个

6、小印第安人,七个小,六个小,五个小印第安人,四个小,三个小,两个小印第安人,一个小印第安男孩子。一个小,两个小,三个小手指,四个小,五个小,六个小手指,七个小,八个小,九个小手指,你只手的十个手指。十个小,九个小,八个小手指,七个小,六个小,五个小手指,四个小,三个小,两个小手指,你手上的一个手指。No.3Row, row,row your boat 小船摇啊摇(歌词超简单,节奏很可爱)row row row your boat,gen tely dow n the stream,merrily merrily merrily merrily,life is but a dream.No.4I

7、n the good, old summertime 在曾经美好的夏日时光中(浪漫型的)In the good, old summertimeIn the good, old summertime, in the good old summer time.Strolli ng through, the shady lanes with your baby mine.You hold her hand and she hold yours. And that' s a very good sign.That she ' s your tootsievootsie, in the

8、good, old summertime.No.5The man on the flyi ng trapeze (非常经典的美国儿歌,看过克拉克盖博演的一夜风流,都对这歌印象颇深吧。)No.6Twi nkle, twin kle, little star 小星星(一闪一闪亮晶晶,漫天都是小星星.)How I won der what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diam ond in the sky.Whe n the blaz ing sun is gone, Whe n he nothing shines upon, Then y

9、ou show your little light, Twin kle, twin kle, all the ni ght. Then the traveller in the dark, Thanks you for your tiny spark, He could not see which way to go, If you did not twin kle so.In the dark blue sky you keep, And often through my curtains peep, For you n ever shut your eye, Till the sun is

10、 in the sky.As your bright and tiny spark, Lights the traveller in the dark. Though I know not what you are, Twinkle, twinkle, little star. Twinkle, twinkle, little star.How I won der what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diam ond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star. How I won der w

11、hat you are. How I won der what you are Twin kle, twin kle, little star 闪一闪小星星How I won der what you are 我想知道你是什么?Up above the world so high 在整个世界之上,如此的高Like a diam ond in the sky. 像在天空中的钻石Whe n the blaz ing sun is gone, 当烈日走了Whe n he nothing shines upon当他没有照耀时Then you show your little light然后你显示你小小

12、的光亮Twin kle, twin kle, all the ni ght.闪一闪亮晶晶Then the traveller in the dark,在黑暗中旅行Thanks you for your tiny spark,感谢你的小光芒He could not see which way to go, 他看不出哪个方向前进 If you did not twin kle so.如果没有你的闪烁In the dark blue sky you keep,你维持了深蓝色的天空And often through my curtains peep,常常透过我的窗户For you n ever shu

13、t your eye,从没有停止你闪烁的眼睛Till the sun is in the sky.直到太阳再次升起As your bright and tiny spark, 用你明亮和微小的闪光 Lights the traveller in the dark.为在黑暗中旅行者照亮前方Though I know not what you are,尽管我还不知道你是什么Twinkle, twinkle, little star.闪一闪小星星Twinkle, twinkle, little star.闪一闪小星星How I won der what you are.我想知道你是什么?Up abo

14、ve the world so high在整个世界之上,如此的高Like a diam ond in the sky.像在天空中的钻石Twinkle, twinkle, little star.闪一闪小星星How I won der what you are.我想知道你是什么?How I won der what you are.我想知道你是什么No.7Brother John (两只老虎两只老虎)Frere Jacques Brother Joh n 两只老虎的英文版Are you sleep ingAre you sleep in g,are you sleep ing Brother B

15、ear Brother Bear ?Morning bells are ringing,morning bells are ringing, Din g,da ng,d on g!D in g,da ng,do ng!Are you sleep in g,are you sleep ingLittle John , Little John ?Morning bells are ringing,morning bells are ringing, Din g,da ng,d on g!D in g,da ng,do ng!No.8DO RE ME (音乐之声里的经典歌曲,谐音真的是很有趣)doe

16、 a deer a female deerray a drop of golde n sun me a n ame i call myself far a long long way to run sew a n eedle pulli ng thread la a note to follow sewtea a drink with jam and breadthat will bring us back to doe oh-oh-ohdoe a deer a female deerray a drop of golde n sun me a n ame i call myselffar a

17、 long long way to run sew a n eedle pulli ng thread la a note to follow sewtea a drink with jam and bread that will bring us back to doeNo.9Old Macdonald (就是那个什么什么咿呀咿呀哟)Old ( 老 ) Macdonald had a farm ( 农场) ,Ee I Ee I Oh!And on his farm he had a cat ( 猫 ) ,Ee I Ee I Oh!With a meow, meow ( 喵,喵 ) here,

18、 and a meow, meow there.Here a meow, there a meow, everywhere a meow, meow.Old Macdonld had a farm, Ee I Ee I Oh!Old ( 老 ) Macdonald had a farm ( 农场 ) ,Ee I Ee I Oh!And on his farm he had a dog ( 狗 ) ,Ee I Ee I Oh!With a woof, woof ( 汪汪叫 ) here, and a woof, woof there.Here a woof, there a woof, ever

19、ywhere a woof, woof.Old ( 老 ) Macdonald had a farm ( 农场 ) ,Ee I Ee I Oh!Old ( 老 ) Macdonald had a farm ( 农场 ) ,Ee I Ee I Oh!And on his farm he had a duck ( 鸭 ) ,Ee I Ee I Oh!With a quack, quack ( 嘎,嘎 ) here, and a quack, quack there. Here a quack, there a quack, everywhere a quack, quack.Old (老)Macd

20、onald had a farm(农场),Ee I Ee I Oh!Old (老)Macdonald had a farm(农场),Ee I Ee I Oh! And onhis farm he had a cow( 牛 ) ,Ee I Ee I Oh!With a moo, moo ( 哞,哞 ) here, and a moo, moo there. Here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo, moo.Old (老)Macdonald had a farm(农场),Ee I Ee I Oh!Old (老)Macdonald had a farm(农

21、场),Ee I Ee I Oh! And onhis farm he had a pig( 猪 ) ,Ee I Ee I Oh!With a oink, oink ( 噢咽 ) here, and a oink, oink there. Here a oink, there a oink, everywhere an oink, oink.Old (老)Macdonald had a farm(农场),Ee I Ee I Oh!Old (老)Macdonald had a farm(农场),Ee I Ee I Oh! Andon his farm he had asheep ( 羊 ) ,Ee

22、 I Ee I Oh!With a baa, baa ( 咩,咩 ) here, and a baa, baa there, here a baa, there a baa, everywhere a baa, baa.Old (老)Macdonald had a farm(农场),Ee I Ee I Oh!Old (老)Macdonald had a farm(农场),Ee I Ee I Oh! Andon his farm he had achicke n (小鸡 ) ,Ee I Ee I Oh!With a cluck, cluck ( 咯,咯 ) here, and a cluck,

23、cluck there, here a cluck, there a cluck,everywhere a cluck, cluck.Old ( 老 ) Macdonald had a farm ( 农场 ) ,Ee I Ee I Oh!译:老麦当劳有个农场,咿呀咿呀噢! 他的农场里有只猫,咿呀咿呀噢! 在这里喵喵叫,那里喵一声,到处喵喵叫,这里喵一声,那里喵一声,至V 处喵喵叫 ! 老麦当劳有个农场,咿呀咿呀噢!老麦当劳有个农场,咿呀咿呀噢! 他的农场里有只狗,咿呀咿呀噢 !在这里汪汪叫,和在那里汪汪叫!这里汪一声,那里汪一声,到处汪汪叫!老麦当劳有个农场,咿呀咿呀噢!老麦当劳有个农场,咿呀

24、咿呀噢!他的农场里有只鸭,咿呀咿呀噢!在这里嘎嘎叫,和在那里嘎嘎叫!这里嘎一声,那里嘎一声,到处嘎嘎叫!老麦当劳有个农场,咿呀咿呀噢!老麦当劳有个农场,咿呀咿呀噢!他的农场里有只牛,咿呀咿呀噢!在这里哞哞叫,和在那里哞哞叫!这里哞一声,那里哞一声,到处哞哞叫!老麦当劳有个农场,咿呀咿呀噢 !老麦当劳有个农场,咿呀咿呀噢 ! 他的农场里有只猪,咿呀咿呀噢!在这里噢咽叫,和在那里噢咽叫 !这里噢咽一声,那里噢咽一声,到处噢咽叫老麦当劳有个农场,咿呀咿呀噢 !老麦当劳有个农场,咿呀咿呀噢 ! 他的农场里有只羊,咿呀咿呀噢! 在这里咋咋叫,和在那里咋咋叫!这里咋一声,那里咋一声,到处咋咋叫 老麦当劳有

25、个农场,咿呀咿呀噢 !老麦当劳有个农场,咿呀咿呀噢 !他的农场里有只小鸡,咿呀咿呀噢 !在这里咯咯叫,和在那里咯咯叫! 这里咯一声,那里咯一声,到处咯咯叫 老麦当劳有个农场,咿呀咿呀噢!No.10祝你圣诞快乐我们祝你圣诞快乐We wish you a merry ChristmasWe Wish You A Merry ChristmasWe wish you a Merry Christmas;我们祝你圣诞快乐We wish you a Merry Christmas;我们祝你圣诞快乐;We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.我们

26、祝你圣诞快乐)并新年快乐Good tidi ngs we bring to you and your kin;我们把佳音带给你及你的亲友;Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year.圣诞佳音并新年佳音Oh, bring us a figgy pudding;Oh, bring us a figgy pudding;噢给我们一个无花果布】噢给我们一个无花果布】欢迎下载9噢给我们一个无花Oh, bring us a figgy pudd ing and a cup of good cheer. Refra in 果布丁再加一杯啤酒)(重复)We won't go un til we get some;吃不到我们就不走;We won't go un til we get some;吃不到我们就不走;We won't go un til we get some, so


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