1、希望对您有帮助,谢谢英文鸡汤励志短句子导读: 本文是关于英文鸡汤励志短句子,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、理智要比心灵为高,思想要比感情可靠。Reason is higher than mind, and thought is more reliable than emotion.2、失败缘于忽视细处,成功始于重视小事。Failure results from neglecting details. Success begins with attaching importance to small things.3、管理的真谛在于不管理!无剑胜有剑。The essence of mana
2、gement is to ignore it! No sword is better than a sword.4、比起没有能力,感情用事更让人瞧不起。Emotionality is more contemptible than inability.5、大事坚持原则,小事学会变通。We should adhere to the principle of major events and learn to adapt to minor ones.6、以家为家,以乡为乡,以国为国,以天下为天下。Home is the home, country is the home, country is th
3、e country, and world is the world.7、如果你认为我很好骗,那请你继续,我看着你表演。If you think I'm a good liar, please go ahead and I'll watch you perform.8、梦想是最纯粹的东西,实现它需要耐力和坚持。Dream is the purest thing. It takes stamina andperseverance to realize it.9、要改变命运,首先要改变自己。To change our destiny, we must first change our
4、selves.10 、励志是给人快乐,激励是给人痛苦。Motivation is to give people happiness, and motivation is to give people pain.11、可以容许自己不喜欢,但绝不许我不会。You can tolerate your dislike, but you can't tolerate me.12、读书使人充实,讨论使人机敏,写作使人严谨。Reading makes a full man, discussion makes a quick man, and writing makes a rigorous man.
5、13、如果敌人让你生气,那说明你还没有胜他的把握。If the enemy makes you angry, it means that you are not sure you can beat him.14、以质量求生存,以信誉求发展。Survival by quality and development by reputation.15、许多人不是不愿接受新观念,而是不愿抛弃旧观念。Many people are not unwilling to accept new ideas, butunwilling to abandon old ones.16、天再高又怎样,踮起脚尖就更接近阳光
6、。As high as the sky is, standing on tiptoe is closer to the sunshine.17、不了解生命的人,生命对他来说,是一种惩罚。Life is a punishment to a person who does not know life.18 、永远不要逃避问题,时间不会给弱者任何回报。Never evade problems, time will not give the weakanything in return.19、没有欲望反而更多会遇见那些凑巧的好运。There is no desire, but more chance
7、to meet those good luck.20、相信自己有福气,但不要刻意拥有。Believe in your blessings, but don't deliberately own them.21、勤奋者时时获得机会,懒惰者处处失去良机。Diligent people get opportunities from time to time, lazy people lose opportunities everywhere.22 、青春不是一种年龄,而是一种状态。Youth is not an age, but a state.23、*尚未成功,同志仍需努力。The rev
8、olution has not yet succeeded, and comrades still need to work hard.24、我生来一贫如洗,但决不能死时仍旧贫困潦倒。I was born poor, but I must not die poor.25、无论梦想有多麽疯狂,都要试着去接近它。No matter how crazy the dream is, try to get close to it.26、紧握信念,抓住每一次机会,绽放最美丽的自己。Hold fast to faith, seize every opportunity, blossomthemost bea
9、utiful oneself.27、离开舒适区,不断寻求挑战激励自己。Get out of your comfort zone and keep lookingforchallenges to motivate yourself.28、回避现实的人,未来将更不理想。Those who avoid reality will have a worse future.29、学习如同挖井,井越深水越清。Learning is like digging a well. The deeper the well,theclearer the water.30、心有多大,舞台就有多大!The stage ex
10、tends as far as the heart goes!31、如果朋友让你生气,那说明你仍然在意他的友情。If a friend makes you angry, that means you stillcareabout his friendship.32、給我壹個開始,我將付出全部。Give me a start, and I'll give it all.33、每一个成功者背后都留着你看不见的汗水。Behind every successful person is sweat that you can't see.34、让信念坚持下去,梦想就会实现。Let fait
11、h persist and dreams will come true.35、你也是个作者,何必执愿在别人的故事里当配角。You are also a writer. Why do you want to play asupporting role in other people's stories?36 、做乌龟,不要做兔子。有兔子资质的人最容易骄傲。Be a tortoise, not a rabbit. People with rabbitqualifications are proud most easily.37、今天的努力就是为了铺垫未来的幸福大道。Today's
12、efforts are to pave the way for future happiness.38、生活旳目的在于享受每个当下。The purpose of life is to enjoy every present moment.39、要为天下奇男子,须历人间万里程。To be a man of wonder in the world, one must go through thousands of miles in the world.40 、你想成为幸福的人吗?但愿你首先学会吃得起苦。Do you want to be happy? I hope you learn to bea
13、r hardship first.41、没有人可以回到过去,但谁都可以从现在开始。No one can go back to the past, but anyone can start fromnow on.42 、紧一紧,收获轻松;松一松,两手空空。Tighten, easy to harvest; loose, empty-handed.43、用宝珠打扮自己,不如用知识充实自己。It is better to enrich oneself with knowledge than to dress oneself with jewels.44、你的父母仍在为你打拼,这就是你今天坚强的理由。Your parents are still fighting for you. That's why you are strong today.4
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